Steps in the Development of eLearning
eLearning is an efficient way of delivering education through online means. The use of eLearning technology enables people to learn from anywhere and at any time. Using electronic devices, students can access educational material outside of the traditional mediums. To develop high-quality online courses, the eLearning development process must be followed. A well-defined eLearning development process will address the training needs effectively and provide learners with rich and detailed content. Several principles and practices are applied to ensure that the course is effective and impactful in conveying rich information to the participants. Any eLearning development process consists of a series of steps. In this article, we will discuss the steps in the development of eLearning course.
A good model for understanding the eLearning development process is the ADDIE model, which was introduced in 1975. This is the generic process used by instructional designers and training developers. According to this model, eLearning development includes the following steps:
A- Analysis:
An analysis is typically the first step in the eLearning development process. The objective of this section should be to analyze the learning content, profiles of the people, and learning objectives. Make a strategy based on the tasks to be accomplished and come up with an appropriate and effective method of presenting the content. Further analysis should be conducted to determine the needs and expectations of the users, as well as the various ways in which they can be met.
D- Design:
At this stage, the content is broken down into small chunks of information and organized in a logical and effective manner. Determine an instructional approach for the course in accordance with the scope defined during the analysis once the topic list has been compiled. The design strategy for each eLearning course must be unique. A systematic and specific design process must be followed. In a systematic approach, strategies are devised in an orderly manner and specific means that each element of the design should be executed with utmost precision.
D- Development:
During the development phase, the developers assemble the content assets created during the design phase. Any feedback received during this phase is incorporated into the design phase. A functional prototype is created based on the elements that will be used in the course. At this stage, there is a great deal of writing, rewriting, and revision. A fully functional course is presented for approval. Changes are made in the content, narration, animation, etc. if needed. Decisions are made and finalized regarding how content is going to be presented. Every detail is checked to make sure it is right.
The implementation phase involves a procedure for training the facilitators and the learners. Preparation of the learners includes training them on new tools and platforms and also getting their registration. The project manager ensures that everything is in place and the learning application or website is functional. Feedback is incorporated into the course and uploaded. Once you have completed your course and you are satisfied that it is fully tested, it’s time to share it with the learners. The decisions made in the design phase will influence how this will be carried out.
E- Evaluation:
The next stage is the evaluation, during which the quality of the developed course is tested to ensure its functionality and content. The evaluation consists of two phases: summative and formative. Summative evaluations include tests that are designed to test specific criteria and provide the opportunity for user feedback. They are conducted at the end of a course. In this case, the focus is on the outcomes. Formative evaluation is a method of judging the value of a course. It is designed primarily to detect deficiencies so that appropriate learning interventions may be implemented.
Through the numerous steps of the eLearning development process, learners are provided with a course that provides high-quality and effective learning content development. In summary, good eLearning courses can be developed once the requirements of the learners are analyzed and an effective learning strategy to share knowledge is developed. Lastly, to develop your course, you should adopt a streamlined process and use the right tools. For your eLearning course to succeed in serving its purpose and conveying useful knowledge, you must ensure that your intentions are understood, appreciated, and accepted by all attendees.
If your organization or team is interested in an eLearning training program that is tailored to its specific needs,
Contact us if you are interested in a eLearning training program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.