Modern workplaces are being completely transformed by virtual teams as a result of recent technological advancements and the globalization of employment. The means to make virtual teams at least as effective as their co-located counterparts now exist thanks to advancements in communication technology, but successfully implementing these tools is not an easy task. 

Even while virtual teams have many advantages, there are still issues that need to be resolved before businesses can completely profit from these working arrangements. What distinguishes truly effective virtual teams from ineffective ones, and what is the best approach to guarantee that a virtual team quickly reaches high levels of performance? 

The development of trust and excellent communication among team members is necessary for virtual teams to work at their best. High-trust teams are characterized by an openness to vulnerability. Therefore, taking chances is more likely in a setting with high levels of team trust. Fear can be put to rest in favor of action when team members are assured that their fellow players have their backs and will ultimately stand by them. Furthermore, trust fosters a culture where workers are prepared to take the chance of devoting their own time and resources to projects that benefit other team members. 

Key Takeaways

Strengthscape’s ‘Trends in Building Vulnerability-based Trust in the Virtual World’ Webinar will define vulnerability-based team trust and the crucial role it plays in team performance. This webinar identifies the various factors that lead to a lack of trust in virtual teams and compares them with the characteristics of virtual teams with high vulnerability-based trust. Learn effective strategies for building trust and build a truly cohesive and high functioning virtual team with this webinar. 

The following will be your key takeaways from this webinar: 

  • Define how is vulnerability-based trust different from the usual team trust that teams claim to have  
  • Describe common factors influencing lack of vulnerability-based trust within intact virtual teams  
  • Identify simple yet highly effective strategies to build vulnerability-based trust within virtual teams 

Actions when there is no team trust 

  • Keep their flaws and errors hidden from one another 
  • Refuse to ask for assistance 
  • Refuse to help outside of their own spheres of authority 
  • Assume the worst about the motives of other team members 
  • Fail to recognize the abilities and experiences of other team members 

When there is trust, how do teams act? 

  • Admit their flaws and mistakes 
  • Ask for assistance when they need it 
  • Provide feedback and support 
  • Respect one another’s abilities and experiences 
  • Concentrate on accomplishing shared objectives 

For modern organizations, virtual teams provide amazing possibilities for overcoming a variety of workplace issues. When there is team trust, members are able to contribute significantly to their organization, despite the fact that they are remote. Team trust encourages productivity, collaboration and innovation, all of which have a positive impact on business outcomes.