360-Degree Feedback for Managers
360-degree feedback for managers is an assessment tool and a method which provides employees to seek feedback from their manager or supervisor, four to eight work colleagues, reporting team members and customers. Most of these 360-degree assessment are responded by the individual also for self-assessment.
The feedback from this report allows every individual to know how others view his effectiveness as a coworker, employee or peer. Highly effective feedback process provides feedback which is based on behavior what other employees can observe.
The feedback provides understanding the behaviors and skills wanted in an organization to achieve the vision, mission and goals and live the values. The feedback is firmly given on the behaviors needed to exceed customer expectation.
People who are selected for giving the feedback are chosen in a shared process by both the employee and the organization. These are the people who generally routinely interact with that employee.
The purpose of 360-degree feedback is to provide employees their strengths and weaknesses and to provide perception for their work requiring professional development.
Today, there are debates going on in organizations about how to:
- Select the feedback process and tools
- Choose the raters
- Review the feedback
- Use the feedback
- Utilizing feedback for development of an individual
Upside of 360-degree Feedback for Managers
According to Jack Zenger, “More than 85% of the Fortune 500 companies use 360-degree assessment for their overall leadership development program. If you’re not a current user, we advise you to take a fresh look. Here are some positive features by companies who have used 360-degree assessment feedback for their employees:
Team Development
This feedback process makes the team work more effectively together. Multi-rater feedback makes them more accountable as they know that they will provide input in each other’s feedback. This feedback process can improve team development and communication.
Personal and Organizational Performance Development
360-degree feedback is one of the important methods in understanding your personal and organizational needs. You can understand what makes your employees work together and how your organization’s procedures, approaches and policies affect employee success.
Responsibility for Career Development
For various reasons, employers are no longer responsible for their employees’ career development. However, employers now-a-days are responsible for providing an environment for encouraging and supporting employees career growth needs. Also, many employees feel that this feedback process is more accurate way of providing feedback rather than just their supervisors appraising them. Hence, this makes the assessment more valid for their career, personal, and training development.
Lesser Discrimination Risk
When feedback comes from different employees from different levels, we are able to reduce discrimination because of age, race, gender, etc. The “halo” effect, in which a supervisor rates the employee on the recent work performance, is also reduced.
Improved Customer Service
Every employee receives feedback about the service or product’s quality, especially in the feedback process that includes internal or external customer. Furthermore, this feedback would help the individual to improve the reliability, quality, promptness and comprehensiveness of these products and services.
This assessment is all about the little details. Think keenly before you move forward, assess your organization’s readiness and learn from the mistakes of others. Also, apply effective measures after receiving the feedback. Do the right things and you will add a powerful assessment tool to your leadership management and enhancement toolkit.
Contact us if you are interested in a first time managers training program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.