Psychometric Tools for Improving Productivity in Teams

Psychometric Tools for Improving Productivity in Teams

Employees really work better when a company takes into account their improving productivity in teams, and that is the reason understanding personality is getting increasingly popular in the business world.

The Problem with Traditional Hiring Practices

Most of the times jobseekers are decided on their qualifications and not on the expert skills that they may have, making a mismatch in an occupation’s necessary previous training and kinds of skills that would be suitable and important to a job.

The Solution: Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric assessments are profitable in this circumstance as they allow a company to find out about an employee’s abilities and personality, without any answers regarded ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

It can be a confusing procedure picking up the right organizational assessment for your company, so here is a list of psychometric tools for teams to increase job satisfaction, improve profitability, and reduce employee turnover.

The DiSC Assessment

In view of the four dimensions of personality, as displayed by American psychologist William Moulton Marston, the DiSC psychometric tools for teams give practical tips and insights to assist teams with interacting and communicating more efficiently.

Individuals are believed to be a mix of each of the four styles and that these styles can be influenced by different factors, for example, life experience and education.

One of the cornerstone principles of DiSC assessments is that by finding out about other colleagues’ styles, the nature of the working environment and work delivered can be improved greatly.

The MBTI Personality Type

One more of the psychometric assessments for improving productivity in teams broadly used by companies is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

Utilizing the basis of Carl Jung’s theory of personality types and the adjustments of his successor, Isabel Briggs Myer, the MBTI arranges people on four divisions/sets of character styles – ‘sensing/intuition’, ‘extraverted/introverted’, ‘judging/perceiving’, and ‘thinking/feeling’. Individuals are considered to lean toward one style more than the other.

Utilizing a person’s style preferences, the questionnaire then recognizes and portrays a person as 1 of 16 potential various personality types. Note that all MBTI personality types are viewed as equivalent with no type seen as “perfect”.

The Big 5 Personality Test

One of the most notable psychometric instruments for teams is the Big 5 Personality Test.

The psychometric evaluation gives understanding into a person’s company fit and job fit by surveying their personality on five primary personality qualities. The five traits are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.

For a long time, recruiters have utilized the Big 5 Test to survey an applicant’s suitability to join a group, while managers have used the test to better comprehend their team member’s personality to encourage an increasingly productive workplace.


These assessments can be used in the workplace for recruitment and hiring and for employee improvement. These tools focus on the employee’s skills and not just on their educational background which provides a better fit. The strengths and weaknesses identified by these assessment tools can be utilized in a better manner to hell carry out the business. A mix of these tools can also be used for recruitment and employee development.