Promote Employee Well-Being

Promote Employee Well-Being

Happy workers are more efficient workers. Employee well-being in the workplace results in a boost in productivity. Well-being, defined as a feeling of contentment or satisfaction is a difficult concept to deal with, especially when there are multiple worries often associated with work. A little self-analysis every now and then is compulsory and positive, not just for each of us as individuals, but for businesses too. During hard or uncertain times, both individuals and organizations tend to focus hard on the bottom line. The problem is, when the pressure is on to increase profits, senior managers rarely support new initiatives such as employee well-being, that don’t directly impact the bottom line. It’s proved several times that happier and engaged employees are more productive. So, employee wellbeing should definitely be high on the business agenda for getting more profit. Employee well-being is not just having good health and safety protocol in place. It is about creating a work environment that allows employees to grow and make it possible for them to grab their full potential. Investing in the well-being of your workforce leads to a positive lifestyle where productivity and development will naturally blossom. It also leads to higher staff upkeep and reduces workplace stress.

Ways To Promote Employee Well-Being

There are various ways you can promote the well-being of your employees. Here are some Well-Being:

  • Comfortable Work Environment – A more relaxed, comfortable work environment can have a major influence on your employees’ well-being. Indoor plants increase ventilation in the workplace. Improved air quality at work could boost staff productivity. A neat and tidy workplace could also help. An average worker spends several hours searching for papers, which often results in higher stress levels at work.
  • Concept of Mindfulness – Mindfulness, a simple form of meditation that instigates one to concentrate on the moment, could improve the well-being of your employees at work. Bring in a mindfulness program and employees will soon show increased productivity and lower stress levels.
  • Importance of Work-Life Balance – Heavy workloads can result in stressed-out staff. However, encouraging a healthy work-life balance could help improve employee well-being. Most employees believe pliable work schedules increase happiness at work.
  • Support Community Outreach Programs – These programs help construct trust among staff, connect organizations with the local community and create opportunities for critical analysis, thus leading to satisfied workers.
  • Encourage Staff to Travel on Foot or Cycle to Work – Cycling or walking to work increases well-being and such employees were happier than those who travel by car or public transportation. This activity provides a physical workout, reducing stress significantly.
  • Encourage Healthy Habits – You can boost your team’s movement towards healthy living by encouraging healthy habits at work. Lunchtime walking or running groups also seems to be very familiar these days to increase productivity.

Some More Ways to Promote Employee Well-Being

  • Tech Tools Help Reduce Stress – There are several apps designed to help reduce stress and increase mindfulness. Allowing your employees to devote some time daily to individual or group mindfulness exercises will further enhance their overall wellbeing. Mindfulness apps can coach employees on how to cope with stress, be more creative and productive, and also hone their focus throughout the day.
  • Create Green Spaces – Much research has been done on the effect of dull and gloomy office spaces on the staff. Adding green spaces where employees can enjoy lunch in a natural and calm environment can also boost inner strength and reduce stress and anxiety. Indoor landscaping and water features not only look good but are also mood boosters. Some plants are particularly effective in improving air quality.

There has been a huge standard shift in recent years. Organizations today are laying more stress on employee wellbeing than ever before. It may seem like an investment in employee well-being would take away from the company’s net income. However, there is a strong business case proving differently. Improved employee well-being leads to less time waste, fewer workplace mishaps, higher employee retention, higher company self-esteem, and more. All of these effects influence a company’s financial success.

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