Two Crucial Steps of Peer Mentoring
Peer mentoring is a process where two peers come together and help each other to learn and become better. In this, both the parties have something to contribute. It’s like a give and take relationship where both the parties offer advice to help each other to grow and solve the problems.
Peer Mentoring in the Workplace
Peer mentoring has been in academic institutions for a long time, but many workplaces have started to view it as a good opportunity for employees to learn from each other. In peer mentoring, each individual involved can be both a mentor and a mentee and both the parties are empowered to improve their learning graph. Professionals receive the support they need from their peer from the perspective of a mentor.
Advantages of Peer Mentoring
Peer mentoring is advantageous because it is rooted in trust-based workplace relationships. This trust creates an open environment where peers feel comfortable offering constructive feedback on performance, behavior, and attitudes, leading to continuous improvement. Recipients of feedback are more receptive because they trust their peer’s intentions and know that the feedback is aimed at their success.
In peer mentoring, recipients of feedback are open to advise because they know that other person wants them to succeed.
Crucial Steps in Peer Mentoring
There are two crucial steps in peer mentoring:
Finding the right mentor/teammate and creating a good relationship with the mentor.
Step 1: Find a good mentor/teammate
Before choosing a teammate, look for someone who shares work experience with you and can offer unique and fruitful perspectives on everyday challenges that you face. It’s important to have a mentor who has a distinctive background and view life from different perspectives. This will help in getting an increased level of exposure to diversity of thoughts.
Honesty is another key aspect that should be there in the mentor. Peers should trust each and should be candid or honest with each other. They should also have similar career goals. So, a good mentor should have a foundation of trust, honesty, respect, and similar career goals and objectives. These factors will make the peer mentorship mutually beneficial.
Step 2: Create a mutual vision
It is important to define the purpose and set the expectations. It will help in setting priorities and meeting them on time. It should be a two-way street which must reflect the goals of both the parties.
It is important to create a future vision of what the mentoring process need to achieve in the future. This will help in giving direction to the mentoring process and will help in bigger goals and career objectives of both the parties involved.
Setting boundaries and maintaining clarity from the beginning builds trust and allows both parties to support each other without crossing personal lines. A shared vision and clear objectives help generate meaningful conversations and add value to the mentoring process, ultimately leading to greater growth and development for both parties.