Steps to Create a Learning Development Framework

Steps to Create a Learning Development Framework

The learning development framework focuses on extracting the best out of the human resource of a particular business firm. The entire framework mends the weary areas of the company and builds staunch support in return.

How to Create a Learning Development Framework?

The basic step toward building a successful learning development framework is to understand the need of the employees and work in association with what the company demands. It is basically the identification procedure of the deficit of the firm.

After identifying the crisis of the firm at a particular instant and syncing it with the deficit among the employees, comes the real challenging part and that is the measure of success rate.

It is important to note that the crisis of a particular business firm can vary from time to time; rather they generally differ from situation to situation. In this world of continuous competition, every moment offers a new challenge.

This is where arises the need for the creation of a department whose primary work would be to focus on the learning development framework.

The challenging area of the job of this department is to identify the performance gaps for individual employees. The performance and gaps along with the work efficiency of every employee of the firm is the genesis of organizational success.

Steps to Create a Learning Development Framework:

  1. Assessment: This is the first step. We have already been talking about identifying the gaps in employee performance and taking steps to bridge those gaps. There is no better option than to carry out an assessment procedure before passing out judgment regarding the same. Assessments are the best way to identify such gaps. Assessments not only identify the practical knowledge gaps but also behavioral gaps that we need to address to create a high-performance workforce.
  2. Syncing: This is basically the processing where we plan the learning development strategies for each person depending on what they lag in and what the company wants from the particular employee. This is a slightly lengthy procedure as it involves the framing of the training plan. The training plan provides the necessary knowledge required to overcome the deficit.
  3. Post Assessment: How do we know whether our employees have sincerely gone through the toolkit and are ready to take up the upcoming challenges? In order to attain an answer to this question, there is a need for a second assessment. It speaks of how successfully the rectification has been carried out. This assessment is best carried out through both the practical and theoretical procedures. Besides the regular assessment methods, an open forum discussion would be a good option to judge. There can be nothing better than one speaks out the knowledge. Moreover, speaking on a particular topic requires sufficient knowledge and nobody welcomes embarrassment in an open forum like seminars.

What is the Training Program All About?

The training program will include facilitator-led classroom or virtual sessions, study material, whether soft copy or hard copy along with the schedules of assessments, seminars, or webinars that are a part of the learning development procedure.

Contact us if you are interested in organizational development training program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team