Companies of all stripes had to quickly move operations online while under quarantine. In order to continue working while yet spending some time at home, employees who are returning to the workforce increasingly prioritize hybrid work arrangements. Hybrid work presents excellent prospects for flexibility and employee satisfaction, but it can also provide difficulties as organizations think about the best ways to collaborate, train personnel, and attract new clients all virtually. Due to this, virtual training and outreach will be even more crucial in 2023. 

Live virtual facilitation training has grown significantly in popularity in recent years. While virtual training is more convenient, more economical, and currently necessary, many businesses are switching over. A step-by-step guide for facilitating a training session can be provided by creating thorough facilitation kits. Whole scripts for facilitation are included in these kits, along with interesting activities and illustrations. 

Strengthscape’s Creating Facilitation Kits for Virtual Training Webinar aims to explore the Gagne’s Nine Events Model and list various elements that comprise a facilitation kit. This webinar will dive deep into each of these components that form a facilitation kit for virtual facilitation training. 

Key Takeaways 

Virtual facilitators must be at the top of their game to guarantee that participants in virtual facilitation get the most out of their learning experience in order to maintain a learning culture in a hybrid work environment. 

This webinar will help you design efficient and impactful, result-oriented learning solutions that will significantly enhance the learning experience of your trainees. You will be able to deeply understand the ADDIE model of Instructional Design and also learn some other ways you can create effective facilitation training programs. This webinar also discusses various instructional design strategies. Learn the various elements of a facilitation kit for virtual training and get equipped with the tools needed to create effective, efficient, engaging and effortless learning interventions. Also learn how to create an effective Instructor Guide (IG). 

Although virtual facilitation training can be difficult, it can also be a successful, scalable learning approach to maintain learners’ interest. Virtual learning sessions are a fantastic supplement to your L&D program when done well. Your virtual, synchronous events will succeed if you use Strengthscape’s Building Facilitation Kits for Virtual Training webinar as a guide.