Successful Employee Development Training Programs in 4 Simple Steps

Successful Employee Development Training Programs in 4 Simple Steps

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” ―Benjamin Franklin. This quote brings out the imperative of learning and development in all spheres of life. It is commonly believed that employee development training programs are critical to any organization’s health. In fact, nowadays, most corporates often label employee experience as a key to standing out among all the organizations. All firms with their employees have a rich learning journey as part of their tenure at the organization.

Why Employee Training and Development?

Employers need to realize that it is common for employees to leave if they don’t receive the necessary training to do well in their positions. Research by Skillsoft shows that a full 40% of employees who don’t receive the necessary job training to become effective will leave their positions within the first year.

If employers begin to engage with employees from Day1- they will feel that the firm is valuing their presence and wishes to develop them. Companies should therefore develop such opportunities to enhance their career. In a Skillsoft survey, roughly two-thirds of the workers stated that they felt workplace training should continue throughout their career, regardless of their seniority.

Often, the terms ‘employee development’ and ‘employee training’ are misinterpreted. Employee Development training is a long-term process, a broader spectrum that culminates both employee experience and training. The employee development programs are essentially taken care of by the Learning and Development Teams. They are concerned with the overall development of the employee. On the other hand, employee training can be a one-time thing for people to upskill or develop a certain proficiency to do a certain job.

Tips to Ensure Successful Employee Development Training Programs

  1. Consider Business Goals – Employees at all levels need to be in sync with the short-term and long-term vision of the organization. The planning of the training intervention becomes all the easier once a clear business goal comes into play. This will help in bringing out increased relevance for the employees
  2. Recognize Potential and Readiness – As a part of the learning and development team, it is essential that you give importance to both potential and readiness. You cannot promote an individual based on their high performance amongst the team members. This is because the person may not be ready to take up the management position
  3. Plan pre-during and post – For a complete and sustained learning journey for the participants, it is essential that the journey takes place in three stages: Pre, During, and Post. This gives them a chance to co-create and learn in the process. Also, they are in a better position to answer – What’s in it for me?
  4. Explore all possibilities – It is crucial for the team under training to experiment. They should be free to experiment and explore possibilities like –
    1. One to one Coaching
    2. Leader Connect Session or Connect with the right SME
    3. eLearning

There has been a lot of research in the area of employee development training. All have suggested that companies when investing in employee benefits will reap higher employee satisfaction.

Contact us if you are interested in organizational development training program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.