It is a challenging role for mid level management as they must be both proactive leaders to direct reports and engaged followers of top management at the same time. Essentially, they are the engine of the business and the glue that holds organizations together. Especially as remote and hybrid work take over and employee distance increases, the role of middle managers is becoming more critical than ever. Hence, it is important that they possess humane, sophisticated communication skills as well as the ability to mediate and find common ground between stakeholders at various levels within the organization.
Strengthscape’s Leveling Up: Competency Focus Points for Middle Management Webinar aims to shed light on the critical role that mid level management plays in the success of an organization. This webinar discusses the challenges faced by middle managers, especially in the post-Covid era in the VUCA world and the essential competencies that can help them navigate and conquer these challenges successfully.
Key Takeaways
Strengthscape’s Leveling Up: Competency Focus Points for Middle Management Webinar helps understand the role of mid level management in an organization as a middle manager develops relationships with top management (from a position of followership and lower power) and lower management (from a position of leadership and higher power. This webinar will help you understand the challenges that middle managers face, especially in the VUCA world, such as juggling constant changes, limited growth opportunities, simplifying strategies etc. Also, you will be able to explore the competency focus points for middle level management.
The competency focus points for mid level management that are addressed in the webinar are:
- Share Judgement: Hone their ability to interpret the meaning of events
- Build Alignment: Build ability to create alignment on objectives and strategies through all layers in the organization
- Enable with Tools: Not just theoretical, provide tools to champion change and evaluate initiatives
- Collective Identity: Strengthen collective identity by building mutual trust, collaboration, increase commitment and courage
- Improve Organizing Skills: Develop the ability to organize and coordinate activities, improve systems and processes and manage execution
Strengthscape’s Leveling Up: Competency Focus Points for Middle Management Webinar helps mid level management achieve personal, team and business excellence by enhancing self-awareness, developing management and coaching skills, and effectively dealing with change management and leading through crisis.