Everything DiSC Work of Leaders | Transforming Leadership

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders | Transforming Leadership

The Everything DiSC Work of Leaders framework simplifies the leadership journey into three key phases: envisioning the future, rallying individuals around that vision, and driving the vision to fruition. While responsibilities may vary across different roles and organizational levels, this model proposes that these foundational steps are universal in guiding leaders towards their goals.

As a result, each step is associated with a cluster of three drivers, which are the factors that contribute to the successful completion of the step. For example, the model identifies three drivers, namely exploration, boldness, and testing assumptions. A truly great leader will always seek to explore every possibility, will be comfortable traveling through unexplored avenues, and will not hesitate to validate assumptions. 

There are two behavioral continua associated with every driver. In essence, the behavioral continuum consists of two diametrically opposed behaviors arranged at either end of a scaled continuum. In this continuum, the right-hand side represents the best leadership practice. For example, under the driver exploration – vision, the behavioral combination is “remains open” and “seeks closure”. On the continuum, the former is on the left and the latter on the right. As the nature of exploration requires that the leader remain open, that is considered the ideal leadership approach in this instance. 

The Everything DiSC Work of Training program is the basis for understanding leadership behavior. The leader’s behavioral choices are predicted using the DiSC model, and like every other tool in the Everything DiSC suite, the circumplex model is employed here as well. Based on the location of the dot, we can determine the greatest level of behavioral priority, while the shading indicates the degree of flexibility within other DiSC styles. 

The eight dimensions of leadership explain the behavioral priorities that shape a person’s leadership priorities. Based on this psychological assessment, the Work of Leaders Report is developed. 

By analyzing a leader’s preferred DiSC style, we can pinpoint their position on a behavioral spectrum. This spectrum is visualized as a continuum, where a dot marks the leader’s usual behavior pattern. For instance, a leader inclined towards openness rather than decisiveness will see their dot placed towards the continuum’s right end, and the opposite for those favoring closure. This method extends to 18 opposing behaviors, constructing a detailed behavioral landscape for each leader.

It is then used to identify leadership strengths that will be essential to the success of each of the three steps in the leadership process. A number of strategies are also presented for improvement in a variety of specific areas based on the same continua. 

Using the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Report, organizations can develop strong leadership cultures based on open dialogue, trust, and accountability. Leaders receive practical recommendations from the report which can be extremely helpful in enhancing their effectiveness. Companies struggle to find the right leaders, so using Everything Work of Leaders to assess aspirants or future leaders may enable them to discover the pearls buried deep within. 

Contact usif you are interested in a DiSC assessment program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.