Career Path
In navigating your career path, understanding what truly matters to you in a job is crucial. Begin this self-exploration by reflecting on your current role and your career aspirations. It’s important to approach this exercise without distractions, and remember, there are no right or wrong answers.
Key Questions to Ask Yourself:
- What values are most important to me in my job?
- What does my ideal job look like, and what makes it ideal?
- How much does my job contribute to my sense of identity?
- Am I in the right job, or is it merely a means to an end?
Create a list of your thoughts about what’s important in a job. Consider aspects like job security, creativity, teamwork, and relationships. Don’t edit your thoughts or worry about order; just let the ideas flow.
Using the DiSC Profile to Gain Insights:
If it has been over six months since your last DiSC profile evaluation or if significant life changes have occurred, consider retaking the assessment. Review your DiSC results to understand your work preferences and stress triggers. Reflect on whether these preferences are specific to a particular job or industry or if they’re more about the roles and responsibilities you carry.
Evaluate Your Past Jobs:
Make a two-column list of what you liked and disliked in your previous jobs. Look for patterns or common elements that can reveal deeper insights about your preferences. This exercise can highlight aspects of jobs that you might want to seek or avoid in the future.
Three-Column Job Evaluation:
- What you wish for in a job.
- What you need from a job.
- What you don’t want in a job.
Analyzing these columns can help identify consistent themes or needs, further refining your understanding of what you seek in your professional life.
Why Add a DiSC Assessment?
The DiSC assessment can reaffirm what you know about yourself and illuminate blind spots—traits or desires you might not have considered significant. For instance:
- Someone with an ‘S’ style might realize the critical importance of teamwork, which could be a unique asset in various roles.
- A ‘D’ style sales executive might discover a strong need for independence and direct feedback, which is crucial for job satisfaction.
Action Steps:
- Reflect on what’s important in your career and job.
- Assess your personality through the DiSC profile to understand your work style and preferences.
- Review past job experiences to identify likes and dislikes.
- Plan your career path by aligning your DiSC insights with your job preferences.
By integrating the DiSC model into your career planning, you enhance your self-awareness, which is vital for career satisfaction and growth. Use this model to explore potential career paths and ensure that your job aligns with your personal values and professional aspirations.