Eight Phases of Strengths Based Coaching Training

Eight Phases of Strengths Based Coaching Training

Often, we assume it is our weakness that prevent us from achieving our goals. Therefore, we tend to focus most of our attention on working and improving on those weaknesses. However, we can enhance our productivity much better if we divert our attention on our strengths instead of counting our flaws. Focusing on and improving our strengths based coaching training can make us much stronger in the workforce.

The Strengths-Based Coaching Model

The strengths based coaching model provides individuals with an overview of the process used for strengths based coaching sessions. The goal of the coaching is to support individuals in achieving their goals by helping them recognize and utilize the strengths they already possess. It is important to differentiate strengths from knowledge and skills as they are something that is acquired, but strengths are innate. Strengths are organic to one’s personality. One of the best ways to identify your strengths is by taking an assessment such as DISC profile or Strength Finder 2.0.

Introductory Session

The training session begins with a thirty-minute introductory session to determine if the course is a good “fit” and whether or not the individual is willing to work together in the coaching relationship. The information shared at this point is kept confidential. Strengths based coaching training is a process that can assist an individual throughout the various stages of their career, as well as through life’s other evolutions.

The process is divided into eight phases

Sharing the situation

This begins with the introductory session where the coach and the individual identify areas to work upon and the individual highlights the areas he or she personally wants to improve. They also may discuss situations where the individual may have been unable to demonstrate his or her strengths effectively.

Transforming perspective

Once the obstacles have been identified, the coach will use an assessment or tool to help the individual shift their perspective to see a way to move beyond the obstacles. Once the perspective has been shifted, it becomes easier to consider ways to move to the next phase.

Recognising strengths

The coach then discusses strengths of the individual and different ways they can employ those strengths to overcome obstacles that are holding them back.

Establishing Opportunities

Once the strengths have been recognized, the coach helps the individual look for opportunities where they can demonstrate and utilize their strengths to their true potential. The coach encourages the individual to determine different approaches to enhance their capabilities. Further, the coach also equips the individual to brainstorm ideas effectively if they get stuck in their endeavours.

Naming approach

now that the opportunities have been identified, the coach encourages the individual to name the approach that will work best for the individual to overcome the obstacles and move closer to success.

Goal setting

Working together, the individual will determine the details of their goal and break it down to manageable steps to create an appropriate action plan. To make the plan working, the coach may challenge the individual to take at least the first step to work towards the goal, during the training period.

Taking action

Now that the action plan is in place, the coach helps the individual actively move towards the goal.

Honoring accomplishments

In every session, the coach verbally acknowledges and honours the accomplishments the individual makes towards realizing their goals. Appreciation is extremely essential in the process to encourage the individual to proceed forward.