Why Motivation is Important in An Organization
The term motivation is derived from the Latin term ‘movere’ which means ‘to move’. Motivation refers to a psychological process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors over a period. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals. Importance of motivation in organization can be defined as the willingness to exert one’s energy and make efforts to achieve a goal or some reward. It is an internal force that activates dormant energies within an individual and sets in motion the goal-oriented actions of the person.
Understanding Motivation
Motivation is an internal desire that energizes individuals to achieve personal and professional goals. It plays a vital role in organizations by driving employees to perform at their best, directly impacting the success of the enterprise. Motivation can be intrinsic, driven by personal satisfaction, or extrinsic, driven by external rewards like bonuses or promotions. Positive motivation encourages self-growth, whereas negative motivation can hinder performance and reduce productivity.
The Importance of Motivation in Organizations
Motivation ensures that employees not only have the capacity to work but also the will to deploy their skills effectively. It is essential for securing employee engagement and energy, crucial for organizational success. A motivated workforce is more likely to understand and meet operational demands, maximizing resource utilization and boosting overall efficiency.
Motivation is a key concept in organizations
Employees are those who make an organization and hence their performance is all that matters in the success of any organization. There are various reasons why motivation is an important concept in organizations. Some of them are:
Combines the ‘Will to work’ with ‘Capacity for work’
The willingness to work differs from the capacity for work. An employee may have the capacity for doing some work having technical skill, physical strength, mental alertness, and sufficient intelligence, but he may not have the willingness or mentality to apply them to the task. Motivation removes this psychological obstacle and combines the will to work with the capacity for work of the employees. One who is motivated does not consider any other factor and does not let any obstacle come in the way of their performance.
Secures Full Support and Energy of the Workers
The vital mark of successful leadership is a manager’s capacity to ensure full support and coordination of the workers, combined with their enthusiasm, energy and abilities. A manager cannot buy his employees’ enthusiasm, initiative or productivity. When the employees of any organization are themselves motivated and energized to deliver, success is assured. This also ensures that all employees coordinate and motivate each other to perform their best.
Understanding the Employees’ Needs
Importance of motivation in organization makes the managers identify, understand and realize the needs of the employees that gives satisfaction to them accordingly. If there is this understanding, the managers are sure to receive the needed cooperation of the employees for the profitability of the organization. Here, it is especially important to understand that all employees are different, and so they have different needs. It is important to understand these differing needs and satisfy them accordingly.
Maximum Utilization of the Resources
Motivation inspires the workers to make the best efficient and judicious use of different factors of production. They work whole-heartedly to apply their best skills and abilities in minimizing waste and cost. When employees are motivated, they are willing to contribute their all, and do their best to achieve the best for their organization. This will enable the organization to utilize its human, physical and financial resources to the maximum.
Increase in Efficiency and Output
Motivation is a very effective tool in the hands of the managers to maximize the efficiency of operations and output of the organization. Motivated employees give better results and productivity as compared to other employees. A happy and satisfied work force ensures improved efficiency and higher output for the organization. Increase in labor productivity results in higher salary for the workers and increased profits for the organization. High performance is a must for an organization to be successful and this performance comes through motivation of the employees.
Low Employee Turnover and Absenteeism
Motivated employees stay in the organization longer and their absenteeism rates are quite low. High labor turnover and absenteeism create many problems in the organization, affecting the overall performance of the organization. Thus, existence of attractive financial as well as non-financial incentives are important to help to retain employees and keep them satisfied. With reduced labor turnover, it becomes possible for the organization to plan its activities on a long-term basis and be able to rely on certain employees to ensure the success of the organization.
Acceptance of Organizational Changes
Importance of motivation in organization are integral parts of the society. The changes that take place in a society, such as changes in the technological developments, beliefs, knowledge and value system require an organization to incorporate and adapt to those changes in order to cope up with the requirement of the time and situation. When these changes are introduced in the organization, there is a tendency to resist such changes by the employees. However, if they are motivated, they will accept, adapt, and implement these changes and keep the organization on the right track.
Better Industrial Relations
Motivation merges employees’ interests with the organizational objectives. Motivation makes the employees towards their goals, that makes them feel closer to the organization and its members at large. There arises a sense of belonging and mutual coordination at all levels. Motivation fosters team spirit among the employees. This reduces labor unrest and creates better relations between the managers and workers as well as among the co-workers.
Facilitating Other Functions of Management
The successful achievement of different functions such as directing planning, coordinating, organizing, and controlling, all are linked to motivation. Motivation is the exact force that can make all the planning successful, direction forceful, organization sound, control effective and co-ordination tight
From the above discussion, there is great Importance of motivation in organization and in business activities as it is an extremely important component of the management process. No tangible result is possible without motivation. Mainly because it allows management to meet the company’s goals. Without a motivated workplace, companies could be placed in a very risky position, because all that matters is the performance of the employees, which is significantly affected by their motivation levels. Motivated employees can lead to increased productivity and allow an organization to achieve higher levels of output.