Emotional Competence

Emotional Competence

Emotional Intelligence is an important aspect of today’s businesses as it enhances communication, inspires workers, and fosters an atmosphere where people feel free to express themselves. EI at work encourages empathy between managers and staff members. Having a high level of emotional intelligence can be beneficial in many areas of your life, not just the workplace. Understanding and controlling your emotions can improve your view on life and make you feel better about yourself and your circumstances. 


Emotional intelligence (EI), also known as emotional quotient (EQ), is the ability to identify, understand, use, and manage our own emotions in positive and beneficial ways to relieve stress, listen and communicate effectively, empathize with others, resolve conflicts and overcome challenges. A high level of emotional intelligence in leadership can help us navigate the social complexities of the workplace environment, encourage and motivate others, and excel in our career. In fact, when it comes to recruiting important job candidates, many organizations now rate EI as an important requirement for selecting suitable employees, and employ EQ testing before hiring.   

Building Emotional Intelligence Skills at Workplace

The concept of EI is simple. EI is not an innate ability, rather, it can be built by working on the following five key elements – 

  • Self-awareness – Being able to connect with our emotions and paying moment-to-moment attention to our changing emotional experience is the key to understanding how emotion influences our thoughts and actions, and increase self-awareness. In order to build EQ and become emotionally healthy, we must reconnect with all our emotions, good or bad, accept them, and become comfortable with them. This can be achieved through mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing our attention on the present moment—and without judgment of the thoughts or emotions that cross our mind
  • Self-regulation – In order to develop EI, we must be able to use our emotions to make constructive and healthy decisions about our behavior. When we become too stressed, we can lose our emotional cool and the ability to act rationally and appropriately. Emotions are important sources of information that tell us about ourselves and others, but in the face of stress, we can become overwhelmed and lose control over them. With the ability to manage stress and stay emotionally present, we can learn to process upsetting information without letting it interfere with our ability to think rationally and respond correctly. We’ll be able to make choices that allow us to control impulsive emotions and behaviors in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and adapt to changing environments
  • Social skills – Social/interpersonal awareness enables us to recognize and interpret what others are trying to communicate to us. These cues let us know how others are really feeling, thinking, and what’s truly important to them. In short, we become empathetic and feel socially comfortable. Working socially well with others is a process that begins with emotional awareness and our ability to recognize, label and understand the emotions other people are experiencing, besides our own. Once emotional awareness is in play, we can effectively develop additional social/emotional skills that will make our relationships more effective, fruitful, respectful and fulfilling
  • Motivation – Motivation in EI is a psychological process that drives/energizes us to something. People who have high emotional intelligence also generally possess more intrinsic or internal motivation. In other words, people high on EI are motivated for internal reasons, such as personal satisfaction or happiness, rather than external rewards like wealth, material benefits or fame. Such people are motivated for their own personal reasons and work hard to achieve their goals for happiness. 
  • Empathy – Empathy can be defined as the proficiency of understanding how other people are feeling and recognize, on an intimate level, how we would feel if we were in their situation. It does not mean we sympathize with, accept their behavior or validate, but that we can see things from their perspective and feel what they feel, by putting oneself in their shoes.

EI helps us build stronger and respectful relationships, succeed at work, and achieve our career and personal goals. Emotional intelligence helps us to become more in tune with our feelings, turn good intention into action, and make careful decisions about what matters most. The concept of EI in the workplace includes the primary five competencies described above. By simply working on these abilities, an individual can become emotionally intelligent and acquire far-reaching benefits for both, personal life and the organization one works for.  

The Model of Emotional Intelligence

We all differ in terms of our personalities, wants, and desires, as well as in how we choose to communicate our feelings. It needs logical reasoning and balance to get through all of this, especially if we want to live long and be healthy. Emotional intelligence is crucial in this situation. The ability to detect one’s emotions, comprehend what they’re saying, and comprehend how emotions effect oneself and those around you is known as emotional intelligence. In order to handle relationships more skillfully, one must also be able to see and understand the emotions of others. In addition to enhancing our personal welfare, emotional intelligence also boosts productivity at work. Here, we’ll talk about Goleman’s EI performance model and why it’s so important for preserving general health and wellbeing.  

The Model of Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman put forth the first emotional intelligence model. Emotional intelligence, according to Goleman, is the capacity to accurately perceive emotions, access and generate emotions to support thought, understand one’s own emotions and those of others, have emotional knowledge, and regulate emotions to support emotional and intellectual development and wellbeing. Goleman’s EI performance model is made up of five elements. Any one of these components can be missing, which can make developing emotional intelligence more difficult. The elements are: 

  • Self-awareness – The growth of this aspect of EI is a prerequisite for any emotional intelligence learning. The capacity to merely be aware of one’s feelings is known as self-awareness. The primary element of emotional intelligence is the ability to precisely identify and label each specific emotion that a person is feeling. This ability comes from having self-awareness skills. According to Goleman, those with high levels of emotional intelligence are open to criticism, are able to take advice to heart, and are well aware of both their strengths and limitations
  • Self-regulation – Self-regulation refers to the capacity to restrain or refocus agitating feelings or moods and to express them appropriately. It is the ability to control one’s own ideas, feelings, and conduct while adapting or expressing them in line with the situation’s needs. Taking full responsibility for one’s actions and being able to appropriately react to the irrational emotions and behaviors of others are two characteristics of emotional maturity in self-regulation, according to Goleman. People with this ability tend to be adaptable, successful at managing conflict, and flexible
  • Motivation – The psychological mechanism that starts, directs, and sustains goal-oriented behaviors is referred to as motivation. Particularly, intrinsic motivation, often known as internal motivation, is crucial to emotional intelligence. The idea of intrinsic motivation is essential to business emotional intelligence. It is the kind that originates from within and motivates a person to get through a hardship and accomplish a goal. People with emotional intelligence are motivated to achieve their inner pleasure and aspirations by things other than material incentives like money. Competent people in this field are goal-oriented, action-oriented, usually very committed, and have a high need for success
  • Empathy – The key to emotional intelligence is empathy, or the capacity to share someone else’s feelings or experiences as one’s own. To be emotionally intelligent, one must be empathic rather than sympathetic. According to Goleman, individuals that exhibit high levels of empathy are also self-disciplined, upbeat, competitive, initiative, resourceful, and determined. High empathy individuals are competitive, proactive, sympathetic, and resourceful
  • Social skills – The capacity to engage positively with others and have effective relationship management and maintenance are both social skills. It also requires the capacity to lead and motivate people and calm tense circumstances through compromise and negotiation. High social skill individuals are persuasive, skilled verbal communicators, successful change agents, and active listeners  

Goleman’s EI performance model offers a clear framework for how to develop emotional intelligence and improve character traits. These five elements can aid someone in achieving good health and wellness in both their personal and professional lives.   

Components of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence in the workplace is referred to as the ability to recognize and manage oneself emotions along with the emotions of others. It is generally said that it includes at least three skills which are: 

  • emotional awareness – the ability to recognize and label one’s own emotions 
  • ability to use those emotions and apply them to work like thinking, problem solving, etc 
  • ability to regulate one’s and others’ emotions 

Having understood the concept of emotional intelligent, let’s now understand what it takes to be emotionally intelligent. An emotionally intelligent person is both highly aware and conscious of their own emotional states, be it positive like happiness or negative like frustration, sadness or something more tenuous. It also entails the ability to identify and manage those identified emotions. They are especially tuned in to the emotion others experience. These are the people who understand the seriousness of managing emotions that comes from within and the emotions that is triggered from the social environment could make them a better person, friend, parent, leader, etc. Fortunately, these skills can be learnt.   

According to Daniel Goleman’s EI performance model, there are five components of emotional intelligence: 

  • Self-Awareness: Self awareness is the ability to identify and understand personal emotions, moods and drives and their direct impact on others. It includes self-confidence, realistic assessment oneself, strengths & weakness of oneself and self-deprecating humour 
  • Self-Regulation: It is the ability to redirect or control one’s own disruptive impulses and moods and the tendency not to judge and instead think before acting 
  • Internal Motivation: It is the energy we get from within to go miles for internal reasons and keeping external reasons like money, status, etc aside. It is the energy we get when we do something we love doing. Some sure signs include strong drive to achieve, being optimistic even in failures, and organizational commitment 
  • Empathy: It is ability to understand and mutually share the feelings. Empathy is defined as treating people according to their emotional reactions. Some sure empathy signs are building and retaining cohesive teams, talents, cross-cultural sensitivity and ability to serve the clients better 
  • Social Skills: It is expertise in managing relationships, building networks and sustaining those networks. It also includes rapport building, finding common ground, etc.  

Basis the understanding of these five components, it is easy to conclude that one must be aware of their own emotions and that of others and should leverage the understanding of others emotions to work effectively with them.  

There are two very popular psychometric test which assess emotional intelligence of a person and suggest ways in becoming an emotionally intelligent individual. These are Everything DiSC Agile EQ and Central Test’s EMOTIONS. They test both the intrapersonal and interpersonal effectiveness and gives scores on one’s understanding on their emotions and managing them and one’s understanding on emotions of other people and managing their emotions respectively. You can reach out Strengthscape since they do have these assessments with them and can get expert advice on the usage of the same in your EI training or coaching sessions.  


For several years, emotional intelligence in the workplace has been one of the most researched concepts. Although most studies boost the advantages of emotional intelligence, something is still missing and that is the concept of emotional competence. There is a close relation between the two. Emotional intelligence is essential for developing emotional competence which, in turn, leads to performance. In order to achieve the results that many training programs assert to bring, emotional intelligence is a must yet not enough on its own. For durable results, emotional competence must be developed, based on improved emotional intelligence. In this article, we shall discuss the difference between emotional intelligence and emotional competence. 

Contrast and Comparison -

The difference between EI and EC are as follows – 

  • Whereas EI is one aspect of mental ability, EC is the level of expertise of one aspect of EI
  • EI encloses a wider range of mental abilities, whereas EC concentrates on the degree of emotional self-regulation and awareness  
  • EC is the deeper subdivision of EI. EI is the primary foundation for EC
  • EI lays stress on controlling one’s emotions whereas EC is the ability to express emotions properly and effectively
  • Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and control one’s emotions and also of others. Social and emotional competence refers to a person’s ability to express or release one’s inner feelings and also one’s ability to effectively and successfully lead
  • EI is the ability to regulate emotions to promote personal growth. EC is the ability to correctly recognize, effectively utilize, and appropriately manage emotions

A particular level of emotional intelligence is necessary to learn emotional competence. The ability to recognize exactly what another person feels, enables one to develop a competency such as influence. Similarly, people who are better able to control their emotions will find it easier to develop a competency such as initiative. Emotional intelligence in the workplace expands our chances for personal impact. Its effect is infectious, creating inspiration and leadership. As the world of business makes even greater demands on a person’s emotional, mental and physical resources, EI and EC will become increasingly important. 

More Differences between EI and EC 

There are several differences between EI and EC, but one common component is self-awareness. As a component of EI, self-awareness develops along with other mental abilities with which the individual socializes. Business EI is affected by development in that as the individual develops more precise and a wider range of abilities, the level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness grows. Self-awareness in EC is influenced by development as well. As individuals grow and their EI emerges, they also have a greater possible capacity to evaluate personal patterns of EI and, become more self-aware, and take the opportunity to discover how to manage emotions in a way that maximizes related circumstances.  

As the mental skills grow, so does the individual’s EI as well as the capacity to learn to manage various aspects of EI, in this case, the competence of managing emotions as they relate to self-awareness.  

The ability to recognize our feelings and those of others and manage emotions well in ourselves is the most important factor to emotional competence. Emotional intelligence in the workplace is relevant for employees’ work performance because most jobs require the ability to manage emotions. EI is one of the most frequently researched topics in organizational study. It has been found to be an important medium of various organizational outcomes, such as job performance, job satisfaction, effectively manage teams, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational responsibility. 

Business emotional intelligence requires managing feelings so that they are expressed in a way that makes it possible for employees to work together towards common goals in a constructive and transparent setting. When the leader values feelings, so will the employees. Thus, if the manager feels optimistic, confident, creative, forgiving, flexible, respectful, and warm hearted, the employees are likely to show these feelings. Emotional intelligence and emotional competence are extremely important in today’s organization with changing motivations and behaviors. In spite of the difference between EI and EC, research has shown that there is a significant relationship between the two. 

Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Quotient

EI in the workplace is the ability to supervise one’s own emotions as well as that of other people, to rightfully discriminate between different emotions and label them correctly. When we apply our emotional intelligence to life, we are guiding our behavior with an educated focus on a healthier mindset.   

                                                                                                                                                                                    Emotional quotient on the other hand is a testing capacity of our ability to understand and apply our minds, that is emotional intelligence. Emotional quotient test is meant to reveal how well we have learned to manage the effects of emotions for the purpose of facilitating healthy thoughts and behavior.  

Emotional intelligence and Emotional Quotient been used interchangeably for many years to cause a bit of confusion. Therefore, for consistency in describing these two, and for consistency in standardized quotient scores, the term emotional quotient is used in any reference to the all sets skills we call emotional intelligence. 

The four key skills of emotional intelligence would be self-awareness and self-management that make up ‘personal competence’. These two skills focus more on the individual. On the other hand, social awareness and relationship management form ‘social competence’ which focuses on interaction with others. For each core skill, the emotional intelligence and emotional quotient components are: –   

  • Self-awareness – this quadrant looks at being aware of emotions as they happen and to perceive them accurately
  • Self-management – includes being able to apply the awareness of emotions and direct a positive behavior
  • Social-awareness – this emotional quotient quadrant is associated with correctly perceiving and understanding emotions of other people
  • Relationship management – helps us being able to apply our emotional awareness in order to successfully manage and sustain social relations

The Emotional Quotient Inventory Test 

The EQ test was the first scientifically authorized and now the most extensively used emotional intelligence assessment worldwide. People who wish to participate are required to respond to questions designed to assess the key aspects of emotional skills related to both personal life and workplace performance. Such skills have been shown to affect work productivity in complex areas such as conflict resolution.   

The results from the emotional quotient assessment can provide with information about emotional skills and how they can be improved which can then lead to individuals having the ability to utilize their strengths to maximize their work performance. Once the test is complete, a report is produced in the form of an inventory which includes fifteen competencies surrounding the different areas of emotional intelligence- self-awareness, self-reflection, motivation, empathy, decision-making ability and stress management.  

Emotional Quotient score

The emotional quotient score is found by assessing the behavioral factors that reflect an individual’s emotional intelligence. Emotional quotient distinguishes an individual’s emotional capacity as a different type of intellect. The average emotional intelligence and emotional quotient score is in the range of 90-100, whilst the perfect score is a full 160. It is known to reflect the way in which a person reacts in a variety of situations like: – 

  • Stressful or frustrating situations, 
  • Failures, sad or disappointing situations, 
  • Position of leadership, 
  • Management of the emotions of people of different age groups, and 
  • Handling diversity and inclusion at workplace.

Businesses are changing however today and are beginning to offer extensive work schedules and new services to ensure that all the employees at work are looked after. The unfortunate trend that has swept in from the western society is the inability to fully understand and deal with human emotions. This trend has spilled into all areas of life including the workplace.  

Emotional intelligence and emotional quotient are the secrets to building healthier minds and developing a safer world. Given the emotional state of the world today, building emotional intelligence is our strongest hope for a bright future. 

Emotional Intelligence Ethics at Workplace

Recent leadership failures in several popular organizations have drawn increased attention to the reality that achieving goals through employee performance is only one part of the formula for success. Another critical piece in this equation is the way leaders do it which impacts employees, and ultimately relationships. Leaders who lack self-awareness, are low on self-regulation, motivation, empathy and interpersonal skills lack something called “emotional intelligence” (EI/EQ), a model popularized by psychologist Daniel Goleman. 

Since long, HR managers and professional training heads know what distinguishes an average employee from a star. It isn’t essentially just intelligence, it is something different, which was earlier difficult to describe, and was called people skill. Nowadays this phrase “people skills” is replaced with a systematic term called emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence can be described as a set of social and emotional skills and abilities that help an individual achieve both personal and professional success. Thus, in this article we are going to talk about emotional intelligence ethics at workplace.  

How Emotional Intelligence affects Workplace Ethics?

Following emotional intelligence ethics at workplace is a critical tool for handling moral challenges in business ethics. Emotions are considered as important contributions to ethical decision making at work. The two emotional intelligence components play a role in this decision making; the cognitive component that facilitates accurate perceptions of other’s emotions and the empathy component that contributes to the understanding of other’s emotions by sharing their experiences. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are more skillful at reasoning and regulating their emotions and the behavior of others, and use this information to guide their own thinking and behavior. Such people are more likely to guide themselves towards ethical thought and actions through their emotional competencies. Therefore, individuals with high emotional intelligence are better able to manage their emotions and react less impulsively and aggressively to the behaviors of others, reflecting more ethicality. 

It is believed that those who follow emotional intelligence ethics at workplace are able to facilitate creations and innovations that fully unleash human potential. It is also believed that such teams are even more powerful than those at the top in the hierarchical structure. The characteristics of an emotionally intelligent organization may include customer-oriented, pliability, learning and growth, accountability and team dedication. Today the new business mantra is “What do you need to be the best you can be?”. Through this, the ethical attitude of the organization is enhanced which in turn helps facilitate social justice and respect, and emotional competencies of the employees are enhanced. 

Empathy, one of the core competencies of emotional intelligence, is an essential EI component to enhance selflessness and sympathy. These tendencies help to encourage and foster ethical attitude and actions in organizations. Also, emotional intelligence can be used in an opposite manner to restrict the unethical attitudes or actions in the organization by some group of employees. A disadvantage may be that abilities such as empathy and interpersonal skills including persuasion may be used by the deceitful types of people, who might use emotional intelligence skills to deceit or manipulate them. They may make use of their social skills to climb the hierarchy by lowering others in the organization. Thus, for the success of any business or organization, one of the basic ingredients is to develop EI 

Ethical concerns have been the subject of attention by management and business literatures for a long time now, where ethics represents a set of standards that seek to define what is “good and moral”, and a set of principles and values that guide behavior in a society. For organizations, it is important that they be aware of the benefits of this concept, now seen as a critical success factor, that is, emotional intelligence. In the world of business, the use of emotion can either be genuine, or simply a strategy to achieve the goals pursued. It is highly important to follow emotional intelligence ethics at workplace, not only for employee productivity, but for the success of the organization as a whole.   

Emotional Intelligence and Workplace Ethics

Salovey and Mayer’s work on emotional intelligence was greatly admired by psychologist Daniel Goleman, which ultimately led to his book titled, Emotional Intelligence. He argued that business success was best guaranteed by emotional intelligence rather than intellectual skills. Goleman outlined four competencies possessed by emotionally intelligent leader; firstly, they are best in recognizing their feelings, called self-awareness. Secondly, they are best at regulating their emotions and are good at self-management. Thirdly, they are empathetic to the emotions of other employees, called social awareness. Lastly, they are best at controlling and understanding other employees’ emotions, called interpersonal skills. Rather than being one of the many leadership skills that shed light on how leaders can be more successful and impactful, EQ is an enduring mirror that reflects back who a leader is and how his personality affects the organization. The people who are more in harmony with their emotions, and express them appropriately, are emotionally intelligent. Thus, in this article we are going to talk about emotional intelligence ethics at workplace.   

How does Emotional Intelligence affect Workplace

EI in the workplace can be described as a set of social and emotional skills and abilities, which are completely different from rational intelligence. Those people who are more in harmony with their personal emotions, and express them appropriately can be described as being emotionally intelligent. The past few years have experienced a constant increase in the area of emotional intelligence (EI). It has been observed that emotional intelligence helps accomplish organizational goals with greater efficiency and profit margins, by creating a positive and productive organizational environment for actions that give rise to empathy and better communication resources. Also, an appropriate level of emotional intelligence can aid in diminishing the probability of troublesome/irrational behavior, that may negatively impact a positive work environment, and produce behaviors that exhibit high levels of stress, low self-esteem, and poor mental health. Thus, following emotional intelligence ethics at workplace is important.  

Building EI is all about attaining one’s goals through regulating our feelings and emotions, and balancing conflicting motives diligently and ethically. With the passage of time, businesses have now realized that the only solution for lasting relevancy and sustainability is ethical behavior, which can truly benefit from emotional intelligence. Businessmen are now instilling their organizations with ethical conduct in all departments, all around the world. Today, organizations face difficult situations with highly abstruse possible solutions. Therefore, in this situation, it is suggested that ethical conduct is an important element of an organization’s culture, integral for the prevention of misbehavior that causes great losses and usually heavy consequences. In this case in point, following emotional intelligence ethics at workplace will help employees keep in mind their values and ethical standards. 

Extensive exposure and continuous training can enhance the ability of becoming emotionally intelligent. Recent research on “mindfulness” training, a technique to become aware of one’s emotions, observed that with the help of appropriate training, the brain centers that regulate and produce positive and negative affect (emotions) can be altered. These types of EI training not only aid employees in keeping their stressors away, but also help them maintain emotional calm in period of crisis. Only the emotionally intelligent people can focus on getting extra work done and have the determination to work hard and achieve their goals. An emotionally intelligent workforce could be a result of effective leadership in the organization which could then pave way for ethical behavior at workplace. The duty of a manager is to boost employees’ self-esteem and generate an atmosphere of understanding, loyalty and reliability. Employees need encouragement and appreciation for enhancing their social skills which lead to self-awareness. 

To the extent that ethical conduct is based on one’s own and others behaviors understanding, and in a person’s empathetic capacity towards others, emotional intelligence in the workplace is closely related to ethics and success perceptions. Emotional intelligence ethics at workplace are essential to follow, as they profoundly determine the success of an organization.   

Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence

Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient is a term that was created by researchers Peter Salavoy and John Mayer in 1989, used to define the ability to engage in sophisticated information processing about one’s own emotions and those of others, and the ability to use this information as a guide to thinking and behavior. The term was later popularized by psychologist Daniel Goleman, who defined emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions and; recognize, understand and manage the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence are two concepts that when combined, are perfect for the success of any organization. Thus, in this article we are going to discuss about the difference between emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence.  

How are Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Different?

Artificial intelligence provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve detection of patterns in data from experience. It requires computers to perform without being overtly programmed. Machine learning algorithms involve statistical techniques that provide a computer the ability to “learn” and perform accordingly in various tasks. The difference between emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence lies here. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, focuses on human potential by stimulating various cognitive and affective processes that help an individual better understand and regulate one’s own emotions, and manage relationships effectively with empathy. 

Today we are recognizing more and more the vital role emotional intelligence plays in our business dealings and partnerships, while at the same time, acknowledging the far-reaching benefits in efficiency brought about by automation. If we look at what is going on in the world now—millions of people unemployed, fear dominating the news and people’s psyches and an economy spiraling out of control, we need leaders who possess strong emotional intelligence abilities and who will be able to navigate us towards success with a plan and a vision. Thus, it is important to automate what we can deliver efficiently, while maintaining the manual processes needed for new offerings. That strategic combination can help us scale, while remaining flexible. 

Right now, emotional intelligence distinguishes humans from machines in a variety of ways. One example of a task that artificial intelligence might struggle to complete as well as humans is customer service. Coping with wrath and impatience, dealing with surprise, delight, and thankfulness, or dealing with disappointment and annoyance are three situations in which emotional intelligence is crucial for a successful ending. Thus, the development of artificial intelligence has increased the significance of emotional intelligence in modern people. Artificial intelligence will eventually perform tasks that currently call for traditional intelligence. Then, in order to survive in a world that is changing, humanity will need to develop new skills or modify existing ones. 

In the future, for example, robots and computers could potentially replace all the tasks that a scientist performs. Machines could perform data collecting and analyses of information, as well as make discoveries. However, among the things that a robot will not be able to replace in the near or distant future, is human skills, intuition and abilities. Skills such as managing emotions, empathy, and understanding relationships are always highly valued over all other benefits of artificial intelligence in the future. These skills are highly important in today’s world, but with the rise of artificial intelligence, they are now becoming the most prized. 

The difference between emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence lies in the fact that artificial intelligence can never accomplish what emotional intelligence can. No matter how much technology develops, being emotionally intelligent will always a requirement for the success of any organization.  

More Differences Between AI &EI

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of, control and regulate, express one’s emotions appropriately, and establish and handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. It is the capacity of a person to be aware of their own emotions as well as those of others, to distinguish between various emotions and give them the proper labels, and to utilize this emotional knowledge as a guide for their actions and decisions. Emotional competencies are taught skills that may be mastered with supervision, instruction, and practice rather than being innate talents. The younger generation’s emotional competences are stimulated by emotional intelligence, leading to increased self-awareness, regulation, social skills, and drive. As a result, we’ll talk about how emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence vary in this post.  

The Distinction Between AI & EI 

 The term artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems and automated processes that are capable of doing activities that would typically require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, visual perception, decision-making, and language translation. AI algorithms automatically change themselves by evaluating data and identifying flaws to stop future issues; they don’t need to be changed by a human. Herein lies the primary distinction between emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence. EI is a skill that, in comparison, emphasizes manual labour and is learnable. To live fuller and healthier lives, it is vital but takes training and effort. Emotional intelligence (EI) aims to improve a person’s key personal emotional competences and connection skills for both personal and professional success. 

Amit Ray, a well-known author and spiritual leader, recently stated in an interview that as artificial intelligence becomes more prevalent in the modern workplace, we must integrate the various components of emotional intelligence into our corporate leadership skills. We shouldn’t be too proud to recognize that there are many tasks that machines can complete more effectively than people. Since artificial intelligence is now used in business, it can now collect, analyze, and interpret data as well as create a plan of action to implement a solution. 

 At first, it seems rather alarming. Is there anything that machines can do that people can’t? The solution is as easy as comprehending, inspiring, and genuinely conversing with others. This is where emotional quotient (EQ) plays a part. Emotionally intelligent leaders, or those with the capacity for empathy, inspiration, and the fostering of meaningful relationships with their subordinates, will start to succeed in a constantly evolving and uncertain world. 

What humans can offer to the business world that machines cannot, is the ability to relate and actually interact to the people around us, the primary difference between emotional intelligence and artificial intelligence. To be on par with humans, machines will always need to learn how to improve their ability to comprehend and communicate with others as well as their capacity for empathy and compassion. While artificial intelligence will need to be developed, human already possess these abilities, and the human factor will always stay relevant. Given that computational abilities and number crunching may eventually all be fully automated, this may be the only option for us to remain relevant in the workforce. We humans may be able to create an artificial intelligence in the future that can relate to people on an emotional level. Until that time, we must develop and educate ourselves to highly value emotional intelligence and the many skills it possesses, which were previously undervalued as traits in the workforce. 


According to research, emotional intelligence has a significant impact on a person’s managerial ability. Managerial ability is the ability to work with others, influence them in ways that they prefer, and ultimately manage stressful and critical workplace conversations. Most leadership programs include an emotional intelligence session. Emotional intelligence in the workplace is the ability to control one’s emotions and behavioral responses to constant stimuli. Fortunately, it is developable.  

Coaching is a process that assists an individual in changing their way of thinking, feeling, or acting. In fact, they could expect to see a change in the other two if they changed one. Improved emotional intelligence is a common outcome of behavioral coaching interventions. Coaching and increased self-awareness can help to develop emotional intelligence. Strengthscape offers coaching-based programs for emotional intelligence development. Individual contributors and managers are both targeted by the programs.  

Here is a list of outcomes a coaching process can influence in a systematic way:  

  1. Increased awareness – Executive coaches could provide feedback and information to help coaches become more aware of their own goals, problems, and issues. This is accomplished through a methodical process of gaining insights from exercises such as the balance wheel and goal setting
  2. Increased emotional awareness – This refers to how a coachee feels about his or her goals, problems, and dreams. The coached usually experiences a higher level of emotional self-awareness after explicitly discussing and contemplating these issues 
  3. Increases awareness of one’s impact on others – The coachee can assess the impact of their own behavior on others such as friends, family, and colleagues by assessing their own response to goals and problems
  4. Avoid negative emotions – The coachee can also improve their ability to avoid triggers and hot buttons that could send them back into unhealthy emotional states or cause them to revert to old habits
  5. Long-term support – The coachee can also form a support network and seek advice to reinforce and reaffirm new behaviors and perspectives. This necessitates enlisting friends and confidants, as well as systematically building the network through time investment and mutually beneficial long-term relationships
  6. Create and implement rituals – The coachee is then able to design and develop rituals / new behaviors in order to overcome obstacles and progress toward their goals
  7. Immediate feedback – Coaches reinforce new desired behaviors by recognizing and celebrating them. This is extremely beneficial to the coachee because they can see how small steps taken consistently can result in big changes in their lives. They are encouraged to continue the desired new behavior
  8. Reaffirmed commitment – Encouragement and reflection lead to the coachee committing to action. Action is the key to new learning in coaching. Coachee gains self-awareness and increased emotional awareness by understanding how and when to commit to action and how action can lead to problem resolution and achievement of goals

Ultimately, emotional intelligence is derived from one’s own self-awareness skills and the ability to work with self especially in situations that witness an emotional response.  

Emotional Intelligence Training for Employees

Emotional intelligence means understanding and managing your emotions. Embracing the variation of human emotion in the workplace can have logical benefits, such as better collaboration among employees and a happier workplace. It helps improve communication, management, problem-solving, and relationships within the workplace. This skill that can be improved with training and practice. In this article we are going to discuss about emotional intelligence training for employees. 

Emotional Intelligence Training Program in Your Organization –

Providing Emotional Intelligence training to your workforce will yield tremendous benefits and improve the results your business is able to achieve. As modern workplaces are having more interest in creating a learning culture, emotional intelligence has become an increasingly important area of focus for training and development. Studies show that EQ is more important than IQ be it in relationships or work or just everyday life. EQ is about getting along with oneself and also other people. In the workplace, the biggest traits looked for is the ability to adapt and be ambitious.   

Emotional intelligence training for employees will not only be an eye opener to what EQ is all about but also will train the participants how to apply the concepts in daily life and get along with situations that are challenging more easily and results full of happiness. While some people possess EQ as a natural talent, for those that don’t, EQ skills can be learned. People can learn how to communicate more effectively at work and increase their emotional intelligence. To make this possible, an individual needs to be personally motivated to do this.  

Developing Emotional Intelligence Training for Employees

Think of a workplace where employees feel appreciated and cool headed. They know that they are part of a bigger project, working with others to create a space where even the completely opposed people can come together and build harmony. Emotional intelligence training for employees can help in reaching there. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage not only your own emotions but also the emotions of others. This includes three separate skills: 

  • Identifying and naming emotions
  • Applying emotions to problem solving when necessary 
  • Regulating your own emotions and knowing when to help regulate the emotions of others 

These emotional intelligence skills can be helpful in almost every field. Emotionally intelligent employees are better able to meet the needs of the organization than those who do not really understand how to regulate their own emotions or solve problems when emotions run high. Emotional intelligence can help employees identify the real underlying issues when they are working, rather than being carried away by anger or frustration. Emotional intelligence in the workplace is a soft skill that make employees better at their work. 

Developing emotional intelligence training for employees begins at planning and runs all the way through to evaluation of the training itself – 

  • Be Convinced from the Top – Perhaps more than any other type training, you need executive approval from the very beginning. Help everyone understand why emotionally intelligent employees are the best kind. Give them the information on the benefits of emotional intelligence in the workplace, and then plan accordingly for success. 
  • Measure Current Emotional Intelligence – Every good emotional intelligence training for employees starts with an understanding of where everyone is beginning. There are a number of opinions you can use to determine a good start which can give you an overall understanding of your employees’ emotional intelligence skills. Since emotional intelligence can be learned, it’s important to identify a standard so you can measure progress going forward. 

Emotional intelligence training for employees must include the following steps of development: 

  • Self-awareness 
  • Self-management 
  • Social awareness 
  • Relationship management 

These can be trained most effectively through experiences and communication. Simple things like holding discussion groups or giving employees regular time to volunteer can help develop all four domains. Now that you know the benefits of developing your employees’ emotional intelligence, you’re probably thinking how to improve EQ in your workplace, which is where emotional intelligence training for employees becomes a true motivation for change.  

Training Material on Emotional Intelligence  

Emotional Intelligence, also known as Emotional Quotient, is an individual’s ability to understand and manage their own emotions in positive ways to communicate effectively, relieve stress, empathize with others, overcome challenges and manage conflict. It can help employees turn intention into action by building stronger relationships at work and make informed decisions based on what benefits the organizational and personal goals simultaneously.   

Emotional intelligence in the workplace is associated with several advantages for employees and subsequently for the organization. The following have been proved by research studies:  

  1. Employees with high emotional intelligence are better at motivating themselves. In cases where the manager is not skilled at motivating their teams, members like this can continue to work effectively through self-motivation. 
  2. Emotionally intelligent employees can go further up the career paths than other. Employees who are more emotionally intelligent form good social relations and can maintain their composure during critical situations, these qualities are usually key to performance appraisals and promotions.  
  3. Emotional Intelligence has an impact on both the mental and physical wellbeing of employees. Employees with higher emotional intelligence will therefore be able to focus on their roles and responsibilities rather than be tied down by stressors like health issues. 

Training materials on emotional intelligence must cover all the five core components of emotional intelligence as defined by Daniel Goleman. They are self-awareness, self-regulation, intrinsic motivation, empathy and social skills. Following are the details of how each of these components should be integrated into the training:  

1) Self-awareness – Employees must be trained to monitor their own moods, emotions and be mindful of how they affect others. 

2) Self-regulation – Employees, especially those in leadership positions, must know how to manage their mood, emotions and think before engaging in their impulse.  

3) Intrinsic Motivation – Intrinsic motivation is a factor that cannot be trained rather, the training can bring awareness to how influential intrinsic motivation is to the work one performs. 

4) Empathy – They must be trained on recognizing and understanding others’ motivations. This will lead to effective teamwork and good management of teams.  

5) Social skills – The training should emphasize on the importance of managing relationships and building networks and how emotional intelligence ties into these areas.  

To improve emotional intelligence of teams, the following steps can be followed:  

1) Choose a leader that will take ownership of the improvement process. 

2) Assess the emotional intelligence of members and identify the strengths and weaknesses.  

3) Build team norms that require members to utilize their emotional intelligence and thus improve it continually. 

4) Facilitate the team to brainstorm creative ways to manage stress at the workplace.  

Emotional intelligence is ranked sixth in the top ten skills required to thrive in the workplace in the future, hence, investing in good quality training materials on emotional intelligence is important. Emotional Intelligence training will enable professionals to form stronger social networks in the workplace and thereby perform more cohesively and effectively, which will lead to improved productivity, innovation and increased profits for the organization.  

It is important to understand what emotional intelligence is before training your employees. Emotional intelligence training is about improving how your employees comprehend and impact their own emotions, and the emotions of their fellow workers. A well- informed emotional intelligence training program will target all four components, helping expand your employees’ ability of their self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. 

  • Self-Awareness – The first step in improving your employees’ emotional intelligence is to develop their self-awareness by helping them understand their own feelings and preferences. Teaching self-awareness to your employees means helping them know when to evaluate their thoughts and what emotions they’re associated with. This will not only improve their emotional intelligence, it will empower them to help others do the same, and will lead to collaboration and growth. Emotional intelligence training for employees becomes easier to understand and develop when broken down into smaller elements. This requires observation, active listening, and perhaps most importantly, empathy. Empathy connects self-awareness to relationship management, and it’s the factor that most impacts social awareness. Empathy is the extent to which an individual understands how a different person might decipher an event
  • Social Awareness – Employees having strong social awareness behave positively in most settings, because they understand how their behavior has an impact on their coworkers. Emotional intelligence training on social awareness will increase the performance of the team and help employees work more effectively together and also increase team performance
  • Self-Management – Self-management is how employees manage their own emotions and reactions. As with many things in life, emotions have better outcomes when expressed in a balanced way. Negative emotions can have a long-term impact on our own well-being and our relationships with others. It is unreasonable to expect employees to work well with each other if they frequently do a poor job of communicating their own thoughts and feelings. Self-management skills help employees to deal with intense or confusing circumstances without worsening the situation

Employees with strong self-management skills are able to craft more effective responses. This is why self-management is so important for building relationships. Teaching employees about self-management takes planned and skillful EQ training, but it is possible.  

  • Relationship Management – The last step is using emotional intelligence to build healthy relationships with people. Employees can use self-awareness, self-management and social awareness to successfully manage their connections with others. Finding out how others want to be treated is the secret to better relationship management, and  emotional intelligence training can help in developing that skill. Developing emotional intelligence skills include: 
    • Teaching meditation for self-management
    • Encouraging and developing better listening skills for social awareness and relationship management 
    • Developing team-building activities that consider empathy and promote better understanding of others
    • Developing a shared work culture that is varied, inclusive, and encouraging
    • Improving your workplace to create space for collaboration and a more comfortable environment 
    • Helping employees understand and execute their best work style

Emotional intelligence trainings for employees can also include online records or micro learning elements that include questions to think about or reminders to reflect on what is happening right at that moment. Even an advice that tells employees to do a quick review of their emotional landscape and their thoughts can improve emotional intelligence skills. A wide range of TED talks on emotional intelligence can also add to your training. 

The success of your emotional intelligence training for employees can be evaluated by testing at regular intervals after employees have taken the training. In many cases, though, the success of your training will be easily noticed right as you walk through the office. Emotional intelligence varies among people. EQ determines how well a person understands their emotions and of others. Low emotional intelligence causes difficulties in communicating and cause miscalculated perceptions about how a coworker is feeling. People with high emotional intelligence usually have stronger relationships because they recognize and assess emotions, to make interaction more informed and effective. 


Emotional intelligence (EI) is an individual’s ability to be aware of, manage, express one’s emotions appropriately, and handle interpersonal relationships respectfully and empathetically. Emotional intelligence is not only a concept emphasized in psychology, but in business as well. Obviously, if employees feel well emotionally, they will be more productive and committed to their work. Thus, in this article we are going to discuss about emotional intelligence activities at workplace.  

Emotional Intelligence Activities for Employees at Workplace

Mastering EI skill  requires training and practice and is necessary to live fuller and healthier lives. Emotional intelligence activities at workplace attempt to analyze key personal emotional competencies as well emotional intelligence relationship skills for both personal and professional success. Such activities tend to stimulate various cognitive and affective processes that help an individual better understand and regulate one’s own emotions, and establish and manage relationships effectively with empathy. Some emotional intelligence activities for employees at workplace are – 

  • Mindfulness meditation – The aim of mindfulness meditation to help an individual be aware of one’s thoughts and bodily sensations in a way that helps an individual cope better with various emotional challenges. Mindfulness meditation is bringing one’s attention to events occurring in the present moment, deliberately and nonjudgmentally. Its purpose is to develop skills of paying attention to ourselves and the world. When mindfulness meditation is practiced formally, the breath is usually used as an anchor for the attention that helps focus our thoughts and emotions
  • Journaling – Making a list of our daily life experiences and the emotional impact they have on us help us become aware of our thought and emotional patterns and gain new insight into our problems. Writing down thoughts and emotions help us objectify them, compare, analyze and redirect them. Looking back at the journal an individual can gain a clear understanding of one’s emotions and how they can be managed for better results
  • Socialize – Take part in social activities and gatherings and interact with new people. Socializing with people is a great activity to develop effective social skills, a key component of emotional intelligence. Taking part in social activities help form fulfilling interpersonal relationships. It helps understand oneself in relation to others and manage relationships effectively, with empathy
  • Practice empathy – Empathy is about placing oneself in someone else’s position and then try to feel what they’re feeling. It is about understanding the emotional state of another. An important activity for improving empathy is to listen actively and communicate effectively. Think before you speak and listen to what the other person has to say. Consider their perspective and communicate in a clear and effective manner
  • Motivate yourself – Listing personal goals can provide long-term direction and short-term motivation, in short, a reason to look forward to something. Think about where you want to be in some years and set targets for yourself. Based on your strengths, make your goals relevant to you and ultimately, make them interesting and achievable. This task alone is enough to get an individual instantly motivated which helps focus our attention and our actions. We become more careful of our choices and make decisions that are life-oriented

Emotional intelligence is the capability of an individual to clearly recognize one’s own emotions and those of others, differentiate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and use this emotional information as a guide to cognition and behavior. Activities for developing emotional intelligence aim to stimulate affective processes and advance emotional abilities and competencies. Therefore, engaging in emotional intelligence exercises is a means to better understand oneself and use that understanding to interact with others in a positive way. 

The ability to reason about one’s emotions and about emotions in general to improve thinking and problem-solving is known as emotional intelligence. It entails the capacities to accurately perceive one’s own emotions as well as those of others, to access and generate emotions appropriate to a given situation, to understand one’s own emotions as well as those of others and acquire emotional knowledge, and to reflectively manage and control emotions in order to support intellectual, spiritual, and emotional development. Given the numerous advantages it provides for both people and the firm as a whole, the idea of emotional intelligence is currently being adopted by the business sector. It currently makes up a sizable portion of training sessions designed to increase staff effectiveness and productivity. Consequently, we will talk about emotional intelligence workshops in this article.  

The Components of a Good Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Workshops on emotional intelligence (EI) are an effective technique to enhance parental, dual, and interpersonal capacities as well as our ability to deal with adversity and change. A ground-breaking technique that enables us to recognize and develop our emotional abilities and competencies is emotional intelligence training. These seminars are based on a brand-new, ground-breaking understanding of human nature. It provides a quick and effective method for helping us recognize our abilities and comprehend our feelings. Workshops on emotional intelligence include the supposition that we are able to control our emotions and behavior. 

In the current business environment, emotional intelligence is now shown to be quite helpful in improving employee performance. EI is advantageous for managers as well as employees since they have the most influence over their staff members. Soft skills are crucial to the success of anyone wishing to advance in an organization’s leadership hierarchy. One of the things that has the greatest career impact on employees is attending emotional intelligence training. But in order to be effective, an emotional intelligence workshop needs to incorporate a number of components that benefit and have an impact on the participants. A good emotional intelligence workshop should include the following topics:  

  • It teaches staff how to lead and perform under pressure
  • meets the fundamental difficulties that every worker experiences, including work pressure, job unhappiness, and communication problems
  • teaches managers how to implement change successfully, resolve tense situations and disputes, foster teamwork and communication, and establish reliable connections
  • raises awareness of and understanding of circumstances that expose an employee to the possibility that emotions will cloud their judgement, causing them to act incompetently and make poor decisions
  • helps workers develop “more curiosity and less certainty” and the ability to postpone erroneous judgement in order to engage and persuade othersre
  • gardless of their position within the firm, helps each individual develop their emotional competencies
  • enhances self-awareness, self-evaluation, and self-control for improved teamwork, communication, and productivity
  • focuses on particular methods to exercise and develop a variety of emotional skills, including motivation, self-awareness, empathy, and interpersonal abilities
  • adopts tried-and-true methods and approaches that are tailored to each individual worker during the course of the day

Therefore, individuals, leaders, and teams need to receive training in the methods and tools necessary to show up in the appropriate way every day, to lead, and to drive results in order to meet the problems and barriers that any business encounters. Emotional intelligence workshops instruct participants on the fundamental concepts and science of emotional intelligence to operate productively and advance overall development and productivity, whether they are formal managers, desire to improve their own performance, or both. Given the role empathy and social skills play in better relationships and how crucial it is to manage and regulate our impulsive emotional responses to deal effectively with work pressures and achieve professional success, emotional intelligence workshops have kind of become necessary in the modern workplace. Workshops on emotional intelligence are thus the ideal technique to improve our emotional competences in order to obtain desirable and satisfying results at work. 

Emotional intelligence is being aware of, controlling, and expressing one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships accurately and affectionately. It is the ability to manage and monitor one’s own as well as other’s emotions, to differentiate between them, and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions. In the modern business world, employers are embracing the importance of happy staff members on a wide scale. Previously we have discussed some examples of emotional intelligence at workplace. Let’s take a closer look at some more. 

When dealing with various situations at work you need a diplomatic outlook. Day to day tasks can involve an international scale with varying clients and customers. So, you need to express yourself clearly and effectively. For those within each company, it’s an incredible asset to be able to understand those around you. From following up a colleague on some outstanding work, to dealing with a dissatisfied customer; the approach you take in such situations determines a lot about who a person is as a working professional. That is why emotional intelligence is viewed as an essential skill in modern business life. It’s something we all need to think about in all our dealings. 

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace –

Some great examples of emotional intelligence at workplace are – 

  • Self- awareness - Those who are emotionally intelligent are aware of their feelings and emotions
  • To Accept Defeat Gracefully – A highly emotionally intelligent person is sure to let go and accept the situation as it is happily
  • Empathy – People with high EQ are comfortable in imagining themselves in someone else’s situation They spend time to understand other people’s perspectives. They are aware of the difference between sympathy and empathy
  • Accept and Not Argue When There’s No Hope – They understand that it’s better to lose an argument when there is hardly any hope
  • Action Instead of Reaction – They usually are very positive and grateful people and take responsibility for their actions. They neither blame nor claim
  • Patience – More than waiting for things, it’s more important how one waits. High EQ people are usually calm and composed in this situation
  • Self-Control - They are good at managing their emotions. They know that human emotions are very strong and cannot be ignored and thus, they handle it quickly. They are capable of dealing with sarcasm merrily and are a joy to be around

We have mentioned a few examples of emotional intelligent at workplace above, but let’s take a closer look at some more.  

  • It’s natural for some people to be more in tune with their emotions, but it’s still something everyone can develop over time
  • Listening to colleagues in meetings and not interrupting anyone and always providing constructive feedback
  • Understanding upset staff members and showing them some compassion to support them through their bad days, as we all have them at some time or the other
  • Encourage an open office atmosphere where staff can express themselves without fear of criticism. Have a ready and waiting support system to encourage employees
  • Start flexible working initiatives that promote a better work-life balance
  • Have regular stress relief activities, which can include fun days out for your team, or encouraging staff to get on with each other. Don’t think they’re wasting time if they’re chatting by the water cooler, it’s good your employees get on

These are all industry-leading examples of emotional intelligence at workplace. As a result, your employees will be happier, healthier, motivated, more productive and better at teamwork. To succeed, both relationships and business demand high emotional intelligence which is neither positive nor negative but it can enable interpersonal behaviors for achieving goals. 

There is much to be done to make workplaces more emotionally intelligent which means having more emotionally intelligent people in your organization. Businesses depend on the employees who work for them to be highly engaged, to be able to adapt quickly to internal and external changes, and to show fresh thinking and come up with new ideas.  

Mentioned below are a few examples of emotional intelligence in the workplace. 

  • Most Employees Have Bad Moods, Get Upset, Quarrel and Have Bad Days – The way you deal with this says a lot about your emotional intelligence. Understanding and sympathy is a sign of emotional intelligence in practice. Being aware and dealing with other people’s emotional states shows an understanding that each one of us experience strong emotions. But, if negative emotions become a regular pattern of behavior for some employees, they may need more help and counselling 
  • People Listen To Each Other In A Meeting – In a meeting it seems like everyone is arguing, trying to get heard. This shows lack of emotional intelligence. When people are allowed to speak, and others listen, without constant breaks, it’s a good example of emotional intelligence in the workplace. It shows a mutual respect between parties and is more likely to lead to a productive conclusion in a meeting
  • People Convey Themselves Openly – A place where people feel confident in making themselves heard, exchanging views, and expressing their emotions is another example of emotional intelligence in the workplace. On the other hand, when emotions, thoughts, and opinions remain curbed, it can outburst anytime. Emotionally intelligent people do not get upset when their opinions don’t match with others; they expect variation and enjoy it. They are comfortable with people who express the way they feel
  • Most Change Measures Work – Change is inevitable. The way it is managed and responded to, will speak much about the leadership and their relationships with employees. Where change is constantly battled, it may show poor management of the initiatives, with a lack of understanding of their impact on people. If new initiatives are regularly introduced favorably, it’s a good sign that emotional intelligence has gone into the planning, introduction, and reply to the changes 
  • Flexibility – Flexibility is especially important in organizations today. Building flexibility can help retain the best talent. Emotionally intelligent leaders understand the changing demands of others and are prepared to work with them rather than trying to impose restricting on how people go about their work. They don’t expect everyone to work the hours that they do, hold the same preferences or live by exactly the same virtues
  • Freedom to Be Creative – Depending on the nature of your organization, a high value may or may not be placed on creativity, but creative people will always consider it important. If you have a good match of creative people and an innovative organization, employees are allowed the time, space, and freedom to be creative
  • People Meet Out of Work Time – The social urge in people is also a strong one. Being social doesn’t always mean meeting after-work for drinks. Even if colleagues are eating together, or coming to work together, these are all signs of social behavior. It’s usually followed by people enjoying each other’s company, which helps to lower stress. People forming close bonds like this should be encouraged as another important example of emotional intelligence in the workplace

The above are just a few examples; the list goes on and on, of course. Adopting the nuance of human emotions in the workplace can have logical benefits, such as better connections among employees and a happier workplace. 

Daniel Goleman, who has authored some of the most popular work on emotional intelligence, suggests that emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage emotions – one’s own, and those of others. Emotional intelligence in the workplace can be defined as the ability to recognize one’s own emotions, to regulate them in the right direction and to communicate effectively with others, so as to establish and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. When we think of emotional intelligence in these terms, and consider the factors that determine the success of an organization, we begin to understand the important role that emotional intelligence (EQ) plays in success. Thus, in this article we are going to discuss about emotional intelligence for success at work.  

Emotional Intelligence as the Key to Success

Being aware of our own emotions can contribute to improved self-confidence, as any experienced employee shall be and confidence is the key to success. The ability to regulate our own emotions helps improve perceptions of our trustworthiness and integrity, both incredibly important factors that determine the success of an organization. Understanding our own emotions and those of others helps us display more empathy, helping us to ask wiser questions, suggest better solutions, and handle objections more effectively. All these are indicative of the role of emotional intelligence for success at work. 

Emotional intelligence is comprised of five main components: self-awareness, self-regulation, interpersonal skills, empathy and motivation. Emotional intelligence in the workplace as a whole can be defined as the ability to know oneself and perceive one’s emotions, express oneself assertively and independently, have mutually satisfying and healthy relationships with others, make decisions that serve a purpose or hold meaning, and manage daily stress well while facing the future with optimism. Thus, an emotionally intelligent person is someone who both lives, and works well. 

The task of a leader within an organization is to make it his goal to evolve the company’s emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent teams are healthier, better at communication and more productive. They work toward goals with enthusiasm, hard work and focus, and have stronger relationships among teammates. Therefore, through emotional intelligence, a company succeeds and employee retention soars. 

The role of emotional intelligence for success at work may be indicated by the following – 

  • High turnover rate 
  • Less stress-induced sickness prevalent in the workplace
  • Culture of solving crisis through effective communication and not silence or ignorance
  • Mistakes are not severely punished, rather the perspective of the other person is understood
  • Select few employees are not preferred, rather all are given equal opportunities to display their strengths and abilities
  • Personal and professional development is taken seriously
  • Workplace is totally inclusive of employees from diverse backgrounds

Improving Emotional Intelligence for Success at Work

There are many ways in which employees can improve the five crucial skills of emotional intelligence that include self-awareness, self-regulation, internal motivation, social skills, and empathy. Some of these strategies are –  

  • Keep track of all the emotions you’re feeling throughout the day. Notice, how do they impact the way you respond to others. Label and recognize each emotion
  • Take time to think before making any impulsive, work-related decisions. Often, emotions interfere with our ability to consider all alternatives, so keep calm and give yourself some time to think before you react
  • Develop active listening and communication skills. This involves asking questions, paying attention, and providing feedback of the conversation to the other person
  • Always view situations from the perspective of others. It is an excellent first step toward finding a common ground between two opposing viewpoints
  • Maintain a positive attitude. Focus on what you want and build motivation so as to achieve the desired results

Emotional intelligence is something that has immense benefits for an organization. Emotional intelligence for success at work not only includes managing one’s own emotions, but also the emotions of others. Our own emotional wellbeing not only has benefits for us, but also for the work that we do and the relationships that we build. 

Relevance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Emotional Intelligence in the workplace is the strongest driver of leadership skills and personal excellence. As a leader one is responsible for generating trust andbuilding authentic relationshipswith their teams. Becoming more emotionally conscious allows us to gain a deeper insight of what we stand for, enabling us to communicate better with others and build stronger relationships in life.  

What emotional intelligence and leadership stands for: –

When a leader is emotionally intelligent, he/she can use their emotions to drive the organization into the right path. If leaders are aware of the possible emotional reactions of people to changes, they are able to plan better. Personal vendettas among leaders and employees are one most common obstacle to work efficiency hence all workplaces need leaders who do not take things personally and are able to lead ahead with plans. 

Leaders who are low in emotional intelligence tend to always wind up in stressful situations like an emotional outburst on a peer or offending someone verbally. This often has disastrous effects on team productivity because the employees stay too distracted by fear to focus on work as well as bond with others. 

To help understand the dynamics of emotional intelligence and leadership, leaders must know where they stand in the below elements: –  

  • Self-reflection – This is defined as having the ability to recognize one’s own emotions and values, strengths and weaknesses and their impact on others. Without self-reflection, we truly do not understand who we are, why we make certain decisions and what our goals in life are. In order to reach our maximum potential, we must be confident in who we are accepting the good with the bad. This helps us to pause, reflect and improve every step of the way
  • Self-regulation – This involves controlling and redirecting our emotions and adapting to the changing circumstances in order to keep the team leading in a positive direction. Leaders are always expected to keep their calm and not panic because that is the only way to communicate clearly with the team and resolve issues
  • Showing empathy – Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s situation and be able to understand how they feel or react to a certain situation. When one has empathy, the capacity to feel compassion is immense. The emotion that we feel in response to the other person suffering is what motivates us to reach out and help. The more our emotional intelligence and leadership skills developed, the better we will become at understanding the grievances of people
  • Relationship Management – To be able to manage work relationships is a skill one can learn with time by not being distracted and listening observantly to the other person. One must have the ability to communicate effectively and managing relationships properly in order to lead the team of people towards the desired goal
  • Effective Communication – Misunderstandings and lack of communication are usually the basis of any problems between most people at work. Failing to communicate effectively in a workplace leads to frustration and bitterness among employees. Effective communication can eliminate many obstacles and encourage stronger workplace relationships. Good communication always results in alliance and a shared sense of purpose

In the modern-day organizations leaders can be strongly marked out by their level of emotional competence and the skills of being resonant and resilient with great style of leadership. This proves that emotional intelligence and leadership skills are very important justifying attributes to being a great leader.    

Business emotional intelligence is a very powerful yet critical tool for exceeding our own goals and expectations, improving work relationships and creating a healthy, productive workplace environment. When employees know their role within a company and have that sense of belonging, they understand how they could benefit in their career from the overall direction and vision of their leader and feel a sense of accomplishment.  

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Emotional intelligence really fuels our performance both at work and in our personal life. It helps us to achieve success in life by building up confidence and self-control, understanding various emotions and having control of our actions. One can develop emotional intelligence but it takes persistent focus and practice to keep control over our emotions. 

The importance of Emotional Intelligence for leaders: –

Emotional intelligence and leadership go hand in hand as it is the hallmark of effective leadership skills. Intelligent leaders are able to understand and appropriately react to emotions of others addressing underlying meaningful components which helps in building sustainable relationships with all the people working with you. Without emotional intelligence, a leader is severely handicapped in his/her ability to perceive and react to the emotional needs of other employees. Leaders are known to set the tone for their organization.   

Having emotional intelligence is vital for the success of leaders. However, a leader who lacks emotional intelligence can be emotionally unaware of his surroundings and may deal with a lot of conflicts with people. Most leaders can deal with conflicts but those who are not emotionally sound may find it difficult to address and later resolve the conflict. Leaders who act upon their emotions without filtering them can create mistrust amongst their peers and jeopardize their work relationships. Good leaders are always self-aware and understand how both their verbal and non-verbal gestures can affect them and their team.  

Those possessing a high level of emotional intelligence and leadership skills have a connection with their own emotions, as well as the ability to relate to the emotions of others. Leaders with high emotional intelligence create more well-knit and motivated working teams. Emotional intelligence and leadership management is necessary for all managers and executives, which often leads to better business outcomes, happier and more productive employees. 

Emotionally intelligent leaders are known to foster safer environments for the employees to feel comfortable in taking risks and raising their opinions. In such an environment, work productivity is always very high. Not being emotionally intelligent hinders joint collaboration within any organization.  

Good examples of EI and leadership skills that a leader should possess are: –

  • Self-awareness and the ability to observe body language and other non-verbal gestures which help in building sustainable relationships at work
  • The ability to lend your ears to the other person so that the other person feels comfortable in your presence might help us in assessing the tone of voice and other cues
  • The ability to control and handle work frustration and other emotions
  • Recognizing and taking responsibility for own actions and words and understanding their impact on peers
  • Understanding the underlying emotion of any communication and taking that communication to its stated needs so as to satisfy yourself as well as the other person

Applying emotional intelligence and leadership together is quite natural. As managers and leaders are responsible for overseeing the employees, developing their skills and maximizing their performance, emotions play a crucial role. Emotional intelligence covers several skills that businesses and teams need to effectively function. All the great leaders know there is a lot power in their emotions so they learn to understand and manage them, and also teach others who choose to follow their lead. 

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is becoming an increasingly important component of human success in the increasingly digital future of work. Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor and regulate one’s own and other people’s emotions, to distinguish clearly between different emotions, label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. Emotional intelligence is a concept that is gaining traction in the workplace, owing to the increased emphasis on employee well-being and its direct effects on performance and productivity. As a result, in this article, we will discuss emotional intelligence training for managers.  

Emotional Intelligence at Work

With the rise of globalization, emotional intelligence is more important than ever, because teams are now cross-cultural and global, increasing the complexity of emotional interactions and how they are expressed. In essence, emotional intelligence in the workplace is important for understanding, expressing, and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining good relationships, and problem solving under pressure. Emotional intelligence is important at work because it improves not only performance but also the overall productivity of the organization. According to Daniel Goleman’s model, those with higher EQ have a greater ability to self-regulate and higher levels of motivation, which can reduce procrastination and lead to increased self-confidence.  

Emotional intelligence training for managers at work primarily focuses on improving an individual’s five primary abilities. These are as follows:    

  • Sense of self – Self-awareness is defined as the ability to recognize and comprehend one’s own moods, emotions, and drives, as well as their impact on others. It refers to a person’s ability to clearly identify and define each emotion as well as be fully aware of one’s emotional state. The first step in emotional intelligence training is to increase emotional awareness
  • Self-control – Personal accountability is at the heart of self-regulation. Leaders who can effectively manage their emotions rarely verbally attack others, make rash or emotional decisions, stereotype people, or compromise their values. The goal of self-regulation is to establish and maintain control. It is about directing one’s emotions in the right direction in order to achieve desired outcomes
  • Motivation – Leaders who are self-motivated work consistently toward their goals and have extremely high standards for the quality of their work. Managers’ emotional intelligence training must include motivational techniques. A manager’s motivation is what drives him to take action and achieve organizational goals. Only by being motivated himself can a leader motivate his employees to work hard
  • Empathy – Empathy is critical for leaders who want to lead a successful team or organization. Leaders with empathy can put themselves in the shoes of others, which allows them to truly understand their situation. They assist employees in developing empathy on their team, challenging those who are acting unfairly, providing constructive feedback to employees in order to improve their performance, and listening to those who require it. All of this is only possible if empathy is included in emotional intelligence training
  • Social abilities – Managers who excel in the social skills domain of emotional intelligence are excellent communicators. Managers with strong social skills excel at adapting to changing environments and resolving conflicts diplomatically

Many people believe that great leaders are born, not made. Most of us believe that a leader should have passion, vision, fearlessness, infallibility, and so on. Aside from these qualities, a good leader must have a strong sense of self, which can only be achieved when he is in complete control of his emotions. Thus, EI plays an important role in emotional intelligence training for managers. 

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is a set of skills for recognizing, understanding, and controlling emotions in yourself and others. In this article, we’ll look at how to develop EI at workplace. Emotional intelligence is an important application in the workplace. While contributing to greater happiness and satisfaction in employees, higher emotional intelligence also contributes to better job performance. 

Developing your emotional intelligence can improve emotional stability, the quality of being honest, cognitive ability and many other experiences at work. As you get better at understanding and managing emotional responses, you can learn to use all of your emotions even the negative ones to incite your productivity.  

Improving Emotional Intelligence –

Developing EI at workplace is essential for your professional success. Below are some ways to increase your EQ: 

  • Utilize an Assertive Style of Communicating – Assertive communication contributes greatly toward earning respect. Emotionally intelligent people know how to communicate their views and needs in a direct way while still respecting others
  • Respond Instead of Reacting to Conflict – During conflict, feelings of anger and emotional outbursts are common. A person with high EI knows how to stay calm during stressful situations. They don’t make rash decisions that can lead to even bigger problems. They understand that in times of conflict their goal is a settlement and they act and speak accordingly
  • Utilize Active Listening Skills – In conversations, emotionally intelligent people think before they speak. They make sure they understand what is being said before replying. They also pay attention to gestures. This avoids misunderstandings, allows the listener to shows respect and respond properly to the person they are interacting with
  • Be Motivated – Emotionally intelligent people are self-motivated and their approach motivates others. They set goals and are strong in the face of challenges
  • Practice Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude – A negative attitude infects others easily. Emotionally intelligent people have an awareness of the moods of those around them and shield their attitude accordingly. They know what they need to do in order to have a good day and an optimistic outlook
  • Practice Self- Awareness – Emotionally intelligent people are self-aware and perceptive. They also gather others’ emotions and body language and use that information to improve their communication skills
  • Take Criticism Well – An important part of developing emotional intelligence at workplace is to be able to take criticism. People with high EQ understand know where the criticism is coming from, how it is affecting their performance and how they can constructively settle any issues without feeling offended
  • Empathize With Others – Emotionally intelligent people know how to show empathy. They understand that empathy is a characteristic that shows emotional strength, not weakness. Empathy helps them to relate to others and open the door for mutual respect and understanding between people with dissimilar opinions and situations
  • Utilizing Leadership Skills – People with high EQ have admirable leadership skills. They have high standards for themselves and set an example for others to follow. They take action and have great decision making and problem-solving skills. This leads to a higher and more productive level of performance in life and at work
  • Be Approachable and Sociable – Emotionally intelligent people seem approachable. They smile and give a positive presence. They use appropriate social skills based on their relationship with the person around. They know how to communicate clearly since they have great interpersonal skills

When you’re planning to develop emotional intelligence in the workplace, choose just one element of EQ and identify some actions you could take straight away to improve your skills in that area. As your skills increase, the excitement of results will want you to learn more. Your emotional intelligence will only develop with each new step you take. 

Boost your emotional intelligence 

Happiness and success in life not only comes with intellectual ability but also comes with emotional ability. Emotional ability or emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to understand and manage emotions of self and others in a way that it relieves stress, communicate efficiently and effectively, being empathetic of others, overcome challenges and reduce conflicts. Emotional intelligence helps in building strong relationships, bringing success at college or work and achieving both personal and professional goals.  

Emotional intelligence impacts the following areas:  

  • It helps in navigating through social complexities at work, leading and managing others, motivating them and therefore excelling at one’s job 
  • It keeps you physically fit as being emotionally intelligent means handling stress effectively 
  • It keeps you mentally fit as being able to manage emotions and stress effectively reduces the chances of anxiety and depression. If someone is unable to understand, get comfortable with and/or manage emotions, it is likely impossible for them to form strong relations which in turn can leave them feel isolated and further build on any mental health problem  
  • With clear understanding of self and others emotions, an emotionally intelligent person is great at building and maintaining relations. This not only helps in personal relations but also in professional relations  
  • Having synced with your emotions is good for social purpose as you’ll be able to connect with others effectively and efficiently. It enables a person to differentiate between a friend and a foe, measure other person’s interests in oneself, reduce stress, etc.  

Learning the art of being emotionally intelligent is easy. However, one must be aware that there is a difference between learning a concept and applying the concept. Many a times, people under stress overrides their best intentions even after being aware that it is wrong. Following are skills to learn in order to improve your emotional intelligence:  

  • Self Management – In other to improve your emotional intelligence, you must know ways to use your emotions to make constructive decisions about your behaviors. When someone is under stress, it is easy for them to lose control of their emotions and act negatively. With the ability to managing stress and being emotionally present, one can control their behaviors and learn to take upsetting information 
  • Self Awareness – Second skill to learn is the ability to manage your core feelings like sadness, anger, fear, joy, etc. Managing emotions does not mean turning them down instead, it means to reconnect with them, accept them and become comfortable with them. One can achieve this by practicing mindfulness 
  • Social Awareness – This skill enables you to recognize and learn mainly nonverbal cues that others constantly use while communicating. These cue helps in understanding how others feels, what is their emotional state and what’s truly important to them. This can be built by active listening after all you cannot recognize the nonverbal cues when you are zoned out, thinking of other things in you had 
  • Relationship Management – Working with others is an art to learn as everyone comes with different background and hence it becomes important to be emotionally aware and understand what others are experiencing. Once you are aware of that, you can develop relationships with others easily which are fruitful and fulfilling

Hence being emotionally intelligent is the key to lead a successful yet fulfilling personal and professional life.  


In the past, have we not encountered people who are academically gifted, but who are unable to socialize or connect with their colleagues? Most certainly. Their high intelligence may enable them to excel in certain analytical roles. However, they may still not be able to compete with someone who may not have intellectual skills and knowledge but possesses the ability to communicate and socialize effectively with others.  

An example of this kind of intelligence, which is more recently recognized, is what some refer to as emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman, the author of some of the most popular works on this subject, suggests that emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage our emotions as well as those of others. The concept of emotional intelligence has recently gained prominence in business. In this article, we will discuss the importance of emotional intelligence for professional success. 

Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Success 

A person with emotional intelligence can identify and manage their own emotions as well as identify and influence those of others. The concept of leadership is becoming increasingly prevalent in discussions about business, although it is usually associated with leadership and teamwork.  

Emotional intelligence, however, is equally important to the success of an organization. Employees who possess emotional intelligence understand the importance of their work and are dedicated to it. As a result, both employees and the organization as a whole experience productive outcomes.  

An individual with emotional intelligence can identify and labelling their own emotions, as well as being self-aware. The ability to regulate one’s emotions so as to avoid impulsive reactions. Additionally, it involves having empathy for others, to understand their situation. As well, emotional intelligence involves the ability to effectively communicate with others to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships.  

Some people are born with a high level of emotional intelligence. However, this does not imply that others cannot develop it. Building our emotional intelligence only requires practice and some simple strategies. These in turn not only benefit our wellbeing but also contribute to or work performance and productivity. 

Strategies to Improve EI at Work

Make sure you schedule downtime and don’t wait for society to reward you. They gain an understanding of what and why behind the actions they take or don’t take. Consequently, they can apply this insight to future interactions. 

  • A willingness to ask questions and challenge an individual’s assumptions 
  • Empathy for the customer is essential to understanding their interests and needs
  • Independence to promote self-starting behaviors
  • Ensure control is proactive rather than reactive
  • The ability to adapt and cope with stressful situations
  • The ability to remain hopeful despite adversity

Some of the other areas of developing emotional intelligence that could include self-improvement, self-awareness, emotional expression, relationship building, problem solving, and stress management. Even though emotional intelligence development is in its very beginning stages for most organizational departments, emotional intelligence for success at work is slowly becoming a very popular concept nowadays and integrating it into the workplace is yielding outstanding results.

Every day, we make emotional decisions. We may create a Plan A, that is perceived as superior to plan B, however, at the end of it, we make decisions based on our feelings rather than on rational reasoning. The more we understand the sources of these emotions, especially when working in a group, the more connected we become. In essence, emotional intelligence at workplace comes down to understanding, being aware, expressing, and regulating emotions, building relationships, and solving problems successfully under pressure.