Discover How to Creating Effective Training Program

Discover How to Creating Effective Training Program

Every organization realizes the need and benefits for workforce training. When training is done correctly it increases productivity of the organization – efficiency, revenue and profits with decreases in waste, cost and inefficiencies. Effective Training Program can lead to happier, more engaged and satisfied workforce which would in turn reduce turnover and cost of onboarding new employees.

But creating an effective training program is not easy. Some common problems are creating training program which doesn’t support true goal, or without identifying the purpose of the training.

Below is a step wise road map which will help you formulate the training program.

Perform a training needs assessment

Begin by identifying the root causes of organizational challenges and determine if training can address these issues. Align potential training programs with business objectives by defining the tasks employees need to perform. Assess the learning attributes of your workforce to tailor the training effectively.

Keep adult learning principles in mind

The employees are adults and adults share certain attributes which would make training more effective for them. If the training program recognizes these learning principles, it would be more effective. Adult learners are self-directed and goal-oriented, and they come to attend the training with lifetime experience, knowledge and opinions. And these principles relate to attributes you identified in needs assessment.

Develop learning objectives

Learning objectives are the goal which employees should be able to do once training is completed. They act as “North Star” where all the aspects of your training should be pointed at. Once you have created objectives, create content that would cover the objectives.

Design training material

Keep in mind that it is important to design before you rush to development. Always focus on employee’s training needs and. Focus on creating content and assessments directly related to your training objectives keeping adult learning in mind. Include in training program as many case studies and hands on practice as possible as people learn by doing.

Develop your training material

Blend in new technology for developing your training material like augmented and virtual reality. Be creative and mix and match all the available formats to best fit the needs of employees. While developing the material always keep in mind the leaning objectives and how to make it more effective for employees.

Implement the training

Inform the employees about the training beforehand so that they can complete any pre-learning required. Provide the employees with a Leaning Management System (LMS) which will play a big role in helping you during this step. Many learning management systems have the notification system in which that sends email and text messages about the newly updated courses.

Evaluate the training

If your goal was to deliver effective training program so you need to confirm that the employees who attended. Check with your employees the reaction to training and their actual learning from that. Inspect whether they are applying the newly acquired knowledge from training in their work. Observing employees on the job behavior will determine whether they are implementing the principles or not.


Training absolutely have an important role in workplace. The effectiveness of training depends on how it is designed, developed and implemented. Effective training plans will lead to increased ROI and happier employees.