Team members in today’s business must maneuver through a dynamic environment. It’s a difficult task, and in order to negotiate interpersonal hurdles and create collaborative advantages within and across their teams, individuals must be adaptable, socially skilled, and relationship-savvy. But, effective teamwork doesn’t develop overnight and isn’t always a natural talent. Collaboration needs to be learned and honed, and it needs the correct environment to succeed. The Everything Disc Five Behaviors Personal Development profile can be your solution to building a culture of teamwork and cooperation. 

Strengthscape’s Introducing the Everything Disc Five Behaviors: Personal Development Webinar provides a comprehensive understanding and application of the profile by helping individuals to become better teammates by integrating the model from Lencioni’s book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, at the organizational level. 

The objective of this webinar is to encourage individuals to collaborate and communicate positively with all of their coworkers in order to help them become better teammates. Their growth as individuals and increased cohesiveness will result in successful teams that will benefit the entire organization.  

Key Takeaways

The Everything Disc Five Behaviors Personal Development Profile, which builds on the success of the Five Behaviors Team Assessment, is a useful tool for people who want to improve their ability to work as a team. 

  • This webinar offers doable recommendations that might help you comprehend what you bring to your teams and where you have room for improvement
  • You’ll learn about the model in detail and how the five interrelated behaviors combine to create a framework for creating unified teams, which is based on Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book ‘The Five Dysfunctions of a Team’
  • Also learn practical strategies on how to master each of the five behaviors to achieve maximum team output
  • This webinar helps participants develop the behavioral and interpersonal skills required to work together successfully, and offers individualized insights on how they may better collaborate with others through the Everything Disc Five Behaviors Personal Development

The result of this webinar is an innovative and effective team development strategy called the Everything Disc Five Behaviors Personal Development, that enables people to reconsider how they approach teamwork, develop new, more efficient behaviors to boost productivity, and establish a shared language that completely redefines what it means to collaborate in order to establish a culture of teamwork.