Framing the Train the trainer course

Framing the Train the trainer course

Framing the train the trainer course model is a designed course aimed at training potential instructors and helps them in becoming successful leaders in leading highly productive teams.

Points to remember while framing Train the trainer course

There are certain important and basic points which must be remembered while creating such a model course for an individual. The points of highest priorities have been noted below.


Before creating the course material, it is best to conduct an assessment on the potential trainer selected for the purpose. As every instructor has their own fields of specialisation, it is necessary that it gets highlighted. This will in turn throw a light on the parts which need to be worked upon. While these points vary from individual to individual, there arises a need for the making of separate course materials. This ensures proper learning and of course better training.

Interactive sessions

Delivering sufficient course materials is not always all; there is a need for good interactive sessions. This can be materialised through seminars or even webinars if there is an option of e-learning included. The reason why interactive sessions should form an integral part is that they allow the outshining of conclusions and further opinions of the trainee. In this case we are training leaders who already have good leadership qualities and there is a reason why they have been chosen for the position. This also forms a vent in clearing doubts, if any.

Answering queries

A trainee might come up with queries during the training period. A trainer must be trained at handling objections and enquiries with confidence and ease. Train the trainer modules should focus on enabling trainers to manage difficult situations like inattention, group conflicts, objections etc.

Modes of imparting courses!


In today’s world of mostly tech-savvy citizens, e-learning might be a preferable way of imparting the train-the-trainer model course. As this model requires discipline, so should be scheduled in the course material. Besides, there should be provision for assessments, online chats for clearing queries and doubts that might come over, conducting a few webinars and of course subject materials to gain knowledge from. However, although the material and the training can be successfully conducted online, the practical job is all about applying it in the work front and nothing happens online there. The efficiency will finally be evaluated based on hands-on-job expertise.

Offline courses

By offline courses we refer to the learning technique in which the subject matter will be provided in hard copies and there will be live seminars conducted, preferably in a classroom instead of online webinars and doubts will be cleared across interactive sessions.