eLearning is making organizations competitive in the marketplace. The realization of eLearning effectiveness has opened new doors both in education and business training and the workforce is a key part of the success equation. From a business standpoint, eLearning is scalable, consistent, and offers personalization making it an economical option. From an employee standpoint, eLearning offers the opportunity to learn at one’s own pace helping professionals to invest time at their convenience and upskill themselves. Employees can access content, anywhere at any time. eLearning is a powerful testament to how our lives can improve using technology.
Strengthscape offers eLearning development for varying interactivity customized to the need of the client and the mindset of the learners using it. We also specialize in gamification to take learning engagement one level up, especially for those theoretical and conceptual topics that may often be skipped for being boring. Our content experts work closely with the client team to identify and develop a pool of bespoke learning content in varying formats ranging from case studies to business books, from journals to podcasts and videos to gamified modules.
Need For eLearning
eLearning is the study and practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing technological processes and resources. It is learning to utilize technology in order to gain access to educational curriculum and information outside of a traditional classroom. It is a learning system based on formalized teaching through electronic means, such as mobile phones and computers, transferred completely online. Digital technologies are changing the educational landscape, and represent a paradigm shift for learners, educators and now organizations as well. eLearning now plays a significant role in training provisions in all kinds of organizations. There has been a steady increase in the range and speed of the uptake and implementation of e-learning in various companies and organizations lately. In this article we are going to discuss why companies are switching to e-learning.
Online learning has completely revolutionized the corporate training scene. For companies trying to incorporate a new training program, the advantages of e-learning significantly outweigh the features of traditional classroom training. It offers a flexible approach to organizations where training and learning can take place anytime, anywhere. For almost every organization e-learning proves to be both a cost-effective and time-saving option, as it significantly cuts down on the cost of classroom tools required for training and is simply accessible, so it does not require hours of teaching. Advancement and efficiency are extremely important to any business and hence e-learning plays the perfect role in saving time, energy and money while moving towards progress and development.
Currently more and more organizations are trying to introduce e-learning or enhance already existing e-learning programs in order to avail themselves of their benefits and maximize the potential of their work. According to a report, the e-learning market in 2013 was a $56.2 billion business and likely doubled in the year 2015, while revenue generated per employee was higher for companies that offered training using e-learning (Source: The Molly Fletcher Company, 2015). Here are some of the reasons or benefits as to why companies are switching to e-learning:
E-learning is cost effective. An online learning system cuts downs the cost of many tools associated with classroom training such as learning material, travel, catering, logistical arrangements etc. With the constant need to upgrade and reproduce learning material, training becomes costly as well as time consuming. According to research by Caterpillar University, e-learning provides a clear cost-benefit as against instructor-led training, irrespective of how large or small the learner base is. In the case of online training, once a Learning Management System (LMS) is put in place, several online courses can be developed and hosted. It is a one-time investment and since everything remains online, printing costs are also cut down.
Steps of the eLearning Development Process
eLearning is an efficient way of delivering education through online means. eLearning is the use of technology to enable people to learn anywhere and anytime. It is learning utilizing electronic devices to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course or program delivered completely online. There is a sequence of steps that any eLearning development process must undergo. Thus, in this article we shall discuss the steps of the eLearning development process.
Steps Of The eLearning Development Process:
eLearning development process can be best understood in the form of the ADDIE Model which first appeared in the year 1975. The model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional designers and training developers. The steps of the eLearning development process according to this model are:
- A- Analysis: Analysis is usually the first step when it comes to the eLearning development process. Here you should be able to analyse the learning content, profiles of the people, and the objectives of learning. Make a strategy based on the tasks to be accomplished and come up with an appropriate and effective way of presenting the content. Further analysis should be made of the needs and expectations of the users, and various ways in which they can be fulfilled
- D- Design: At this stage it is decided how the content can be broken down into small chunks of information and organized in a logical and effective sequence. Once the topic list is ready, determine an instructional approach for the course in line with the scope defined during the analysis. Each eLearning course has to be created using a unique design strategy. The design phase should be systematic and specific
- D- Development: In the development phase, the developers create and assemble the content assets that were created in the design phase. The project is reviewed and revised according to any feedback given. Important elements to be used in the course are picked out and a functional prototype is created. A lot of writing, rewriting and revisions take place at this stage. A fully functional course is presented for approval
- I-Implementation: The implementation phase involves a procedure for training the facilitators and the learners. Preparation of the learners include training them on new tools and platform and also getting their registration. The project manager ensures that everything is in place and the learning application or website is functional. Feedback is incorporated into the course and uploaded.
- E- Evaluation: Next is the Evaluation stage where the quality of the developed course is tested to ensure accuracy of functionality as well as content. Evaluation phase has two parts: Summative and Formative. Summative evaluation consists of tests designed for specific criteria and providing opportunities for feedback from the users. Summative evaluation is done at the end of the course.
At the end, through the variety of steps of the eLearning development process, learners get a course that helps them get high quality and effective learning content. To summarise, a good eLearning course can be developed once the requirements of the learners are analysed and an effective learning strategy to share knowledge is devised.