DiSC Profiles
DISC Profiles is a useful tool for understanding yourself and others. The DISC Behavior types were developed by Dr. William Moulton Marston, a Harvard-educated psychologist. According to his DISC profiles theory, humans exhibit four basic, predictable behavioral variations. DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. DISC behavioral styles suggest that we all demonstrate these four basic behavioral tendencies to varying degrees.
DISC Overview
What is DISC
DISC is a behavioral model created by William Moulton Marston in 1928. The DISC model describes the four behavioral styles as Dominance (D), Influence (I), Stability (S), and Conscientiousness (C). The term behavioral style, however, was originally defined by Marston as “primary emotions” and their associated behavioral responses. The same was stated in his book “Emotions of Normal People”.
After observing several people, Marston began to notice remarkable similarities among them. Despite their physical differences, they shared many similarities in their behavior. He conducted a systematic analysis of all the similarities, resulting in the following summary of four ways people tend to act:
- Some individuals were forceful, direct, and result-oriented
- Some seemed optimistic, fun, and talkative
- Some displayed steadiness, patience, and relaxation
- Some were very precise, accurate, and detailed-oriented
The researchers also found that some individuals exhibited characteristics of more than one of the behaviors, but only one of the behaviors was deemed to be the strongest. Furthermore, he stated that if we become as similar as the person we are conversing with, then perhaps we will be able to communicate more effectively and establish better interpersonal relationships.
There have been several changes and modifications to the DISC model since its inception, which has greatly aided its development. The DISC model evolved into a universal language of observable behavior over time. This is also supported by scientific research.
What DISC is not?
To understand what DISC is, we need to first establish what DISC is not.
- DISC does not measure a person’s intelligence
- DISC does not indicate a person’s values
- DISC does not measure skills and experience
- DISC does not measure education or training
- Then, what is DISC and why is it important?
The DISC is a language of behavior and emotions that is neutral and universal. It provides an understanding of our natural tendencies and our behavior. Behavioral characteristics are a crucial component of a person’s identity. It is important to note that much of our behavior is influenced by our nature (innate) and much by our nurture (upbringing). DISC simply measures a person’s behavioral style, i.e., the way he or she behaves.
It is said that DISC is a neutral language, which means that right and wrong have no bearing on it. It is not a person’s behavioral style that determines whether they are good or bad, right, or wrong. Rather, right, and wrong are determined by the values and beliefs of individuals. DISC describes only the difference in how people approach problems, other people, pace, and procedures.
The Two Dimensions of DISC
At the core, the DISC model is two dimensional. The two dimensions reflect fundamental aspects of human nature.
The first dimension is “pace” which is visualized with a vertical axis that runs from fast-paced at the top to moderate-paced at the bottom. Pace describes the person’s outward activity level. A fast-paced person displays a high level of outward energy which is characterized by being outspoken and assertive. A person scoring towards the bottom of this dimension is moderate paced displaying a moderate to low level of outward energy. People who are moderately paced display characteristics such as thoughtful, careful, and uncomfortable taking risks.
It is easy to identify the pace of a person – simply notice their “walking-talking-shopping” style. Fast paced individuals walk and talk fast and do not take their own sweet time to shop. If they like something, they buy it. Whereas, moderately paced individuals would preferably do some research, read reviews, look for options, compare pros and cons before shopping. Additionally, they walk and talk slower than a fast-paced person.
The second dimension is “orientation” which is visualized as a horizontal axis that runs from being task-oriented to being people-oriented. Orientation refers to a person’s inclination either towards task or people. Task-oriented individuals are sceptical – they are analytical, questioning, and cynical and focus more on results. People-oriented individuals are accepting – they are trusting and receptive of others, are friendly and strive to maintain social harmony.
To identify the orientation of an individual takes a little longer. The first most noticeable characteristic is the pace of the person. By being a little more observant and identifying the pace and orientation of oneself and others, we can recognize the DISC style.
Charles Moulton Marston, a famous academic & psychologist, and a women’s rights activist, proposed DISC as a behavioral model in 1928. He’s the author of the Wonder Women comic series. Marston lived with two women – his wife Elizabeth Holloway Marston and partner Olive Byrne, and both were immensely influential in the creation of the Wonder Woman character. Besides being the inventor of the polygraph machine (lie detector), he’s also the researcher and psychologist behind DISC Theory.
According to Marston, telling a lie raises blood pressure. He created the systolic blood pressure test using the polygraph machine. The systolic blood pressure test is one of the most important elements of today’s polygraphs. Interestingly, Elizabeth Holloway Marston, William Marston’s wife, first suggested that blood pressure and emotions are connected.
A big influence on academic writing of that era, Marston had a deep interest in human behavior. Marston wrote a book called “EMOTIONS OF NORMAL PEOPLE” in which he revealed what influences behavior. In his behavioral model, Marston relates behavior to two axes – one that is influenced by people’s perceptions of their surroundings, while the other is influenced by how they perceive power in relation to the environment. He came up with the DISC theory by putting those axes at a right angle. Marston’s DISC theories had four dimensions:
- Dominance (now called dominance) – Observable activity in an antagonistic environment
- Inducement (now called influence) – Observable activity in a favorable environment
- Submission (now called steadiness) – Observable passivity in a favorable environment
- Compliance (now called conscientiousness) – Observable passivity in an antagonistic environment
Empedocles (444 BC) also used the four elements model. The pre-Socratic philosophers explained human behavior by referring to four external, environmental factors. The four roots or elements were WATER, AIR, FIRE, and EARTH, according to Empedocles. Hippocrates thought to have expanded on this notion later. In Hippocrates’ Four Temperaments and Galen’s Four Humors, a balance of four bodily fluids is needed to maintain health – Phlegm/Phlegmatic as an element of water, Yellow Bile/choleric as an element of fire, Black Bile/Melancholic as an element of earth and Blood/Sanguine as an element of air.
ICarl Gustav Jung developed the theory around personality types in the early 1920s, which later evolved into the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).Carl Jung maintains that personality comes from internal influences and that personality types come from how we think and process information. In his book Psychological Types, Carl Jung describes the different types of personalities based on the way we perceive the world – Sensation, Intuition, Feeling, and Thinking. The Myer Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) questionnaire was first published in 1943 by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. Interestingly, when Katharine Briggs first met Clarence Myers, Isabel’s future husband, she was fascinated by his way of seeing things. Afterward, she did a thorough literature review and created an instrument based on Carl Jung’s “Psychological” types. Educational Testing Service published the MBTI questionnaire before it was sold to Consulting Psychologists Press (CPP). This questionnaire comes in 14 languages now.
Walter Clarke, an industrial psychologist, created an instrument to help companies hire qualified people in 1956. He published a checklist of adjectives based on DISC theory by William Moulton Marston.
Walter Clarke Associates then invented a new version of this instrument for John Cleaver – around a decade after the original. They called it Self-Description. Rather than giving you a checklist of adjectives to describe your behavior, this questionnaire asked you to pick between two or more terms. DISC was developed based on factor analysis of this assessment. John Geier, Ph.D., used Self-Description to create the original Personal Profile System® (PPS).
In addition to his work as an international consultant, Dr. John Geier founded Geier Learning International, Performa Learning Network, and Carlson Learning. Later, Carlson Learning became Inscape Publishing, which was recently acquired by John Wiley & Sons. The 15 styles proposed by Clarke became the 15 classical patterns – Achiever, Agent, Appraiser, Counselor, Creative, Developer, Inspirational, Investigator, Objective Thinker, Perfectionist, Persuader, Practitioner, Promoter, Result-oriented and Specialist.
The DISC Quadrants
DISC stands for Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C).
Each of these quadrants refers to a set of typical responses or behaviors people are expected to exhibit. According to the two-dimensional model, D and I styles are fast paced, while S and C styles are moderately paced. In the same way, D and C styles are task-oriented or skeptical and S and C styles are people-oriented.
It’s important to note that individuals with a D style will not only exhibit the characteristics of that style. Everyone is a combination of all four styles. Being in one of the quadrants implies that the characteristics defining that style are the dominant behaviors and preferences of the individual. A D style characteristic, for example, corresponds to a person’s dominant behavioral tendencies. Occasionally, an individual with a D style may also exhibit characteristics of I, S, or C styles.
To achieve greater differentiation, each of the four DISC styles can be further subdivided into three more segments. Thus, 12 DISC styles may be identified. Four of these twelve styles are “pure” or “natural” styles, namely, D, I, S, and C. The remaining eight styles are combinations of two styles, namely, DI, ID, IS, SI, SC, CS, CD, and DC.
Let us now examine each style in more detail:
Dominance/Influence (DI or ID) styles: Both these styles are fast-paced and dynamic by nature. People belonging to either of these styles tend to be more action oriented, bold, and impulsive. The combination of self-confidence and social poise characterizes these personalities, and it is this combination that leads them to be entrepreneurial and risk-takers.
Influence (I) styles: I styles are lively, energetic, and extremely outgoing. These individuals are energetic and have positive interpersonal relationships. High energy and enthusiasm are two adjectives that describe them.
Influence/Stability (IS or SI) styles: These styles are enthusiastic, but not as extreme as I style. They’re gentler and cheerier. They’re both trusting of others and look for the best in people. Their best attributes are compassionate and welcoming. The IS styles are more upbeat and lighthearted, whereas the Si styles are more supportive and friendly.
Steadiness (S) styles: S styles are both interpersonally warm and moderately paced and therefore, are described as calm, peaceful, or even-tempered. Supportive in nature, S styles are also very accommodating and show a lot of concern for others.
Consistency/Steadiness (SC or CS) styles: Different from D styles, these two styles take less action and are more deliberate. Making decisions for them is usually a step-by-step process. These two styles prefer to be behind the scenes of all actions and demonstrate a great deal of passivity.
Consciousness (C) styles: The best adjective to describe C styles is analytical. People who are C styles are more reserved than enthusiastic, the exact opposite of I styles. They tend to be cautious and skeptical about expressing emotions and make decisions based on logical reasoning and data.
Consciousness/dominance (CD or DC) styles: Both are task-oriented and skeptical, but not to the point of being highly aggressive or highly withdrawn. The best word to describe it is challenging. DC styles are resolute and strong-willed, while CD styles are unsentimental.
Dominance (D) styles: The most direct way to describe D styles are as being dominant. Direct, result-oriented, competitive, strong-willed, and forceful, D types do not care about other people’s preferences.
This is a description of the 12 behavioral styles. After reviewing the DISC model, do you think we should learn about it?
According to Judy Suiter, “You must first invest in order to reap the rewards.”. Investing always precedes return. Always.” Understanding the DISC model and its language is like an investment – an investment that yields better interpersonal relationships, effective team building, and increased commitment by preventing conflict. If we become aware and understand the behavioral tendencies of ourselves and others, we can become more effective in communicating with others and pave the way for increased positive results.
Introduction to DISC Styles
There are some people with whom we gel at work. Our wavelength matches, our thought processes are similar, and we accept each other’s ideas and perspective, and the execution becomes seamless. However, we also meet some people with whom we have a hard time, we don’t communicate well, and our thought processes are out of sync, which results in conflict and poor business outcomes. It’s all about how your mind, personality and behavior fit into your work environment when you work with people. You know that time when you just don’t get a sense of your co-worker’s personality? Although your intentions are good, why do some of your co-workers keep misinterpreting what you’re saying? You have a few co-workers you experience destructive conflict with, but most conflicts can be sorted out by getting to know each other’s personalities and behaviors.
To be a successful team, you need to be able to work well with different personalities. Everybody brings something different to the table, be it a strong work ethic, creative ideas, or execution skills. We need to acknowledge these differences. Workplace differences can be identified and managed with DISC personality frameworks. Employers use the DISC assessment to identify work-related behaviors, personalities, communication styles, and effectiveness. There are four key personality characteristics that describe how people approach work and connections, but your profile report has 12 sub-styles.
The DISC model is a great tool for understanding yourself and others, which can improve all kinds of relationships. Using the DISC tools above, you should be able to get a better idea of your preferences and those of the people around you. Understanding each other helps us work together in better ways—at work in our social relationships, and with our stake holders.
Pure Styles
Here are a few things to know about each of DISC styles. Here are 4 behavioral tendencies to help us define people:
- Outgoing
- Reserved
- Task-oriented
- People-oriented
These four tendencies show up at different times and in different situations. Even so, most people have one or two of these personality traits that work for them. Some of these tendencies don’t quite fit their personality and may even seem alien to their way of thinking. How a person balances these four tendencies determines how they see the world and the people around them.
Dominant – results, action, challenge
Goals: Bottom-line results, victory
Fears: Being taken advantage of or appearing weak
Leadership qualities: taking charge, being confident, focusing on results
People with the D style are direct, goal-driven, firm, and strong-willed. It’s all about pushing themselves and others hard to achieve their goals. They try to control people and situations by force, while keeping their preferences in mind. Because of their skepticism and dynamism, they put a lot of energy into pursuing their goals. People with a D style tend to be fast, strong-minded, competitive, and tough-minded. Conceptually, this style is all about being direct and forceful.
Influence – enthusiasm, action, collaboration
Goals: Popularity, approval, excitement
Fears: Rejection, not being heard
Leadership qualities: Being enthusiastic, building relationships
You’ll find people with this style are outgoing and lively. Individuals with this style are energetic and very positive in their relationships. People usually describe them as upbeat and enthusiastic. In terms of behavior, they’re talkative and are always looking for new social opportunities. Generally, this style is social and energetic.
Steadiness – support, stability, collaboration
Goals: Harmony, stability
Fears: Letting people down, rapid change
Leadership qualities: Listening, showing diplomacy
Generally, they’re considered gentle. S-style people are friendly and don’t show a lot of energy. They’re calm and peaceful. Moderate paced and a more accepting personality. Individuals with S styles tend to be more patient and accommodating. They care about the people around them. This style is characterized by two main concepts: being calm and accommodating others.
Conscientiousness – accuracy, stability, challenge
Goals: Accuracy, objective processes
Fears: Criticism, strong displays of emotion
Leadership qualities: communicating clearly, promoting discipline analysis
C styles are analytical. C styles prefer quiet, analytical, and formal surroundings. They’re more reserved than average people and most of the time, they keep it to themselves. People describe them as cautious and skeptical. They have a reserved way of dealing with others. They’re systematic, and they’re focused on accuracy. This style is analytical, precise, and private.
Combination Styles
If you look at a person’s natural DISC profile, you can figure out their DISC personality type. Your response to an external stimulus determines your natural DISC profile. This style of behavior typically requires the least amount of energy and effort, requires the least amount of conscious mental effort, and is the most enjoyable for the person involved.
Even though D,I,S,C are pure styles, all 12 styles are natural styles, since people are a combination of all four styles and they can only help us put people into context. The styles used to represent the combination have some characteristics of both styles.
DI – action, results, enthusiasm
Goals: Quick action, new opportunities
Fears: Loss of power
Leadership qualities: Stretching the boundaries, finding opportunities
ID – action, enthusiasm, results
Goals: Exciting breakthroughs
Fears: Fixed environments, loss of approval or attention
Leadership qualities: Finding opportunities, promoting bold action
People who belong to the DI or ID styles are described as being dynamic. They are generally bold and adventurous. Also, they are more likely than the average person to have self-confidence and social poise that can be characterized as magnetic or inspiring. In a nutshell, the Di style is described as convincing and daring, whereas the ID style is described as animated and inspirational. In general, these styles both exhibit the two major conceptual elements of being bold and biased toward action.
DC – challenge, results, accuracy
Goals: Independence, personal accomplishment
Fears: Failure to achieve to their own standards
Leadership qualities: Setting high expectations, speaking up about problems
CD – challenge, accuracy, results
Goals: Efficient results, rational decisions
Fears: Failure, lack of control
Leadership qualities: Creates high standards, improving methods
Individuals in DC & CD are more skeptical than the average individual, but they do not go to the extremes of either being aggressive or highly reclusive. They are often described as challenging, as they often challenge ideas and other people. The people who describe themselves as these are highly logical and possess strong critical thinking skills. It is more difficult for them to show sympathy or patience for others who do not fit their standards. Because they may not engage in social niceties, they are frequently perceived as cynical or defensive. Compared to the CD style, the DC style is described accurately as resolute and strong-willed. The two major components of these styles are being skeptical and being irritable or prone to frustration.
IS – collaboration, enthusiasm, support
Goals: Friendship
Fears: Pressuring others, being disliked
Leadership qualities: Being approachable, acknowledging contributions
SI – collaboration, support, enthusiasm
Goals: Acceptance, close relationships
Fears: Being forced to pressure others, facing aggression
Leadership qualities: Creating a positive environment, acknowledging contributions
People who are positive, moderately enthusiastic, and gentle fit into the IS & SI category. Statistically, cheerful is the most suitable adjective for these styles. Their belief is that others are their best selves. They’re compassionate and friendly. IS people are upbeat and lighthearted, whereas SI people are supportive and agreeable. The two main concepts in both styles are being positive and showing empathy.
SC – stability, support, accuracy
Goals: Calm environments, fixed objectives, steady progress
Fears: Time pressure, uncertainty, chaos
Leadership qualities: Maintaining composure, being fair minded
CS – stability, accuracy, support
Goals: Stability, reliable outcomes
Fears: Emotionally charged situations, ambiguity
Leadership qualities: Showing modesty, being fair minded
It’s considered that the SC and CS styles are less action-oriented and more deliberate. When it comes to decision making, they’re steady and take things one at a time. Don’t take as much energy outwardly as other people. This style is also passive. People in this category are soft-spoken, and they let others control them. Those who follow the SC style describe themselves as unassuming and modest, while those who follow the CS style describe themselves as quiet and in control. The two main concepts in these styles are caution and passive.
Response to Stress
The first time you read your Everything DiSC profile, you are likely to look for your strengths. There is a desire on your part to see and share information about yourself that you may be proud of. Everyone wants to enhance their positive qualities and feel good about themselves. There are, however, certain areas where every DISC personality struggles. It is impossible to seek support for changing these problem areas or even recognizing them if you do not understand these behaviors. When training individuals who are aware of their DiSC style, in addition to helping them to resolve their concerns, you should remind them that others with similar styles are also confronted with similar problems under pressure. In this article, we will examine how various DiSC styles respond to stress.
The D-Style Personality
A D-style individual may appear to be totally confident and in control of his or her situation. However, this is not always the case. As a result of their controlling nature, they have a difficult time when they are not controlling. To observe how they respond under stress, try being needy, challenging, or emotional in front of them. Make them follow strict rules without allowing them to accomplish anything on their own. Placing them in a vulnerable position also causes them to feel stressed out. It is possible for them to lack empathy when they are under stress, and they may even act in an aggressive manner. Additionally, people with this personality type have difficulty letting others take center stage.
Their core belief is that they are valuable if they are on top or if they are producing.
How individuals with other styles can help them?
You can help this type of individual by providing them with an environment in which they can promote their success and increase their autonomy. Provide them with the ability to assume autonomy in a responsible and safe manner. Provide them with information about the possible consequences of taking shortcuts they may wish to take. Explain to them that whenever you point out something, you are not trying to challenge his authority, but rather to assist him in achieving a goal. You should ensure that he is able to see both the big picture and the bottom line.
The i-Style Personality
Perhaps you are wondering what kind of struggles such a fun personality could face? If you want to find out whether they can handle routine tasks with a deadline, then try giving them a few simple tasks with a deadline. It is difficult for I-style individuals to perform repetitive tasks and to conduct a detailed analysis. Furthermore, they are incapable of expressing themselves. People who are under a great deal of pressure tend to behave in a histrionic manner when they are under stress.
Their core belief is that they are valuable only if they are able to attract people.
How individuals with other styles can help them?
If you give such individuals some positive attention, they will be able to express themselves and maintain their naturally upbeat attitude. If such an individual is a member of your team, make sure that she understands and shares the team’s goals. It is imperative that she displays an attitude of enthusiasm when working on any project. A person with an i-personality believes that life should be fun, lively, and pleasant, so assist her in making it so.
The S-Style Personality
If you wish to see how an S- style behaves under stress, just tell him that he needs to confront someone for a bad performance or a bad attitude. Try to abruptly change his regular operating procedure and offer him no justification for this sudden change, and don’t give him time to practice. Ask him to convince someone unknown that he supports this new procedure.
The S-style personality looks out for harmony and always pays attention to others’ needs. They can be passively aggressive. They are likely to over commit at times if they have they have to take on responsibilities since no one else will. They are quite capable of inhibiting innovation out of discomfort.
Their core belief is that they are valuable if they are accepted.
How individuals with other styles can help them?
You must encourage them to speak up. The S-style may not draw attention towards his or her own abilities or success. Ensure that you do not mistake her to be agreeable and low key nature to be a lack of passion, knowledge, or experience. It is easy to misread them by assuming that they are in alignment to your point of view, whereas they may not be. So ask them instead. Give them time to think how they wish to present their viewpoint and ensure that you show your care about their views.
The C-Style Personality
C-style personalities are quite the opposite of I-style personalities. Probably what upsets the i-personality is precisely what the C-personality desires. You can observe the C-style under stress by keeping a room full of erratic and emotional individuals. It would be helpful if you provided him with an unclear goal to achieve, limited resources, and a tight deadline to achieve. A C-style individual is usually interested in practicing self-control, as opposed to an I-style individual who is more open. C-types find it quite difficult to pay attention to their own thoughts and behaviors when they are surrounded by a lot of other people. The personality type of this individual is characterized by hostility, disagreement, and avoidance when under stress.
Their core belief is that they are valuable if they are competent.
How individuals with other styles can help them?
Make sure you are clear about what you expect from them. In order to avoid being inappropriate or wrong, let them know how they will be judged. Their goal is to avoid being the cause of any emotional outbursts. You should allow a C-personality type in your team to carry out a self-analysis of the situation if he or she becomes defensive. You should express your confidence that he will be able to learn from his mistakes. Redirect his attention from the mistake he committed to how he can correct it and move forward. When it comes to asking for assistance, a C-style individual has difficulty. You should try to ask with respect so that the C does not feel that you are questioning his abilities. Ensure that you earn his trust over a period.
DISC Natural Styles
12 Styles of DISC
DISC profiles look at how you respond to certain situations, how to influence others and how you respond to co-workers. Employers use DISC to assess teams, communication and potential candidates. It has four key personality components:
Dominance: Relates to control, power and assertiveness
Influence: Relates to social situations and communication
Steadiness: Relates to patience, persistence and thoughtfulness
Conscientiousness: Related to structure and organization.
In the DISC profile, employers are asked to pick a description or word that is most like them and one that is least like them. Answers are plotted in one of four personality categories on the DISC circular or quadrant diagram. Because the DISC assessment focuses on four main behaviors, the DISC personality test is fairly easy to understand. Although everyone is a mixture of traits, one or two predominant personality styles usually stand out.
The DISC assessment is often used in the workplace because it focuses on behavior rather than intelligence, aptitude, mental health or values. Employers use DISC information to assemble teams that work and communicate well together which often results in more productive and efficient meetings. With less conflict, teams typically encounter a less stressful workplace.
DISC personality types
Although there are four DISC personality styles, there are 12 recognized combinations. Each style has its unique strengths. Most people fall into one or two combinations in the DISC graph. The first letter indicates the most prominent style followed by the second influential area. Since a variety of companies offer DISC-related tests, the labels may vary. Here are the 12 results:
- D: Dominance
Employees who rank exclusively in the dominance (D) area are focused and inspirational as well as strong-willed, self-reliant and independent. They are self-starters who enjoy taking risks. D personalities tend to look at the “big picture,” identify the next best steps in a process and delegate day-to-day tasks.
D types are task-oriented and prefer a faster-paced work environment. However, they may struggle with teamwork, details, and planning. Their forceful and impatient predispositions may be intimidating, especially since they sometimes forget to include others in the problem-solving process.
- DC: Dominance and conscientiousness
The DC personality type has a dominance (D) prevalence influenced by conscientiousness (C). As such, they tend to be leaders focusing on challenges, results and accuracy. They are often overachievers driven by the motivation to succeed. Challengers could benefit from slowing down and taking time to listen to and understand others on their team. Instead of focusing on the instant satisfaction of short-term wins, they would do well to take a step back and survey the long-term effects and intangible benefits of a decision.
- DI: Dominance and influence
An employee with a DI style has a prevalent dominance (D) personality combined with influence (I). DI-type personalities are action-oriented and enthusiastic. They tend to bring creativity and innovation to the work environment, always looking for new and fresh ideas. Seekers are focused and tend to work well in teams with a sense of urgency and direction.
Since they aren’t particularly analytical or detailed, careers focused on small details may not be suitable for them. DI types thrive on change, excitement and spontaneity rather than slow-paced or tedious occupations.
- I: Influence
Those with an exclusive I personality are energetic and sociable yet may seek recognition with verbal approval. They are the people who can highlight positive things in difficult situations, making them good communicators in the workplace. I types have strong socialization skills due to their outgoing nature.
However, I personalities tend to have problems with consistent and predictable routines. As a result, they are unlikely to thrive in careers that focus too much on routine and structure.
I types are people-oriented and prefer a faster-paced work environment. They require regular interaction with others and usually prefer occupations that entail a great deal of teamwork and collaboration.
- ID: Influence and dominance
Employees who rank as ID have a prevalent influence (I) style influenced by dominance (D). They are motivated by the feeling they get when their team is successful vs. being motivated by extrinsic value such as a job promotion. ID types are passionate and work better when they are awarded some freedom to take risks. They gravitate toward positions in less traditional environments, like working remotely or in outside sales. If an ID is on your team, you may be able to keep them engaged in the daily operations by encouraging them to share their bold ideas and innovative solutions.
- IS: Influence and steadiness
An IS combines influence (I) with steadiness (S). IS employees are intent listeners and empathetic. They put a high value on peace and harmony and want to make every situation successful. Their main goal is to promote others to help them grow in their abilities. They feel most content when interacting with those around them and often use their kindness to build strong connections.
However, their desire to be friends may hamper their abilities as authority figures. They don’t like routine or consistency and may have trouble making rational decisions or plans.
- S: Steadiness
The S personality often serves as the bridge between management and their co-workers because they are both sincere and dependable. They have the ability to understand all sides of a situation. They are great listeners, which makes them effective mediators.
S types are thoughtful and deliberate in their actions and aren’t likely to take big risks, no matter the payoff. They struggle when dealing with angry or unruly individuals, providing potentially negative feedback and often fail to be productive in emotionally charged environments.
S types are people-oriented and prefer a slower-paced work environment.
- SI: Steadiness and influence
SI employees combine steadiness (S) with influence (I) to be team-oriented and supportive. They excel at bringing teams together to work effectively and efficiently. They tend to be very empathetic, great listeners and care about fellow team members’ feelings.
Because of these qualities, SI types work strongly in teams and can develop into great leaders. They are also good at working independently in roles that require them to collaborate with others, for example, technology consulting.
- SC: Steadiness and conscientiousness
The SC personality combines steadiness (S) and conscientiousness (C). This results in a logical, pragmatic employee who wants to get tasks done correctly the first time. They may not necessarily be savvy with technology but they are technically proficient with the work that they are responsible for.
Professions that require a high level of meticulous, organized work suit SCs best. They particularly enjoy making plans, rules, and guidelines. Less social than some of the other DISC model personality types, SC types are often content with getting their work done and are described as even-tempered and reliable.
- C: Conscientiousness
The conscientiousness (C) type strives for accuracy and perfection. They are data-driven, highly organized, detail-oriented perfectionists. C types tend to be very logical and aren’t easily influenced by emotions, which can be beneficial when working on a team.
They are very focused and insightful, yet they require projects that hold their interest. Whether researching a new topic or analyzing an important data set, C personalities can be very productive and thorough employees, especially when they love what they are doing.
C types are task-oriented and prefer a slower-paced work environment.
- CD: Conscientiousness and dominance
The CD personality displays a combination of conscientiousness (C) and dominance (D) traits. They are very detail-oriented, highly organized and enjoy doing tasks to their completion. This personality type will be assertive in the workplace. As managers, they have high standards and will engage in discussions with employees if expectations are not being met.
CD types in management should consider their coaching strategies. Communicating problems to employees is only half of an adequate management strategy. The rest includes developing the employee to ensure they do it the right way in the future.
- CS: Conscientiousness and steadiness
A CS personality emphasizes conscientiousness (C) influenced by steadiness (S) and is defined by reliability, preparedness and responsibility to their teammates. They are very responsible and thrive in routine environments.
CS types can be shy, which may make it a challenge to be heard in group projects. They may feel more comfortable when they don’t have to ask questions, so if you manage a CS type, it is important to be thorough when giving instructions.
Everything DiSC Workplace
Workplace India – Everything DiSC Assessment
Everything DiSC Workplace assessment by John Wiley & Sons, erstwhile Inscape Publishing, is one of the most popular DiSC self-assessments.
A generic report, it supplements classroom training programs related to Business Communication, Team Building, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Workplace Productivity, Career Development, Conflict Resolution and Management Skills with personalized insights. By supporting and supplementing a soft skills training program with a DiSC assessment, trainers can personalize the learning experience of the participants.
The key outcomes of using an Everything DiSC Workplace reports are:
Understand Yourself – Respondents can decipher their own behavioural priorities and preferences in a reliable way.
Appreciate Others – By gaining an understanding of other’s priorities and preferences, respondents can appreciate “why” someone behaves the way they do. This increases the likelihood of establishing instant rapport and high trust relationships.
Enhance Interpersonal Effectiveness – By learning about one’s own DiSC style and that of others, one can be more effective in communicating and interacting with others. Effectiveness rule states that you must treat others the way they wish to be treated. By understanding DiSC and knowing each other’s DiSC style, we could provide an easy and repeatable “method” to interact effectively.
How can you I take an assessment?
It’s simple. For each profile ordered through our service desk at [email protected], you will receive an email with the link to an assessment. The link is unique to each respondent and must not be shared. By clicking on the link, you will be led to an online assessment that takes about 20-25 minutes to answer. Once you submit your responses, a personalized report is automatically generated.
If you are participating in a team program, you administrator will send the link to you. Your facilitator may choose to share the report with you later during the training program.
Everything DiSC Workplace Report is a generic profile which means that you could take this assessment to understand your workplace priorities irrespective of your role, title or seniority at workplace. The ensuing 20-page report will provide multiple insights including your motivators and stressors. It helps you understand what your behavioural strengths and challenges are. It will further provide an insight into how to be more effective in your interaction with others.
The language of the report is simple and easy to understand for most non-native English-speaking respondents. The report is narrative and provides personalized reading experience. The report is greatly enhanced by easy-to-understand visuals.
By using adaptive testing, the assessment promises accuracy, reliability, and validity. Many other DISC assessments use what is called a Forced Choice Questionnaire that has a four-point scale of “Most or Least” like them, Adaptive testing uses a five-point scape to capture the priorities of the respondent.
Adaptive Testing adjusts the questionnaire based on the responses to understand the respondent’s preferences better. The assessment also adjusts to reveal and resolve any inconsistencies in the responses to determine true preferences. This greatly enhances the accuracy, reliability, and validity of the assessment.
Furthermore, by using a circumplex to exhibit a person’s DiSC style and an 8-point scale instead of a regular 4-point scale, the assessment provides a personalized reading experience to the respondent.
Everything DiSC Workplace Report is one of the most advanced, contemporary, and highly reliable DiSC report available today and presents the widest application at both home and workplace.
In addition to the self-assessment report, there are many follow up reports available to support your learning. Follow-up reports are customized reports created after the self-assessment is completed by the respondent. As a respondent, you could learn about your own style and compare your style to that of your colleagues by using a profile comparison tool named MyEverythingDiSC.com. There is also a provision to create group reports that determine the dominant culture in a group.
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ is a team intervention based on Patrick Lencioni’s bestselling leadership parable. Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team helps organizations to apply the lessons of Five Dysfunctions to become a more cohesive, effective team.
Target Audience: Teams of all sizes (Industry agnostic) Strategic Teams, Mission Critical Teams, Geographically distributed Teams, Leadership teams and more.
Application: Team training programs, Development Programs, Leadership Development Programs focusing on teamwork
Scope: Helps establish behavioral norms that promote teamwork critical to achieving collective results.
Features: The Assessment has two sections – A self assessment and a team survey. The pursuing report is customized for each individual. An annotated team report provides great insight to the facilitator. Comes with Five Behaviors Comparison report. Also available is a world class facilitation kit to help trainers and facilitators with handouts, videos and activities.
So, what does it take to build a great team? Whether you are managing a team of surgeons, a strategic team in an IT company or a team of call center agents managing a mission critical project, the dynamics of the team have some common and some unique elements. The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ has been designed with a goal to help you create a high performance cohesive team. Its facilitates a learning experience that supports individuals, teams and organizations to discover the behaviors and practices that make a team become cohesive and the one that prioritizes collective results. As Patrick Lencioni said, teamwork is the Ultimate Strategic Advantage! The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team profile, is based on the model described in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the best-selling leadership fable by Patrick Lencioni.
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team – Is it an assessment, a training program or a facilitation kit?
Five Behaviors of Cohesive Team is a combination of the above three – A self-assessment, a team survey and an experiential program that is supported by a world class facilitation kit. It provides a way for a team to consider their team work on the 5 elements of trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results. Additionally, the program is powered by Everything DiSC®, a model that helps individuals understand their own behavioral priorities – strengths and challenges and understand others. Using these insights, participants work together to create a cohesive high-performance team.
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive team is, as the team suggests, for teams. The question to consider is how do you define a team? Because not every group / cohort of people can be called a team. A team is essentially defined as a small group of people that are aligned to a common goal. As an extension on the same, they also share the responsibilities that contribute towards achieving the same. It is important to establish the team members not only report to the same manager but also have high level of mutual accountability and interdependence in carrying out day to day tasks of the team. When teams undergo a Five Behaviors of a Cohesive team program, they essentially go through a journey of 5 steps of enhancing vulnerability based trust, managing conflict, making commitments, holding one another accountable and focusing on collective results. This journey is unlikely to produce best results in case the group of people experiencing the journey isn’t really a team with good level of interdependence, common goals and perhaps the same manager.
The Five behaviors of a cohesive team provide a simple, concise, predictable and well-structured process for measuring, improving and sustaining teamwork. It is founded in scientific research and behavioral science.
Strengthscape offers the Five Behaviors Program in multiple formats. It is important to engage with our facilitators to determine the best fit duration, pedagogue and activities based on where your team is in terms of the 5 steps of the Five Behaviors model. The five steps, as defined in the Five Dysfunctions of a Team Model are as follows:
Trust – Trust One Another
When team members are genuinely transparent and honest with one another, they can build vulnerability-based trust. High vulnerability based trust is important to create a fertile ground for breakthrough thinking. The role of a leader is crucial in building vulnerability based trust where people can acknowledge their goof ups and openly admit mistakes.
Managing Conflict – Engage in Debate Around Ideas
When there is trust, team members can engage in unfiltered, constructive debate of ideas. A healthy debate is a content of argumentation between two individuals or more and is focused around ideas. Great teams practice debating ideas irrespective of the rank and file of the person proposing it. They engage in meaningful discussion that promotes openness of ideas and building collective commitment. The important aspect of what Patrick Lencioni has highlighted is that the discussion and debate is around ideas and not personalities.
Commitment – Commit to Decisions
When team members can offer opinions and debate ideas, they will be more likely to commit to decisions. To drive greater commitment to decisions, it is important to achieve the first two steps – establish vulnerability based trust and discuss ideas openly without the fear of being judged or shot down. When the two steps are achieved, cohesive teams can make greater commitment to teamwork. This stems from the ability of the team members to present their issues and concerns with the decisions. They feel values irrespective of the fact whether some or many the members of team agree with their idea or opinion on various issues. It is easier to tap into the commitment of the team members if they are participating in team debates by choice.
Accountability – Hold One Another Accountable
When everyone is committed to a clear plan of action, they will be more willing to hold one another accountable. It is important to establish a culture of mutual accountability. Many times, managers and supervisors, use their position as a crutch to drive accountability. Good teams have a good sense of accountability to the boss. Great teams are accountable to each other. Because the teams have jointly committed to team decisions, they are greater drive to hold one another accountable. This improves the level of interdependence the team has on one another.
Results – Focus on Achieving Collective Results
A good “observable behavior” of great work how people focus on collective results. Teams establish norms where everyone is focusing on common good. Behaviors typical of advancing one’s own career or interest at the cost of the team goals or common good are highly discouraged. Teamwork requires establishing practices and norms that can work against the natural tendency to look out for ourselves before others. The goal of building greater trust, healthy conflict, commitment, and accountability is one thing: the achievement of collective results.
Based on our experience of conducting the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team Program, we have a simple checklist to ensure that the program produces the desired results for you.
– Ensure that the group of people undergoing the assessment are really a team. A simple questionnaire can help you determine the same. Ask us for the same.
– With the assessment, ascertain how the team is currently doing on team work. Teamwork is simple but hard work. It requires sustained practice and an undeterred commitment to make it work.
– Discuss the results with our facilitators and see how the program needs to be designed. The program duration can vary from days to months.
Everything DiSC Management
Everything DiSC Management is a behavioral assessment especially meant for people managers. It provides great insight on how one approach work priorities and relationships and workplace. It is based on a few principles:
- Everyone can be an effective manager irrespective of one behavioral priorities or in other words irrespective of one’s DiSC style
- Self awareness is the key to personal and interpersonal effectiveness
- It is possible to train one’s eye to observe other peoples behaviors and recognize their DiSC style
- You can be more effective in your interactions with other by adapting your behaviors based on other’s priorities and preferences
Target Audience: Workplace Managers / People Managers / Early and Mid Managers
Application: Managerial training programs, Teamwork and Conflict Management among team members, Personal development programs for managers.
Scope: Addresses interpersonal issues related to one to one communication with one’s direct reports and supervisors. Provides insights related to one’s delegating and directing style, how one motivates others, one’s focus on developing team members and managing upwards.
Features: The Everything DiSC Management Map provides insights on how people manage workplace priorities.
The eight words around the map represent the priorities of the DiSC styles at workplace. Priorities relate the areas where people like to focus their energy (behaviorally).
Time is a precious commodity. Most managers in their experience of leading people wonder if they could have more time on hand. Managerial positions come with loads of accountability. And because of the time pressure and the sense of accountability, many managers end up doing everything themselves. My learning the art of delegation, Managers can free up time for more strategic tasks. Delegation helps in motivating and developing people. It’s a critical driver for enhancing the bias for succession planning. Delegating, Motivating and developing add up to be major transitionary skills required for those moving from being an individual contributor to a people manager. Everything DiSC Management profile addresses these critical skills.
Everything DiSC Management assessment enhances delegation skills to the extent that managers can comfortably delegate both routine and important tasks. They can take more inclusive decisions. Instead of vacillating between micromanagement and abdicating responsibility, they can share both responsibility and authority with their team members to accomplish routine and important tasks. Everything DiSC Management thus enhances the level of trust in teams. Lack of confidence in the art of delegating tasks leads to (1) managers doing most tasks, sometimes routine and trivial tasks (2) Fails to empower team members with the right level of authority to accomplish the tasks (3) Micromanages at every step compromising motivation and creativity (4) May set unrealistic expectations (5) May over delegate beyond the capability and influence of the team member.
By gaining an in-depth understand of the behavioural styles, an appreciation of their own behavioural strengths and weaknesses and that of their team member can make changes to the process of delegation in way that there is a greater possibility of the tasks getting accomplished. It can lead to significant improvement in mutual trust, task outcomes and creativity.
Everything DiSC Management Report and Developing Others: Another competency that managers are required to demonstrate is “developing direct reports”. Everything DiSC provides specific insights in how a manager prefers to develop his team members and how the team members may have different preferences for engaging in a development task or conversation. Early and ineffective managers may tend to demonstrate any of these derailing behaviours when it comes to developing others – (1) They may not prioritize people development in the plethora of tasks that they are responsible for (2) They may prioritize immediate results and tactical things by compromising long term development plans (3) They assume that development is natural and organic in nature so it requires no special effort or focus. (4) They may prefer recruiting talent as oppose to developing team members (5) May not know how to develop and how to customize their development approach to the needs and preferences of everyone.
Facilitated by the Everything DiSC Management Report, skilled Managers provide an element of challenge every time they delegate to carefully develop their team members. By knowing the preferences and behavioural priorities of their team members, Managers develop their team members by customizing their own approach to the development tasks, style of delegation and the pace of the environment they create. Everything DiSC Management report adds individualization and effectiveness to the three factors critical for developing people – A willingness in the team member to develop (clarity of goals helps), an establish development process in an organization and (3) A manager who believes in developing people for his own and organization’s growth.
Everything DiSC Management Report focuses on one to one relationship between the Manger and the team Manager on one hand and between the manager and Manager’s supervisor on the other. This reflects the reality of a Manager’s life. Frequently working within the constraints of the team competency and the aspirations of the senior management, Managers need to establish high trust relationships with both the sides to manage expectations and deliver business outcomes by getting the best from the team members and the senior management.
Everything DiSC Management assessment addresses another critical area of a manager’s role – Motivating Others. Often, Managers may not understand what motivates others or how to go about motivating others. Many managers believe that everyone is motivated by the same thing – often money. This is far from true. Managers who are unable to motivate others often end up with team members who are underutilized, and unskilled. Managers who fail to motivate others fail to understand others and do not know how to read people with different priorities. They may end up being too judgmental and often put people into broad buckets / stereotypes.
Everything DiSC Management report provides insights to help managers get the best from their team members by keeping them motivated to put in their best always. They can create an environment that people long for. They demonstrate great ability to read people and understand their aspirations, motivation and challenges. Managers skilled in motivating others can easily empower power and make every individual feel important and wanted on the team. Effective managers are viewed as being fair and transparent in all their transactions.
Effective managers are flexible in their approach. They demonstrate managerial courage – They can situationally adapt themselves between task and people orientation. They provide direct and complete constructive feedback and are generous with praises for their team. They are not afraid to take corrective action when required either. Behavioural flexibility is neither easy nor quick. It takes conscious effort and specific inputs. Everything DiSC Management report helps managers build behavioural flexibility and managerial courage.
Work of Leaders
The Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Profile by Wiley is a sought-after assessment used for the leadership positions. The Work of Leaders came into existence after distilling the research done on 300 industry leaders. This profile defines the best leadership practices.
According to the research, leadership is a one-to-many kind of relation as opposed to one-one relationship of management. The WOL (work of leaders) is a simple three step process which focusses on the fundamental roles of a leader and it relates to the VAE Model of leadership where ‘V’ stands for Vison, ‘A’ is for alignment, ‘E’ stands for execution.
In the research by Julie Straw and her counterparts, they have defined VAE as the following –
- Crafting a Vision: Imagining an improved future state that the group will make a reality through its work
- Building Alignment: Getting to the point where everyone in the group understands and is committed to the direction
- Championing Execution: Ensuring that the conditions are present for the imagined future to be turned into a reality
The online assessment offered by John Wiley and Sons makes use of the VAE model stated above in addition brings light to the behavioral aspect of leadership styles through the DiSC model. The assessment asks participants to respond to statements on a five-point scale, including application-specific questions to help determine the participant’s Work of Leaders priorities. The profile is created using the latest adaptive testing methodology. Each participant receives precise insights to personalize their experience. Listed below are the objectives and outcomes that the leaders will be able to achieve post taking the assessment-
- Receive tangible steps directed at leading a group or organization toward a desired outcome
- Understand how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations
- Understand themselves better – the first step to becoming more effective when leading others
Here is a brief summary based on the first step of the VAE model, that is crafting a vision
- VAE involves skills that can be learned and practiced—in this case, skills around exploration, boldness, and testing assumptions. But in the end, the leader must apply judgment, asking herself how bold to be and how much to listen to critics and naysayers. Use these tips and reminders to guide your process
- Choose the scope of the vision that fits your current leadership role and the needs of your group and organization
- Trust the process. Remember that crafting a vision is a dynamic process that benefits from multiple perspectives
- The important thing is to be patient and stick with it
- Make sure to set reasonable goals and expectations for yourself and your team
- Don’t forget to appreciate the milestones and to celebrate the clear vision that’s essential to your long-term success
Building alignment is the most people-centered part of the VAE model.
- It’s about how you, as a leader, interact with others, how you communicate with and listen to others, and how you and your co-workers affect one another
- Each driver of alignment—clarity, dialogue, and inspiration—is about connecting with your team. Clarity leads to understanding
- Dialogue facilitates involvement and ownership. Inspiration promotes emotional commitment
Championing execution is the core of the VAE model.
- As the champion, you are always acting in service of someone or something, whether it is your team, your vision, or your customers. Your energy is focused outward as you seek ways to establish momentum, provide structure, and offer feedback
Work of Leaders is based on best practices and four years of developmental effort, connects to real-world demands of leadership and generates powerful conversations that provide a clear path of action for leaders across levels.
Learning and Development
Application of DISC for Learning & Development Professionals
DISC certification program by Strengthscape provides learning development professionals a good insight into the mechanics of human behavior. Here are the top reasons why every L&D professional must gain a DISC certification.
- Accelerate employee development by applying the world’s leading behavioural tool.
Employers have always been challenged to increase performance and meet talent expectations by maximizing the return on investment in employee development. By applying DISC profiles to role specific training and development initiatives, L&OD professionals can aim to target development needs for specific job profiles such as leadership, people managers, individual contributors, match people’s behavioural priorities to the roles, enhance employee motivation and engagement, develop job specific competencies, promote core values, build leadership inventory, and drive managers to coach and engage employees.
- Understand what motivates people and integrate it to learning systems to manage performance efficiently.
As the financial climate across the world turns hostile, businesses are finding it increasingly difficult to hire new talent, making it imperative to retain and develop existing human resource who have proven their mettle. Retention is dependent on how the organization can recognize individual achievements and motivate people to work in environments that balance personal and professional goals while being in sync with the organization’s strategy. Strengthscape’s DISC Trainer Certification program helps L & OD professionals to understand the behavioural preferences of their people and how to use this to understand the factors that motivate everyone so that they can design learning interventions that foster a positive workplace climate. After all, it is well known that the organizations that enrich their talent development process by systematically applying psychometric assessments have a competitive advantage, because hiring and retaining the best talent is a strategic imperative.
- Create personalized programs that are tailor made to fit into individual learning styles.
To increase engagement during learning sessions, it is important to give undivided attention to individual learning styles, cues that trigger learning and their natural approach to the learning process. By gaining insights into a person’s behavioural priorities, talent management professionals can align organization’s business objectives to individual employee business and personal goals and expectations. By designing learning programs into the individual learning styles, talent development professionals can accelerate development impact and increase the return-on-investment multi-fold. The role specific insights that the Everything DiSC suite provides takes learning to a higher pedestal making it resonate well with the learner creating highly effective learning experiences.
- Use off the shelf DISC facilitation kits to roll out high volume training programs.
The DISC Trainer Certification Program provides application specific inputs on how the facilitation kits can be used to roll out high volume training programs cost effectively and in no time. The facilitation kits are packed with everything that may be required to facilitate the best DISC certification program sessions like videos, PowerPoint presentations, assessments, games, trainer manual, learning guides and trainee handouts. The material is totally customizable with logos and personal branding options.
DISC for Executive Coaches
Why should every Executive Coach be familiar with the DISC model?
Coaches all over the world must demonstrate competence and knowledge of coaching methodology, theory, and practice before they are hired. There are more coaches than ever before, so it is not sufficient to be well qualified and experienced. It is possible to maintain high coaching standards by using role-specific psychometric tools such as Everything DiSC Work of Leaders and Everything DiSC Management.
Adapt coaching plans to coachee’s learning styles
Coaching aims to assist the coachee in becoming self-motivated, inspired, capable of making good decisions, and capable of acting wisely. In order for this to be successful, the coach must win the coachee’s undivided attention. Through the DISC Trainer Certification program, coaches learn how to apply the DISC assessment and support tools to develop coaching plans tailored to the preferences of the coachee. It is a rewarding experience for both coach and coached to participate in coaching. Coaches who have been certified as DISC Trainers are able to design learning journeys based on their own DISC profiles.
It is well known that DISC assessments are reliable and statistically valid, ensuring that behavioral analysis is objective.
In behavioral analysis, DISC assessments are renowned for their reliability and statistical validation, ensuring objectivity. Coaches and coachees must have implicit trust in order to provide excellent coaching. It is imperative that the coachee feels that the coach is completely unbiased when rendering judgments, as this builds trust and removes any feeling of distrust. With its objectivity, the tool removes any inhibitions the partners may have, eliminating the influence of history, assumptions, and expectations. Coaches and executives learn how to use DISC tools to facilitate open conversations that offer encouragement and practical advice.
The coach can provide clear actionable suggestions when he or she coaches with role-specific inputs.
As a result, Everything DiSC’s inputs and personalized strategies are tailored to each individual’s individual DISC behavior. As a result of these reports, coaches can gain valuable feedback and insights that will enable them to present coaching action points without escalating the emotional content or misrepresenting the coach’s intention. It is important to note that this course examines how the various Everything DiSC tools can be applied to specific coaching plans at your workplace.
With group culture reports, group coaching can be made more effective.
Identifying how everyone’s beliefs, attitudes, and values affect the dynamics of the group is one of the greatest challenges of group coaching. Compared to one group, comparing two or more groups is even more challenging. There are several types of group reports covered in the DiSC Trainer Certification Program, including the culture report, team view report, or Beyond DISC report, such as the Team Dimensions Profile. In this way, group coaching is made easier, as the coach has ready-made comparisons at his or her disposal.
DISC in Behavioral Training
How can DISC model be used for enhancing the effectiveness of behavioural trainings?
DISC has been applied for multitude of behavioral training programs in the corporate world. From time-management, communications skills, leadership, and people management skills – all such programs have been accompanied by a DISC assessment. What are the benefits of including DISC in behavioral training programs? Here are some pointers!
Enrich your training programs with DISC Facilitation kit and Strengthscape games
The most powerful advantage for freelance and corporate trainers is that they gain an increased understanding of how to design and deliver DISC based programs. On top of that, our rich Trainer’s Login provide a series of games and activities that can be used in any DISC training module. Strengthscape’s Certified DISC Trainers also get attractive discounts on Wiley’s Training Kits. These facilitation kits enhance training programs with world-class Videos, PowerPoints, and Handouts.
Transcend boundaries in training by getting certified in the globally accepted DISC Assessment Tools.
The DISC Trainer certification is certainly a resume booster for trainers who wish to take their training programs across borders. The DISC Classic Assessment which is available in over 30 languages is a globally accepted and popular assessment which makes it the top choice amongst leading businesses worldwide. The DISC Trainer Certification guarantees to give you an upper hand over competition when it comes to sourcing training opportunities. Post this certification, Trainers get the rights to administer DISC profiles anywhere in the world. Many freelance trainers have found our certification to be the best platform for taking their business beyond their local boundaries.
Fine tune facilitation to the learner’s natural learning style through an increased understanding of the intricacies of human behaviour.
To add value to a trainee’s professional repertoire of skills and knowledge a trainer must understand them in great depth. Knowing the preferred or natural learning style of the learner in advance can get the trainer equipped to deliver individualized training programs wherein it becomes easier to overcome resistance to learning and to engage the learner proactively. The DISC Trainer Certification program looks at human behaviour intricately and trainees have testified in being confident in understanding and interpreting behaviour.
Build sustainable relationships with clients and power your brand through robust follow – up mechanisms.
The EPIC System which comes with Strengthscape’s DISC Trainer Certification, offers a round-the-clock mechanism for generating profiles on demand, guaranteeing total control to trainer for the administration of DISC profiles and management of the follow-up engagement. Individual reports generated can be compared to each other and can be used to predict the culture of groups that those individuals are a part of. The reports generated from the EPIC system can carry your customized branding / logo thereby helping the trainer to build their own brands.
DISC Personality Test
Strengthscape is an Authorized Everything DiSC partner in India. It sells the entire range of Everything DiSC Personality Tests to organizations, trainers, and coaches in India. It also offers International DISC certification in three formats – 16 Hours Online Live Virtual Certification, In Person 2-day workshop and an eLearning-based course. Strengthscape is the best place to buy Everything DISC Personality Tests as it provides post-sales support to buyers.
DISC personality Tests assist in understanding behavioural tendencies and priorities of a person. These tests are based on adaptive testing method.
How does a personality test help? It helps us work with our strengths and weaknesses and improve interpersonal effectiveness.
- By understanding our personality style, we can understand our own strengths and challenges better.
- We can understand why people behave the way they do by understanding their personality style.
- By understanding DISC, we can adapt to other people’s preferences and be more effective in our communication with them
- We could, in a team situation, be effective in assigning roles and tasks and be more effective together.
DISC is a behaviour assessment tool. Behavior is the observable part of our personality. Everything DiSC reports available in India from Strengthscape could be divided into two parts:
- Main Report – These are personalized reports that are derived once the respondent completes a questionnaire that assesses their behavioural priorities. Many of these reports, are role specific, while the basic report Everything DiSC Workplace Report is a generic one – meaning that it has a wide application at workplace. It can be used to enhance self-awareness, communication effectiveness and stress management. Irrespective of the report you choose, you will find an insightful, non-judgmental, and easy to understand narrative in each of the reports. There are 9 Main reports: Everything DiSC Workplace Report, Management Report, Sales Report Work of Leaders Report, 363 for Leaders Report, Productive Conflict Report, Agile EQ, Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Tea and Five Behaviors Personal Development Report.
- Follow Up Reports (partial list) –
- Group Culture Report – If you wish to know your group’s preferences and its domination culture, then this report could be very helpful? This report can be generated if more than three people complete the assessment. It provides insights around the prevalent dynamics in the group and how, each member possibly feels working in this group. You can create these reports using the Group Culture creating functionality in the EPIC Account.
- Comparison Report – One of the advantages of people in a team taking a DISC personality Test is that they could generate a comparison report that provides insights on how they could work better with each other. It helps us establish unlikely relationships. It compares strengths, challenges and relationship behaviors of two respondents taking the assessment. This 10-page report is free with an EPIC account.
- Facilitator Report – It describes each profile within a group in greater detail and helps a facilitator in understanding why a respondent has a certain style. It summarizes the reports and articulates the issues to consider while working with the group. It helps the facilitator understand the group and prepare the training intervention better.
DISC for Managers
Using DiSC Assessments to manage conflicts, motivate team members, and build organizational culture
Behavioral testing is a powerful tool that can be used by employers in numerous industries and organizations to gain insight into their employees’ traits and behaviors. To shape the employee’s role in projects and teams, a company should identify each employee’s potential strengths and weaknesses using behavioral assessments.
The DISC test, based on a behavioral model proposed by Harvard psychologist Marston, is designed specifically for assessing both employees and employers in the workplace. Unlike other tools that are complex, time-consuming, and inaccurate, this test is simple and quick to administer. A non-judgmental tool, it offers no right or wrong answers, merely choices based on how one perceives themselves. This test examines four traits, namely Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.
There are many advantages to using DISC Profile for managers, regardless of their profession, industry, sector, etc. To get work done, it helps managers to bring out the best in their team members and themselves. The management-specific, customized report will assist managers in delegating and directing work, motivating, improving the team’s performance, as well as working effectively with their own managers.
By applying the science of DISC profile for managers, managers can learn how to facilitate effective interpersonal interactions with team members, leaders, or consumers. Having the ability to read people and determine what motivates them and what can scare them allows managers to better relate to their employees and provide the direction and support they require. This will be advantageous in resolving conflicts between managers and employees as well as in resolving problems within companies. As a result of resolving personality conflicts, managers can also train their team members how to communicate effectively.
In providing managers with a framework for adjusting their interpersonal relationships with different colleagues and to further enhance the work environment, the DISC profile for managers becomes extremely beneficial to improving the overall productivity of an organization.
In addition, managers, who are charged with creating systems of support that enable companies to maximize employee effectiveness, can also reap the benefits of DISC Profiles by building a culture of support that keeps workers united while meeting individual needs.
Furthermore, the key to increasing sales lies in this behavioral assessment model, which can identify customer behavior patterns and buying priorities. Sales managers and their teams can greatly increase profits by decoding their customers.
Team members also benefit from the program, as they become more self-aware and learn how to position themselves for success. To succeed in the workplace, they learn to adapt and communicate in teams by managing their behavior and emotions.
As a result of DISC Profile, companies have been able to optimize productivity in a time and cost-effective manner. It facilitates smooth functioning at the workplace and employee satisfaction, therefore leading to the attainment of business goals more easily.
DISC in India
In India, DiSC profiles are available in Gurgaon, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Bangalore
Are you interested in purchasing Wiley’s Everything DiSC series of products in Gurgaon? Are you looking for an authorized DiSC reseller? As the new commercial capital of India, Gurgaon is home to many organizations with their corporate offices there. The DiSC behavioral model is the most widely used behavioral model in the world. As one of the world’s leading providers of psychometric assessments, John Wiley & Sons has an authorized Everything DiSC partner in India (Gurgaon, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore) – Strengthscape.
We provide the following services as a DiSC Profiles in India, that is in Gurgaon, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Bangalore:
– Support the Everything DiSC series of products, including ED Workplace, ED Management, ED Work of Leaders, ED Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team, ED Sales, and ED 363 for Leaders.
– We assist trainers based in Gurgaon, India, and around the world to develop follow-up reports that enhance the training and coaching interventions following DiSC assessments.
– Assist our Certified Trainers in designing and delivering world-class training interventions for corporate clients, including management development programs, selling skills, first-time manager programs, and leadership programs.
– Provide best EPIC Credits packages that result in cost effective training roll outs.
– Partner with Trainers and Facilitators to create raining content related to DiSC Profiles.
Strengthscape owns the trademark Discprofiles in India. The following psychometric assessments are available in Gurgaon, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai and Bangalore in India:
- Everything DiSC Workplace (15 credits)
- Everything DiSC Work of Leaders (25 credits)
- Everything DiSC Management (25 credits)
- Everything DiSC Sales (25 credits)
- Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders (50 credits)
- Everything DiSC Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team (35 credits)
Reliability and Validity
DiSC scales and styles – Psychometric Properties
Thorough research has shown Everything DiSC assessments to have very high psychometric properties. When we talk about psychometric properties, we focus on three factors – norms, reliability, and validity. Everything DiSC assessments have high applicative value because it has been standardized on the appropriate population and has yielded consistent results in whatever it claims to measure.
Norms of Everything DiSC assessment
The Everything DiSC assessment has been standardized on a sample of 26,703 individuals representing the general U.S. population. The assessment has also been translated into other languages for which local norm groups were used for standardization.
For various assessment with specific applications such as Sales, Management, and Work of Leaders, the standardization was conducted on that specific population. For instance, the Everything DiSC Sales assessment was standardized based on empirical data gathered from both customers and sales people. Similarly, Everything DiSC Management has been standardized on managers.
Standardizing the assessment on the appropriate population increases the authenticity with which results can be interpreted. If a management profile is standardized on sale individuals, then the results and interpretation is questionable because the behavioral priorities for the two are different.
Reliability of Everything DiSC assessment
Typically, two types of reliability measures were used to establish the consistency of Everything DiSC assessments – Internal reliability and Test-retest reliability.
Internal consistency is about evaluating the degree of correlation among items (or questions in the form of statements) that claim to measure the same thing. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is used assess internal consistency reliability. The underlying principle is that if all the items on a given scale measures the same thing, then the degree of correlation among them should also be high.
There are eight scales in a DiSC model which are assessed with specific set of items. The eight scales are Di, i, iS, S, SC, C, CD and D. The other four scales iD, Si, CS and DC are assessed with the same items as Di, iS, SC and CD respectively and hence, have not been included.
For Everything DiSC assessment, the internal consistency reliability was assessed for two sample groups. The first group had 752 respondents while the second group had 39,607 respondents. The following table shows the internal consistency reliability for the two sample groups respectively.
Scale | Number of items | Cronbach alpha (N=752) | Cronbach alpha (N=39,607) |
Di | 9 | .90 | .85 |
i | 7 | .90 | .88 |
iS | 9 | .86 | .82 |
S | 10 | .87 | .82 |
SC | 12 | .84 | .86 |
C | 11 | .79 | .80 |
CD | 12 | .87 | .82 |
D | 8 | .88 | .84 |
(Data source: Retrieved from Everything DiSC® Manual, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
The table shows that all the scales have good-to-excellent internal consistency. All the reliabilities are well above 0.70 with a median of 0.87 (N=752) and 0.83 (N=39, 607). Based on these results we can say that the items for each of the scales have a high degree of correlation among them and successfully assesses the respective scale.
The second type of reliability is Test-retest reliability. It refers to the ability of the assessment to yield consistent and stable results over a period of time. Test-retest reliability is assessed by administering the complete assessment to the same group of respondents twice, with a suitable time gap between the two administrations. The most effective time gap is generally a fortnight. The results yielded from the two administrations are then compared to determine how strongly they correlate. A highly reliable assessment should be able to produce similar results every time it is administered on the same individual. In the context of Everything DiSC assessment, an individual who has scored high on D scale will continue to score high in that quadrant irrespective of how many times the assessment is administered. He or she will suddenly not score high on S scale.
Test-retest reliability is quantified by calculating reliability coefficients – correlation between a group’s initial score (first administration) and subsequent score (second administration) – which ranges from –1 to +1. Similar to internal consistency reliability, a reliability coefficient above 0.70 is acceptable and coefficient above 0.80 is excellent.
The test-retest reliability was conducted on 599 respondents and the following were the results:
Scale | Reliability (N=599) |
Di | .86 |
i | .87 |
iS | .85 |
S | .86 |
SC | .88 |
C | .85 |
CD | .85 |
D | .86 |
(Data source: Retrieved from Everything DiSC® Manual, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
The table shows that all the scales have excellent reliability that goes to show that Everything DiSC assessment yields consistent results.
These highlighted data discussed so far pertains to a general framework of Everything DiSC assessment. The reliability was established for each assessment under Everything DiSC. Each of the assessments were found to have good-to-excellent reliability.
Validity of Everything DiSC assessment
Similar to reliability, two types of validity was assessed for Everything DiSC assessment – construct validity and criterion validity.
Construct validity is the degree to which an assessment measures what it claims or purports to measure. A construct is an abstract idea or concept. The Di scale for instance measures a particular construct such as tendency to be bold, fast-paced and adventurous. Being bold also means that the person my be more of a risk taker and is less cautious. Therefore, if we say that being bold has high validity, it means that people scoring high on Di scale, scores relatively low on cautiousness. Criterion validity, as the name suggests, refers to the extent to which the results of Everything DiSC assessment relates to a external criteria or outcome.
In the case of Everything DiSC assessment, both construct and criterion validity was found to be high. The assessment was also compared with personality assessments such as NEO-FFI and was found to have strong correlations with the same as well, further indicating high validity.
For any psychological or behavioral assessment, it is essential to consider its psychometric properties because it increases the authenticity of that assessment. One can trust a highly reliable and valid assessment tool to predict or yield genuine and accurate results. As for Everything DiSC assessment, standardized on a vast sample, and having high reliability and validity, one can completely rely on the results generated.
How to buy EPIC Credits
Do you wish to buy EPIC credits based Everything DiSC Profiles in India, USA, Singapore or any other country? Read on!
EPIC Credits work like postage meter. Every time you release a link to a respondent for taking An Everything DiSC assessment, your credit balance goes down. EPIC System is highly intuitive. Even if you are a novice, you could learn to maneuver through the EPIC system in a matter of minutes.
Each of the Wiley’s DiSC reports is assigned a EPIC Credit value. e:g Everything DiSC Workplace reports costs 15 credits. EPIC Credits are deducted from the inventory credits in your EPIC Sub Account when access codes are assigned / links released.
How to buy EPIC Credits?
Buying EPIC Credits in India or any other part of the world is easy.
You could just buy EPIC Credits and use them to administer the reports of your choice once the credits are in your system. Strengthscape usually provides the EPIC credits in a matter of minutes of you completing the buying process online. Remember that volume based EPIC Credit based packages are available. Also, there are many payment options – from credit card to debit card and direct bank transfer. We accept international payments via paypal.
Our trainers and EPIC credit system experts are on a stand by most of the working day.
Leadership Assessment Tools
Leadership is hard to define, but easy to identify. That doesn’t mean there are passive and resting on in-built abilities. It is true that some are born leaders and others learn how to become an effective one. Both of it takes effort. Leaders know that for leading they must keep up their leadership skills. But it is not only about inspiring about, but also about knowing oneself. There are different personality types and there are leadership skills, one size doesn’t fit all.
Fuel for leadership is regular curiosity and constant assessment. As for assessments, there are various ways to evaluate a person’s leadership qualities. Leadership is multifaceted, and so are the tools to evaluate and try to improve those skills. The assessment tools for leadership provides you the practical steps that can be applied to measure the leadership and hence work towards improving relevant skills.
But the use of assessment tools is beyond the fact that they are helpful. It is important to check your leadership skills against the standard criteria and see where you stand and how you can improve it. There are no perfect leaders. Everyone has their leadership traits as strengths and deficits which shows their weaknesses. But not everyone is aware about the strengths and weaknesses in their leadership style. That is why a leadership test is required every now and then to keep updating about the style.
Testing the leadership skills is key to business success. As per Center for Creative Leadership, “65% of the companies with mature succession leadership programs were effective at driving improved business results through leadership skill as opposed to 6% of the companies with no succession process”. The research also reports that 86% of the surveyed companies which have leadership program can respond to market conditions. If your organization doesn’t have a leadership development program, then use leadership assessment tools to make sure you are effective.
Best leadership assessment tools
It is officially called the Myers-Briggs Type indicator, this popular test is a good start for your leadership journey. It’s important for you to know the personality type as there are many different leadership styles, as this will help you to discover the best for you.
USC’s Leadership Style Self-Assessment
Once you know who you are, then it’s just a matter of determining your leadership style. Because most of the people have a distorted view of who they are. How you see yourself might be different than how your team sees yourself, which might be a problem. Therefore, leadership inventory will give you an unbiased result of your strengths and weaknesses as a leader.
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
As per Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, there are eight different ways people can learn, from linguistic to spatial. But there is also a capacity for understanding, which is measured by IQ. Leaders quite often ignore emotions of self or of others. They must also be able to identify emotional makeup of the team they are leading.
DiSC Work of Leaders
This assessment let leaders understand their behavior and how can they improve their effectiveness. It is an opportunity for leaders at all levels to reflect how they advance towards each step of leadership. ‘Work of leaders’ assessment focuses on tangible steps directed at leading an organization towards the desired goals. This assessment connects you to real-world leadership challenge, hence generating powerful ways to clear path for action with personalized tips and strategies. New insights around leadership styles and behavior is stimulated in this assessment.
DiSC 363 for Leaders
This is a 360 assessment with best of 360 degree of feedback, plus three strategies of improving leadership effectiveness. The result is a 360 experience which is more productive and satisfying. Leaders get next three steps to improve on for their leadership effectiveness. ‘363 leaders’ is an assessment for anyone who wants to use 360 degrees as part of their leadership development.
Leadership is a process which has no endpoint. One always learns how to develop their ability to lead a team. To be successful in your career, no matter what your position or title is, try to develop leadership skills. Develop leadership skills in yourself and your team to improve the productivity of the organization.
DISC Card Game Benefits
The study of human behavior is one of the most fascinating topics in psychology today. To understand why individuals, behave the way they do, several experiments and research have been conducted. The behavior of individuals can be misunderstood in both professional and personal contexts and can become a source of stress that impairs mental and physical health. The Everything DiSC assessment by John Wiley & Sons is one of the most effective ways to assess behavior in workplace situations. The DiSC profile facilitates the analysis of human behavior in a variety of contexts.
Several engaging activities and games are employed in the facilitation of the DiSC Certification session to keep the participants on their toes and boost learning. For example, Strengthscape has developed the DISC Card Game.
Specifically, the game is intended to stimulate the participants’ thinking to gain a clearer understanding of the four behavioral styles – D, I, S, and C – and how each style might behave in different situations.
The benefits of playing the DISC card game
As a group activity, the DISC Card Game is fundamental in engaging all participants in the session and stimulating learning. This game can benefit all participants in several ways.
Engaging Dialog – This game promotes collaborative critical thinking and a series of engaging discussions around four distinct behavioral styles. In this activity, brainstorming sessions are conducted, which are further enhanced by open-ended questions posed by the facilitator. Questioning plays an essential role in clarifying the group’s doubts and confusions about the behavioural styles as well as in giving a direction to their thinking.
Building Skills – Aside from the game’s educational purpose, the game also promotes human development by developing interpersonal skills that foster better work relationships, communication skills that help one to articulate and communicate clearly, flexibility so that one can understand the different styles of others and adapt themselves to become more effective, conflict resolution skills that assist in reducing disagreements and incompatibilities in the group, management skills that assist in the effective execution of decisions and delegation of responsibilities.
The game highlights the strengths, weaknesses and challenges faced by each of the styles in various situations based on the individual’s perception of the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges. Using their individual styles, the players attempt to identify behavioral patterns. It provides an opportunity for participants to gain an understanding of their behavior patterns, decision-making style, limitations, preferred setting, etc. Through the activity. Furthermore, they will also have the opportunity to examine the ways in which they can adapt to the other styles in order to increase their effectiveness.
Potential for Team Building – The DiSC Card Game provides the opportunity for individuals to build effective teams since it is a team activity. People with different behavioural styles can collaborate and increase their ability to work in teams when they come together. As a result, they can determine if there are any communication gaps within the team and what they can do to close them. Additionally, the game can be used to determine the preferred leadership style of the group.
The DiSC card game extends the learning of participants to the next level by enabling them to identify the most intrinsic characteristics of a particular style. To provide participants with a deeper understanding of the DiSC Profile, the game should be introduced at an intensive session.
Everything DiSC vs DiSC Classic
Everything DiSC
It is an assessment which measures the participant on 8 scales. The traditional scale measures on four styles D, I, S, C whereas everything DiSC measures SC/CS, CD/DC, Si/iS, iD/Di. This assessment is an improved version of how it shows the relationship between different styles and how these styles can be blend. Everything DiSC was published in the year 2009.
Everything DiSC has a greater personalization effect in the report which means that the participant will get a report which is more personalized and explains relationship in a better way. It also has the highest validity of all DiSC models which shows that the results generated from this test will be the most authentic. It has additional features like follow-up platform with podcasts, individual DiSC comparison tools, DiSC style research, etc. All this will enhance the report and give a better and wider perspective to the participant in understanding his/her personality style. It also provides application specific reports and training programs like management, sales etc.
The assessment of Everything DiSC is only online because of adaptive testing which cannot be done in a paper format or cannot be recreated on a paper. Participant will get the results in PDF format. When it comes to number of questions, there is not a set number because the test is adaptive. This means that it pushes out additional assessment questions to generate accurate results. There is a 5-point Likert scale which is used to rate every question. This takes almost 10-15 minutes to complete the test.
You can only access to Everything DiSC through online, so a computer or laptop is required for that.
DiSC Classic
It is an assessment which uses traditional line graph model. The test measures the participant on four scales i.e. D, I, S, C. The original format of DiSC Classic was first published in the year 1970. This assessment helps the participant to identify his/her DiSC classical pattern. This is based on Geier’s original DiSC assessment. The assessment can be online and offline. Results generated through online test are in the form of PDF and for offline, they are on the paper.
There are 28 forced-choice style questions which means that participant must choose from the given options. The offline version of DiSC Classic usually takes 25-30 minutes to get completed. On the other hand, DiSC Classic Online takes almost 15-20 minutes to get completed.
DiSC Classic assessment has high reliability and validity because it is based on 40 PLUS-year-old DiSC graph model. The DiSC graph model has a proven track and a large following. There are automatic online results for DiSC Classic 2.0 and DiSC Classic 2.0 plus. There is a manual paper scoring for DiSC Classic. When it comes to report, individual reports are available online and offline. DiSC Classic Group Facilitator Report, Group Culture Report, Team View Report are available only in the online format. It also provides general purpose facilitation kits which has PowerPoint presentations and videos which are customizable in nature. They also provide training tools.
Everything DiSC vs Thomas DiSC
DISC is a model that was first proposed by William Moulton Marston. He was a psychologist and, in his book, – Emotions of Normal people he has explained about the DISC theory. This describes about the impact of emotions and environment of individual behaviour and also highlights the tendency of behaviour to alter overtime. Keeping this model as base there are different companies that has developed DISC assessments. Here we are discussing about two such – Thomas DISC and Everything DiSC.
Thomas Profiling
Thomas Profiling questionnaire consists of 24 sets of four items. Each item corresponds to either D, I, S or C style. The respondents have to choose two trait adjectives from a block of four, one that is “most like” and the other “least like”. The report that comes out is a short 4-page report which also generates three different graphs based on those 24 sets.
- Graph I is called as the “Work Mask”. This work mask graph is based on “most like” scores. It shows how respondent perceives themselves
- Graph II is the “Behavior Under Pressure”. This second graph is based on “least like” scores. It shows motivations and core behaviors adapted when the respondent is under pressure
- Graph III is the “Self-Image”. This particular graph is calculated by subtracting “least scores” from “most scores”. It represents the most balanced and long-term behavior
The report can be generated in 26 different languages. However, the report is generated in English and may not be available in all the languages listed in the questionnaire.
The application of this is varied. The results from the report can be used for recruitment purposes, developmental plans and intervention planning, and also to sustain the engagement of the employee.
Everything DiSC Workplace Assessment
Everything DiSC Workplace assessment is based on adaptive testing hence there’s no set order of questions. However, it could range between 70-75 questions most typically. The system tends to increase questions once it identifies inconsistent or neutral answers to get a more concrete result. This way, the adaptive testing makes the Everything DiSC assessments more reliable. The assessment is developed based on a Likert scale where the respondent needs to choose one option from the available options. DiSC report comes with a 20-page descriptive analysis.
- The Everything DiSC report highlights about the individual’s DiSC style. It also discusses about the dot placement the various priorities and about the linear and solid shading seen in the DiSC circle
- Apart from that the report highlights the various motivators and stressors which aids in introspecting the self and understanding oneself better
- The report also talks about how the respondent will react to other styles. Apart from stating some specific strategies to be behaviourally flexible with other styles
- Last but not the least, the report also points out personalized style index of a combination of different styles ex- D, Di, etc
Everything DiSC reports can be generated in 30 different languages. It can be used for Communication, Diversity Training, Leadership, Managerial Training, Mentoring, Onboarding, Recruitment and Team Building, Executive Coaching, etc. Mainly the Everything DiSC is used for developmental purpose. This article is based on our review of publicly available data and related to our own views and opinions and that of our trainer network.
DISC Basic Assessment
Everything DiSC Workplace
Everything DiSC Workplace profile gives an understanding of the different style of an individual you work with. This helps in creating awareness about the behavioral priorities of colleagues and will also help in dealing the situations and reducing conflicts. This is based on a research-validated learning model. It uses the third generation of DISC assessment which helps in creating a personalized learning experience for the employees. Everything DiSC not only gives an insight about your behavioral style but also provide strategies to overcome challenges which one might face while dealing with a person who is of completely opposite DISC style.
Workplace DiSC profile provides in-depth information about one’s behavioral style, strategies which can bring changes or improvement in one’s personality and working style. It also provides an action plan to help employees become effective and can handle difficult situations well. It is a 20-page personalized profile which will give an in-depth, personalized style index and an overview of how other employees interact with them. Moreover, it also gives an insight into the motivators and stressors of the individual. This will help the person to focus more on the things which motivate him/her and also learn how to manage the stressors. The DiSC Workplace profile also provides information about how an individual reacts to other DISC styles. This will help the person to understand whether the way of reaction is appropriate or not. If it is not, the individual can improve that with the help of strategies provided in the profile. The profile also has easy-to-use facilitation tools, contemporary videos, scripted content, and impactful activities which can be customized to meet the needs of the people and organization.
Everything DiSC Workplace uses Adaptive Testing which is a computer-based iterative methodology which selects and presents questions based on the response of the learner. This increases the precision of the assessment and the results. Everything DiSC Workplace has a good level of stability and internal consistency. This tool is highly reliable and has high validity score. Every year over 1 million people experience DISC to improve or enhance the quality of their interactions with others. This makes the tool one of the most recognizable brand for research-validated assessment. This tool actually helps the employees to inspire, engage, and transform. It also provides information about workplace priorities like collaboration, challenge, support stability, accuracy etc.
This profile provides a personal map where a dot is represented. The location of the dot on the map will showcase the style that the person has. It also provides an insight that no dot location is better than other and that each individual is a blend of all the styles and each style is equal and valuable in its own way. The distance of the dot from the edge of the personal map /circle will show how naturally that individual is inclined to encompass the characteristics of his/her DISC style. If the dot is positioned towards the edge, it shows a strong inclination towards the DISC style and if the dot is towards the centre, it shows moderate inclination towards DISC style.
Hence, our DISC style tells us about our priorities, motivators and stressors which aids in self-awareness.
DISC Personality Assessment
A key to Productivity, Teamwork and Communication
Human behavior was, is and continues to remain a big mystery. Behavior or personality at the home or workplace can become a cause of stress having detrimental impact on one’s work productivity and wellbeing.
Job applicants are increasingly being subjected to behavioral tests by companies as part of the hiring process. These tests attempt to get to the heart of the candidate’s personality, ethics and other things that determine their ability to achieve success or not. With so many qualified candidates applying for the job, hiring managers believe that personality tests are becoming increasingly integral to selecting the best candidate instead of just relying on traditional face-to-face interview. However, not all assessment measures are created equal and may not be accurate in their results thus, it is highly important to choose a selective, accurate and flexible model that can help organizations bring a significant impact on the bottom line.
This is where the revolutionary DISC profiles come into the picture. Published by Wiley, Disc profile is a non-judgmental tool used for improving work communication, productivity and teamwork. This powerful and profoundly simple tool is currently being used by thousands of organizations of all sizes, major governmental agencies, non-profits and Fortune 500 companies.
DISC stands for a language of four quadrants in an individual’s personality, i.e., Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. Each has behaviors associated with the personality type.
The DISC model provides a common language that people can use to understand themselves better and to adapt their behavior to others. An individual need to have great skills for communication and is required to adjust and change their behaviour to be able to lead and work with a group of people. Such skills are rarely taught but, DISC makes this easy by providing tips on how to work or deal with people thus, highlighting the importance of the DISC Profile for managers.
By helping managers understand their role as a leader better, this behavioral test increases their efficiency in managing the team better by knowing each of the team members strengths and weaknesses and what each requires excelling at the workplace. When used effectively, it leads to improvement in productivity, teamwork and communication, leading to a non-stressful and more profitable business.
This assessment procedure includes answering a series of questions based on which a detailed report is prepared about the respondent’s personality and behavior. It also improves management skills by understanding the priorities and dispositions of employees and team members thus, highlighting the importance of DISC Profile for managers.
By increasing self-knowledge and facilitating better teamwork and resolution of conflicts, DISC Profile of managers supports in building leadership skills and reducing stress through better team work thus increasing productivity.
DISC Profile for managers is also crucial in accomplishing the bottom-line as this assessment tool helps managers develop stronger sales skills by identifying and accordingly responding to customer styles.
DISC Profile is equally indispensable for team members as it is for managers as they too benefit from enhanced communication skills, less conflicts, more productivity, heightened co-operation and improved financial performance thus, revolutionizing the way enterprises work.
ED Work of Leaders
Everything DiSC work of leaders is an assessment which ensures a personalized learning experience while aligning leadership styles to the real and practical world. Work of leaders brings the practices from 300 experts from over 150 organizations. It is based on more than four years of research and development which helps the participant to get an insight into the actionable path towards having effective leadership. Work of leaders has one unified model which focuses on vision, alignment, and execution.
This model of leadership helps the participants to understand their leadership style and practices. Also, it gives an insight into how an individual’s leadership tendencies influence their effectiveness in different situations. It also defines leadership style as an individual characteristic which is an amalgamation of DiSC behavioral fundamentals with leadership self-assessment. Work of Leaders basically compares the participant’s responses to the best practices and plot the results.
Work of Leaders assessment is a tool which asks the participants to respond to the statements which are behavioural in nature on a five-point scale. It also has questions which are application-based. These questions help in understanding the leadership priorities of the participant. This tool is based on adaptive testing which means that technology will provide questions which are based on the participant’s response. This increases the preciseness and gives a more personalized experience to the participant.
This profile is a 23-page profile which provides context-specific and detailed feedback on the vision, alignment, and execution framework of leadership. Participants will also get personalized strategies for crafting a vision through testing assumptions, build alignment through dialogue and inspiration. In the end, champion the execution through structure and feedback. The personalized leadership report is helpful for leaders in any industry or at any experience level. This will also help in leadership development or career development. It also includes leadership principles which help the participant to get the fundamental knowledge of leadership. The profile also has an aspect of group culture which includes the DiSC style of the group, explanation of its culture and its advantages and disadvantages.
The profile comes with a Work of Leaders facilitation tool kit. This offers a classroom experience which educates and engages the participants. The kit will have a customizable presentation, contemporary videos, and 36 podcast segments which are specific to vision, alignment and execution framework. This will help participants to have a deeper understanding of their leadership style. This will also inspire the participants to have a lasting behavioral change that can improve the effectiveness of their leadership style. It also provides a graph which essentially illustrates the group’s approach towards the leadership framework.
The report brings together the data of the participant to provide a complete overview of the group. This helps in exploring the overall strengths and challenges of the group. This will help in creating an actionable plan for success. The profile also includes visuals which illustrate key messages. It also focuses on tangible steps directed at leading a group towards the desired outcome.
One must makes use of this report, if they are looking to develop their upcoming leaders or re-evaluation their leaders.
Tool for Self-Awareness
DISC is a tool that assists in improving work productivity, communication, and teamwork. The DISC assessment is a non-judgmental instrument that helps the individual to understand his/her personality style. What effect this personality style will have on the individual’s behavior at work and the way he or she will interact with colleagues who possess a different personality style. All of this information enables the individual to better understand himself/herself, develop strategies to improve behavior, and ultimately increase productivity. Wiley publishes the DISC assessment.
There are many benefits to knowing one’s personality. By using DISC tools, you can determine how you will react to people with different styles in different situations. In the workplace, this is useful as it helps to avoid conflict. Individuals can work on their personality styles and can adapt strategies which improve their personality style. In addition, they can learn how to cope with people of different styles so that they can work effectively with them. Teamwork is essential at the workplace, and effective collaboration is vital to achieving the targets on time.
DISC is a useful tool for determining personality characteristics and for creating self-awareness, since people will know how to work and interact with others at work. The participants will also gain an understanding of the motivators and stressors. They will be able to focus on things that motivate them to work better and stay away from situations that are stressful.
In general, DISC profiles provide insight into the dispositions and priorities of employees. They are able to understand what kind of behavior they would prefer at work as a result. In this way, they will be able to choose the organization in accordance with their needs. In order for an organization to be a good fit for an individual, it must have a culture and practices that align with their priorities. In this way, he or she will be able to work effectively in the company.
The DISC tool can also be used to gain insight into how an individual will solve problems. The individual will be able to determine how he or she will react to different situations and solve problems as a result of this insight. When an individual encounters a situation that cannot be solved easily, he/she will adopt strategies to deal with the situation effectively. Individuals can only achieve this if they are aware of how they generally handle situations or solve problems, which the DISC tool enables.
The DISC tool will also assist in developing sales skills since employees will be able to identify the personality style of the customer and then influence them accordingly. As a result, there will be a greater likelihood of closing the sale. An individual can use the DISC tool to understand how they will connect and communicate with individuals who have different personality styles. As a result, individuals are able to adapt themselves to different personality styles and work effectively with others, which is very important and will raise awareness. Teamwork is ultimately improved because knowing one’s own and others’ personality styles will prevent conflict and increase collaboration. In the workplace, better collaboration will result in better working relationships and a higher level of productivity.
EPIC credits from Wiley
EPIC Credits provide a seamless way to transact in a connected yet complex world of multiple currencies. If you have questions about how EPCI credits work and need to have a conversation with someone to explain how it works, just write to [email protected].
Why EPIC Credits make absolute sense for stakeholders:
EPIC Credits for Trainers
EPCIC Credits make it easy for trainers, coaches and consultants to buy DiSC assessments. 1) There is no risk of buying reports in bulk and then loosing the flexibility to administer different types of reports. Trainers buy EPCI Credits from Everything DiSC Authorized Partners like Strengthscape and they can use the credits to buy a host Everything Assessments. 2) Due to the fluctuations in international exchange rates, it becomes difficult to manage client contracts. With EPIC Credits, you can always maintain an inventory of these virtual coupons. This makes business transactions and costing predictable. 3) Since EPIC Credits never expire, there is no risk in having an inventory.
EPIC Credits for Customers
It makes great sense for customers to buy EPIC Credits and maintain a Sub Account system with their trainer. This is because it provides great flexibility to the customer to not only administer, print, save, generate follow up reports but also be able to distribute the rights to administer the reports internally to different divisions by maintaining region-wise or business wise sub accounts under the main account.
Many customers have budgets that expire at the end of the year. By predicting the usage of assessments next year, they can buy PEIC Credits in bulk before the budget expires. This provides two advantages – you make best use of the budgets you have and two you get better quantity based pricing.
- Our DiSC Certified Trainer and Everything DiSC experts provide free consultation on EPIC Credits and how to make the best of quantity based pricing.
2. EPIC Credits introduced by erstwhile Inscape Publishing works on Quantity-based pricing. There is no need to buy bundles of products that risks spending more than you need at time.
3. We offer the option for quick turn around – we can release access codes and turn around completed reports in a matter of minutes.
4. EPIC system provides you with the ability to administer, save, print, brand and customize online Everything DiSC Profiles and beyond DiSC Wiley assessments and reports.
We also provide On-site customized training and hand holding to meet your needs.
DISC for People Managers
DISC behavioural model is essential for every people manager
Effective management requires a personalized approach to delegating and directing direct reports, motivating them, and developing them to gain their commitment and effort. It is important that managers take the time to understand the needs of their direct reports and adapt their approach to communication and work accordingly. Managers can use the Everything DiSC Management profile to gain an understanding of the behavioral needs and priorities of their team members and to tailor their approach accordingly.
Here are the benefits of including DiSC in developing People Managers!
Knowing your people well is the key to effective management
It is because managers fail to pay attention to the behavioural style of their team members that they find it difficult to manage them. A manager’s ability to orchestrate workplace interactions depends on their understanding of the “how” and “why” of those interactions. An important aspect of the DiSC Certification program is the ability to recognize different DiSC behavioral styles. It becomes easier for a people manager to manage and influence people once they have developed this skill.
Implement objective performance management systems based on the DiSC model
Developing impartial and objective performance management systems is essential to employee retention. In performance management, feedback is the currency. This program provides clear guidance on how DISC can be used to create non-judgmental feedback and appraisal systems in an organization. The training will provide an overview of the use of comparison reports to facilitate highly objective one-to-one comparisons, as well as group culture reports, which compare groups. As part of mentoring sessions, input is also provided regarding the fit between individuals and roles, as well as how to provide personalized tips to enhance an individual’s performance.
Learn how to use DiSC tools to increase collaboration within and between teams
Managers frequently vacillate between improving individual performance and team contribution. Today both managers and employees are evaluated based on how well their contributions enhances or meets the team goals or organization objectives. As the captain of the ship, Managers drive have a significant influence on how team collaborates and contributes beyond personal goals. DiSC Trainer Certification investigates how DiSC tools can be used for building cohesive teams that rank high on trust, commitment, and accountability. They are also briefed on other tools like Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team or Team Dimensions profile which are assessments that essentially focus on team building only. The trainer login, provided complimentary to Strengthscape’s Certified DiSC Trainers, has an extensive library of games and activities for team building.
Learn how to delegate effectively
People demonstrate higher levels of initiative, accountability, and commitment when they are assigned tasks that are in line with their strengths. People managers cannot predict what each member of their team is naturally good at or enjoys working on. The DiSC Trainer Certification includes sessions on identifying behavioral styles and applying them to understand roles in which an individual may truly excel. It is also useful to understand how an individual approaches work and how they navigate their way through it in order to achieve their goals. Furthermore, the DiSC Trainer Certification provides strategies on how to use the results of DiSC Assessments to group people into collaborative groups.
DISC compared with other Psychometric Instruments
Several of our trainers are certified to administer a variety of other instruments in addition to DISC. Each instrument has a particular application. After the reliability and validity of a psychometric instrument has been established, further consideration must be given to the knowledge needed to administer the instrument. Psychometric assessment is frequently followed by coaching and training. Consequently, we need to determine what kind of support, training, and resources we have access to in order to implement a corporate learning program.
In most cases, DISC and Myer Brigg Type Indicators are used in conjunction with each other. Their applications differ. It has been our experience that DISC is more behavioral in its context and is a helpful tool for corporate training programs to develop behavioral flexibility. The Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) provides insight into personality types and is often used as a tool for self-awareness.
When two people take a Psychometric/Behavioral test, they become more aware of their own behavioral priorities. It is essential that we understand our own behavioral style, discern other individuals’ styles or priorities, and then treat them according to their preferences. Due to the fact that there are only four styles within DISC, it is easy to recognize (and remember) the styles of others.
According to Wikipedia, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is ” a psychometric questionnaire designed to assess psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.” The instrument consists of 8 traits, 4 pairs of seemingly opposing traits.
The opposing trait pairs are in MBTI are:
Extroversion (E) – (I) Introversion
Sensing (S) – (N) Intuition
Thinking (T) – (F) Feeling
Judging (J) – (P) Perception
Based on these factors, the assessment determines a personality type consisting of four letters based on the type that an individual prefers from the four pairs. Such as ENFP, ENTJ, INFP, etc. MBTI is an established, well documented tool with a good reputation.
Corporate rollouts of assessments are complicated. The acquisition of sponsorship, the establishment of a common business need, motivating and making participants committed to the program, and of course the budget, all play an important role in the effectiveness of the program. In order to ensure the sustainability of an initiative, it is important to make the content easy to remember. This is where DISC excels. As a result of having only four types and a visual representation on a DISC circular diagram, it supports varied teaching methods. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced participants. To put it simply, it is easy to remember and easier to implement. A DISC assessment may be most suitable for identifying your strengths and challenges and gaining knowledge on what type of environment suits you best – if you have the objective of understanding how to relate to co-workers, peers, managers, and even family members. It is simple and practical.
The following are some factors to consider when selecting a psychometric instrument:
- What is the outcome of this initiative? For example, behavioral development, recruitment, succession planning, internal mobility, etc
- Are the participants experienced and committed?
- How important is it to keep the roll out simple and memorable (consider the roll out over a period of three to six months)?
- How will the business benefit from this initiative?
- What is the role of each participant in the organization? DISC, for example, offers role-specific reports. When reports are specifically tailored to a role, respondents are more likely to relate to them. The ED Work of Leaders is for leaders, the ED Management for managers, the ED Workplace for managers, and the ED Sales for sales representatives
- What is the budget and how will the debriefing session be conducted?
If so, are you equipped with the requisite support and resources to facilitate the roll-out? Strengthscape, for example, provides ongoing support for its DISC certified trainers – virtually across the globe and in person where possible – to build sessions, a complimentary online DISC certification as a refresher, as well as homegrown training games and activities to ensure your training programs are both efficient and enjoyable.
The above comparison is based on feedback from our trainers and the experience of our customers. This comparison is not exhaustive. Several of our trainers have more extensive experience using DISC and therefore prefer to use it.
With over 50 million assessments completed worldwide to date, a strong financial and management commitment to research and a strong network of Authorized Partners, the Everything DISC series of DISC assessments is our preferred series of behavioral assessments.
DISC Certification
Knowing the DiSC model in depth will benefit you as well as your participants if you conduct training or facilitate groups in your organization or with clients.
Your training program would benefit greatly from including Everything DISC profiles. Aside from providing a statistically validated and thoroughly researched assessment, the DISC profile enables individuals to recognize their own behavior style and improve their relationships by adapting their style accordingly. In addition to providing easy-to-understand reports tailored to specific job roles, such as sales, management, and leadership, DISC profiles are accessible and easy-to-implement.
In accordance with your experience and requirements, you have a variety of options at your disposal. For those seeking formal accreditation, Strengthscape offers the DiSC Trainer Certification multiple times each year. Our program is a blended learning program that combines online self-study with a live instructor-led program lasting 16 hours. DiSC certification provides you with a deeper understanding of the DiSC model and appeals to individuals who wish to further their own professional development in order to achieve a recognised qualification.
With our DiSC Trainer Certification program, we promise you a hands-on learning experience along with ample opportunities for follow-up to master the use of DiSC in designing and delivering customized training programs. Some of the world’s most prestigious organizations utilize the DiSC profile for behavioural assessment.
Organisations are increasingly considering DiSC certification, realizing the benefits of having internal certified professionals to maintain DiSC in their organizations. Obtaining certification puts knowledge in the hands of the coach, HR professional, facilitator, consultant, or manager accompanying the project. It is through certification that confidence and competence are built in delivering Everything DiSC and establishing a DiSC-based culture.
Although certification is not a requirement, it helps you develop a deeper understanding of DiSC profiles, the DiSC model, and their application in the workplace. Moreover, you can select a certification program according to your preferred learning style.
What is the real purpose of using a DISC tool?
Using DiSC, an individual can better understand themselves, understand others, and interact with others, while simultaneously achieving one’s goal more efficiently.
What is covered in DISC CERTIFICATION program?
We don’t just cover the mechanics of the DISC tool but a comprehensive view of how to drive behavioral change. This requires us to cover neuroscience, thinking-feeling-behavior model and then cover all major tools including Everything DiSC workplace and Everything DiSC management.
Would it not be more convenient to take a free online test?
It is possible, but it is risky, since anyone, without any method or qualification, can create a disc test and upload it online. It is better to conduct no test than to conduct an inadequate one. The results of free tests are generally approximate and do not provide any insight into an individual’s preferences.
Discover how to facilitate the Everything DiSC learning solution as a Certified Everything DiSC Facilitator. This course provides participants with a deeper understanding of DiSC, along with content expertise and strategies for facilitating effective Everything DiSC training sessions. Build the confidence and competence necessary to help organizations implement Everything DiSC products effectively and promote a DiSC-based culture.
Major government agencies and Fortune 500 companies utilize DiSC Assessments to hire, develop, and retain top talent, manage conflicts, increase managerial effectiveness, develop leaders, and build cohesive teams. DiSC Trainer Certification combines online assessment, classroom facilitation, and follow-up opportunities after training to create a powerful, personalized learning experience.
Despite their many benefits, Everything DiSC and Five Behaviors do not require accreditation or licensing to be used. This document is intended to be as easy to understand and interpret as possible. A variety of options are available for those who are interested in obtaining accreditation, training, or certification.