Benefits of Emotional Intelligence at the Workplace

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence at the Workplace

Emotional intelligence at workplace benefits an individual’s capability to manage and control emotions. Such people are able to identify what they are feeling, interpret their and other’s emotions and recognize how their emotions can affect others. Practicing emotionally intelligent behaviors helps our brain adapt to making these automatic and take the place of less helpful behaviors.

Negative Impacts of Low Emotional Intelligence

By evaluating emotional intelligence, companies can have a closer look into a person’s ability to deal with stressed situations. Measuring emotional intelligence provides an insight into a person’s workings. Having a culture that is not emotionally intelligent can actually have a negative impact on employee productivity and performance. These negative impacts can lead to a breakdown in work culture which ultimately has an impact on the organization.

Some benefits of emotional intelligence which could help us tackle such negative impacts at the workplace include:

Better teamwork

Employees with higher emotional intelligence are able to work better as a team and are better at communicating with others. They are open to sharing their ideas and listening to what others have to say as well. Emotionally intelligent employees value their coworker’s ideas and are more likely to get along with them. They are considerate, thoughtful, and respectful while working as a team.

Better working environment

A workforce that is driven by emotionally intelligent employees, helps boost morale in the workplace. The company culture tends to be much stronger when the office staff gets along well with one another. Productivity is always higher when we enjoy the company of the people we work with.

Coping to change

A company is never stagnant and is more likely to experience change when the employees are focusing on ways to improve both themselves and the company. Employees with higher emotional intelligence find it easier to adjust and tend to embrace the changes as the company grows. This benefit of emotional intelligence is a personality trait which tends to be contagious, having a positive effect on other employees as well.


Emotionally intelligent people know their strengths and weaknesses. They can take negative feedback and use it to improve themselves. People with high emotional intelligence are self-aware and know what they are capable of achieving in a certain amount of time and promise accordingly.

Greater self-control

Difficult conversations can stir up all sorts of emotions in the workplace. Emotionally intelligent people know how to handle difficult situations by being aware of the fact that their acting irrationally or negatively will only cause the situation to worsen. They can practice self-control and display their emotions in a controlled manner when called for.

Accelerates company growth

Many companies have yet to realize the significance and benefits of emotional intelligence. As a result, there are many employees out there who feel less valued. Hiring emotionally intelligent talent can help an organization stand out by gaining a competitive advantage over other companies with team members that do not get along well or lack motivation.

Building trust

Emotional intelligence allows us to build trust with people around us as well as a rapport. One is able to understand the feelings of others and empathize with them.

Key to strong leader

Great leaders understand people and know how to influence them and inspire them. Emotional intelligence helps us achieve this understanding in order to be a brilliant leader and always guide our team in the right direction.


Now that we understand the benefits of emotional intelligence at the workplace, we know the traits companies are looking for while choosing an employee to handle a project or lead the team. High emotional intelligence should always be given more importance than work experience. In business life, having emotional skills rather than technical skills affects the personal performance and success of the company in a positive manner.