DISC-Enhanced Communication Skills Training

DISC-Enhanced Communication Skills Training

We all make mistakes when communicating. Many of us have been taught from a young age to attribute these errors to poor diction, grammar, or vocabulary. Yet, many of our communication errors can be corrected if we examine our behavior carefully. In fact, rather than trying to unlearn what we have learned in lower school or middle school English classes, it would be easier to reflect on how minor behavioral modifications can help us avoid communication blunders as we enter adulthood. A DiSC-based communication skills program can help you overcome communication errors. 

Relationships are built on communication. When you have poor communication skills, you may alienate people and convey the wrong message, whether you are at work, at home, or simply on the street. A number of problems may arise as a result, creating tense situations at places where you should be able to relax, enjoy, and focus on the things that really matter. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways that you can enhance your personal communication skills. Using DISC assessments can help the development of effective communication skills. Providing non-judgmental results, it allows people to discover and discuss their behavioral differences in a more constructive manner. 

Detail Orientation

How many of us proofread official communication before it is sent to the intended recipient? Probably not many. Most people do not pay much attention to details. Yet, what we fail to recognize is that a quick check before dispatching any communication can eliminate a lot of potential inconveniences that may result from minor errors. 

A DiSC-based communication skills program can help you discover how to effectively communicate with individuals using their preferred style. The DiSC model is used to provide tips on how one can focus on finer aspects of communication to avoid making grave mistakes. 

Lack of Empathy

Many people find it difficult to have difficult conversations. Business discussions, however, are often difficult, if not tricky. There have been numerous instances when I have had to send uncomfortable messages by mail and I have struggled to draft them. In none of these instances did I experience any difficulty with grammar or vocabulary. Instead, it was the absence of empathy. 

Because I did not know who the recipient of the mail was or what his or her behavior priorities were, I was never sure how the recipient would react to the mail. It is likely that you have experienced similar situations at work. It is important to understand a person’s DiSC style in order to design messages accordingly and understand how they will respond to difficult situations. 

Lack of Sensitivity 

The DISC-based communication skills program does not only teach students how to differentiate between different types of behavior but also teaches them how to recognize these differences. There is more to this story. It even provides strategies for adapting your behavior to match that of the other party. Therefore, knowing your DiSC basics can result in easier, more productive conversations. It will help you determine how sensitive you should be in conversing with people based on their preferred communication style. 

Emotionally charged

 It is likely that each of us has stories of when we have yelled at a subordinate in frustration or sent an impulsive response without considering the consequences. People react rather than respond to impulsive communications, which often lead to workplace conflicts. Developing an understanding of each other is essential to ensuring that you respond rather than react. DiSC-based training allows you to understand how and why people behave in the manner they do. In turn, this can allow you to adjust your responses to them in conversations, making you a much less controversial individual in the workplace. 

Contact us if you are interested in soft skill related training program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.