Humour A Key to Success at Work

Humour A Key to Success at Work

A good sense of humor is a leadership trait of getting along with people and getting things done. Good humour a key to success at work, but there is a possibility that your colleagues aren’t cracking jokes or giving information with wit on a regular basis, and so your workplace needs to have a little more fun. Humor, by its nature, tends to have a borderline so people usually tone it down at work, it’s hard to do well and easy to do badly. We all are in a habit of taking ourselves way too seriously.

The amount or type of humor found in a workplace depends almost entirely on the culture. In workplaces that encourage people to be their own self, that are less organized and more innovative, people tend to be more open with their humor. Even people who aren’t usually comfortable sharing their humor, are likely to do so in more relaxed environments where the use of humor becomes an acquired attitude with everyone’s nature.


  • Appears serious.
  • Does not want to use a good sense of humor at the workplace.
  • May have issues in being humorous.
  • Thinks humor is not meant for the workplace.
  • Is usually too serious and want to avoid looking or sounding foolish.
  • May lack a friendly or humorous way of doing something.
  • May use sarcastic or unpleasant humor.
  • May use humor inappropriately.


  • Has a positive and effective sense of humor.
  • Can laugh at himself and with others.
  • Is funny and can use humor to remove tension.

Overused Skill

  • May hinder group process with too much or inappropriate humor.
  • May use humor to stop or divert real issues and problems.
  • May use humor to criticize others and cover an attack.
  • May use humor to deliver sarcasm or pessimism.
  • May be immature or lacking in seriousness.
  • His/her humor may be misunderstood.

Some Causes

  • Can’t tell a joke.
  • Are of the view that humor will not work in business.
  • Avoid looking or sounding foolish.
  • Are too serious.
  • Avoid risk.

The Map

Humor is an essential aspect of life and work. If appropriately used and delivered, it can be a constructive influence on those around you. It can boost a feeling of wellbeing and belonging, it can relieve you out of tension, and also it can balance a negative situation for everyone.

Some Remedies

Where To Find Humor

There are several topics that can be humorous. There are funny about your life. Presence of funny kids, hobbies. There are funny things in the workplace, too, which provide relief from our problems. Then there is news that have a humorous tale, and sometimes the news is funny enough as it is. There are cartoons that most find humorous in the work setting. There are funny jokes that most find humorous. A good sense of humor that unites people rather than form groups is always safe. Look for and remember the humor around you. Then pass on your observation to a few safe people to test your judgment of humor.

Where Not To Find Humor

Today, we live in a very sensitive world. Many people are displeased by political or cultural humor. Most gender and race humor is not acceptable. Humor that ridicules entire groups (women) or cultures in not effective. Any humor that makes fun of others, makes others feel bad or low, or is at the expense of others is objectionable.


Self-humor is usually secure, seen as positive by others, and most of the time leads to increased regard. Funny and awkward things that happened to you, your flaws and defects. Mistakes you’ve made. Blunders you’ve done. Besides adding humour a key to success at work to the situation, it refines you and attracts people to you. It can be overdone, so you need to balance it with seriousness.

Negative Humor

Some people use humor to give negative messages. Their humor is sarcastic. It should not be used to deliver a critical point to a person or a group. Negative humor hurts more than direct statements. Say straightaway what you mean.

Avoidance Humor

Some people take uneasy things casually. It’s a very common human defense technique. There is a difference between using unrelated humor for tension relief and using direct humor to take person or the issue casually.

Being Humorous

There are some basic humor strategies. Use exaggeration and reversal wherever necessary. Be brief and cut down unnecessary words. A good sense of humor compresses the essential elements of a situation, just as good writing does. Lookout for the ridiculous around you. Note down funny things that happen around you so you can remember them.

Letting Others Be Humorous

Sometimes people who are very serious suppress humor in others. Even if you’re not willing to be more humorous or funny, at least let others be. That will indeed help you be more tolerant of humor than you were before. Eventually, you may even be motivated to join in.

Benefits Of Humor At Work

Humor at workplace doesn’t mean that you must be a comedian, but proper humor that is clever and appropriate to a business situation always enhances an employee’s career. Below mentioned are some reasons why humour a key to success at work –

People Will Enjoy Working With You

People enjoy working with people they like. You spend many hours at work, so you don’t want it to be depressing. Carefully employed humor is a great way to win friends and influence people. You need to be funny, but not unkind and you can’t offend anyone.

Humor is a Powerful Stress Buster

Humor offers an emotional shift in how you view your worries; an emotional response; and a physical response that comforts you when you laugh.

Humor is Humanizing

Humor allows both employees and managers to come together, realizing that we all seek compatibility.

Humor Puts Others At Ease

Researches shows that a good sense of humor is a great tension breaker in the workplace. People who laugh at a conflict have a more divergent thinking where multiple ideas are considered.

Humor And Creativity

Humor is an important aspect in creative thinking. It helps people relate with ideas and see things in innovative ways. Humor and creativity mean looking at your challenges in new ways and about making new connections. Humor establishes a healthy environment for innovation because people are more inspired when they are relaxed.

It Helps Build Trust

Effective use of Humor helps build trust since it often reveals the real person hidden behind the professional mask. Studies suggest that people who share a healthy, positive sense of humor are more liked and are viewed as being more reliable. Humor is also seen as sign of intelligence. It can help people build relationships in the workplace, which are critical to success.

It Boosts Morale

Humor boosts morale and retention while lowering turnover because employees look forward to coming to work. Employees enjoy working for and with those who have a sense of humor. We all prefer fun at work. It should not feel like a bound environment.

Humorous People Tend To Be More Approachable

If you are more approachable, people around you will be more honest and open- minded. Thus, leading to more successful and innovative teams.

Humor Helps Your Company To Stand Out

It can help companies to emerge and go further with their customer service. If you want to be highlighted from the pack, using humor is an effective way to do that.

It Can Increase Productivity

Humor creates an atmosphere that encourages interaction, creating new ideas, and a feeling that there are few risks in thinking creatively. This leads to greater productivity. If you’re working in a more jovial atmosphere, you’ll have more passion for what you do. Your determination will increase, and you will be spreading enthusiasm. It’s a win-win for you and your boss.

Employees are usually much more comfortable using a good sense of humor with colleagues than they are with their bosses. There is a higher risk factor when joking around with your boss because you just don’t know in what sense it may be taken. So, there is hesitation to use humor with senior managers. Whatever the reason may be, if you or your colleagues are boring and dull in the office, you’ll want to work on injecting more humor in your workplace, since it can be at least one of the essential elements to success. Most executives believe a good sense of humor is important for career development and people with a good sense of humor do a better job. Organizations use humour a key to success at work and a positive fun culture to help brand their business, attract and retain employees and to draw customers.