Online Training
Keeping up with ever evolving learning trends can be hard, as technology continuously develops, but online training is one way of ensuring you stay ahead of the game. Online training is one of the top learning and development trends of 2019 and brings many benefits to your business, such as ensuring your team is trained to high standards in an affordable and highly convenient manner. People are generally busier and technology has made massive advances, therefore online training is becoming a much more attractive option when it comes to personal and professional development.
Online Training
Buy Training Material Online
Training is a very crucial element for organizations. Training helps in upskilling employees which helps them to work efficiently and achieve targets. Whether it is a soft-skill or technical skill, training enhances the capability of employees and enable them to learn new things which they can use at their workplace. Training helps in reducing the performance gap and help the employees to achieve their targets. If employees are able to work well, they will be satisfied and happy with their job. This will directly improve the effectiveness of the organization.
Companies pay a lot of emphasis on the training of employees. Every year they create training calendar so that employees get trained at the right time. This will ultimately help the employees to grow in and out of the organization. Training leads to benefit both the organization and employees. Employers have understood the importance and that is why they pass a yearly budget for training. All this implies that training plays a major in an organization.
Most organizations go to external consultants for training. External consultancy understands the performance level of employees, give training to them, and do the training effectiveness check. Organizations also have their internal learning and development centres where they have internal trainers who provide training to the employees of that company. Now that training is a big market where the demand from organizations is increasing. This shows that a lot of training material is required in order to meet the demand.
Developing a training module requires a lot of efforts and skills. Trainers can develop content and deliver them to the employees of the organization. Books, blogs, research papers help in developing the training modules. Internet is a great source to gather information for the content that will go into the training module. Nowadays, a lot of consultancies provide training material which helps the trainers in the training delivery. Trainers can get complete training material based on which they can provide training to different organizations.
Buying training material online can be beneficial for the trainers as their efforts will be reduced and they can provide multiple training to different organizations. Online training material will include a complete description of the topic, about the activities, how the activities will be conducted, information about the debrief, etc. All this will help the trainer to understand the concept and deliver the training. Buying training material online is more beneficial than just looking for activities online because training material provides complete information. On the other hand, only looking for activities will give a little help to the trainers.
Buying training material online saves the time of trainers and they can also customize it based on the needs and demands of the organization. One training material on a specific topic can be used at different organization after customizing it according to the need of each organization. Buying training material online is helpful for trainers and a lot of consultancies are moving towards the space of providing material online.
Creating Online Courses
It’s no secret that static online courses are things of the past. With interactive presentations, augmented and virtual reality, and a plethora of modern technologies, today’s online learners expect more than just text and images. Luckily today, most content development tools and course creators come with features that support greater interactivity and creative imagination. Thus, in this article we are going to talk about how to create online training programs.
Tips to Create Effective Online Training Programs
Creating an interactive online training program doesn’t have to be very complicated. Choosing the appropriate elements based on the organization’s needs and objectives and audience is the first step, and then everything will unfold naturally. Here’s what one needs to do to create an online training program:
- Gather your information – Ask the right questions and figure out what skills you need to teach or what the learners want. Take ample time to identify the weak areas where online training would benefit the organization. A company might be in need of soft skills, including conflict resolution, time management, or general company policies or hard skills. It’s up to you to determine these needs before you design your training program.
- Incorporate an interactive element on each slide – An interactive and engaging online training program would be completely useless without some interactive elements. If you are using written slides or pages, including interactive elements will boost learner adoption and engagement. This might include a simple click on a button for something pop up or a basic drag-and-drop activity. The lack of interaction and engagement in an online course basically, defeats the sole purpose of online training programs, that is classroom type interactive learning. Adding digital storytelling to your courses also helps.
- Include interactive 360° images and videos – The use of interactive 360° video is always a great addition to any interactive training program. Inspiring, engaging learning experiences require learners to take control of their learning environment, and interactive 360° media is exactly what this is about. Interactive videos like these can be used for virtual tours around real locations that your learners work (or will work) at, so they can get familiar with them. Also, employing this type of interactive media is a sample trial for using virtual reality for learning. So, if you are planning to implement VR learning in the future, you might want to experiment with interactive video first, and decide accordingly.
- Create simulated environments where learners can freely practice – One of the most significant learner needs is an online learning environment where they can freely practice the skills they’ve learned without the fear of making mistakes. An effective online training program that simulates a controlled learning environment is the solution. Learners can visit these online learning environments repeatedly until they’ve fully mastered newly acquired skills and feel confident to actually put them into action. And since making a mistake in a simulated environment has zero impact in the physical world, they’re great for showing learners the possible consequences of making wrong choices and thus, help them in making better life decisions. All in all, online learning environments don’t only engage learners more, but they also encourage exploration and imagination.
Now we know how to create online training programs, the different levels of interactivity we can have, and the best ways to begin and make your training interactive. But the question remains: “Is it really that simple?” The answer is a simple yes. With modern, accessible technology already available and coming up, to help create an inspiring and highly interactive online training program, we don’t need to spend that much or even be technically proficient.
Training is an essential activity in any and every organization. Training helps in providing skills to employees that help them do their work in a more effective and efficient way. Training is one of the most effective ways to bridge the gap between the requirements of the job and the profile of the employee/candidate. Training can enhance the skills and abilities of the employee that can positively affect work performance. Online training programs are thus a great alternative to classroom training. Thus, in this article we are going to talk about types of online training programs.
Types of Online Training Programs
Organizations that are into customer service find it very difficult if employees are taken off duty to attend offline training programs. Thus, online training is preferred as employees can take up training during their free time while taking up their duties. Online training programs also ensure that training is not restricted to a particular place of a few hours, but would happen over a long period of time, anytime anywhere. Online training is thus convenient for both employer and employees.
While there are various types of online training programs, the following six types of training are most essential for employees and would be valuable for all organizations:
- Orientation Training – The orientation training is the first step, the initial training conducted for all new employees. It involves introducing the new employee into the organization. Key topics covered would include organization vision, mission, and objectives, organization culture, organization structure and history, important policies and procedure’s introduction to organization activities. All these topics can be effectively covered through online training programs.
- Onboarding – Most people confuse orientation training with onboarding. Orientation is a one-time activity done when the employee joins the organization. Onboarding takes place over a long period of time. Apart from the initial introduction, onboarding training programs ensure that the employee gets adjusted into their department or job, where he/she is placed. This training program ensures that employees understand their job profile and perform their work smoothly and effectively. In this case, online training programs may be conducted over multiple sessions. Online training would thus be suitable to ensure regular training until the onboarding process is complete.
- Product Training – An organization sells its products or services to customers and every employee must be aware of this type of an online training program. Depending on the nature of their work, employees need to know all about the products. The product type, its history, product features, the need for the product, unique proposition value the product offers are some of the things every employee should be aware of. Those who interact with customers need in-depth product knowledge so they would be able to handle any queries or challenges posed by customers. Whenever new products are introduced, training is essential so that employees are aware of the latest updates and developments. Online product training programs help in all these areas.
- Technical Training – To do his/her work effectively, an employee needs technical skills. These are the skills in the subject area that is related to the employee’s jobs. Training can help update the employee with the latest developments related to their job function and the technology used. It allows employees to gain the skills that they need to perform their job properly. Online training allows employees to acquire these skills in a structured way at their personalized pace and convenience. Online training programs also allow for assessment of training effectiveness that would be valuable for the future.
- Soft Skills Training – Apart from the core technical skills, employees also need various soft skills to be able to do their job in the best possible way. Some of these skills are leadership skills, communication skills, stress management, time management, decision-making skills, problem-solving abilities, conflict management work ethics, etc. These soft skills help to enhance the overall personality development of the employee. It gives them the confidence they need to do their job well.
- Mandatory Training – Mandatory online training programs include training on mandatory topics that may be required by law or regulations of the organization. It can be training related to the prevention of basic first-aid training, sexual harassment, fire safety training, training on work safety, training in office rules and standards, organization ethos etc.
These six types of training can be delivered through online programs. This ensures training can be done at the trainee’s preference. It allows the trainee to learn at his/her own time and place. These various types of online training programs can be made interesting through the use of multimedia and is a highly effective media for training delivery.
A methodical, step-by-step approach is used to create a successful training program. The process of online employee training entails a set of stages that must be performed in a methodical order to ensure a successful training program. Training is a systematic process that involves changing an employee’s abilities, attitudes, and behavior in order for them to execute a certain job. Stand-alone training efforts (those consisting of one-time activities) frequently fail to satisfy company goals and participant expectations. With today’s increasingly remote workforce, the requirement for effective, ongoing training that may be given online is critical. Thus, in this article, we are going to talk about the process of online employee training.
The Process of Employee Training
Below are outlined the five necessary steps to creating effective employee training that both results in positive business impacts and supports the drive for a comprehensive management strategy:
- Assess Training Needs – Identifying and assessing requirements is the first stage in designing a training program. Employee training requirements may already be specified in the company’s strategic, human resource, or individual development plans. You’ll need to analyze which areas to focus on if you’re training staff from start (with no predefined objectives). The needs assessment may be viewed from two perspectives: individual training is intended to improve an individual’s efficiency when they are not doing well, and group training is intended to instill new changes in personnel as a result of a shift in the organization’s strategy.
- Set Organizational Training Objectives – The objectives for which the training will be performed are determined once the needs have been recognized. The goals might be based on the gaps identified in previous training programs and the skill sets established by personnel. The training needs evaluations will reveal any gaps in your current training activities and staff skill sets (organizational, task, and individual). These deficiencies should be identified, prioritized, and transformed into training goals for the company. The ultimate aim is to create a training program that will bridge the gap between present and desired performance.
- Create Training Action Plan – The next stage is to create a training program that aligns with the goals. Various concerns are addressed in every training program, such as: Who are the trainees? What are the names of the trainers? What are the training techniques to be used? What will the training level be, and so forth. This stage entails putting together a complete action plan that incorporates learning theories, instructional design, content, resources, and other training components. It’s also a good idea to provide information about resources and training delivery techniques.
- Implement Training Initiatives – The training curriculum comes to life during the implementation phase. Organizations must determine whether training will be conducted in-house or through a third-party provider. Employee engagement and learning KPI targets should be considered throughout program execution, as well as meticulous design of training sessions and any associated resources (facilities, equipment, create questionnaire process etc.). After then, the training program is formally launched, marketed, and implemented. Participants’ progress should be tracked during training to verify that the program is successful.
- Evaluate and Revise Training – Employee training, as indicated in the previous section, should be monitored on a regular basis. Finally, the complete program should be assessed to see if it was effective and satisfied the training goals. All stakeholders should provide feedback to assess the success of the program and instructors, as well as knowledge or skill gain. A company can use feedback to identify any weaknesses and address them in the following session. The evaluation of the training program is required since firms invest significant sums of money in these sessions and need to know how beneficial they are financially.
As a result, every business follows a set of procedures to create a successful process of online employee training that accomplishes the goal for which it was created. When the proper sort of feedback and documented employee experiences are used to match the training to your real company goals, an effective training process proves its worth.
A plummeting customer satisfaction rating, a budget sheet that is in the red, a rise in employee turnover includes some of the things, among many others that strike fear into the hearts of organizations. Unfortunately, many companies also consider adding “online training” to this list. There is a huge number of myths and misconceptions that surround online training, and some organizations have dealt with them head on. In fact, the mere thought of moving their training online might rattle them to the bone. Sadly, such companies have also forfeited the many advantages that online training can offer their employees and focused more on the disadvantages. Thus, in this article we are going to talk about the advantages of online training for companies.
The Advantages of Online Training for Companies
The advantages of online training for companies are:
- Drastically Reduces Training Costs – Many organizations do not use online training because they are under the belief that online training requires a sizable investment. In reality, online training for companies is typically more affordable than traditional classroom training. This is attributed to the fact that the organization no longer has to pay bills for instructor travel expenses, such as airfare and accommodations, printed training materials, and site rental fees. The only budget you’ll have to consider is the up-front online training course design and development expenses and regular maintenance costs. No matter where the employees are located or what skills and tasks they need to know, an organization can provide them with the online training they require quickly at a fraction of the cost.
- Online Training Courses Can Be Repurposed, Reused, And Revamped – All online training content is in digital form if an organization opts for online training. As a result, online resources and materials can be reused time and again, or even modified based on the evolving needs of the organization. Another benefit is that online training is very easily scalable. Whether an organization employs 10 or 10,000 staff members, online training programs can be provided to each individual without any additional costs. If an organization decides that the employees need to improve a specific skill set or learn a new work-related task, one can just add it easily to the existing online training course. Some Learning Management Systems (LMS) even send out automatic notifications to employees when new online modules, activities or features become available.
- Offers Round-The-Clock Access to Online Training Resources – There are times when employees need immediate resources or access to information, even if there is not a regularly scheduled online training session on the clock. This is when online training becomes a most useful asset. Instead of having to wait to acquire new knowledge or master a new skill set, employees have the opportunity to login to their online training platform and access a wealth of online assets. A secondary benefit of this is being able to get trained at a customized pace.
- Provides Personalized Online Training – Without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most significant advantages of using online training is allowing employees to follow customized training paths. It is very clear that every member of an organization has different goals, needs and areas of improvement. So, it is completely useless to offer them a “one-size-fits-all” program when online training allows for complete personalization. Online training can thus, cater to specific training needs and preferences.
- Detailed Tracking Improves Productivity, Performance, And Proficiency – Online training offers the power to track virtually every aspect of an online training program. Many Learning Management Systems (LMS) are equipped with analytics and reporting features, which allow an organization to closely identify strengths and weaknesses, monitor employee progress, and offer support when the need arises. One can even customize the reports based on the needs of the organization, meaning that the organization can maximize an online training program’s efficiency and effectiveness on a regular basis.
The advantages of online training for companies are many. Online training benefits all organizations, big or small, including the clients who will receive better service as a result. Any organization should not be doubting the effectiveness of online training, because online training clearly has a number of benefits over traditional training.
Training Modules
Types of Training Modules
Training is an important part of preparing the employees for their roles within the company and also helping existing employees stay in progress with the latest objectives and goals of the organization. For a training program to be effective, it not only needs to have a purpose but also implement the right training methods. By understanding the factors affecting various types of training modules and their effectiveness, organizations can mould their training programs to meet the needs of both, employees and the business.
Diverse types of training modules can help the employees comply better with both internal and external system. They are mostly seen to end up being more satisfied and happier with their jobs, which will make them more engaged and productive. This may help the organization to retain hard-working employees and reduce the recruitment costs.
Staff training methods today, come in all shapes and sizes and the variety keeps growing bigger and bigger every year. This means that every organization can choose the best training methods for their particular needs. The following are the most popular types of training modules:
Traditional Training Methods
Traditional approaches to employee training still offers a number of benefits and are commonly found in many organizations today. The key lies in choosing the best training techniques for the employees.
1. Classroom-based training
Usually led by a qualified facilitator, the groups of employees go through a series of presentations and activities like various case study assessments. The advantage of classroom-based training module is that a large group of employees can attain knowledge at the same time. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages like hired venues and travel costs apart from employees finding it boring and less interactive.
2. Interactive training
One of the most effective types of training modules in the workplace is interactive training which can take place in the form of certain scenarios, role playing, quizzes or games. By practicing new skills and applying them in realistic work scenarios, employees turn out to be more engaged. However, its one drawback can be that it is time-consuming for the expert when done in person.
3. The on job type of training
With on-the-job training, not only are employees actively involved in the process of learning but are also able to participate in real time activities that are more relatable to their current job profiles. This is known to be one of the most effective types of training module. Although, this type of training is known to result in rapid learning yet it can be a little too stressful for some employees because of the frequent input required apart from being time consuming.
Modern Training Methods
In any modern workplace consisting of remote employees and diverse cultures, training methods for employees have greatly changed to being more online and more social.
4. Social Learning
Social learning is the learning derived from others by observing and modeling their behaviors. It can be a very intentional training but it is not found in many of the common types of training modules, mostly because it is difficult to structure and control. Yet it can be very effective as the employees acquire new perspectives and problem-solving skills.
5. Online Training
Online training has undoubtedly become the most widely recognized solutions to training employees effectively. Online workplace training programs include various e-learning courses, webinars, videos, etc., which allows information to be presented in many different ways. The variety that online training offers means that all employees can learn according to their different styles and needs.
In most cases, various types of training modules will be useful at some or the other stage of the learning curve. As long as one chose the right method for the right purpose, the training program stands a very strong chance of developing and shaping the employees in the way organizations intend them to be.
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives for Training
Learning objectives describe the learning outcomes of any training course. It is known to be the most challenging job as the organization only has a couple of words to sum up the learning outcomes in a way which also resonates with the employees. Developing precise and apt learning objectives for training plays an important role in training and in ultimately contributing to the success of the organization. In cases where employees fail to align with the training, clear learning objectives are the best way to communicate the concrete benefits of the program and get them on board entirely.
Before figuring out the learning outcomes for a program, it is important for an organization to first figure out their training objectives. Apart from company specific goals, most benefits of learning objectives for training are universal:
- Employee Retention – Since employee training and career growth are closely interlinked; modern employees are known to switch jobs frequently as a result of inadequate career opportunities.
- Employee Re-skilling – Skilled employees is confident, optimistic, and ready for the any workplace challenges it may bring. Employee re-skilling and up-skilling should be the topmost priority of any organization so that their employees are up to date with the latest work trends.
- Better Employee Output – The primary goal of setting up learning objectives for training is to reinforce the existing skills and competencies so that the employees became more productive than they are.
- Better Services for Clients – An organization is as good as its employees. The most brilliant ideas can fail if they are not well executed to the employees as they are the ones who bring life to any service or idea a company has to offer.
The benefits of learning objectives are immense, both for the employees in developing their learning curves and the organization in meeting the desired goals. The key element is to clearly recognize the vision of the organization and make sure that the learning objectives are clearly portrayed to the employees. There are a certain amount of things to keep in mind while framing the learning objectives for training:-
- Align the learning objectives with goals of the business
Online training is created to improve employee performance. So the first step followed by any organization should be to align the training goals with the business objectives. The next step is to access how the training will help the company achieve its goals and whether or not they are consistent with the training objectives.
- Objectives should be clear and simple
The most important thing to remember is to keep the learning objectives for training short and simple and to the point. The key point is in being as specific as possible. The employees do not need to go into the details of the learning material, they should only be told about the learning outcomes. One important point to note here is that the learning objectives should be kept precise to not make them sound like a sales pitch
- Be Specific
Learning objectives for training the employees should always address a specific pain point and not just the generic learning goals. Employees like to know what to expect from their training and ideally it should be something relevant to their needs. For example, for a salesperson, sales part is more of a learning goal than a learning objective. In this instance, in order to improve sales skills, one needs to improve several individual skills like knowledge or soft skills.
- Be Realistic
Aiming high generally works well in life but when it comes to training, it is the best to set up some realistic learning objectives. The results of the training needs analysis will help any organization gauge the knowledge level of the employees. One needs to find a balance between the challenging and the discouraging employees and then adjust the learning objectives for training accordingly.
Specific and measurable learning objectives should be a part of the training plan. Brushing up one’s writing skills and creating learning objectives for training that will help in setting a clear learning path and intrigue employees, is the masterstroke plan for any organization.
Role of a Training Manager
Depending on the organization and industry in which they operate, training managers have a variety of responsibilities. They are in charge of teaching and training personnel, as well as ensuring that they remain competent and skilled in their jobs. They also oversee and manage the entire department in charge of staff training. A training manager is someone who plans and supervises training programmes for a company. The duty of a training manager is to ensure that employees obtain and improve the skills they need to do their jobs well. The training manager should have good communication and presentation abilities, as well as a passion for assisting others in their learning and development. To identify training needs, one must be able to communicate with employees at all levels. They’ll need a well-organized approach, as well as the ability to plan ahead and manage your time effectively.
Training managers are in charge of directing, planning, and coordinating programmes aimed at improving the skills and knowledge of an organization’s employees in order to help them become more productive. They supervise and collaborate with professionals such as instructional designers, programme developers, and instructors to establish curriculum and identify training requirements that will help a business achieve its objectives. Duties of a training manager include assessing the need for staff training and developing and implementing a programme that matches training with the organization’s goals and strategies. They oversee the production of new instructional materials and update training programmes. He or she is in charge of creating and maintaining a training budget. They examine and pick acceptable training materials from a variety of vendors, as well as assess their performance.
Employees such as programme developers, instructional designers, and instructors are frequently supervised and trained by a training and development manager. They also use films, on-line applications, hand-held devices, tablets, or self-guided instructional manuals to educate in classrooms or training facilities. Some training is carried out in collaboration with employees via social media or other online platforms.
Training Manager Duties
- Conduct new recruit orientation workshops and provide on-the-job training.
- Evaluate instructor performance and training programme efficacy, and make recommendations for improvement.
- Create methods for testing and evaluation.
- Provide ongoing technical training and personal development classes for employees, or arrange for them to be provided.
- Meet with management and perform surveys to determine training requirements based on anticipated production processes, modifications, and other considerations.
- wledge on the effectiveness of approaches such as classroom training, demonstrations, on-the-job training, meetings, conferences, and workshops to plan, design, and deliver training and staff development programmes. •
- Create educational resources such as training manuals, multimedia visual aids, and other educational materials.
- Examine training requirements in order to create new training programmes or alter and improve existing ones.
- Examine and assess training and apprenticeship programmes to ensure that they meet government requirements.
The primary responsibility of a training manager is to work with line managers to identify and address personnel training needs. Training and entry-level requirements for important training jobs should be established by the training manager, who should also conduct programmes to select and develop training employees. In both day-to-day operations and long-term strategic planning, the training organization should demonstrate a strong desire to address the line organization’s training needs.
Training managers are experts who help organizations by planning, facilitating, and supervising staff training programmes. The duties and responsibilities of a training manager includes evaluating a company’s needs, creating training and development plans, and supporting a wide range of training programmes that improve the workforce’s effectiveness.
Executive Training
Nothing has disturbed business continuity more than COVID-19, leaving organizations exposed to unforeseen challenges. Online executive training programs are designed to help an organization meet their challenges and accommodate their remote learning needs. Just because an executive no longer sits in a classroom doesn’t mean his learning period has gone. As an executive, he is aware of the value of an employee who is committed to self-improvement. Well, the same goes for an executive, a company leader looking to make his next big move up. If an executive is serious about taking his career to new heights, he should be willing to learn and grow. Online executive training programs offers you the opportunity to do just that at a pace that works with your agenda.
These skill-building online courses offer a wide range of subjects that will help any executive reach the highest point of the corporate ladder. Online executive training programs allow executives to engage with teachers, industry leaders, and a global set of associates in a straightaway virtual environment. These contemporary programs often blend offline lessons and assignments to enhance your understanding of the materials. The benefit of this layout is that you’ll receive a thorough content in short, absorbable sessions held over several weeks. These fully immersive virtual programs provide a convenient schedule for global executives and help gain knowledge for immediate impact. Delivered online with live access to the faculty throughout the learning experience, these unique programs offer greater engagement through class discussions, case studies, effective group exercises, and networking with associates.
Online executive training programs are an innovative approach to organisational change that utilizes the power of face-to-face learning and the exceptional reach and impact of online learning. These trainings are meant to design different management levels. Developed for executives seeking to enhance their skills in an adjustable digital format, these online programs help them build and enhance critical skills that set the stage for their professional success. Special care is taken to ensure that the combined experience expected is carried through to these online programs and executives experience a highly conducive and engaging learning environment. These programs are designed keeping in mind the ever-changing demands of business executives. Leadership training can help them hone the skills necessary to flourish in high-level positions and help them develop the optimal leadership qualities for their career and organization.
Strong leadership requires a blend of various skills that changes at the pace of technology. It’s important for executives to develop and polish their leadership skills to be successful. Leadership training can help shape them into the leader they want to be, keep them on top of the latest leadership approaches and teach them how to shape the next generation of leaders in their organization. Each of these programs is designed to help executives learn the latest leadership skills and techniques so they can sharpen and apply them at their organization. These online training programs focus on specific leadership topics such as team leadership, crisis leadership, negotiation skills, providing executives with useful insights into what makes a leader exceptional. They explore complicated issues such as self-awareness and learn skills to attract talent, and lead others to eminence. These programs will provide participants with a detailed understanding of the obstacles that organizations face in increasing diversity and racial harmony, offering a wide range of solutions for eliminating these hurdles and creating more inclusive organizations.
Empowering executives to maximize the impact of their teams, online executive training programs examines how to develop team harmony and how to harness the power of teams through better decision making and leadership. Moreover, executives learn to maximize their impact as a leader during times of change.
For Managers
Online Programs For Managers
Leadership and learning go hand in hand. Not everyone is a natural born leader. Some need to polish their skills and abilities to work in a desired work environment. With the right amount of training and experience, one can become an efficient leader. For employees wanting to become excellent managers in the future, the foundation has to be laid today by providing effective online leadership training programs, the benefits of which are:
- Cost Optimization and Online Training – There is a lot of cost associated with classroom training consisting of many elements to add to the overall training expenditure for the company. On the other hand, online training can be delivered at a fraction of the cost only by investing in good software.
- Free Courses and Online Certifications – There are hundreds of open courses online which people sign up for and a lot of these courses are free of cost and meant for individuals looking to upskill themselves. It is easy for the learners to sign up for their desired course online, complete all the modules and receive a certificate on completion.
- Specialization in Different Domains – Online courses offer the flexibility for learners to specialize in whatever domain they want. For some, it could be about leading a team without appearing authoritatively at front foot, some might want to learn more and grow their own knowledge, while there may be some people who are just looking for ways to motivate them. With modern online leadership training programs, one can choose whichever domain they find more relevant and want to gain expertise in.
We can all agree that an effective leadership training program will benefit not only the individual but also the organization as a whole. And needless to say, online leadership training programs are the best route to coach the learners into their future roles.
For HR
Managing employees and their functions efficiently can be one of the greatest challenges a business has to deal with. Small-business owners who assume human resource management responsibilities often find that laborious human resource (HR) administration robs them of valuable time needed to focus on their core business needs and objectives. This challenge is further complicated if the business is divided between multiple locations, thus, requiring very strict coordination. In this scenario, attempting to manage HR data and communications can quickly become inefficient, expensive to maintain and overall a burden to handle. Thus, at the moment many businesses are increasingly turning to online programs for human resources as the solution.
How do Online Programs for Human Resources benefit an Organization?
The benefits of using online programs for human resources are:
- Network – While brick-and-mortar human resources departments offer one-on-one access to human resources agents, online human resources training programs allow participants to learn and benefit from each other’s experiences. Many online human resources training programs offer forums, chat and instant messaging options for their members so that communication can be enhanced and perfected. This allows a class from many different business environments to communicate and gauge each other’s reactions, and learn something from one another.
- Pace – A clear benefit of online human resources training program is the pacing. A regular human resources training session can be very time consuming and act as a distraction from other duties. Additionally, many consider the traditional classroom as an unfriendly environment. Classroom training can distract trainees from the goal of human resource training or even make them resistant to the concepts introduced. Online human resources training programs are delivered anywhere and everywhere there is a computer and works around the current work schedule in easy-to-retain units, which learners can review and revise at any time.
- Cost – As far as employers are concerned, retaining a staff of human resources trainers is highly expensive and time consuming. What’s more, the human resources field has to be constantly updated as the workforce changes and grows. Classes, training seminars and conferences for human resources staff become clearly essential. Online human resources training programs offer expertise at a fraction of the cost of employing trainers in-house and can take a bulk of money off the budget by reducing employee payroll, insurance, and accommodation costs.
- Events and Prevention – Perhaps the greatest of all benefits online human resources training programs have to offer is a constant connection with the organization. Through webinars, online events, and reference sites, online human resources training programs can be as much a preventative measure, as a reaction to various human resource incidents and situations. Until recently, the human resources department has been a clinic for people who have an inappropriate conduct, but online training offers a proactive approach.
- Interactivity – Online programs for human resources put a wealth of digital resources at the fingertips of learners, many of which are designed to engage them more directly through interactivity and imagination. Gone are the days of having to sit passively receiving knowledge in a seminar or lecture; the power of the web has revolutionized training for the better and done away with the more boring aspects of learning.
- Scalability – Employees join and leave at different times, as well as develop at different rates and bring different skills and experiences to the organization. So, a one-size-fits-all approach to HR training definitely not necessarily the most efficient option out there. Thus, online programs for human resources can scale to suit the needs of an organization at any one time, and give the flexibility to train individual employees, small groups or entire departments as necessary.
With rapid technological advancements, even the impossible seems possible now. For the last few years, online training has fully taken over the traditional approach to learning that requires face-to-face meeting, offline training. While some organizations believe that offline training remains the most effective method to help employees grow, online training is proven to have more advantages and hence, is being utilized by more and more companies as times proceed.
For Business Administration
Online programs for business administration provide a firm basis in the principles of business and management. They provide an analysis of the key areas that are applicable to business leaders and decision-makers working in various organizations, from rooted enterprises to innovative startups. A series of programs are designed to help develop your skills.
The main aim of these online programs is to train essential and suitable professionals in business administration with a proper and social sense, capable of generating adjustments according to the challenges and opportunities in the global environment, with skills for the management, guidance and practice of new information and communications technologies within the organization and through the efficient assignment of resources that allow it to develop innovation and competitiveness. An online program for business administration provide skills to:
- Manage organizations with a comprehensive vision.
- Generate ethical and moral surroundings with high social commitments.
- Understand the environment of organizations by utilizing information and communications machinery in administrative processes.
- Regulate the human talent of organizations.
- Encourage negotiation skills, teamwork and decision making.
Why Choose Online Programs?
These programs help move your business forward with the right skills : A collections of programs that are ready-to-go for your organization are created using a combination of market data, learner data, content expertise, and skill mapping patterns. Organizations can also pick and choose their own topics to meet their unique requirements. Online programs can be a great choice for anyone with a busy schedule, who wants the freedom and flexibility of getting to choose when and where they get to learn, thus opening a lot more options of programs available all across the globe. Such programs are also often more affordable. Moreover, choosing to take online programs for business administration, all from the comfort of your computer, is an exceptionally convenient option for anyone looking for a more flexible learning.
It’s Good For The Employers
Employers are increasingly apprehending the value of providing their employees with money for yearly professional training. This is mainly because training employees diminishes employee turnover, increases employee engagement, and encourages skill development that sooner or later benefits the business. The time and money it takes to train new employees and the lost revenue to the business during the transition period can be avoided by keeping the employees happy. Here, the benefits of implementing online programs for business administration works best.
It’s Good for the Working Professionals
Honest employees will recognize that they will be more willing to invest in the companies they work for, if companies are willing to invest in them. It makes them feel good when the company values them enough as employees that it will pay for them to learn new skills. A working professional might find it hard to find time to take an online course. They should try to think differently about taking online programs for business administration for their professional growth and learn new to skills to make their everyday job easier or maybe skills that their employer would find the most valuable.
Studying business means you will learn plenty of useful skills that can be useful for nearly any career out there. These skills may include strong communication skills, Analytical and critical thinking, Problem solving, Decision making, Project and Resource management, interpreting and using financial data, marketing skills, Accounting and a strong understanding of how business operates.
No doubt, the skills you will gain will vary from program to program, depending on if you want to specialize in a certain area or get a broad and general outline of all things. Once you have completed the course, you will have a wide range of career options available to you. Countless companies have already discovered the benefits of online training for business administration and are slowly replacing their on-the-job training model, for online courses via eLearning platform.
For Healthcare
Health and safety are an important concern for organizations. When employees work at an organization for long hours, it is the organization’s liability to take care of them. An employee’s health can be impacted by various factors, such as stress, poor hygiene in the workplace, or poor quality of drinking water, not to mention possible hazards posed by chemicals, electricity, and heat. Since organizations are responsible for health and safety, they should take every possible step to make the workplace secure. One of the most important measures is training programs for healthcare.
How Can Training Help Improve Health and Safety?
When employees attend online training courses for healthcare, it helps improve health and safety within the organization. Training helps workforce understand the importance of following safety precautions. Many employees believe safety norms like wearing gloves and masks are a botheration, but when they become aware that failure to follow precautions can affect their health, they will realize their importance. Training thus helps to create perception of protocols and procedures and can straightaway improve safety in the organization.
Training on how to effectively practice safety measures can be provided specifically for executives, who can have a direct impact on how these measures are effectively applied in the organization. Regular training courses ensure that employees do not ignore the importance of health and safety. It is useful to update employees with details of new strategies and industry practices, and, most importantly, it provides a panel for employees to share their experiences while following safety norms.
Choosing the Right Training Course
There are different ways of conducting training courses. Classroom training is one way, but although it can be effective, it can obstruct productivity if all employees need to obtain instruction. Organizations with multiple wings may need to bring employees to one place, which requires logistic effort and costs. One probable solution to address this issue is online training for healthcare This type of training is beneficial because employees can go through the training at their convenience, without affecting the routine work.
When an organization wants to train employees online regarding workplace safety and health, it can collaborate with an online portal that has a broad selection of courses. An online training solution with qualified course providers offers training that is suitable to different kinds of organizations. An organization can choose any of the best online safety training courses. It is essential to choose an online course provider that has experience working with corporate organizations, as they would understand companies’ requirements, and their courses would meet those needs. Some training courses that can be taken into consideration are:
- General programs on health and safety that provide workforce with an outline of workplace requirements.
- Fire prevention training.
- Nutrition information and exercise for health improvement.
- Occupational health and safety training as enforced by law.
To encourage employees to take the online courses and complete them, employees should follow these instructions to select an online training provider and courses for them. This training will be beneficial for employees as they can do it at their own pace, and also learn important safety concepts. Organizations also benefit, as they have the opportunity to both save money and buildup a safe workplace. Online training programs for healthcare offer a thorough suite of training and qualifications in health, safety and environmental management. They instruct people all over the world to help them improve their knowledge and skills, lessen risks, make workplaces healthier and safer for everyone and reform long-term business performance.
Learners can choose the program that most suits their needs. Courses are held throughout the year where participants profit from a dedicated learning environment, away from usual disturbances. If your organization needs to train multiple staff, these programs deliver a tailored course at workplaces, and also offer a range of online programs for healthcare that can be completed in your own time, from the comfort of your own home. The online programs are also available in different languages and are more affordable than in-office training.
For Small Businesses
Employee training is beneficial to any business, whether it’s a small shop or a large firm with several employees. The majority of employees who do not receive adequate training leave their jobs within a year. We’ll analyze numerous methods of employee training for small business in this article to help you pick the best one for your company. Consider the following training methods:
Hands-on Training
For many small business owners, hands-on training is the primary way of staff development. Employees learn in the workplace and obtain a feel for the actual task they will execute using this strategy. An experienced coworker or boss conducts the training. Any of the following methods can be used to give hands-on training.
- Instruction-based Training – New hires are given thorough verbal or written instructions on how to accomplish specific jobs. Their work is overseen by a senior employee who answers queries and helps them overcome obstacles. This strategy is effective for teaching things that are mostly intuitive.
- Shadowing – An employee shadows an experienced staff member who is performing the task for which they were employed. This strategy is utilized for duties that need greater skill or are deemed too dangerous for new employees to undertake right away, such as operating heavy machinery. It allows employees to give assistance and ask questions before taking on the activities themselves.
- Job Rotation – Consider rotating new workers among several units if they need to learn several independent abilities that can’t be taught by a single staff person. At each station, instruction-based learning or shadowing can be employed for training.
Computer-based learning
Both new and experienced personnel benefit from computer-based training. Employees gain knowledge by viewing video courses, reading, doing exercises, and responding to questions. These courses are offered by reputable universities with experts in a variety of fields.
Advantages –
Computer-based courses are often easy to use and provide individualized training.
Employees can learn at their own speed without losing work hours because training takes place outside of the workplace.
Disadvantages –
Employees may take longer to finish courses, and distractions may result in ineffective learning. If you use third-party sites, your costs may be higher. If at all possible, go with a pay-as-you-go plan.
Group Discussions
Roundtable conversations can be used to disseminate knowledge and stimulate debate on specific issues. Face-to-face training allows you to more effectively express your company’s values and is more effective than online courses. When new workplace regulations are introduced, a group discussion can provide an opportunity for employees to ask questions and develop a better understanding of the discussion.
Lectures and Seminars
Use lectures for all employee training for small business, especially if an external resource person is brought in.
Advantages –
You can send critical information to all employees at the same time.
Disadvantages –
It will take a long time and may have an impact on internal work procedures.
It might not be appropriate for a very tiny firm.
Employee training is critical for businesses of any size. But, before you start training, figure out what information each position requires and make a thorough training strategy. Use these training strategies to teach hard skills that are needed in everyday work. Employee training for small business is an investment, so keep that in mind. If done correctly, you’ll not only see increased productivity, but you’ll also build a team of employees who feel valued and secure in their jobs.
Leadership Training
Online leadership training programs
Online leadership training programs are a high priority for most organizations today as it has many positive benefits like building employee teamwork and strength, ensuring organizational alertness in regards to the consumer needs as well as creating a competitive advantage within the workplace. Whether it is the leaders or the learners, it is important to develop robust online leadership training programs through the process of e-learning which is not bound by the concept of distance. It shortens the time period an employee has to spend physically away from the workplace.
Keeping all these benefits in mind, organizations need to structure a proper online training strategy consisting of the following components:
- Determining the Required Skill Sets – For any program to run effectively, it is important to have leaders with the required skill sets. Good training programs always focus on the core skills that leaders need on a daily basis. They are taught to master the required skill sets so that they effectively communicate with the learners.
- Setting Individual Targets – Every individual leader has unique skill sets so it is important that they set their own individual goal plan. A generalized goal plan can benefit the organization as a whole but does not benefit the leaders and learners on an individual font. It is important to state the role of every leader and how they fit into the bigger picture of being productive to the organization.
- Including Social Aspect – Leaders located all over the world today can share ideas and insights just at the click of a button. Everyone can benefit from the combined knowledge and prove to be beneficial for their respective organizations.
- Offer Practical Experience – In face-to-face interactions, learners cannot have hands on experience in dealing with things. In online leadership training programs, simulations can help master tasks also in a virtual environment. There is no big risk involved.
- Allow Leaders to Grow and Learn – Every mistake made is a learning opportunity and leaders should be allowed to make mistakes and learn from them so that they can grow and master relevant competencies.
- Promoting a Positive Learning Environment – If the leaders are enthused correctly about the online training programs, the employees or the learners will be intrigued too. The key to building successful online leadership training programs is to provide continuous opportunities for every learner to participate in their own growth and development.
Life Coach Training
In its broader term ‘coaching’ can be described as training or teaching someone. This may describe a coach who is training a high school football team, but a life coach is not limited to that. The task of a professional life coach is to improve the lives of others, by assisting people in setting, completing short- and long-term goals, helping them focus on what matters to them the most, and making informed decisions to reach growth and development on various aspects of their life. In this article, we are going to talk about how life coaching can be taken online, hence, online life coach training programs.
Steps to Create an Online Life Coach Training Program
Getting started on an online life coach training program is easy. One only needs to clarify his area of expertise and the audience that is targeted. Then, it’s a matter of advertising the services. The key aspects to keep in mind while creating an online life coach training program are:
- Choose the Type of Coaching you’ll Offer – Start by exploring your own skills, experiences, and training; the type of issues does people always ask your advice on, knowing what other people want to learn, if you’ve been sobered for years, you can mentor people addicted to drugs and alcohol, or, if you’ve improved your health, you can teach people how to diet and stay healthy. Choose a type of life coaching that you are well versed in. Then make sure you’re passionate and dedicated to your choice, because this will be your focus all day, every day.
- Identify your Clients – You need to clearly identify the target audience that is most likely to want your life coaching services. Then, you need to learn everything you can about the audience. Also, search for the type of coaching you want to provide. Another task is to read the competitor websites; who do they target, how do they talk to them etc. This will give an idea of the demands and the solutions people are looking for. Talk to real people who are a good target for your services. Also, interview your followers, Facebook friends, and LinkedIn connections and take their feedback.
- Draft your Offer – Announcing that you provide online life coaching won’t bring in clients. You need to clearly describe what you do for clients and how you do it. You need to craft a course that people won’t be able to resist. The perfect offer includes five things: the name of the service or package, the outcome of working with you, a short list of the deliverables, a guarantee and the price. Focus on the client’s problem and your solution. Your ideal client wants transformation, plans, solutions, and strategies. That needs to be the focus of your online life coach course.
- Outline the Transformation for your Course – Once you’ve outlined a framework for your course, get clear on the value you’ll provide. The goal here is to clearly define the transformation and benefit that the audience will achieve through your online life coach course. One of the most common mistakes coaches make at this point is trying to add everything they know into one course. This often results in overwhelming information to grasp and lowers course completion rates.
- Reduce Liability – Another key aspect to keep in mind while creating an online life coach course is the need to be open about the results you give clients and the way you run your course. Because life coaches give advice to clients, you could be held liable if that advice ever affected a client in a negative way. To avoid liability, a tip is to include disclaimers on your website.
Life coaching can help people in many areas of their lives, from relationships and business, to money, healing, mindset, and happiness. While every coach has their own approach, focus and process, clients often report that they see improvement in four areas of their life: communication, productivity self-confidence, and performance.
Personalized Online Training
Companies should personalize training experiences to the maximum extent for employees to benefit from it. Almost all organizations have recognized the benefits of offering exclusive learning experiences to their employees and that if they personalize corporate online learning, based on the needs of every employee, the end results are going to be better. Below are some reasons why you should offer personalized online training for your employees.
- Targeted Learning – Personalized training is aimed at the precise needs of learners, which means that not all the employees need to take the same course on a certain topic. Since all of them are not on the same competency level, they will have their own unique pace of learning. They should be allowed to choose their topics and level based on their interests and efficiency and also what they want to learn and when. Not all learners learn the same way. Some learn through audio, while others prefer video-based learning, some like to read through documents or articles. Therefore, for better results, employees should be allowed to choose whichever format they prefer to use.
- Higher Engagement – When employees get the freedom to learn in their preferred way, they feel valued. They feel happy that the company is concerned about their learning and upskilling efforts. They choose their learning path based on their individual preference and since employees are gaining what they want, they have a higher engagement level. As a result, they learn quickly and recall better when they have to implement the concepts to their work.
- Greater Customization – Personalized online training modules are better than readymade resources because they can be customized to a greater extent. Your brand logo and design elements can be used. Relevant scenarios and examples that are subjective to your organization can be included. You can twist the content as you wish, in order to make a better connection with your employees. Also, you can make amendments faster and at a lower cost.
- Personalized Feedback – Just like there is no training content that suits everyone, there is also no standard feedback. When employees go through their chosen path, they get personalized feedback. They can improve their productivity by working on the necessary skills. Instant feedback makes them aware of where they have gone wrong, and how they should remedy it. They repeat the same behavior in the workplace.
Personalized online training can help organizations boost their employees’ performance. Technology is helpful in accomplishing a personal learning strategy. But it takes a blend of people and processes to make it work. Today’s business leaders are very concerned with their organization’s rate of learning. With the increasing employee skill gaps, it is getting tougher to rely on talent acquisition to fill job roles. Organizations are overcoming this challenge to solve their talent problem by creating effective training programs for their employees.
An organizational culture of learning, that provides the skill-based learning every employee requires, to feel cared for and be successful is the only modern feasible competitive advantage. Organizations today need to create flexible learning that is customized to their unique processes, expertise and culture. This means, learning needs to move from a generalized concept of learning, which is often detached from everyday responsibilities to one that focuses specifically on learning that affects business performance. For this, employees must be equipped with personalized corporate learning that is customized to their organization’s programs, their job- specific and individual learning needs.
Advantages of Having Online Training Your Way
- Training is Appropriate and is a True Fit for Your Business – A personalized corporate eLearning approach makes the learning real by wiring learning objectives to real-world work scenarios. This inspires employees to take action and encourages them to apply the learning. By providing custom online training that caters directly to your business conditions and needs, employees will be able to understand the situation, which means direct benefits to your bottom line.
- Employee Training is Connected to Business Goals – When you enroll an employee in a course, you can’t expect them to immediately implement that learning into value for the business. However, with custom online training, learning objectives are aligned with business goals and can be directly transmitted into the workplace. This training can be loaded to address certain business needs and can be adjusted as the business changes.
- Training is Globally Adjustable – With customized eLearning it is possible to economically translate and localize content for different cultures based on language and regional guidelines and regulations. Thus, very little is spent on your employees moving around the world for in-person training. What’s more, companies improve their ROI every time it is used, while minimizing costs of materials, travel and logistics of in-person training.
Effective learning is the most important weapon for organizations in today’s highly unsettled market. Employees are required to develop new and different skills and competencies, which means they need flexible learning support. Organizations don’t just need intelligent employees, but a team that is better equipped, more empowered and more familiar with their individual roles and responsibilities. The only way to accomplish this is to develop a personalized corporate online learning strategy that aligns learning goals to individual job requirements and bottom-line business results.
Video-Based Training
Together with the terms “online learning” and “virtual learning”, e-learning is a way to gain access to knowledge and information based on the use of new technologies allowing access to online, interactive and sometimes personalized training through the use of internet or other electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones. E-learning is the practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. E-learning videos play an important role in making a successful training course, hence making learning customized and the learner instantly connect to the content of the course. Since e-learning continually aims to develop convenient and effective training for learners, it becomes a difficult task when resources are limited, and the budget is fixed. Thus, in this article we are going to discuss Cost-effective ways to create interactive e-learning videos.
Importance of Videos in Online Training
In an era where information is power and can be accessed anytime and anywhere in the blink of an eye, where does e-learning stand in captivating its user’s attention? It is well known that e-learning is a convenient learning process that constantly aims to make learning an engaging and effective experience for the learner. E-learning videos hence play an important role in enhancing such features and making the learning experience as interactive and informative as possible. According to Don Taylor’s first Global Sentiment Survey 2014, video is the highest ranked among the various tools used to enhance the e-learning process as recommended by learning professionals across the globe (Source: GSS, 2014).
Sometimes an e-learning course is incomplete or falls flat without a video. Adopting video-based learning makes good sense if the goal of the training course is retention. E-learning videos make it easier to retain information by representing text more appropriately along with audio and other visual representations. The features make learning more interactive, engaging as well as informative.
Below are discussed some of the advantages of e-learning videos:
- Video engages learners in a way the audio and text cannot. Because learners make useof their senses simultaneously (sight, sound), they’re more likely to retain the information for future application.
- Video breaks up the monotony that is a characteristic of informational modules. Instead of reading through chunks of text or disengaging with audio alone, movement and context brings the concepts to life for learners.
- According to the Visual Teaching Alliance, 65 percent of the workforce is made up of visual learners: Individuals who learn best when shown a visual representation of a concept. E-learning videos respect those who learn through visual representation and enhance their learning capacity.
- Video can dramatically cut your training time. After all,you’ll show a way lot greater than telling, and learner grasp the technique even faster when shown.
- Video increases demonstrable knowledge. When learnersare shown additionally as told, they’re more likely to leave training and apply that knowledge to their work, therefore increasing training ROI.
Cost Effective ways to create Interactive E-learning Videos
- If you have a budget, don’t spend it on a scriptwriter. Instead, use that money to rent a knowledgeable inquirer.
- Don’t try to tape everything at once. Help your subject get all the way down to the core part ofhis or her story by multiple takes.
- You can also create your own customized content.
- Scripts and studios aren’t necessary to get started. Just get your individuals talking and begin photography with your
- You can link clips from your organization’s in-house video library or the Internet.
E-learning videos are one of the most effective tools in making learning interactive as well as informative. They easily represent information through audio and other visual features that enhance learning and retention. However, developing video-based learning comes with a variety of costs. But these costs can be significantly cut down through a variety of tools and measures. Hence, there are many cost-effective ways to create interactive e-learning videos that can be utilized in order to create engaging as well as reasonable e-learning videos.
Employee Training
Different types of employee training and development can be used to keep them engaged. The training utilized depends on the type of organization, amount of resources available for training, and the priority the company places on training. Whether it comes in a one-on-one training format or complete training sessions, employees always need refreshers and training on how to best perform their jobs and contribute to achieving business goals. Receiving continuous training also means they’re always on the leading edge of industry developments. To create a happy, fruitful workforce, training managers must provide possibilities for further training and growth.
Let’s take a look at some of the types of employee training and development which can be offered to the employees.
- Instructor-led Training – Instructor-led training is the traditional type of employee training that takes place in a classroom, with a teacher delivering the material. This can be a highly efficient method of employee training, especially for elaborate topics. Instructors can answer particular employee questions or guide them to further resources. They also allow for highly-qualified instructors to match the training level and style to the employees.
- Elearning – Elearning, depends on online tests, videos, and courses to administer employee training. Employees can do their training at their convenience with a smartphone or on their company computers. It’s one of the easiest types of employee training to provide to larger populations, especially for employees who are faraway or have high-turnover rates. With multimedia games, tests, videos, activities, or even gamified factors, it can also go a long way towards keeping your employees committed to the training.
- Simulation Employee Training – Simulation training is mostly provided through a computer, amplified, or artificial intelligence device. Despite the initial costs for producing that software or technology, however, simulation training can be a necessary option for employees in more hazardous or top- risk fields. This type of employee training and development is also highly-effective and reliable, allowing employees to progress inevitably and at their own convenience.
- Hands-on Training – This training includes any experimental training that’s focused on the individual needs of the employee. It’s organized directly on the job. This training can help employees best fit into their forthcoming or current role, while upgrading their current skills.
- Mentoring or Coaching – The focus here is on the relationship between an employee and a more skilled professional, such as their coach, supervisor, or a veteran employee. The one-on-one mentoring style creates a relationship between employees that carries much further than training. It also allows the employee to feel comfortable to ask questions they may not be able to ask in a classroom, instructor-led training. This training method can be done face to face or virtually, through online coaching.
- Lecture-Style Training – Important for giving big chunks of information to a large employee population, lecture-style training can be a helpful resource for communicating the needed information quickly.
- Group Discussions and Activities – Group discussions and activities can provide the perfect training option for the right group of employees. It allows several employees to train at once, in an environment that better fits their present departments. These discussions and activities can be instructor-led or promoted by online advances that are later reviewed by a supervisor and is best suited for conflicts that require a collaborative approach to elaborate issues.
- Role-Playing – Role-playing generally asks employees to work through one aspect of their jobs in a controlled scheme. They’ll be asked to consider different points-of-view and make up their mind as they work through the role-playing activity.
- Management-Specific Activities – Management-specific activities are a type of employee training and development that’s focused on the needs of managers. They may include models, team-building exercises, brainstorming activities, role-playing, or centered eLearning on management best practices. While management training can include many different types of training, it’s important to consider the other needs of your managers apart from the rest of your employee population. This ensures they have the basis they need to support the rest of their staff.
- Case Studies or Other Required Reading – Finally, some employee training topics are easily accessible through required readings. Case studies, in particular, can provide a quick way for employees to learn about real workplace problems. Employees can read through these as they prefer or while working in a team-building session with other employees.
Too many employees or management consider training as boring or irrelevant. It’s true that employee training can be boring, but only when the wrong types of training coincide with the topic or issue being tackled. Pairing the types of employee training and development to your employee needs can ensure they receive the information they need, in the pattern best suited for it.
For Employees
Employee training is a program that aims to improve technical skills, knowledge, efficiency, and value creation so that employees can do their jobs more effectively. Employee training is only offered on a periodic basis and at set intervals; it is never continuous. Employee training improves the required skill set and aids in the development of employees as well as the organization’s overall growth. Online employee training is a work program that equips workers with specialized information and skills in order to help them perform better in their present positions. While most businesses recognize the value of early job training and onboarding new workers, many fail to engage in ongoing training. Hence, in this article, we are going to talk about online employee training, and its importance.
Importance of Online Employee Training
The benefits of online employee training are:
- Higher Productivity – Online employee training enables workers to become more successful and efficient in their professions. It also boosts productivity by increasing staff engagement.
- Higher Employee Retention – According to Harvard Business Review research, a lack of professional advancement possibilities is a key cause of work unhappiness and early retirement. Employees are more inclined to invest back in the firm with improved loyalty, engagement, and productivity if they believe that organizations are investing in their futures rather than simply their present work duties. Furthermore, people enjoy feeling important and capable.
- Less Accidents – Employee training equips them with the information and skills they need to avoid and respond to workplace mistakes and mishaps.
- Lower Supervision – Employees that have been properly taught are completely aware of their expectations, tasks, and obligations. As a result, they require less expensive monitoring, allowing your company to focus its resources on more important initiatives.
- Securing Long-Term Organizational Success – Any organization’s success is heavily influenced by its leadership. As a result, developing and keeping individuals to fill these positions is important. Employees that have more knowledge and skills are better prepared to take your company to the next level.
5 Steps to Creating an Effective Online Employee Training Program
Creating an effective online employee training program is not difficult, if the following steps are followed:
- Identify Business Goals – Examine your company’s long-term strategic objectives. Then, using these goals as a guide, plan and develop job training programs that have a demonstrable influence on goal achievement. The best approach to assure quality control, training, and outcomes is to use a good learning management system (LMS).
- Measurable Learning Goals and Objectives – To measure training success, learning objectives should include both long- and short-term quantifiable outcomes. Then, as needed, upgrade techniques on a regular basis. Using a learning management system with mapping, monitoring, reporting, testing, and certification cap is a smart method to guarantee staff are continuously meeting and surpassing targets and expectations.
- Find Skill Gaps – Determine the impact of existing employee behavior on corporate objectives. Analyze the gaps between your present skill set and your ideal skill set to identify particular learning objectives. Your staff training strategy should ideally focus on three learning aim categories.
- Layer Employee Training Methodologies – By combining learning experiences and training approaches to meet critical company, customer, and employee needs, multilayered training activities can help you achieve long-term performance improvement. To maximize the learning experience, the most successful training programs incorporate several learning aspects.
Employee training is an investment with its own set of risks and benefits. When managers and business leaders look at things through that lens, they can make the best judgments possible when creating and implementing their initiatives.
Training Tools
Essential training tools for trainers
Employee training should be a long-term investment and not as an expense. With the increasing competition, employee performance is at attention and employers can no longer remain indifferent to it. With the advancement of technology, the expectations of employees from training and development have changed.
The training tools and pace that you are using should be evolved accordingly to keep up the change of pace. And that is why corporate trainers should be brought up to speed. Only professional trainers who show up right set of skills and utilize the powerful training tools can bring you closer to the goal of increased employee productivity and organization growth.
Training tools
Training tools are any platform, program, template or means that helps trainers in training. There are various training tools available and trainers can choose any tool from among those.
- eLearning Authoring Tool
This tool is a necessary tool in any trainer’s toolbox. This is one of the primary tools with which you kick start your online training environment. This is the starting point of creating an extensive variety of engaging content and any business operating in any vertical can use it for their employee training. Make certain that you have this tool as this is one of the most important tools for training and development today.
- Learning Management System
A cloud-based learning management system LMS is another important tool used in corporate training. From examining K-12 education with exams, quizzes to provide a compliance training for sexual harassment training course, an LMS can bring all aspects of online training under one roof. For instance, you can easily manage learners, create and share content, view reports and analytics and issue certificates.
- Graphic Design Tools
Not every corporate trainer knows how to use a graphic designing tool. That is why trainers need graphic design tools as one of the training tools to aid in creating extraordinary graphics. Just like an LMS this is also an important tool as a session without engaging graphics and just text can bore the learners. Graphics are also important for modern-day learners as their attention span has reduced and such appealing content can enhance their engagement level.
- Audiovisual Tools
If you have deployed LMS but do not have included audiovisual elements in your training, it would be ineffective. Audio and visual elements in online learning are popular for obvious reasons. These are learner friendly as learners can grasp information better if it is presented through engaging videos. The video can also be watched on the go on any device. That is why videos appeal to a larger set of audiences around the world. There are various web-based tools which you can use for creating your own learning video, walkthrough video and include it in your courses for better learning experience.
- Social Media Management Tools
Today learning has detached itself from the restrictions of a classroom whether traditional or online. It has upgraded to social learning. There is also a valid reason for this development. Learners now-a-days like to learn through social recommendation, experience and collective problem-solving. So, with an LMS it is important to have social media management tools as they become useful to corporate trainers. You can use these tools to create posts, manage multiple social media pages, manage them and analyze performance.
Mere skills are not going to help; you also need powerful tools with the skills which empower you to achieve your training goals on time and as expected. If you apply these essential tools, you will achieve good training results.
Employees are the true brand ambassadors for a business, as their success or failure is determined by them. Employees, it is correctly stated, may build or ruin a brand. Management should treat employees with the highest respect in order to demand the best from them and for employees to create a feeling of connection to the company. You simply cannot afford to overlook someone who is directly responsible for achieving your organization’s goals and objectives. Employee development and preparation for bad conditions and unanticipated occurrences are aided by training activities. Thus, in this article, we are going to talk about various online employee training activities.
Employee Training Activities
Employee training is necessary for both professional and personal development. An employee’s new abilities and knowledge gained via training will benefit him not just in his current work but also in all of his future jobs. Training courses should not be held merely for the purpose of conducting them. Employees should not attend training courses only to keep track of their attendance or because their supervisors have requested it. It is critical that you improve your abilities. Fortunately for you, we’ve already done some of the legwork for you. Here are the best online employee training activities for you to steal:
- Use Technology to your Advantage – We can get fantastic materials like video lessons and audio recordings of how to communicate with a client over the phone by using a training management program. Each video instruction includes a reading portion that summarizes the key elements of the film to reinforce the material and allow employees to take notes at their own speed.
- Match your High Performers with New Employees – Working side-by-side with a department boss or a high-performing employee for a few days is the ideal method to onboard a new employee. The supervisor can assist them in settling in, guide them through routine duties and projects, and demonstrate how an experienced employee conducts their work. This one-on-one approach lets the new worker ask questions at their own pace and see the steps in action.
- Create Excitement About a “boring” Training Topic – Incentivizing training and practice is one of the most effective methods to catch your employees’ attention. Money, time off work, and free meals, in my opinion, are the three most effective motivators for most employees. If you’re conducting a training session with your staff, make it an experience they’ll look forward to. Create a half-day training session with a catered lunch, and offer staff the rest of the day off as an incentive for attending.
- Understand that People Learn Things Differently – When it comes to skills training that all workers may benefit from, such as communication, change management, or conflict resolution, giving the training at different times and in many sessions can be highly beneficial. Employees are better able to focus when they are not forced into a timetable that may clash with other duties. Employees are more inclined to participate in training if they believe they have a say in what they learn.
- Expand your Idea of what Employee Training Looks Like – Once your staff are onboarded, the training doesn’t end. Implement a mentorship program to keep the education flowing. This will keep things interesting for even the most seasoned staff. A mentoring program, in addition to being a fantastic tool to teach, will also assist establish strong ties between your new and existing workers, resulting in a better work environment and a strong office culture!”
Online employee training activities encourage two-way communication among workers, which helps employees recognize their flaws, skills, and requirements. Employees should be free to communicate their thoughts, ideas, wants, and concerns so that employers may offer suitable answers and take appropriate action. Trainings aid in the development of new skills and knowledge on a constant basis.
Innovative Techniques
Innovative Employee Training Techniques
It’s necessary that you, as a leader, acknowledge and treat employees as the most asset of your company. Evidently, the better trained an employee is, the happier they are to perform their duty. This results in increased productivity and higher revenue for the organization. In this article we shall discuss some innovative employee training techniques.
Some Employee Training Techniques
Not every employee training solution will be the perfect fit for your company. Some techniques will work for your employees and some won’t. Here are some innovative employee training methods you have to investigate as you begin a mission to provide the best employee experience possible.
- Using Gamification – The most innovative employee training technique is the one that gets employees enthusiastic. Gaming for learning creates training that inspires employees to complete a course. It makes training enjoyable with challenges and competition Gamification in employee training lets new hires make mistakes and figure out the appropriate strategies and solutions without the pressure of performing flawlessly.
- Employee Feedback – Whichever way you plan to train your employees, make feedback an essential step of each staff training session. Not only will this require employees to participate more actively, but it will also lay the foundation for the relationship they form with their work and with the organization. When a new hire joins, they are given responsibility, freedom of expression, and are encouraged to give feedback. The aspect of continuous employee feedback is essential to create an empowered workforce.Offering constructive criticism at important points throughout the employee training will strengthen organization goal alignment, improve relationships, enhance product and service improvements, and much more. Feedback is a tool for continued learning for your organization’s growth and employee expertise.
- Using Customer Success – Companies can use customer success stories as an innovative employee training technique. Involving customer success during the employee training process will share the customer experience with your new employees. They’ll gain immediate insight into the current customer sentiments. To ensure your employees don’t feel isolated, stay educated and highly motivated, you may want to experiment with blended training methods- the next innovative technique.
- Blended Learning – Blended learning can deliver the right fusion of open online courses, instructor-led training, and gamification to develop programs which match training strategies that meet your employees’ requirements. By combining conventional classroom methods with independent study, you can create a hybrid teaching method better suited to meet the peculiar needs of your employees. Blended learning helps you enjoy the advantages of each employee training method. You can achieve more efficiency from the employees who study on their own. You’ll encourage and motivate them to appreciate their work. Giving employees different experiences for training lets you trace which methods actually lead to better performance.
- Interactive Guidance – Interactive guides are the most innovative technology promoting human resource efforts and the employee training industry. Interactive guides help new hires to be trained automatically within the software itself. After completing the interactive guides, both new and existing employees have the power to recall or request specific exercises to perform operations they are not acquainted with. A virtual helper remains present in the system so employees can always revisit training, if they don’t know how to perform a specific task in the software, thus removing a learning curve and the need for retraining.
When innovative learning techniques are introduced, leaders are not just looking for the latest technology or exciting techniques. It is just as much about finding ways to encourage employees to think creatively. With a mix of independent and group techniques, businesses can find effective ways for employees to integrate frequent learning experiences into their daily working practices.
Training new and existing workers may be the most difficult issue for a firm, especially in a quickly changing business climate. The influence of training on the trainee’s knowledge, skills, performance, and the company’s ROI is measured by training effectiveness. Before training begins, the goals and objectives should be defined so that they can be clearly and precisely measured. Thus, in this article we are going to talk about training and development effectiveness.
How to Develop Training and Development Effectiveness
Here are seven key steps you should consider to both build out and update training and development effectiveness:
- Benchmark against the Competition – Before deciding to support a new project, executives always want to know what the competitor is doing and if you are doing more or less. This is especially true for training and development, which is why networking with professional peers is beneficial. Begin by checking social media sites to see what consumers are saying about you and your competitors; this will provide information about customer happiness and preferences, which may support your need for additional training and development.
- Survey your Employees – Your existing workers are the finest source of information regarding organizational performance and needs. They are well-versed in what is going on and what, if anything, should be done. They will appreciate your attention and give useful input on what may be improved or removed. We ran focus groups to determine what current workers want and required: They wanted to know what was expected of them, why it was necessary, and how they should go about it; they wanted to be trained by someone who understood what they were talking about.
- Align Training with Management’s Operating Goals – Management always has operational objectives, such as improved performance, productivity, quality, or customer happiness, to mention a few. You can develop focused programs after you know what your goals are. Look for people in your organization who have needs that may be met by training as well: Legal typically supports compliance training, marketing and sales may support quality and consistency training, and most departments will support supervisory skills training that improves employee happiness. Create onboarding protocols and new-hire training that guarantees staff are informed, focused on standards, and satisfied customers.
- Weave it into your Company’s Culture – Companies want happy employees, therefore adopt a “life-long training” attitude that prioritizes employee happiness. Give precedence to employees who finished training and performed well when making promotion choices. One of the incentives for their achievements should be a promotion. And it provides a response to the employee’s query, “What’s in it for me?” Celebrate your accomplishments and triumphs. Inform everyone in your organization when someone has finished training and what this signifies for their future possibilities.
- Keep Innovating – Throughout my career, I have witnessed significant advancements in the content and delivery techniques of training and development programs. Apps, games, and simple video and editing capabilities are now available to broadcast to mobile devices. We continue to do internet research on the newest trends, network with other businesses and training experts, and modify our programs to take advantage of the most recent best practices.
Building and managing training and development effectiveness has made it much easier to build and manage training and development effectiveness. However, it is still the job of the training manager to develop and implement it effectively. Getting a business training program properly might be difficult at first, but it becomes simpler with practice.
Employee Training Methods
Training managers must give chances for additional training and advancement in order to build a happy, productive staff. Unfortunately, a large number of employees and managers see the training as tedious or useless. Let’s face it: staff training may be tiresome, but only when the improper training is selected for the topic or situation at hand. By matching the sorts of employee training to the requirements of your employees, you can guarantee that they will receive the knowledge they require in the manner that is most appropriate for them. Thus, in this article we are going to talk about various online employee training methods.
Employee Training Methods
The various employee training methods are:
- Instructor-led Training – Employee training that takes place in a online classroom with a teacher delivering the content is known as instructor-led training. This may be a very efficient way to train employees, especially for more complicated topics. Instructors can respond to particular queries from employees or refer them to further resources. They also enable highly qualified teachers to tailor the training level and style to the personnel present.
- eLearning – Employee training is delivered through online videos, exams, and courses. Employees may complete their training on their business PCs or in the palm of their hands using a smartphone. It’s one of the simplest forms of employee training to scale up, especially for remote personnel or those with a high turnover rate. It may also go a long way toward keeping your staff involved with the training using interactive games, exams, films, activities, or even gamified components.
- Simulation Employee Training – A computer, augmented reality, or virtual reality equipment is the most popular type of simulation training. Simulation training may be a needed choice for employees working in high-risk or high-stakes situations, regardless of the upfront costs of building such software or technology. Pilots and physicians frequently utilize simulator training, but it may also be useful to other personnel. This type of employee training is also highly effective and dependable since it allows employees to progress at their own pace.
- Hands-on Training – Any experiential training that is focused on the specific requirements of the employee is considered hands-on training. It takes place right on the job. Hands-on training may help individuals transition smoothly into new or existing roles while also strengthening their existing abilities. Hands-on training has the benefit of being instantly applicable to the employees’ employment. They may also be used to teach employees on new company equipment and procedures.
- Coaching or Mentoring – Coaching and mentoring, like hands-on training, focuses on the relationship between an employee and a more experienced professional, such as a supervisor, a coach, or a veteran employee. Employees develop a relationship outside of the classroom as a result of one-on-one mentorship. It also allows the employee to raise questions that he or she would not feel comfortable asking in a classroom environment with an instructor. This type of training can be delivered in person or via online coaching sessions.
More Employee Training Tools
Employee Training Tools
- Lecture-style training: Lecture-style training may be an important resource for swiftly delivering necessary knowledge to a broad workforce group. However, it has been stated that of all the training approaches, this is the least effective. Lectures, in many situations, lack any sort of interaction between the trainer and the learner and can be tedious. According to studies, just 20% of what is presented in a lecture is retained.
- Group discussions and activities: Set discussions and activities may be an excellent training choice for the proper group of employees. It enables several employees to train at the same time in a setting that is more conducive to their existing departments or groups. Conversations and activities conducted by an instructor are feasible, as are online suggestions that are then evaluated by a supervisor. This type of employee training is appropriate for issues that require a collaborative approach to solve.
- Role-playing: Role-playing, like group talks, allows employees to work through one element of their tasks in a controlled environment. As students go through the role-playing game, they will be encouraged to examine various points of view and think on their feet. Role-playing, like other group activities, is extremely beneficial, although it may not be essential for simple, uncomplicated topics. It also takes up more employee time, possibly depriving an entire department of time while they complete the training.
- Management-specific activities: Management-specific activities are exactly what they sound like: staff training tailored to the needs of managers. Simulations, brainstorming sessions, team-building exercises, role-playing, and targeted eLearning on management best practices are just a few examples. While management training may encompass a wide range of topics, it’s critical to address your managers’ unique requirements in addition to those of the rest of your workforce. This guarantees that they have the necessary foundation to assist the rest of their team.
- Case studies or other required reading: Finally, mandatory readings make some staff training subjects easily accessible. Case studies, in particular, may help employees learn about real-world challenges in the workplace quickly. Employees can read them at their own pace or as part of a team-building activity with their coworkers. Case studies are a fantastic way to focus on a specific issue, but more complicated themes will almost certainly necessitate more advanced staff training.
Training is no longer a one-time affair. Companies must continually enhance their employee training methods, as well as employees’ abilities and support workplace learning in order to survive and grow. As a result, at some point throughout the learning process, a range of training approaches will be beneficial.
Outsourcing Training
Outsourcing Training
It is difficult to agree with Gerald Chertavian who said ‘Businesses are no longer receiving the cost savings from outsourcing that they once did.’
The employees can learn at their pace and according to their grasping capacity is a major benefit. The retentively factor is more in the context. Even the combination of online training along with classroom training is being adopted by some corporates. This blended learning process is rather the trend nowadays. The trainees and employees can learn faster and be more productive model resulting in cost reduction and higher accountability.
The benefits of outsourcing the corporates can derive from E-learning process are many as briefly outlined below.
Especially for small and mid-sized companies can get the necessary training at highly competitive prices. This incidentally would be much lower price their in-house training. The quality of training imparted by the experts by the outsourcing agencies would be better and if not at par with what the companies offer.
With home or Internet cafes turning into virtual class rooms, the learning speed and convenience improve significantly. Besides being cheap, the e-learning offers to possess common barriers like distance, location, and borders.
Faster Turnaround and ROI.
The cost-cutting without sacrificing quality and delivery at the fastest way are the keys to today’s management success. Outsourcing is the answer for the quest for the ‘value for money’ drive. The bringing in the trainees under one roof may hinder the productivity. The versatility, expertise, and skill of the outsourcing agencies usually surpass that of the in-house training team. The outsourcing normally is on the line for many years and has separate teams for specific needs. They can be dynamic in the structure of training required.
Technological barriers
Companies, generally smaller ones often struggle with technical issues. They are not well equipped with cutting-edge software. At this juncture, the outsourcing would be the right option who are familiar with visual media output and latest course materials. Their specific e-Learning designs, modules, and development skills would be beneficial to the organisation that needs training for their employees.
The Time Constraints.
The companies usually are on their toes to deliver the complete the projects in time. It is very difficult for them to allocate separate training sessions. The outsourcing is the remedy to tide over the situation as they will have a time-bound training module to suit the particular segment.
Mitigation of Risk Factor
By hiring outsourcing professionals to give training to your employees, you are assured of updated course materials. In other words, you need not be bothered about the obsolete training materials. The error-free and contemporary training would equip the employees with cutting-edge technology. They should be able to face the challenges and competitions effectively. In fact, the risk is very low as the e- providers can lessen the risk of in-house development errors.
On the outset outsourcing, the e-learning for corporate training needs will reduce the snags of in-house development, delays, deadlines etc. Further it is very cost-effective and cut out for today’s competitive business environment.
Online Assessment
Online Assessment
An online assessment or e-assessment is used by various companies and institutions to take the whole assessment or some part of it online. Online ability tests and questionnaires can be done in a controlled environment. There are various kinds of online assessments. Online evaluation is used in various working areas and every one of them have their own objective to achieve. Educational evaluation is the systematic procedure of documenting and utilizing exact information on the knowledge, abilities, beliefs and attitudes. By taking the evaluation, companies can help the participants to achieve their goal and perform better in their jobs.
Advantages of an online assessment
The use of online assessments would save a lot of money and time for companies. Often the assessments would take less time to complete, there is no need for expensive and specialized personnel and online assessment can be done by multiple candidates at the same time. All the required instructions and knowledge is present in the assessments only and there is no need for an expert to give the instructions.
Ability tests and questionnaires are the most significant parts of an online assessment. All things considered, role plays, and practical simulations can’t be performed online. The assignments are finished in a safe online environment that isn’t available to other people. For some skills and ability tests, access to the Internet could be utilized to accomplish better outcomes. In those cases, the online evaluation is frequently finished in a controlled room or a room where access to the rest of the Internet is blocked. The behavior and personality tests and surveys that are a piece of the online assessment can usually be finished at home. There are various personality tests you can take for preparation.
Reporting of an online assessment
The review of an online evaluation is usually quicker than that of an offline evaluation. Typically, you quickly get the outcomes in your mailbox. After this you talk about the results of the online evaluation with a consultant, either by visiting office, on telephone or online. Assessment reports can be forwarded to the participants online which they can use later for comparison when they take another assessment.
Preparing for an online assessment
To get an idea what might come in online assessment you can go online and attempt a few activities and tests that are often part of an online evaluation. If you complete an evaluation at home, ensure you do it in a quiet, closed space where you won’t be disturbed by other people.
Going online and performing such assessments would give you more and more practice that would help you in your actual assessment.
Evaluation can be focused on the individual student or all people together, like the entire class, an institution or specific program. Various companies can make the use of these online assessment for their advantage as this has various for both companies and participants. Customized assessment and training could be provided to the participants. As more companies are having their own assessments for their own participants so there is more competition among them hence, they should get customized online assessments as per the needs of the participants.
Training Dos
Employee training courses are a medium to greater productivity, but they do require an investment of time and money. However, employers are aware that the average cost to train an employee is much less than replacing that employee. Some of the employee growth is inborn, of course, but they do need the right environment to grow. Everyone has natural talents and skills. It’s up to leaders to nourish their employees to their full potential. Whether you’re enlightening employees with policies, operations, computer systems or delicate matters, training is necessary to enhance profits and maintain budgets. But there are a few online employee training dos and don’ts that you must recognize and apply to achieve maximum results.
Staff Training Do’s and Don’ts
When evaluating your program, consider these online employee training dos and don’ts:
Training Do’s
- Provide Consistent Training to all Employees – If one employee receives a certain level of training and another receives a lower level of training, you could face customer service decline and disagreement issues.
- Set Individual and Company Goals – Link staff training goals to the company’s sales objectives and principles. Writing them down makes them clear to all.
- Asses and Track Staff Training – For assessing and tracking the training courses, use an automated system. This helps you locate who needs follow up, and when.
- Use Technology to Streamline the Training – Online staff training programs relieves the pain of administering training. Benefit from a learning management system to help you reach your training goals.
- Invite Everyone To Attend – Invite all employees to attend training sessions. This can ensure that new hires make a successful start to their careers, and experienced employees can get prepared and adjust to new procedures.
- Do Mention Clear Objectives For Training and Expected Results – Employees are more likely to understand the reasons behind their training if the objectives are clear and expected results are direct. Be particular with all goals. Highlight the importance of your employees’ jobs and how the training can make them more expert. Set a duration for achieving results.
- Do Monitor All Results – Appoint someone to track the results of employees after training, or do it yourself. The best way to achieve this is by introducing direct measurable results. Some training is difficult to track and monitor for which conducting surveys can help.
- Do Use visual Aids and Training Exercises – For enhancing your employees’ awareness of the training materials, assimilate visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations and handouts. Also use training exercises so employees can practice various techniques they learn.
Training Don’ts:
- Do Not Set a Bad Example – The manager sets the tone for how well training is received and executed. Make sure to set a good example for the workforce.
- Do Not Delay Training – Most managers make the mistake of thinking they can take up important training topics later on. Training is essential and must not be delayed.
- Do Not Abandon Training – All training requires proper reexamination. Conduct refresher courses regularly for all employees, especially on customer service, safety, and conformity topics.
- Don’t Depend On a Single Form of Training – Blended learning strategies provide the most extensive and effective training. Even though some employees may have gone through similar training previously, make them attend. Recent training is best way to upgrade these employees on your expectations and the content.
- Don’t Set Unattainable Results – Set practical goals for your training. Performance can’t be changed overnight. Study performance norms in your industry and acquaint yourself with average statistics. Provide training many times per year, and raise the bar slowly.
Regardless of what your goals are, you can always achieve better results through training. By following these employee training dos and don’ts, your organization can create a training program that will deliver relevant and effective training, while at the same time positively influencing employee engagement.
Training Dont's
Training Don’ts
- Do Not Set a Bad Example – The manager sets the tone for how well training is received and executed. Make sure to set a good example for the workforce.
- Do Not Delay Training – Most managers make the mistake of thinking they can take up important training topics later on. Training is essential and must not be delayed.
- Do Not Abandon Training – All training requires proper reexamination. Conduct refresher courses regularly for all employees, especially on customer service, safety, and conformity topics.
- Don’t Depend On a Single Form of Training – Blended learning strategies provide the most extensive and effective training. Even though some employees may have gone through similar training previously, make them attend. Recent training is best way to upgrade these employees on your expectations and the content.
- Don’t Set Unattainable Results – Set practical goals for your training. Performance can’t be changed overnight. Study performance norms in your industry and acquaint yourself with average statistics. Provide training many times per year, and raise the bar slowly.
Regardless of what your goals are, you can always achieve better results through training. By following employee training dos and don’ts, your organization can create a training program that will deliver relevant and effective training, while at the same time positively influencing employee engagement.
Effectiveness of online training programs
The effectiveness of online training programs is very crucial to its significance. One huge potential benefit of online training programs is its capacity for significantly reducing the learner training time and also virtually eliminating the time an employee spends giving training to other people. Freeing up valuable time of a corporate trainer and cutting the learner’s training time in half, maintains efficiency along with significantly reducing costs.
There are ways through which an organization can access the effectiveness of online training programs:
- Gathering Online Feedback – It is important that the learners go through proper training modules and get initial feedback on the training procedure to improve them and also guide others in the right direction. It is vital to take surveys to allow for general ratings, get involved in various online groups for in-depth interaction and carry out interviews for the most comprehensive way to find information on the effectiveness of online training programs. Training and learning will become more collaborative this way because it is shaped by each of the employees which are pillars of any organization.
- Accessing the e-learning Results – Evaluating the training effectiveness is about tracking whether the employees are learning new skills that increase their productivity and helping them grow professionally. This is a complex goal that is broken down into key performance indicators or components based on whether or not the learners find the training engaging and relevant, the degree to which the training will benefit them in sharpening their existing skills and the degree to which it will comprehend to the work done and measure their role in the company.
- Leveraging from Social Media – We currently live in a social media-rich environment and it can be very beneficial for the organizations to benefit from it. Training modules integrated with social components tend to do better than their counterparts and prove the effectiveness of online training programs. Social media tends to be integrated within the learning management system that organizations follow today. Here, it is possible to set up online discussions and engage with users and also get feedback from the people on the overall learning objectives.
More Benefits
More Effectiveness of online training programs
A well conducted online training program is said to provide the workplace with the following benefits:
- Motivates the Employees and Increases their Productivity – The biggest reason why employees tend to leave a job is because of poor management of the organization and lack of goals. By developing good training skills, people can learn to get work done in less time. Employees prefer working with people who encourage and inspire them to be more productive. Having a goal-oriented and skilled leader who works hard to drive the organization towards success surely motivates other employees and reduces employee turnover.
- Building a Healthy Work Culture – A healthy work environment is where all employees strive to collectively achieve the organization goals by putting in their best skills and knowledge. A workplace is said to have a healthy work culture when employees are happy to work every day. Such an environment can be possible only if there is flexibility and compassion towards the employees.
- Being a Part of a Company’s Success – Employees are the reason why any business thrives, so it is important for any organization to thank them for the work done towards achieving business success. A good leadership and training team will always keep the employees aware of the important changes in the organization. They should not only share the success with the team, but also stand by all the employees in times of need or any organizational crisis. It builds the feeling of trust among the employees and they would remain in the organization for a longer time duration.
There are many courses available online which can brush up the existing skills of learners as well as help them gain new insights about the organization they work in. Effectiveness of online training programs is portrayed through the satisfaction of the employees and the productivity and success of the business.
Disadvantages of Online Training
Online training can be defined as the delivery of short training courses using video conferencing and other interactive software. Online training involves a variety of multimedia communicative elements, including graphics, video, audio, and web-links, which all can be accessed through the software. Today, many organizations around the world are looking at online training as a way of keeping people connected, informed and engaged during the present pandemic. If people are unable to get together in groups or are working from home, online training is definitely the solution. Well, it may be, in some circumstances only. There are both advantages and disadvantages of this method of training delivery.
While online training has a number of advantages, there are also a few disadvantages as well. The disadvantages of online training are mentioned below:
- Less Interaction – When doing online training, face-to-face interaction cannot be done all the time as employees might prefer to learn during their free time – which is usually beyond the working hours. Moreover, employees’ tendency to underestimate the impact of not meeting their instructor directly will lead to forced learning and eventually demotivate them.
- Lack of Control – Employees with low motivation tend to fall behind because there is no specific allocation of time for learning process and there is no instructor supervising the employees. A lack of routine and fixed schedule can be hard for employees who find it difficult to be committed in the learning process, thus leaving them bored and demotivated.
- Isolated – As an organization chooses online training, the instructor cannot answer questions directly. Online learning often doesn’t allow the instructor to answer all questions at the same time outside the working hours, because many employees might prefer to learn after they get home.
- Accessibility for Employees with Disabilities – Hearing and vision disabilities can be a significant challenge for learners taking online training programs. Thus, it is a challenge to make sure that there is always a course option available that can accommodate any accessibility issues the employees might face. Many platforms provide closed captioning for hearing impaired individuals, but this is just one of the many challenges an organization may face related to accessibility.
- Employees with Different Learning Styles – Some people are just not able to adjust to online learning. Learners who respond to social engagement and direct feedback may find online training more of a burden than a benefit. An individual’s approach to learning is not easy to manage or alter, so switching to an entirely online training program may leave some of the employees in the cold.
There are both advantages and disadvantages of online training. The truth is while online training may be right for some situations, it is not right for others. Although, online training is an excellent option for large scale training, especially in tech industries topics like software development skills, computer networking, programming languages, and security and project management.
More Challenges
Whether your organization is well-established or a completely new startup, you are supposed to provide your employees with the best possible training you can. After all, it’s the platform that will help your business grow and remain competitive. Each company is different and there is no multipurpose training solution out there. You need to create a learning and development program that handles the challenges of online training your organization and employees face and will help you remain ahead of the game and flexible enough to change as your company emerges.
The challenges of training and development faced by training managers in an organization are almost similar wherever you go. Here are some of them:
- What Courses Need to be Delivered – The first of the most common challenges for online training and development is pretty evident– what exactly should your program contain? A big problem some managers face is a collection of courses that are too big, too awkward, out of date, repetitive or simply useless. A successful manager will escape this by choosing and developing the courses that are most appropriate, not only for the organization as a whole but also for each individual participant. After all, the training needs of a senior manager are going to differ from a newly embarked team employee. If you’re undertaking a well-established learning and development platform, don’t be afraid to utilize old courses.
- Who Does the Training? Another challenge in training and development is the sometimes-difficult issue of who exactly delivers the training. Whether you believe in internal knowledge and expertise, which has the benefits of being fully under the organization’s control? Or should you hire external trainers, who will bring in new concepts and their own skills and experiences but who can be an expensive learning asset? The key to this issue depends on the nature or your training needs. There will be times when you will be much better off arranging an internal asset, for instance when delivering orientation training but sometimes, bringing in external trainers is actually more budget friendly.
- Who Develops the Training Materials and Environment? This is a very important concern, whether you’re setting up you’re Learning and Development platform from scratch or you’re giving your already established company a modification. The temptation is to do all of this inside the company, but unless you’ve got an experienced team that includes experts in eLearning and Course Design, it’ll be a distorted economy. A good learning manager will want to establish contacts with a specialist, develop materials, and the learning platform in association to create an exclusive solution to the training challenges the organization faces. You may find it fruitful at this point to have recommendations from individual departments and trainees, as to what they want to learn and how.
- Standardization of Training – Being steady and producing the same learning outcomes from the same learning materials is another of the challenges of online training and development, specifically in large corporate environments. If you depend on external trainers for some delivery, it’s difficult to ensure that teaching styles and expertise are globally consistent. In that situation, this training challenge can be eased by developing a clear, straightforward situation. Regarding the fact that the majority of your Learning and Development will be online, careful thought should be given to creating standardized training modules. Maybe, all modules could have same time constraints, highly-defined learning outcomes, or be delivered in a visually same manner.
- Global Workforce, Cultural Differences – The diversity of the workforce can be one of the biggest challenges faced by training managers. Learning styles differ around the world, and what may make a successful training session in one country might be a blunder in another. Considering your potential learning audience, develop resources that are not only communicative but also diverse. Also, consider the method of delivery since some cultures benefit more from joint group training sessions, while others prefer an individual approach.
- Different Generations in the Same Workplace – Having people of different generations in the same workplace is yet another challenge of online training and development. The millennial generation is much more familiar with online Learning and Development and responds very well to learning techniques. However, older employees still need to be taken into consideration. Just as different cultures have different learning styles, it’s the same with different generations. While you could develop diverse delivery methods for your content to handle this issue, another technique is to utilize your trainees as a learning asset. Millennials are great agents for new ways of training, being able to communicate what they have learned to their teams with enthusiasm and clarity.
The world of learning and development is moving towards online training. The benefits are obvious: reduced costs, great flexibility for participants and the ability to train many learners at the same time. However, there are several challenges of online learning and development. It comes with its own particular characteristics, which can limit the success of the training. It is only by knowing the issues that other companies and have faced that you can practice programs to realize their full potential.
Improving Online Training
Improve Your Online Employee Training Program
Improving your online employee training program has become much easier with modern training platforms. Designing and running it properly is still the responsibility of the training manager. Getting a proper corporate training program can be challenging at first, but becomes simple with practice.
Here are some tips to help you improve your employee training and development.
- Blended Learning – Elearning is a great substitute to traditional training but it’s not meant to replace it completely. Some skills are still better taught in person, specially the ones that involve physical action or depend on personal interaction. An easy way to improve training in the workplace is to adopt blended learning which is a mix of Instructor-Led Training and regular eLearning.
- Take Learner Analytics Seriously – To improve your online employee training program, you first need to measure it. Fortunately, modern LMS platforms make it possible to get all sorts of statistics on the progress of your learning program. While smaller companies might not prefer using them, training analytics is especially important for larger organizations.
- Create Learning Paths – An effective training program should offer multiple learning paths for employees, based on their existing skills and future career goals. To improve your online employee training and development program, begin with training them for the present job position and then combine courses in ways that let employees of different learning levels move to higher roles. Remember to take employee feedback into account. After you’ve come up with a basic training program, identify skill gaps and assign employees into different learning paths. Allow employees who already possess some of the skills, to jump directly to more advanced courses. If possible, have instructors sit down with individual employees to identify key areas of improvement for the employee.
- Have A Mission Statement – To improve your corporate training program, you first need to understand its aim. What is it that you are trying to achieve through your training? Is there a need to increase productivity or improve your management? Are you trying to do away with existing skill gaps and teach your staff the skills required to enter a new market ? Once you find answers to these questions, then come up with a flexible mission statement to help you improve your training program.
- Include Soft Skills Training – One of the most common corporate mistake is leaving soft skills out of your training schedule. While hard skills are essential for everyday workflows, soft skills are equally important for management positions and roles that involve customer interaction. Your training program should maintain a balance between teaching hard technical skills and soft skills. Soft skills training is apt for a blended learning approach, since many of them involve cross-personal interaction and are difficult to cover in a regular online learning course.
- Be Aware of Your Employees’ Needs – To improve your online employee training program, you also need to understand what your learners need, their career goals and how your training program impacts them. Ask your employees directly about the skills they want to learn, and which courses they believe will have a major impact on their productivity. Be aware of their everyday workflows, too. Some skill gaps will be visible to an observer but not to your employees because they’ll be so used to a set pattern of doing something that they can’t imagine a more productive substitute.
- Reward And Recognize Training Achievements – Even the best training program will fail if management can’t motivate employees to adopt it. To encourage and improve a training program, you need to tell your employees to view skills development as essential for their professional development, in contrast to a temporary annoyance that interferes with their actual work. Don’t just compliment training results but also reward, the application of newly learned skills. This will help employees connect their training to their everyday efforts.
Employees productivity and their skills are important for business growth. For this companies need to design and improve online employee training programs, to help them reach their maximum potential and perform better than before.