5 Ways to Develop Your Coaching Style

5 Ways to Develop Your Coaching Style

Coaching is one of the most difficult professions but is highly rewarding too. You need to craft a coaching style to be successful. It is an attitude which you possess and which acts as your inspiration for the training and development program. An effective coaching style is built on specific standards which guide your program. It encircles your view of the world and how you apply such experiences to create your coaching program. It is essential to your coaching career and decides what type of a trainer you will become.

Developing a Coaching Style

To guarantee the success of your coaching career, it is crucial to learn how to develop a winning style. Below are some important things to consider :

Set Your Values

When you begin coaching, you are worried about your success. In the process, you might end up playing a successful role that doesn’t echo with your beliefs. Many coaches are comfortable doing and saying what their clients want.  In doing so, they lose sight of the reason they are in this profession. A coach has to understand himself, set values and standards and then work with these. A coaching style mirrors who you are. While at it, make sure you have a personal doctrine to guide you in your work.

Define the Purpose of Your Work

Developing a coaching style is identifying the aim of your coaching and then working on the objectives. What is the purpose of being a coach to you? Your clients come first or your bank account? It takes much effort to do your work.

Develop a Mission Statement

This statement combines your values and beliefs to help you to achieve your objectives. The focus should definitely be on your clients. Your personal beliefs and values will provide participants in your coaching program with a clear focus of where you want to go.

Establish Standards

As a coach, you have to set an example and establish standards which you need all participants in your program to obtain. There must be a way to calculate success in the program.

Choose Your Leadership Style

It is essential to set out a coaching style early in your career and make sure you develop it as your knowledge grows. Your leadership should be such that the participants in your programs have an opportunity to get involved intently. This leads to growth and makes things easier for you.

Coaching leaders use one or more of the different known coaching styles. Most successful coaches recognize that tailoring their style to their team or organizational culture is the best approach to ensure successful outcomes. Knocking into the different coaching styles will impact positively on your team’s performance and development, helping them achieve their objectives.

Types of Coaching Styles

Some of the recognized coaching styles are mentioned below:

Democratic Coaching

This style gives the team self empowerment and accountability, with the coach interfering only when needed to keep the process going. The process is a little longer than other approaches to see the results, but can be very effective.

Authoritarian Coaching

Here the coach decides what, when and how to do it. With very little input, employees are at risk of feeling ineffective and aren’t encouraged to think for themselves, but this method injects discipline and has a strong focus on the outcome.

Holistic Coaching

As well as giving employees a sense of their role in your team, it can give insight on their position in the wider business, helping them feel more connected and showing them how they matter.

Autocratic Coaching

Rather than asking, this approach tells individuals what to do. The autocratic coach is always in control. Thus, employees are disciplined though with such rigidity in place, it can feel confined.

Vision Coaching

This style empowers and stimulates employees by giving them clear direction and strategies for achieving goals and helps to focus.

With these essentials, you are now prepared to build a coaching style which should be reviewed over time to intensify it. Whatever you do, never start out without a compact coaching style as it determines the success of your program. All of these coaching styles can be effective if you know when to use them in business. The most successful leaders will put forth some or all of them to tailor their approach or will bend between styles when the situation calls for it. The coaching style is all about motivating your team, boosting their confidence, and teaching them the skills they need in order to grow and work together successfully while ensuring they feel supported by the coaching leader in their journey.