Must have Training Certifications for a Corporate Trainer
Corporate training requires a skilled trainer who can communicate well and empathize with the trainees. Training audience can range from company employees to other trainers. But are there any qualifications required for trainers? No. For this you need to be a certified trainer and have several certifications. This knowledge from the certifications helps in customizing and adding value to the training sessions. Here are a few training certifications for a corporate trainer you might need before becoming a corporate trainer.
1. DiSC Train the Trainer certification
DiSC is a leading assessment tool which is used by corporate trainers all across the globe. A large number of people get the DiSC certification, of John Wiley. Strengthscapeä offers the DiSC Train the Trainer Certification through three mediums: In person, Online Virtual Classes and through self- paced E-learning modules.
The DiSC Trainer Certification is a program which has been globally recognized. It helps the participants to interpret, train and coach respondents to understand the behavioral effectiveness using EverythingDiSC Profiles. It is a certification which is recommended for Executive Coaches, Behavioral Trainers and Human Recourse Professionals. DiSC certification can be beneficial in:
Understanding ourselves
EverythingDiSC assessments helps people analyze their behavioral priorities. It is a way of introspection and self- improvement by analyzing our strengths and challenges.
Understanding Others
EverythingDiSC profiles also help us understand the personalities of others. They are helpful in bridging the gap between us and them and empathizing with them.
Identifying the style of Others
DiSC model helps us understand the behavioral style of others along with self-awareness. It results in effective relationships at workplaces.
Flexibility in Behavior
DiSC training helps in behavioral flexibility. It helps us in being to able to flex our behaviors based upon the priorities.
2. Instructional Designing Certification
Instructional Design Certification is a program to involve people in acquiring skills needed for enhancing the human performances. This is a certification needed by educators, HR managers, leaders who want to solve their organizational problems.
Instructional design tools make us aware of the concepts in a polished manner, which is different from those who do not have this certification.
3. Certified Executive Facilitator
Facilitators are the people who are experts in resolving conflicts and finding their motivation with the help of several groups. They use several techniques to reach consensus and decision in time bound activities. It is a good program for Senior Management Professionals, Internal trainers and coaches. This program helps them to make better decisions, enhances the productivity, meeting deadline for projects, etc. Leaders are able to manage group processes more productively.
These are a few training certifications for a corporate trainer which are required by the Corporate Trainers to learn and introspect and upgrade their knowledge before they help others to upgrade themselves.
Strengthscape offers all these certifications for leaders, managers and HR professionals.