Five Behaviors

Five Behaviors

Central Test Psychometrics

Central Test


Everything DiSC

Organizations are under increasing pressure to up their talent development efforts. With vast development in the fields of neuroscience and psychology over the past few decades, psychometric assessment tools have become an asset to make talent development efforts more accurate. Assessment tools are used by organizations globally to gauge the potential and fitment of candidates during recruitment and to identify the training needs of all employees based on defined competencies. 

To cater to these assessment needs, we have partnered with the world leaders in assessments and offer a plethora of assessments tailored to suit most of your workplace requirements, from recruitment to succession planning to development needs. Our assessment portfolio offers various kinds of assessments: 

  • Behavioral – such as DiSC-based profiles for managers, leaders, sales, individual contributors and teams 
  • Competency-based – such as managerial and sales potential, personality traits, managerial and sales competencies, occupational interest, communication skills (spoken and written), reasoning skills and aptitude 
  • Simulation-based – for junior to mid-level hiring (in the form of mobile games) and Leadership simulations 

Some of these assessment reports can be customized and mapped to the competency framework of client organization.