Importance of Facilitation Skills for Managers

Importance of Facilitation Skills for Managers

For any organization or a company to be successful, various teams in it have to be productive and dependable. This is why the facilitation skills for managers are so important. With these skills on hand, managers are able to use meetings as a tool for accomplishing team building work. Managers can use these skills as a means to communicate with the groups and their superiors too. Facilitation skills for managers are critical to unleashing group wisdom.

Enhancing Meeting Engagement and Productivity

When managers have the required facilitation skills, the attendees will never feel as though the meetings are repetitive or dull. In fact, the employees are more likely to engage themselves in the meeting and make it successful eventually. All the discussions that take place in the meeting become fruitful and will be directed towards improving the productivity of the organization.

It is important for staff members to feel compelled, motivated and involved in order to reach a common goal. This is why meetings across the organization have to be precise and concise. Managers with necessary facilitation skills have the ability to make sure the meetings are productive, short, concise and interesting.

Group Facilitation Skills for Managers

Management is not all about leading individuals through their daily routine. In fact, management involves a lot of other things as well. Managers who are early on in their job can themselves learn a lot to work with various individuals in obtaining the desired results. However, working with groups poses a different challenge for managers, especially the ones that are newly recruited or promoted recently within the organization.

Managers will find it handy to have facilitation skills in them as working with groups of varying sizes in an organization as these skills make them more potent and binding. While working in groups, managers may frequently come across individuals who are extremely boastful and outgoing and may want to talk all through a meeting. They may also come across individuals that are shy and quiet and refrain from putting across their views or ideas.

A young manager may find it challenging to make an outgoing individual talk a little less or a shy person to talk more in order to express his or her views in a meeting. This is where the group facilitation skills come into the picture for a manager. With these skills on hand, it becomes a lot easier for managers to have every attendee involved in a meeting to work towards the growth of an organization and achieve common goals.

Facilitation Skills Workshops

Facilitation skills workshop for managers are often conducted across organizations to help managers hone their skills and improve their productivity. At these workshops, managers are often taught or familiarized with what facilitation is all about, identifying their responsibilities, roles, qualities, and skills required to become an ideal facilitator.

Training and Development in Facilitation

Managers are also often required to access their current skills against a variety of facilitation styles. Here, managers are given training on how to structure a facilitated session – different stages of successful facilitation; making the group clear with the outcomes; Assigning responsibilities and roles to attendees and making them aware of the same; tracking progress made by the individuals and the group as a whole; keeping a check on action points and time. Equipping managers with various facilitation tools are an important outcome one should look for when going with such a training.