Everything DiSC 363 for leadership development

Everything DiSC 363 for leadership development

Leadership is never passive. As a matter of fact, most of the world’s best leaders are addicted to success, wanting to taste it more every time they succeed. A leader must have the support of their people to achieve success in everything he or she does. 

It is imperative that they are clear about how they are perceived by others and what they are expected to do. The only way a leader can build long-term relationships with those who depend on them for leadership and support is to add value to their expectations. Successful leadership is based on continued cooperation from the team. 

Behavioral tools on leadership typically base their findings on responses provided by the leaders themselves. The tools cannot be used to predict if the leader’s appraisal of themselves reflects what others perceive them to be. 

Leadership can only become aware of the perceptions and expectations of others through feedback, which cannot be both robust and credible. An instrument that provides leaders with behavioral recommendations based on feedback received from those they regularly interact with will not only help them define their personal brand but also ensure that it is consistently followed. 

DiSC 363 for Leaders is a behavioral assessment tool for leaders that offers three recommendations for immediate improvement, based on a 360-degree process that is extremely reliable. 

The Eight Dimensions of Leadership 

This Everything DiSC 363 for leaders uses eight dimensions of Leadership to define 24 leadership practices, which have been identified after extensive research into contemporary leadership literature. The circumplex DiSC model fits within the context of helping leaders connect with their people more effectively. Here are the eight behaviors: 

  1. Pioneering – A leader who promotes creative thinking and inspires others to take risks 
  2. Energizing – A leader who is enthusiastic and who has a strong network of contacts 
  3. Assuring – An approachable leader who creates a positive work environment. 
  4. Inclusive – An inclusive leader is one who ensures that every voice in the team is heard and who has high regard for other people’s feelings 
  5. Humble – A modest and composed leader appreciated for his unbiased decision-making skills. 
  6. The deliberate – deliberate leader is one who makes well-defined decisions and communicates those decisions to the team in well-defined terms 
  7. Resolute – A leader who sets high standards for his team and ensures that they are met. 
  8. Commanding – A commanding leader was one who took complete control of a situation and demanded action. 

What is the mechanism of the tool? 

Leaders are rated based on their responses to a series of closed-ended questions. A comparison is then made between the leader’s assessment of himself and the feedback he receives from others on the same eight dimensions. Using the 360-degree approach, the “raters,” as they are called, are peers, subordinates, reporting managers, and others who are regularly interacting with the individual. 

The comparison is presented in a visually engaging manner through colorful graphical representations, and by only looking at the graph a clear picture of the comparison will be formed in the mind of the viewer. All information regarding the raters is kept confidential, so you can rest assured that the feedback is genuine. 

Afterward, the feedback is applied to three practices in each of the eight dimensions, with each practice being rated by the raters. In this way, leaders can gain a deep understanding of how stakeholders perceive them in finer aspects of their behavior. 

Based on the feedback, three strengths of the leader are identified. The model is based on the assumption that strengths are the types of behavior that are used more than others, and so focusing on strengths will enable leaders to become more effective leaders. In addition, the report provides information on the three areas where the raters felt that the leader needed to improve. 

What makes Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders unique? 

Everything DiSC 363 for leadership is a valuable tool for incorporating feedback from stakeholders when making recommendations for behavioral improvement. Leaders find this valuable since they can train themselves to focus on their strengths and improve their behavior. 

Furthermore, the Everything DiSC 363 for Leadership practices is popular due to three distinct strategies that are both aligned with the individual as well as the context for enhancing leadership effectiveness. Consequently, leaders will never become complacent, but rather always strive to improve. 

The follow-up 

Without the appropriate follow-up, no leadership tool is complete. Increasingly, organizations are focusing their efforts on coaching as the challenges faced by leadership multiply. The 363 for Leaders provides a simple and cost-effective method of coaching. 

The follow-up report for the 363 for Leaders Assessment is a coaching supplement that identifies the 24 leadership practices of the leader with their ranking from highest to lowest based on the self-assessment. Additionally, this is reflected in the scores of the raters. After this, the leader’s rating is compared to the “norm for leaders”, which is an average score calculated from the reports of leaders who have completed the assessment to date. 

The information is then used to construct a matrix for the leader that provides insights into strengths as well as challenges that are expected and unexpected. It can be used to deliver highly individualized leadership training. 

Contact us if you are interested in a DiSC assessment program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.