Knowledge, and how we use it, will become the key component in managing the situation as the virtual and physical worlds become more interdependent. Knowing what we know allows us to discriminate between jobs that are best left to computers and those that are better left to people. As evolution of leadership takes place, businesses must adapt as virtual technologies quickly entwine with our physical world. Yet doing so does not simply entail replacing people with robots or putting our complete trust in artificial intelligence (AI).  

This is because technology, despite its strength, is only one component of the solution. In reality, today, human intelligence will be one of the most valuable assets, and businesses may collapse if they fail to achieve the correct mix between automated technology and human ideas.  

Strengthscape’s Rapid Evolution of Leadership Context Webinar aims to explore the emerging role of leaders, skills and best practice, the role of leadership in learning and current trends in leadership development and building learning plans. 

Key Takeaways

This webinar explores leadership best practices that are currently relevant to being successful in the VUCA world. Learn about crafting a vision, building alignment and mastering champion execution with this webinar. ‘Traditional’ hierarchy needs to adapt to the evolution of leadership in order to remain or become effective in such an environment of increasingly ubiquitous networked human activity. So, this webinar dives deep into the leadership skills needed to be developed for leveraging “Wirearchy” in these rapidly changing times? The term wirearchy was coined in 1999 by Jon Husband, who defined it as “a dynamic flow of power and authority, based on information, trust, credibility, and a focus on results, enabled by interconnected technology and people”.  

There has been a huge evolution of leadership in the past decade. So, to leverage wierarchy, leaders need to align employee learning initiatives with business strategy, assess capability gaps and estimate value, design learning journeys and, execute and scale effectively. Leaders can contribute to the learning strategy of the organization by defining the critical competencies required, becoming a conduit for understanding and communicating external changes, creating a learning culture and making it a priority and, sponsoring and approving budgets for learning journeys. 

Strengthscape’s Rapid Evolution of Leadership Context Webinar helps leaders live up to employee expectations and increase the degree of involvement in employee learning. Leaders must improve their business acumen, strategic thinking skills, and collaborative abilities as they are empowered to accomplish organizational goals. The development of mindsets, knowledge, and skills is a crucial area that leaders must focus on.