Diversity and Inclusion Champion Certification

Diversity and Inclusion Certification

A mix of attributes, within a workforce that in significant ways affect how people think, feel, and behave at work, and their acceptance, work performance, satisfaction, or progress in the organization is defined as diversity.

Diversity and Inclusion have also been described in the context of the varied perspectives and approaches to work, that members of different identity groups bring. While demographic diversity has been the focus in the past, today, diversity of thought is the new focus, and since diversity is the new economic imperative, all successful organizations have it on their agenda.

Inclusion, which is a new priority, is defined as the extent to which individuals can participate because they are enabled to contribute fully. The degree to which employees perceive that they are respected, and are esteemed members of the workforce, by experiencing treatment that satisfies their needs for belongingness and uniqueness is a widely accepted definition of inclusion.

Diversity focuses primarily on the composition of groups based on demographics, thought, education, choices, etc. Inclusion, on the other hand, emphasizes encouraging participation, and belongingness and creating a psychologically safe environment for all employees. It evolves beyond merely appreciating diversity, and towards leveraging and integrating diversity into everyday work life. Despite being distinct concepts both Diversity and Inclusion are interrelated.

Strengthscape’s program WEQUiTY, is one of its kind, designed and delivered by industry veterans. Using a blended approach, the certification aims at enabling HR and L & OD professionals, D&I champions, and D&I enthusiasts, to drive diversity and inclusion initiatives within the organization. The model used in the certification is explained using a fine balance of theory, neuroscience, industry insights, trends, group discussions, and practice sessions.

The Diversity & Inclusion Champion Certification(WEQUiTY) aims at creating champions in the workplace to drive conversations about D&I, create policies, and train others within the organization. This would enable awareness about D&I issues and enhance and embed inclusive practices within the organization through collaboration across roles and levels. In addition to this, the participants are also given access to a D&I Champion tool kit with a 1-year roll-out support.

Benefits of Diversity & Inclusion Certification (WEQUiTY):

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of various aspects of D&I
  • Discover the role of various models & theories in implementing Diversity & Inclusion
  • Learn to apply the concepts and measurement techniques related to D&I to drive conversations around D&I
  • Explore ways of creating & developing allies within the organization

Analyze the impact of D&I in the organization charter and accordingly create a plan to implement it

Enhanced Communication
Practicing regular, effective, and open communication

Improved Cohesiveness
Empowering the employees and building trust within the team

Multi-Dimensional Approach
Being open to a multi-dimensional approach in policies, plans & operational procedures

Celebrating Differences
Recognizing & respecting others & their individuality

Recognizing Bias
Working towards eliminating the biases & perceptions

Emphasize on Collective Results
Working towards a common goal and not on the differences

Studies have revealed that companies with a higher representation of a diverse population and better inclusion policies have more financial returns, uplifted responsiveness to changing customer needs, ability to innovate, and team collaboration.

The program is one of its kind designed and delivered by industry veterans. Using a blended approach, the certification aims at enabling HR and L & OD professionals, D&I champions, and D&I enthusiasts to drive diversity and inclusion initiatives within the organization. The model used in the certification is explained using a fine balance of theory, neuroscience, industry insights, trends, group discussions, and practice sessions.

The Diversity & Inclusion Champion Certification aims at creating champions at the workplace to drive conversation about D&I, create policies, and train others within the organization. This would enable you to promote awareness about the D&I issues and enhance and embed inclusive practices within your organization by collaborating with others. In addition to this, the participants would also be given access to a D&I Champion tool kit and 1-year roll-out support.

Experienced facilitators
Strengthscape has an experienced team consisting of senior facilitators, D&I SMEs, and representatives of diverse groups working together to provide practical insights.

Blended Delivery approach
Strengthscape looks at a blended approach to deliver a comprehensive learning intervention. The certification is a combination of classroom training, virtual training, theatre-based modules, eLearning access, and live case studies to enhance the impact of learning.

Spaced-learning approach
The certification uses a spaced learning approach giving enough time to consolidate the concepts, promote deeper understanding, and provide opportunities for practice.

Individual handholding
We provide continuous support post-certification through individual handholding for higher learning effectiveness.

  • A choice of mediums available to participants – classroom & virtual sessions. The course is enriched with visuals, assessments, case studies, a theatre approach, and expert speaker sessions.
  • Access to Strengthscape’s Learning Management System (LMS) which has a range of learning materials starting with the course manual, videos, eLearning content, podcasts, case studies, and a whole lot of assessments that promote self-paced learning and help participants become confident of what is being taught.
  • In-Person Open Program: Diversity & Inclusion Champion Certification: 2-day in-person open certification program along with 8 hours of virtual training. This includes Surveys & Assessments, a toolkit for D&I, 1-year of extended support.
  • Enterprise Version: The Enterprise Version is best suited for organizations that would like to train their HR and L&D professionals and trainers in Diversity & Inclusion. Master facilitators from Strengthscape conduct a 2-day in-person certification along with 8 hours of virtual training exclusively for internal teams of organizations.
  • Virtual Open Program: Offered as a public program with 16 hours of Live Virtual classes delivered over Zoom.
  • Participants will be given additional access to LMS and read the manual, watch videos and listen to podcasts as well as read any additional reading material that is provided.
  • Human Resource professionals
  • Learning & Organization Development Experts
  • Professionals handling Diversity & Inclusion conversations in the organization
  • D&I enthusiasts
  • Business Leaders
  • Business Consultants
  • Freelance Consultants
  • Access to Learning Management System (LMS)
  • 1-year complimentary access to the Digital Library
  • Assignments and worksheets on the LMS
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Diversity & Inclusion Training

Training on diversity & inclusion has become increasingly important for companies. Efforts are being made to make everyone more sensitive about others and make it easier to work closely with everyone. Companies also look at Diversity and Inclusion Training for Employees as an opportunity to reap the benefits of an inclusive culture. 

Diversity and inclusion training is all about letting people know how people from different backgrounds work. Diversity and Inclusion Training can be further broken down into two sections. The first is awareness training – helping employees understand how different people see, think, act, etc. Second part is skills training – teaching people how to interact with different people, create a bond, etc. 

Diversity and inclusion training for employees can be done in the classroom as well. You can also use eLearning videos as part of diversity and inclusion training. 

Diversity and inclusion training for employees has a lot of benefits. The research shows that a diverse and inclusive organization gets better financial returns, has more innovation, makes better decisions, etc. To be clear, just a one-off training or series of sessions on diversity & inclusion doesn’t make for an inclusive workplace. It’s a long process, where policies and HR cycles need to change. 

Diversity and inclusion training is crucial for creating an inclusive culture. Employees gain awareness and perspective through training, which reflects in their performance. 

Diversity & inclusion training has a lot of benefits, but articles show there are some that fail miserably. To provide effective diversity and inclusion training for employees, there are some crucial aspects to keep in mind. 

Let’s start with the why. For any training to be successful, employees have to understand why the program is being run, why they are the target audience, what is expected of them, etc. In diversity & inclusion training, it’s about explaining why it’s important for the business. Then everyone will get on board. 

Second, don’t just focus on one way of training. Combine skills and awareness. Most benefits can only be gained when people are aware of the differences, unconscious biases, and at the same time can apply them to practices like communicating better, improving cohesiveness, etc. 

A third factor is to keep the diversity & inclusion training voluntary. After giving the purpose like in step one, it’s best to keep nominations voluntary. People who need diversity and inclusion training may not nominate, but research shows forcing them to attend also doesn’t work. 

Finally, integrate diversity & inclusion training into other trainings so you get the most from it. You could make communicating with different cultures a part of the communication skills training, or managing different teams as part of the managerial effectiveness training, etc. 

Best Practices

Innovative companies are diverse and inclusive. Companies with a diverse workforce do better than those with a homogenous workforce. Research from McKinsey says a diverse workforce leads to greater profitability and value creation. Diverse leadership leads to better financial results. Diverse companies are 33% more likely to be profitable. Companies with gender diversity are 21% more likely to have above-average profits. 

  1. Create a sense of belonging in the company

Employees need to feel valued in the organization to put their best foot forward. Leaders need to encourage new ideas from everyone. Making them feel valued will make them feel like they belong. This helps foster social bonds and generate creative ideas. 

  1. The leader has to be empathic in nature

Each leader has to understand or put themselves in to other’s shoes. This will help in understanding the experiences of others. For driving a successful change, leaders have to believe in the sense of belonging- both logically and emotionally. When leaders are empathetic, the diversity and inclusion practices of the company will be in place and will be accepted. 

  1. Treat everyone with fairness   

Employees feel more valued and accepted if they’re treated fairly. They’re happier and more productive. Employees treated unfairly and paid based on their backgrounds will lead to a lack of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. 

  1. Everyone should have a chance to grow

Growth opportunities are one of the factors that attract talent and keep them at the company. All employees should have equal opportunities. There shouldn’t be any discrimination based on gender, community, background, region, etc. 

  1. Educate employees about diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion should be taught to employees. How it benefits the company, and why it’s important. When people get a sense of what diversity and inclusion is about, they’ll support management. 

  1. Promote teamwork and collaboration

A diverse workforce expects collaboration and support from both employers and employees. Employers who encourage teamwork and collaboration will encourage workers to be open and honest about their opinions without fear. Employees should also feel valued by their employers, which will enhance teamwork. Employees are more likely to accept other people if their employers do not discriminate.   

  1. Revise the recruitment process

In order to be inclusive, recruitment policies should provide people from all regions, communities, etc, with equal opportunity to apply. Recruiters should focus their attention on the candidate’s personality traits, skills, motivation, etc. This will make the selection process fair for all candidates and those who truly deserve will be selected. An equitable recruitment process will attract talent from different locations and backgrounds. 

  1. Promoting diversity and inclusion

A leader should clearly communicate the company’s diversity and inclusion strategy to the employees so that everyone understands that the company supports everyone and believes in equality. 


We believe that leaders are made. Through careful nurturing, structured learning, and enriching experience. Nurture wins over nature.


We believe that humans have an unlimited capacity to learn. You may differ in your natural talents, preferences, and learning styles; but YOU can be whatever YOU set out to be. The world is your oyster!


The role of a facilitator and trainer in adult learning, is to challenge the assumptions,reframe the experience, and change perspectives. They enable learning by creating conversations that enable the learners to reflect on their own personalities, experiences, and priorities.


Teamwork that leads to high, consistent performance, represents the highest form of competitive advantage. Teamwork is not a function of time, role, or situation, but is an outcome of a collective goal – a conscious, consistent, and targeted effort by each of the team members.

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