Team Building Helps in Team Cohesion

Team Building Helps in Team Cohesion

Teams begin to get cohesive after they go through challenges and experience challenging situations together. Bruce Tuckman stated that team building leads to group cohesion and best operation of activities. In beginning stages, colleagues must be goal centered and stay away from conflicts.

Getting to know each other not just in workplace will make positive connections. Bruce Tuckman’s theory is adaptable and can be applied to business, sports or Public administrations groups. While experiencing these stages colleagues becomes acquainted with one another and can offer help to each other when they must. That is what makes a group cohesive.

Impact of cohesion in the team

Great group cohesion will expand chances of achieving the target effectively with high performance. Group will be confiding in one another and supporting. That will make work done quicker and even more successfully. Individual colleagues need to come together in the workplace and play their jobs and duties responsibly.

Mentors, managers and leaders needs to place enormous input in bringing groups together. Firstly, leader needs to pick right people. They must be talented and have good attitude towards working in a group and being positive about the work they are doing. You don’t need individuals who have capabilities and aptitudes, but have no willingness, attitude or want to carry out the responsibility and have it just for performance would not suffice the objective.

Stages of team development by Bruce Tuckman

Stage 1: Forming

It is where group meets just for the first time and colleagues are mostly dependent on the group head where they get the greater part of the information from.

Stage 2: Storming

This is extremely unstable stage when colleagues have enough information to shape their own thoughts regarding objectives and targets of the entire group. That is the reason some of them may battle for position or power with other colleagues and they may challenge leader for position. At this stage it is significant for a leader to take responsibility for the group and keep them focused on the objective.

Stage 3: Norming

In this stage individuals focuses on the group and their responsibilities. There is a feeling of unity and bonding between colleagues and not much challenge for the leader.

Stage 4: Performing

which is Performing where group truly starts to work and show results through high performance. They can work positively towards objectives and resolve conflicts effectively in constructive and productive manner. At this stage group creates cohesion and builds positive connections.

Stage 5: Adjourning

This stage isn’t frequently observed as a part of the principle theory, yet it is still a significant part to be examined. The fifth stage is when group is no longer needed as group’s objectives and targets been accomplished effectively and colleagues need to go to different tasks or occupations. This partition could cause insecurity to some sensitive individuals if they had strong bonds between teammates. It’s important to manage this stage delicately to guarantee that colleagues can proceed onward to different activities without being sad.


The team development is going to ultimately help the organization in achieving the vision and goals which they have set for the teams. Overcoming challenges while handling projects is going to make team members more cohesive together.