Overview of Personality Development Test
Personality development test is a characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Each person possesses a different personality. Personality has nothing to do with an individual’s physical appearance rather it is related to the enduring and relatively stable characteristics that one has.
There are two things which are incorporated in personality:
First, personality talks about the characteristics which are consistent in an individual and makes him/her different from others. These characteristics evolve or improve based on the experiences that one gets. But these characteristics don’t change drastically until and unless there is some major change in life.
Second, personality also focuses on the characteristics which make all people alike and distinguishes them from other species.
There are multiple psychometric tests which are used to assess the personality of individuals. Tests give a clear picture of the traits that an individual possess and what are the areas that need improvement.
The Role of Psychometric Tests in Understanding Personality
Psychometric tests of personality are reliable and valid tests which show the accurate characteristics of the individual. These tests are based on different theories like Carl Jung theory, Briggs Myers theory, etc These theories consider a set of characteristics and define personality. Based on that individual are categorized.
Some of the psychometric tests of personality are 16PF, MBTI, Neo Personality Inventory, DiSC Assessment, Winslow Personality Profile, Personality Assessment System, etc. These tests help in understanding the characteristics of the individual.
Examples of Personality Tests
For example, the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) is a personality test developed by Raymond Cattell. It measures 16 traits of personality which helps the individual to understand his/her personality. Based on the results, an individual can get a clear picture of his strengths and the areas he/she can work on.
DiSC Assessment
DiSC assessment helps in finding the dominant personality type and how that can help at workplace. Knowing one’s personality type will also give an insight about working style preferences and how he/she can adjust in the working environment. This will help the individual to understand the kind of job he/she wants to land up. If his/her personality type is different from the preferred job, he/she can work on developing those characteristics.
Big Five Personality Inventory
Big Five Personality Inventory gives insight about the major five traits of the personality. This will help the individual to understand whether he/she is on the lower or higher end of neuroticism, openness to experience, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and extraversion traits. Based on the results, individual can work towards becoming more effective. For example, if someone is high on neuroticism, he/she can learn to manage that or can learn the techniques to reduce that.
Improving Personal Effectiveness
Personality development test display the strengths and areas of challenge of the individual. This will help the individual to understand various characteristics of personality. Then the person can work on the area of challenges and improve the personality.
There are tests which finds strengths of the individual. Gallup StrengthsFinder helps in evaluating the candidate’s strengths and gives a description about it. This helps in giving insight on candidate’s personality, on what factors he/she has to do well and where he/she is doing well. This kind of tests will help in understanding the personality of the individual.