Career Development
The career development process involves an individual may undergo to evolve their occupational status. Career development can also refer to the total encompassment of an individual’s work-related experiences, leading up to the occupational role they may hold within an organization. On an individual basis, career development planning encompasses a process in which the individual is self-aware of their personal needs and desires for fulfillment in their personal life, in conjunction with the career they hold. While every person’s experiences are unique, this contributes to the different careers that people will acquire over their lifespan.
- Employee Development vs Career Development
- Career Path
- Types of Career Pathing
- Identifying Career Interests
- Techniques to Identify Career Interests
- Narrow Your Interests
- Benefits of Choosing a Career you Love
- More Benefits
- Campus to Corporate
- Campus to Corporate - A Successful Transition
- Career Ambition
- Managing Career Ambition
- Employee Relationship Management
- Self Transformation
- Positivity & Self Transformation
- Importance of a Positive Attitude
- Improve Employee Relations
- Enhancing Positive Thinking
- Importance of Personal Wellbeing
- PERMA Model
- Stress Management
- Work Life Balance & Stress Management
- Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
- Overcoming a Fixed Mindset
- Occupational Interest Profile
- Types of Occupational Interest Profiles
- DiSC Assessment for your Career
- Disc for Assessing Career Interests
- Personality Tests for Career Selection
Career Development and Employee Development
In today’s fast-paced corporate world, understanding the nuances of Career Development becomes pivotal for every professional aiming to scale new heights. While many confuse employee development with career development, it is essential to delineate these concepts to harness their full potential effectively. Employee development is primarily an organization’s initiative to hone its workforce’s capabilities, enhancing business performance. Conversely, career development is an individual’s journey to acquire skills and knowledge, propelling personal career advancement.
Employee Development: Catalyst for Organizational Success
Enhancing Organizational Capabilities
Organizations thrive on change, leveraging new opportunities to stay ahead. By fostering employee development, companies rejuvenate their organizational capabilities, ensuring resilience and adaptability. This involves a spectrum of activities, from induction programs to technical training, all aimed at preparing employees for more significant challenges and responsibilities.
Cultivating a Learning Culture
The most successful employee development strategies emanate from a learning culture that rewards skill acquisition and knowledge expansion. By nurturing internal talent, companies not only enhance motivation but also reduce the need for external hiring, particularly at leadership levels. This internal growth trajectory is beneficial both for employee morale and organizational continuity.
Career Development: Empowering Individual Aspirations
Navigating Personal and Professional Growth
While organizations facilitate resources, career development is inherently a personal endeavor. It involves employees taking proactive steps to refine their skills, aligning with their career goals. Companies that support these individual efforts witness a remarkable uptick in employee satisfaction and retention, as they empower their workforce to chase personal aspirations alongside organizational goals.
Sponsoring Career Advancement Programs
Many forward-thinking organizations invest in career development programs, providing resources for education and skill enhancement. This symbiotic approach not only aids employees in their personal growth journeys but also aligns with the company’s talent needs, creating a win-win scenario.
The Intersection of Employee and Career Development
Strategic Alignment for Mutual Growth
The interplay between employee and career development is a strategic one, where alignment can lead to mutual growth. Organizations that effectively integrate these aspects into their culture tend to excel and sustain their competitive edge. Such environments encourage employees to align their personal growth with organizational objectives, fostering a dynamic and innovative workforce.
Encouraging Proactive Career Planning
For career development to be fruitful, employees must undertake meticulous planning, assessing their skills against their career aspirations. Organizations can facilitate this by setting clear objectives, offering feedback, and providing avenues for skill development. Ultimately, the onus is on individuals to seize these opportunities, charting their paths to success.
In conclusion, delineating and integrating employee and career development are critical for a robust corporate ecosystem. As Strengthscape continues to champion innovative training and development solutions, these concepts remain at the heart of our mission to empower professionals and organizations alike.
The process of aligning opportunities to encourage career growth with organizational talent priorities is known as career pathing. This could include charting their career growth plan based on vertical, lateral, and cross-functional roles. Individual skills, interests, and career objectives drive career pathing. By identifying competencies and career development strategies, career pathing streamlines and provides important resources to prepare for the future. The knowledge gained prevents multiple employees from competing for the same positions and attracts new hires.
It has been set up through research done by Human Capital Management Institute (HCMI) and others, that “developing your own talent” is significantly more cost effective than hiring from outside when you need the competencies. Including competencies into a company is essentially better for the business and, by characterizing the competencies fundamental for the roles recognized by the company helps the company and its employees in various manners including:
- Better quality recruitment – internal or external
- Better staff retention
- Better performance management – particularly development-based performance management
- Improved focus on training and development
- Reduced management costs
- Higher profitability
Competency-based career development planning explains how to create a development process that supports an adaptable career path.
Career paths give an incredible and proven means to ensure that talent has access to different role opportunities and options, including lateral moves, higher level positions, or altogether new jobs. Employees perceive the benefit of being an individual of the company, as they witness the tangible effort being contributed to help them with their professional development. There are various organizational advantages to implementing career paths, and particularly competency-based career paths.
- Enhance commitment and engagement: Most companies might want to improve or keep up high levels of employee engagement and retention. When employees see that a company is really putting resources into their professional growth and development, they are undeniably bound to feel a feeling of responsibility to their work. Providing employees with the tools they require to develop their careers in your company essentially decreases the probability of them seeking opportunities elsewhere
- Uncover hidden talent and attract new talent: By implementing Career Pathing, particularly Competency-based career development planning, managers also find out information that they didn’t think about their employees, for example, hidden skills or ambitions. It can happen that an employee has a position that is below their capacity. By utilizing Career Pathing and Competencies it is a simple task to assess an employee’s strengths and abilities for a job, therefore ensuring the best employee in every job
- Improved workforce and career development planning: The modern world of business is more dynamic than ever, introducing more prominent challenges within long-term workforce planning. The selection of career pathing will permit organizations to abstain from having to quickly fill roles with employees who aren’t best suited, and afterward try to manage an accelerated learning curve
The process by which an individual’s occupational status evolves is referred to as career development. Career development can also refer to an individual’s entire work-related experience leading up to the occupational role they may hold within an organization. On an individual basis, career development encompasses a process in which the individual is self-aware of their personal needs and desires for fulfillment in their personal life, in conjunction with the career they hold. While every person’s experiences are unique, this contributes to the different careers that people will acquire over their lifespan.
Dual Career Pathing
The term Double Career Pathing was first used by R Bradley Hill in 1992 in an article called “Double Career Paths: Recognizing the Technical Contributor” and published in the Journal of Compensation and Benefits, July/August 1992. Although, it just began to get well known in the late 2000s.
Double Career Pathing depends on the rule that individual growth and development can stretch out beyond the conventional management stream. Those individuals can develop their professional and technical skills to levels equivalent to the management in the company. And, when they do, they should be recognized and rewarded alike.
A critical part of success for Dual Career Pathing is the capacity to characterize the differentials between the levels to guarantee that the skills, knowledge, and deliverables are equivalent with the higher levels in the companies. The best and fairest approach to accomplish this is by characterizing the competencies required – business, technical and behavioral, as individuals develop through the levels. These should be defined upfront so that there is clarity directly from the beginning.
Competency-based Career Pathing
Though conventional ladder-based career paths are hierarchical and unidirectional, competency-based careers provide a wide variety of career moves across various departments and work areas.
One of the key explanations behind staff turnover today is the absence of career opportunities in the company. This combined with individuals today wanting to grow and develop faster, it is essential for companies to give a variety of career opportunities, that probably might not be logical, however that are available for anybody to aspire to. By defining the skills, there can be no favors or compromises.
High performing individuals are essential for companies that need to be high-performing companies. With high caliber talent hard to find globally, it is significant for companies to have a plan to develop individuals that will give organizational performance, productivity, and constant improvement, now and in the future.
Career development today needs to empower employees to personalize their career paths, and both the employee and the company have significant tasks to carry out in this process. The organizational responsibility is to define the roles, capabilities, and skills that the company needs to deliver its strategy and accomplish its goals.
A career interest refers to a phrase which has been used in relation to career assessments. Employee career assessments are tests or inventories that a person takes to know where his/her skills lie and what he/she likes to do. However, a career assessment can also be something else entirely. It can also be a process of researching, learning and discussing one’s career interests, or what it is that one would like to do for work.
One of the best ways to choose a good career is by exploring self interests. Many career advisers agree that examining the activities one has associated oneself with in the past and gained valuable experience and rewards from can have a powerful impact on career decisions. Studies have linked career interests to greater job satisfaction, job commitment and professional success. Exploring employee career interests is usually the first step to knowing oneself because it helps one develop as a person. Confucius said, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” It is great advice, but it’s not always that easy, it can be difficult to figure out what a person loves and how to find work that suits his/her interests. Thus, in this article we are going to discuss about how to identify career interests.
How to Identify Career Interests
Many people like to take employee career assessments, career inventories or tests, because they believe the test will tell them what they should do for a career, taking away the pressure of deciding on their career themselves. People who jump into a career based solely on a career test or what career is ‘in’ nowadays, may find that although they have the aptitude for the career, they may not necessarily be interested in that career. Money and time are thus wasted on education and training for a career in which these people never stopped to consider if they were really interested or liked.
Discovering career interests may take more than just taking an employee career assessment. We may find that in order to get past constantly thinking, what we want to do in life, that we have to sit down and identify what experiences we have had or tasks we have done that we especially liked and in which we were interested and satisfied. We then research those experiences to find out what information is needed, what skills and abilities are required to perform the job accurately. For instance, a person may have really liked the experience of whitewater rafting and then blogged about it on his website.
He may not have liked people in the raft constantly asking him questions on how to secure equipment or how to stay in the raft. He may like pursuing whitewater rafting as a hobby, or may want to write about it for an extreme sports website or magazine as a career. He may not want to become a whitewater rafting instructor. Here, there is nothing wrong with discovering what it is he does not want to do or what he is not interested in. So now he knows he likes whitewater rafting and writing about it.
Exploring employee career interests can help a person become more self-aware, discover personal skills and values and how to utilize strengths to the fullest. Ideally, this can help a person identify where his motivation lies and what field he is most likely to stay committed to. The underlying idea that links one’s interests with a career is that it urges the person to choose what he loves to do. Finding a job that involves tasks that are interesting to a person is more likely to make the job enjoyable and keep him motivated to keep performing that job. He will also have a greater chance of being productive at the job and getting promoted.
Connecting to our unique interests and motivations and integrating with our own authentic self, gives us power in our chosen field that others can’t claim. The reason for this is the unique fit of these interests and skills to who we are. For others, what we choose to do may seem like a huge chore, but for us it won’t even feel like work. When our work aligns with who we are so well, we are able to stand out as being uniquely capable and uniquely powerful. And the better we get at expressing ourselves through work, the higher our potential to succeed will be in that capacity.
Techniques to identify Career Interests
The various techniques on how to identify career interests are –
- Be integrated with emotions – An excellent way to identify career interest areas is getting in touch with emotions, by asking oneself how one feel while he/she is carrying out a task or an activity. A person will know he is enjoying what he are doing when he experiences any of the following – Passion – this is something that speaks to the heart and comes from within, Fun and Excitement – one knows he is interested in an activity when he is constantly looking forward to doing it, Consistent Engagement – the person enjoys the job so much that concentration is effortless, consistent and unending, Timelessness – Time flies by when a person is engaged in something of his choice, Irresistible Urge - a person can’t get enough of it, and finds excuses to spend some more time on the activity, Relaxation and Reward – When the task is done, a person experiences an amazing feeling of pride, satisfaction and fulfilment.
- Testing skills and interests – There are a variety of self-assessment tools that can help a person understand more about his skills and career interest areas. The most popular and widely used career assessment tool has traditionally been the John Holland’s RIASEC model, which provides a framework of six general personality types describing different areas of interests, which are Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. These help explore interests in relation to work and career. What is required in career test is to answer honestly, getting to know what one needs to feel complete and set career goals.
- Eliminate money from the equation – Of course, money cannot be ignored, but a person should not let financial pressures dictate his choices. One’s career should ultimately lead to financial security, but if financial security is the defining motivator, it’s unlikely one will end up doing what he loves. While identifying career interests, only the person’s interest and aptitude should be kept in mind and not money. Doing a job for only money, while ignoring one’s interests can probably cause job dissatisfaction and poor performance. Thus, if a person is looking to spend his life doing something he loves, the best way to start is to consider financial concerns as secondary. If one allows oneself to pursue his curiosity, he will find himself in the position of power and satisfaction and, eventually, in the position to earn money on his own terms.
- Consult a career counsellor – Psychology has gained much importance nowadays, considering the vast number of people who face mental issues today. Counsellors can play a very important role in helping individuals identify career interests. Career counselors help others figure out what they want as a career. They have insights and tools to help a person figure out about the things he loves most and does best, and is also be able to offer ideas and advice on how to find the best career interest areas. Such resources should be taken advantage of.
- Follow your curiosity – Even though a person may not have a clear vision for his career, he is probably curious about things which may or may not be obvious to him. It’s important to follow your curiosity about different things and uncover one’s less obvious interests. The reason it’s important is that those interests tap into our unique motivations that separate us from others. Pursuing them sets us on the path of unlocking who we are and our creativity.
Identifying career interest areas is the first step to making a well-informed career decision that is going to determine one’s future. When a person has an idea of what he wants, he can then explore what categories his interests fall into and what ultimately his career is going to be, and the decision-making process becomes easier. It can also help ensure that he doesn’t get bored and avoids career stagnation. However, one must also be aware that various career interest areas are subject to change as we progress professionally. This happens as we are constantly equipped with skills and new environments and experiences. As a result, we may develop a new interest in an area that we didn’t have the chance to explore in the past or did not know about. At this point, we may need to go back and start the whole process again.
Career interests have often been associated with career assessment and have been defined as the process of researching, learning and discussing one’s career interests. It is widely used in the arenas of career guidance, counselling and psychology, and is referred to as career exploration. Getting to know one’s career interest areas means finding out what you would enjoy doing daily. Exploring career interest areas can a person become more self-aware, discover personal values and how to utilize strengths in various fields. Ideally, this can help identify where your motivation lies, what you are interested in and what you are most likely to stay committed to.
The steps to narrowing down career interest areas are –
- Make a big list of options – Write out the initial list, including both what task/problem you want to focus on and what role you want such as a healthcare professional focusing on global health, marketing for a non-vegetarian substitutes company, counseling to help people solve life problems etc. Then encourage yourself to come up with more such ideas.
- Rank your options – Rank the options by making an initial guess of how they rank in comparison to one another. Spend some more time, then score the options from one to five, based on their: Interest, impact, personal fit, supportive conditions for job satisfaction, any other factors that are important to you such as opportunities for growth, employment opportunities, salary, monetary/non-monetary benefits etc. Then, try to cut down the options to a shortlist based on various factors. Eliminate the options that are lower on all factors than another, which are the “dominated options”, and those that are very poor on any one factor. You can add up all the scores for every option to get a rough ranking. If one of the results seems odd, try to understand why. For each option, adjust your ranking accordingly. This is a very useful way to reduce bias and remain true to each option.
- Write out key uncertainties – Next to be considered is what information could most easily change the ranking. Consider factors such as would you get a place in the chosen career, would you enjoy your job etc. Write these uncertainties. If you’re still stuck, imagine you had to decide your career in just one weekend – what would you do at that fixed time to make the right choice?
- Do some initial research – Next to be considered is whether you can you quickly work out any of these key uncertainties or not? For instance, if you’re unsure whether you’d enjoy being a counselor, can you go and talk to someone about what it is like? Or is there something you could read, like some career reviews.
At this point, you might have a clear winner. Considering all the above factors and following the steps, the process of identifying career interest areas will become much easier. There are various online tools that can help find career interests and the type of job that will be suitable according to your interests. Some options include career quizzes that give a short summary of your personality and the kind of job that you will fit into; personality tests, which give a comprehensive summary of your personality characteristics.
Such tests are used by recruiters and counselors across the world; careers which will allow you to find out what sort of environments and occupations suit you the best. Spend some time on self-analysis and note down your long-term and short-term career goals. Out of all the options that you have listed, it is then time to choose the final option. Assess the cost you need to incur for each of the options. Work towards the role that fits in well with your interests, goals, and abilities.
Now that you have finalized your career option, create an action plan to achieve it. By now you should be clear about where you are and how much you need to work to be where you want to be. Any career option should be time-bound and realistic to achieve. Always assign timelines for every step. Check off the tasks as you finish them. Be open to improving along the way as and when needed. Identifying career interest areas is not difficult, one just needs to follow the right steps and choose wisely.
The Benefits of Choosing a Career You Love
An average human being spends a great deal of time at the workplace. People who are passionate about their jobs look forward to going to their workplace every morning. Moreover, if you enjoy your work, you are more likely to achieve career growth and development. You may not earn a huge paycheck in the beginning, but your passion for the profession will ultimately take you to higher levels of success. Thus, in this article we are going to discuss about how to encourage career growth by choosing a career you love.
The Benefits of choosing a Career you love
Career decision making is driven by many factors. Among them are the practical concerns of salary and employment opportunities, as well as the valued advice from educators, family and important others. Interest in a profession or type of work may be the deciding factor ultimately. Pursuing your interest can lead to personal satisfaction as well as career growth and development, as we all have natural talents, some of which can transfer over to a career path. Thus, knowing what your natural talents is a vital part of choosing the right career path. If you love what you do, your chances of success are pretty high, and money will automatically follow.
Mentioned below are some benefits of choosing a career you love –
- Motivation to stay Committed – During the early phases of a career, some of us develop fundamental skills and perform tasks that may seem divergent to your ultimate professional objective. Few people, however, can dive right into the core of the career they feel they always wanted to do. So, an in-depth understanding of what a career entails and the knowledge that the hard work will ultimately be fulfilling, adds to the motivation to stay committed, even when the rewards seem far away.
- Enjoyment meeting High Performance Standards – Successful people meet high performance standards. The necessary time, energy and intellectual abilities are easier to exert when you love the work, you do. From the most basic level of job happiness, to pushing yourself to progress further in your career, remaining engaged is key to continued success.
- Developing Innovation – Organizations benefit when their employees have a genuine interest in the field they work in. In addition to the day-to-day motivation, employees are more likely to view their work from a variety of perspectives and bring fresh, novel ideas to the table. This is how creativity and innovation occurs. You also benefit from this tendency towards innovation in a career that you love.
- Utilizing your Best Strengths – Very often, career interest areas align closely with your strengths, or in other words, aptitude. Choosing a career that uses your best skills prevents a situation where hard work only leads to frustration and failure. Often, people know what they’re good at but never utilize the opportunity to use those skills. Selecting a job that you will enjoy doing ultimately lets you simply follow your interests in pursuing a career path and work towards enhancing skills and talents.
- Improvement in Health – There are many stress-related illnesses, both physical and emotional, that can happen if you are doing a job you do not enjoy. Your immune system functioning is compromised if you are not happy, and one is more susceptible to all sorts of physical illnesses. Stress itself produces a range of physical and emotional symptoms that can interfere with productivity and efficiency.
Once you can find what career you love, feeling satisfied with it becomes effortless. Doing this not only lets you enjoy the time you spend at work; it also allows you to develop new skills, be more productive and have greater opportunities for career growth and development, increasing the chances of moving up the career ladder. It is also important to keep in mind the importance of happiness and satisfaction in your career affects not just work, but also your entire life. If you don’t put your passion first, then the stress you get in your job would lead to health issues and depression among many other physical and mental problems. One should remember, one of the most important elements of living a good and happy life is doing something that you love.
If you are in a career that you do not like, you are unlikely to have the motivation and enthusiasm to go to work. This lack of energy will ultimately limit your chances of career development. Even worse, if you don’t like your job at all, it could lead to stress and anxiety and lead to many health problems. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that money is not important. You are unlikely to be happy if you do not earn according to the work you are putting in. However, there is no justification for doing something that you don’t love just for the sake of earning more money. In conclusion, it is very clear that choosing a career interest area that one loves has many benefits over choosing one for the sake of money or a title.
As observed, the benefits of choosing a career interest area you love are many. We all have heard the saying ‘do what you love, and the money will follow’. Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it sounds. With the increasing cost of living, finding a way to do what you love while still earning enough to support yourself and your family can be a very tough challenge. Certainly, at some point in life we all need to make sacrifices, but personal happiness should not be one of them. Finding a way to achieve happiness in the career interest area you choose should be a priority. If you are not happy at work, you most likely will not be happy in your personal life, which can affect family and friends around you. People who do what they love to tend to live happier, more productive lives, with a sense of purpose in life.
- Improvement in Relationships – When you are unhappy in your work life, it will spill over into your relationships with family, friends as well as peers at work. When you are doing something that you love, you are no longer irritable or impatient. People would want to be around you because of your positive attitude and happy disposition.
- Become an Inspiration to Others – A really great thing about doing what you love is that this provides opportunities to share your enthusiasm and passion with others. Enthusiasm is contagious. You’ll also serve as a role model to people around you. When they see you successfully fulfilling your dream, they may realize they can follow their own dreams, too.
- Increase in Productivity – There is a greater increase in productivity when you choose a career interest area of your choice. It stands to reason that when you’re doing something you don’t like, you don’t have all your attention focused on the task at hand. So, once you are doing what you want to be doing, you can devote all your attention and energy to work, and you’ll probably enjoy greater success and satisfaction because of it.
- Continued learning and growing – If you are doing work you love, you will want to seek out opportunities for growth and fulfilment. You will want to get better and better at your job. The more experience and knowledge you gain, the more success will come your way.
No obstacle will stop you from achieving success – When you really love what you do, nothing will stop you from getting your work done. Because you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel unstoppable and nothing can obstruct you from achieving greatness. Your passion ignites your work, and like a rocket, it accelerates your past obstacles or setbacks that may come about. Any obstacle that comes your way is accepted, viewed as a challenge and fought off with a creative solution.
It’s not easy for a recent graduate to make a smooth transition into the corporate world right after graduation and establish relevant career development goals. Initially, it may appear difficult, but with the right skills, campus to corporate transition becomes a seamless stride. Clearly, in the business world, action is more important than theoretical knowledge when it comes to completing a task. It’s also about demonstrating adaptability, readiness to take initiative and social skills. Productivity, leadership, critical thinking, and creative abilities to perform projects in real time and under pressure are also important. Graduates, on the other hand, can make a smooth transition if they come prepared with their own career growth plan.
Transition From Campus to Corporate – How to Make It Smooth?
Career development planning is not easy. The transition to corporate is an exciting period since you get to work in your dream job while making money! However, it also refers to all the responsibilities and obligations that come with a job. To begin with here are some tips:
Personal Transition
- Establish Career Development Goals – As you progress from college to the business world, management becomes increasingly critical. Hence, it’s important to set achievable and practical career goals. They’ll help you figure out why you’re working so hard and what you want out of life and work
- Embrace Discomfort - When you move from college to cooperating the most important thing you give up is your comfort zone. You must now stick to work schedules and take work calls at all hours of the day. Learn to skip out on friends’ parties and sleep in early, and a slew of other obligations. The trick is to be mentally prepared and to begin doing modest things to discipline and simplify your life
- Begin Saving - The Salary Credit message at the start of each month indicates a plethora of options to have a good time. However, use caution and understand how to save and invest money
Professional Transition
- Always Be Respectful – Learn to ask what’s okay, even if it’s something as simple as how to address someone! Don’t verbally abuse others in the workplace and watch what you say. Every action you take as a professional will be reflected in your actions
- Develop Work Ethics - In the workplace, there is great importance of business ethics for making a positive first impression. The campus to corporate transition requires building solid work ethics such as being accountable, meeting deadlines, and doing honest work. Also, ensuring transparency, and accepting responsibility when you make a mistake is important.
- Learn to Manage Stress - A challenging aspect of this transition is coping with the stress that comes with it! You will be under extreme time constraints, which is why you must learn to de-stress correctly. You can keep up an activity that allows you to unwind and forget about your worries. Make time for your family and friends, as well as self-care
Moving from a campus to a corporate environment necessitates much career development planning. When one starts climbing the career ladder, there will be new challenges to face and enormous obstacles to overcome. Making a successful campus to corporate transition is the most exciting step in one’s life. It should be managed with extreme caution, while having fun!
One of the most crucial transitions in life happens when one leaves college and steps into the corporate world. This career decision making is one of the most significant, as it decides one’s career ahead. A campus is a place which allows students to develop their personalities and enhance skills through extra-curricular activities and opportunities. Corporate is a place where one utilizes these skills through practical application, and transitions from a student to an employee.
As a fresher, everything is new. A newcomer experiences new knowledge, status and politics that they are completely unaware of, in the corporate world. In order to cope with the corporate world, building corporate values and etiquette in freshers is critical. He/she needs to develop some skills and strategies in order to encourage career growth and be successful.
Making the All-Important Transition to the Corporate World
A good employee should have both professional skills and soft skills. Professional skills include networking, ethical conduct, personality building and ‘always on the learning’ mode. Soft skills include social graces, language skills and communication abilities. They also include teamwork, cognitive or emotional empathy, personal habits, time management, and leadership traits. Building these corporate values and etiquettes in freshers is key to becoming a good employee. So, how to make career decisions? Some important values are discussed below:
- Maintaining good grades: As a new graduate, employers become particularly interested in your grades since there’s very little in the form of experience you have to offer. They will assess you by your overall college career performance, both academic and extracurricular
- Understanding criticism: Freshers can be easily discouraged by criticism. Although, try to pick something out of their critical words and learn from them. Re-focus on becoming better and visualize where you want to be in a year or two, professionally
- Organization and efficiency: Making sure that you execute tasks efficiently and on time is crucial to any job position. In order to do this, you must be extremely systematic and organized. To work as a professional employee, the same skills that are utilized to earn one’s college degree can be applied
- Becoming a good learner: Being a newcomer to the corporate world, a fresher must open his mind to learn new things. He/she must be creative enough to explore new ideas and avail themselves of opportunities to become the best version of themselves
- Be flexible: Recognize that change is a normal part of work and understand how to accept change gracefully and participate in change efforts, including an assessment of your tolerance of ambiguity and making a career growth plan
Why Choose Training for your Campus to Corporate Transition?
College to corporate is a life-changing transformation and one must have a career growth plan. It is a life transition that is both exciting as well as challenging. It marks all the responsibilities and duties that come with a job. From the carefree world of college to corporate routine, a lot of changes take place. Proper training helps build corporate values and etiquette in freshers. Freshers can compare the differences between student mode and employee mode. They can demonstrate communication, collaboration, creative thinking, and continuous learning skills. Also, training programs help freshers identify the key values of the corporate sector and its significance. Such programs help develop etiquette before entering the corporate world and accept criticisms and change negative thinking.
The great contrast in working as an employee and not as a student is a real eye-opener for most freshers. Employers are always wanting someone who can be the best that they can have. For a competitive world out there, it’s needed to fill in the skill gaps and create a smooth transition. Being professional at work adds on to the way for smooth transition from campus to corporate.
Career ambition means you wish to move from your present position to something else. To succeed, you must make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen, in other words, create a proper career growth plan. Knowing how to set consequences and career development goals will help to achieve your long-term career ambitions. Taking your work, a step ahead means attaining career goals.
Career development goals are an intended objective that explains what you want your eventual profession to be. You need to realize where you’re going in order to achieve it. Knowing what your career goals are is aa important for potential employers as for you. The relationship between an employer and an employee works best when your goals for the future and their goals are coordinated. Being indecisive leads towards taking on ill-fitting tasks that won’t take you further in your career goals. They won’t help you stand out, and they may not reflect your full potential. Thus, in this article we are going to talk about career ambitions.
Unskilled – It is not necessary that these people aren’t ambitious – just that they don’t wish to learn new skills or advance their careers right now. Unskilled people may not be stimulated by learning opportunities, greater responsibility, or demanding projects; so, you need to have a strategy in hand to make sure that they stay motivated to deliver extremely good results.
If people have no career ambition or career development goals, then they’re more likely to leave if they’re not enjoying their work. This is especially relevant to unskilled people, who have little to lose by changing job. They –
- Are unsure what they want out of a career
- May be in the wrong career or the wrong place
- Wait for things to happen
- May not want to make sacrifices to get ahead
- May be unaware how careers really work and how people progress
- Usually don’t know how to get noticed
- Are hesitant to speak up on career wants and needs
- Are stuck in their career comfort zone and won’t take a career risk
Skilled – People with a high degree of healthy career ambition are those with the insight and strength to control the blind forces of ambition, shaping it so that it matches their interests. They-
- Surround themselves with other ambitious people
- Set goals but don’t share them
- Are willing to take risks
- Expose themselves to new ways of thinking
- Know what they want from a career interest area and actively work on it
- Are career knowledgeable
- Make things happen for self
- Markets self for opportunities
- Don’t wait for others to open doors
Overused Skill –
Those who overuse their skills –
- May make unwise career choices
- May only choose jobs in their comfort zone
- May be excessively ambitious
- May not pay enough attention to the job at hand
- May not take career advice comfortably
- May not trust the career decisions others make for them
If several people have told you that you are not ambitious enough or you don’t have the right career development strategies, that means they think you have more going for you than you are aware of or want to sacrifice to get. They think you are undermanaging your career. The keys to career management are finding out how successful careers are built, figuring out how far you can and want to go, analyzing what’s getting in your way, trying to do new tasks that build your skills, and getting noticed by decision makers.
Most people aspire to grow professionally because they see it as the best way to become more fulfilled and improve their living standards. But career development planning is not always easy; many people don’t know what is realistically achievable or how to develop a strategic plan to achieve their career ambition. Your career goals should reflect your professional vision, and you need to think carefully about what you want to accomplish. The best way to achieve that is with self-motivation, although you can implement a few strategies as well.
Some Remedies
- The Goodness in You – one of the steps in career planning is to not be too critical of yourself. Maybe you are rating yourself lower than others. Then you should sit down with an experienced facilitator and figure out how good you can be with your strengths. Try to find out what others think are your strengths, but you don’t see. Build up your confidence and see what you should work on to build your strength. Take a course or work with a tutor to boost your confidence in an area. It’s not necessary to be good at everything to succeed
- Many People Don’t Know How Careers Are Built – How to decide your career? It’s easy to believe that successful people are political or sell out. The facts actually are different. What stays is performing and problem solving on the current job, having a few notable strengths, and seeking new tasks you don’t know how to do. It’s solving every problem with determination, while looking for what you haven’t yet done and getting yourself in a position to do it
- Don’t Know What It Takes?
Think of five successful people in your organization whom you are acquainted with, ask what drives them? What sorts of jobs have they held? What are their technical and behavioral skills? Compare their skills with your own self-assessment and feedback. Ask Human Resources if they have a successful profile for some of the jobs you may be interested in. Make a list of what you need to work on next
- Getting Noticed by Top Decision Makers – Top managers aren’t as interested in glamour as many would have you believe. They are interested in people who take care of problems, spot opportunities, ward off disaster, and have a broad range of skills. They are looking for bold performers. But a better incentive alone is not enough. Volunteer for projects that will require interaction with higher management. Focus on activities that are the substance of what your organization does. Find a business opportunity and make a rationalized case for it. Pick a big problem and work madly to solve it. You need to be seen and heard but on substance not mistakes
- Not Willing to Make Sacrifices?
Many people reject career opportunities keeping in view their life comforts only to regret it later when they have been passed by. Studies indicate that a majority of moves taken by successful general managers during their careers were not seen as right for them at the time. They tried to turn them down. We all have problems in our lives. One of the most crucial steps in career planning involves require moving around during the years that are the most inconvenient and painful when we have kids in school, not much extra money, and aging parents to manage
- Following your passion?
Most of us make a mistake in choosing the appropriate career development strategies. We seek what we most like to do. Our parents and counselors told us to find something we like and that makes us happy, get good at it, join a big company who will take care of us and provide us with a nice pension. Though this advice was valuable in the past, it is of not much use today. Lifelong employment no longer exists. Employability is the new term and concept. You must be good at a lot of things. You will change organizations several times. You will have to move around to where the opportunities are
Description: Aside from the reality that humans require social interaction, effective employee relationship management also aids in increasing productivity and job satisfaction.
Employee relationship management is a method that businesses utilize to efficiently manage all interactions with employees in order to fulfill the organization’s objectives and encourage career growth of an employee. A human resources department can assist larger organizations with training and mentoring supervisors on how to properly manage employee interactions. To keep things going properly, small-business owners should have employee training, management, and monitoring operations.
What is Employee Relationship Management?
To various people, employee relationship management can mean different things. Giving staff comprehensive job descriptions is the first step. It continues with new hire training. Businesses must also keep track of employee performance to verify that they are doing their tasks correctly. Since a relationship is a two-way street, you must ensure that employees at all levels are able to communicate with one another. Employees should be able to express their feelings about the employer during reviews. Employee relationships are important because they help you recognize and manage problems early.
- Determining Employee Needs – It is not enough to presume that a firm understands what is vital to its employees for them to be satisfied and not consider leaving. It’s a good idea to ask employees directly about their requirements. Throughout the year, official employee evaluation sessions and surveys that provide a quantitative indicator of employee requirements are held. Younger employees, for example, may be more interested in learning new skills and moving up the corporate ladder, whereas elderly employees seek stability and perks such as retirement contributions and health insurance
- Work-Life Needs Balancing – Employee relationship management that is effective takes into account the entire workforce, not just the on-site worker. This entails taking measures to guarantee that an employee’s work-life needs are met. This can be accomplished through innovative staffing methods such as part-time, flextime, and even off-site work assignments. Other non-work-career development strategies can also assist in making working for a specific firm less stressful
- Monitoring and Measuring the Outcomes – Effective employee relationship management necessitates evaluating not only worker performance but also satisfaction. Managers should be on the lookout for subjective signals of dissatisfaction, as well as closely monitoring the findings of more official assessments. Employee morale, tardiness, missed deadlines, excessive sickness and vacation days, formal complaints filed, disciplinary measures, and employee morale should all be monitored. Employees should also be informed of the findings
- The Importance of “people skills” cannot be Overstated – Managing employee relationships necessitates the same skills and methods as managing any other connection. A thorough grasp of the needs of employees, as well as a desire to address those demands, are essential. Employees must be interacted with efficiently through a range of communication channels. The success of these efforts should be measured on a regular and ongoing basis, with changes and modifications made as needed when results do not show continuous improvement or satisfactory levels of performance
- Revenue Growth – When you have great employee interactions, it has a direct impact on the company’s growth and revenue that also encourages career growth. Employees, and by extension, consumers and clients, will be happier as a result of this. When your employees are engaged and motivated, you will have significantly higher customer satisfaction, which will lead to increased sales and profits
Establishing and maintaining productive employee relationships inside a firm is one of the key purposes of employee relationship management and it helps encourage career growth. Employee confidence, trust, and loyalty increase as a result of this. A corporation can identify whether or not its aims are being realized by successfully managing relationships. Employee relationship management has centered on allowing employees and their employers to collaborate on common administrative duties. ERM platforms attempt to align the interests of both parties, worker and employer, and inform day-to-day business tasks under a streamlined workflow by incorporating inputs from both sides of the employment relationship.
Smart people recognize that the finest life is one in which we honestly analyze who we are and where we are, and then make changes. To put it another way, we have the power to transform into completely new people. It will undoubtedly take effort, but it is possible. Self-transformation is the process of arming oneself with critical personal and relational skills in order to foster a more open workplace and keep a positive attitude at work.
Steps to Self-Transformation
- Keep Track of the Results – In order to get what you desire; you must be aware of the final result. Make an effort to comprehend precisely what you desire. Sit down and write down your current faults or flaws, as well as what you want them to be like once you’ve fixed them
- Take Small Steps – Self-transformation is a process that takes time and is not linear. Prepare yourself for this reality, and don’t give up just because change isn’t happening fast enough or you don’t feel like you’re progressing
- Take Advice from Others – Learn from the experiences and mistakes of others who have already walked the path you’re about to tread. It has the power to reduce your learning time. Making the same mistakes and developing the behaviors that helped them reach their goals
- Act as if an outcome has already occurred – When you act as if something has already happened, it is much more likely to happen. Adopt the persona of someone who has already made the changes you desire, and your actions will mirror those of someone who has already achieved success
- Be Prepared to Feel Uncomfortable – Accept the fact that change is unsettling. You’ll have to venture into new surroundings, meet new people, and do new things to as part of your personal change
- It’s Difficult to Adjust to Change – As part of your personal transformation, you’ll have to journey into new environments, meet new people, and do activities you’re not used to. Accept your feelings and work through them. Don’t let it hinder your success
- Be Your Own Cheerleader – People around you will respond if you change. Some will rally behind you, while others will deliberately work against you. Develop your inner strength and understand that you don’t require anyone’s approval. You only need to be a cheerleader for yourself
The Significance of Self-transformation
Self-Transformation aids a person’s ability to deal with problems and retain a positive attitude at work, even through difficult times. People who are more enthusiastic and have a greater zest for life get better results. Transformation is necessary not only to improve the work environment, but it also benefits those who follow success principles. This can go a long way toward assisting individuals in addressing and overcoming organizational difficulties.
Without putting certain concepts into practice, it is impossible to have a positive and relevant impact at work. Coaching, management training, and mentorship are all examples of interventions. They provide platforms for and enable employee self-transformation, resulting in a good, mutually beneficial work environment and healthier relationships. Self-transformation benefits not just the individual, but also the people with whom the individual interacts. It also improves a person’s interpersonal skills and assists in the development of virtues including tolerance, diplomacy, patience, and dedication.
Getting unstuck requires self-transformation. It’s difficult to change others. Others can be inspired, motivated, cajoled, or influenced, but changing yourself is the quickest method to improve your results. After all, you are responsible for your thoughts and actions.
Our attitude in each moment should be our gauge of personal mastery if we want to consciously evolve and master ourselves. Our attitude determines the way we look at things. It is critical to have a positive attitude at the workplace for self-transformation.
Change is Possible with an Optimistic Attitude
A person who has the openness, honesty, and subtlety to recognize the intricacies of their attitude in each moment, as well as the attention to make required modifications, is genuinely limitless. Our attitude gives us immediate insight into our current ideas, beliefs, and emotions. If we can pay attention to our attitudes and become conscious enough to recognize the subtleties of our attitudes, we can uncover the limitations of our beliefs, ideas, and emotional states, which may have become so habitual that we are unaware of their negative consequences and restrictions.
Everything in our lives is Based on our Attitude
Our attitude determines the way we react to adversity, our ability to develop, overcome problems, and form relations with others. Our current mindset is the result of years of indoctrination, programming, and brainwashing. Changing our mindset is an ongoing process, not an event. So, what makes transformation easier? Focus on the most important attitude modifications in your daily life and reinforce them until they become your new attitude. You’ll find yourself naturally moving on to new areas and levels of subtlety as you do this.
Workplace Advantages of Positivity
Having a positive attitude can alter your personal and professional life in several ways:
- When you adopt a positive attitude at work – your coworkers are likely to do the same. It’s contagious to be upbeat
- Reduces Stress – Workplace expectations can lead to worry and stress. By altering your behavior, you can become more productive and reduce stress
- Boost Productivity Levels – You think better when you feel better. You’ll notice an increase in your willingness to embark on difficult but rewarding jobs and projects once you start allowing positivity to resonate with you. You’ll be able to do your work more quickly if you’re less distracted
- Generates More Energy – You will have more energy if you adopt a more cheerful attitude at work. Negative thinking consumes a lot of energy that may be better spent elsewhere. You will no longer fear work if you are in a positive frame of mind. You’ll be excited to see them. Hence, you’ll experience self-transformation
Some More Advantages
- Enhances Customer Relations – Quality customer service begins with a cheerful attitude. Hence, the way you approach people has a direct impact on your position’s and company’s performance. Your upbeat demeanor will make your consumers happy. As a result, you’ll be able to maintain a long-term and fruitful relationship with them
- Demonstrates the Ability to Lead – Managers and leaders seek out personnel who can favorably affect others. You open yourself up to new and exciting career prospects when you have a positive attitude
- Helps in Decision-making – You become a better decision-maker and consider more favorable outcomes. Instead of seeing the potential bad effects of your decision, you’ll recognize the positive that your decision can offer
- Inspires Others – Furthermore, maintaining a positive attitude at work encourages people to change their negative habits and adopt a more optimistic outlook. They’ll likely begin to see how positivity can benefit them as a result of your example, and they’ll begin to work on cultivating a positive attitude for themselves
It can’t be argued that having a good attitude is crucial to live a successful and fulfilling life, thus it’s only natural to aim for having a positive attitude at workplace for self-transformation. It is possible to change for the better with perseverance and self-evaluation.
Employees with a positive attitude at work are more likely to complete tasks fasters and effectively. Positive contacts with coworkers have a substantial impact on employees’ performance. When it comes to the workplace, your mental attitude affects not just how people view you, but also how satisfied you are with your job and how well you perform.
Benefits of Positive Thinking in the Workplace
Only when employees have a positive attitude toward their work and coworkers can a healthy relationship be built, and they can make career decisions. Work becomes more enjoyable and people find it easier to attain their objectives when they are surrounded by positive energy. A happy attitude at work provides numerous advantages for an employee, including:
- Professional Success – An employee’s success in the job is determined by his performance. Instead of whining or making excuses for poor performance, employees with a positive attitude will always think of career development strategies to complete their assignment in a well-defined manner. This results in advancement
- Efficiency – Employees with a positive attitude are more engaged in their work and deliver better results. As a result, individuals generate higher-quality work with fewer errors. This boosts both their overall productivity and output
- Management – Managing a diverse staff is an important part of working in a business. Some employees incontinently win the respect of their peers, and they are regularly observed and heeded to. The leaders’ upbeat attitudes make this possible
- Collaboration – Employees that get along well with one another are more likely to build effective teams. Instead of being too agitated by team members’ weaknesses, a positive attitude at work lets employees recognize each other’s strengths and work as a team to achieve common career development goals
- Making Decisions – Employees with a positive attitude are more capable of making objective decisions. It encourages a healthy mental process in employees, allowing them to make sound and reasoned decisions
The Power of Positive Attitude At Workplace
- Motivates an Employee – Having a good attitude motivates employees to overcome challenges. It also influences how they perceive the world around them. Once they’ve overcome obstacles, they’re motivated to keep pushing forward
- Strengthens Interpersonal Relationships – The power of positive thinking is such that employees with a positive attitude at work have better customer interactions, which leads to more customer loyalty
- Assists in Stress Management – Stress has a negative impact on employee health. Positive thinking can help to reduce stress, and with less stress, employees will be healthier and take fewer sick days
- It Enhances Problem-Solving Abilities – Positive people are more able to consider a variety of options, which is a useful skill for problem-solving. Everyone from customer service workers dealing with tough customers to engineers inventing new products might benefit from this skill
- It Aids Skill Acquisition – One of the benefits of positive thinking is that it help employees learn from their coworkers and acquire new skills through formal training programs.
- It Helps to Capitalize on Opportunities – Employees developing a positive attitude at work are more likely to take advantage of possibilities, such as promotions and training programs, because they will feel more comfortable taking risks. They have a better chance of achieving career success if they take advantage of chances.
- It Aids in the Management of Feedback and Conflict – Positive thinkers view conflict and feedback as chances for growth and improvement. Feedback assists them in identifying their strengths and limitations, allowing them to improve as an employee. Knowing that not everyone will always agree with them might help them keep conflict in perspective. Thus, allowing them to listen to and learn from the person with whom they disagree.
Having a positive attitude at work won’t necessarily boost performance, but it will improve how others perceive you as a person, making them more likely to assist you and cheer you on. It will also assist one in making career decisions. A cheerful attitude at work is vital for a variety of reasons, but one of the most significant is that it can rub off on others. Positivity is contagious, and it can impact your coworkers over time.
Description: A way of keeping an organization’s audience engaged on a regular basis is relationship management.
It is critical for the organization to function better if its employees are at ease with one another, focus on positive thinking, and collaborate closely toward a similar goal. People are more likely to feel accountable and driven to produce outstanding work, as well as to love their work rather than view it as a chore. In order to get the best out of each employee, managers must promote strong employee interactions at work. Although competition is necessary, it should not foster negativity or animosity among employees. In this article we will go through some steps and strategies to improve employee relationship in the organization by focusing on the power of positive thinking.
Simple Ways to Strengthen Management and Team Member Relationships
Although most organizations try to fill the gap between management and workforce, it can happen for various reasons. To help a company avoid this separation, here’s a list of some strategies for improving workplace relationships:
- Involve your Team Members – They should feel valued and needed by the organization. Individual responsibilities must be assigned based on their interests and obligations. Don’t impose work on them. Let them willingly accept challenges. They must enjoy whatever they do
- Encourage Individuals to Share their Work – The power of thinking displays here. This way employees tend to talk with each other more, discuss things among themselves and thus the comfort level increases. Allow them to collaborate and make their own decisions. Only in the most extreme circumstances of conflict and major misunderstandings should a team leader engage
- Assign Targets to be Achieved within the Desired Time Frame – Assigning targets is yet another strategy to enhance employee relationship. Motivate them to work in groups. Employees have no choice but to trust and rely on one another in this situation
- Encourage Effective Communication – Poor communication has been reported to cause confusion and misunderstandings. It is critical to communicate precisely and promptly. One should be extremely clear about what he expects from his coworkers and the company. Don’t be afraid to express your displeasure. It will undoubtedly prevent future disputes among employees and strengthen ties between them
- Written Modes of Communication must be Promoted – Verbal communication is not as reliable as written communication. Agendas, time of meetings, and relevant concerns must be sent out by email to everyone. Make sure that everyone involved is informed of the situation
- Morning Meeting is another Effective way – Let everyone come together on a common platform and discuss whatever issues they have. The meetings must not be too formal. Start your day with a positive mind. Exchange greetings and compliments. If any of your team member is not in a pleasant mood, try your level best to provide him a solution
- Organize Small Parties – These small initiatives actually go a long way in strengthening the bond among the employees. Request that they all decorate the office, their workstations, and make all essential arrangements on their own. Employees would take charge of the situation and organize it on their own. Allow them to have a good time and enjoy each other’s company. If the person has done something particularly well, compliment him. The names of the best performers should be posted on bulletin boards so that others can be inspired by them. Encourage everyone to perform well
- Assign Problem-solving Responsibilities – It’s a good idea to distribute responsibility among the team members. Selecting one or two people to address a specific problem without involving the rest of the team can lower the likelihood of assignments being completed on time. Involving others can help you come up with new ideas and insights that will help you come up with a better solution
The strategies to improve employee relations promotes a positive ambience at the workplace and employees feel happy and satisfied at work. They look forward to going to work every day and work hard to achieve the goals of their team and business.
Description: It’s not only possible to cultivate positive thinking; it’s also crucial for building long-term connections with coworkers and making a good impression on your employers.
The power of positive thinking must be learned rather than something that is innate. With practice, your inner voice will gradually shift from self-criticism to self-acceptance, your mind will become more hopeful about the world around you. It will become possible to deal constructively with day-to-day challenges. In this article, we discuss the advantages of positive thinking in the workplace and some strategies to enhance positive thinking at work.
Ways To Have a More Positive Attitude at Work
Here are some ways to develop a more positive attitude at work:
- Avoid Gossip – Gossip can derail teamwork and have a bad impact on morale. Avoid gossipers to be positive and productive
- No Complaints – Complaining frequently makes you feel worse about the situation. Make an effort to be more aware of when and why you complain. This will assist you in reducing negative behavior and identifying more positive and effective approaches to discussing the issues at work
- Use Positive Vocabulary – Your overall attitude can be improved by using positive vocabulary. When negative words come up in discussion, try to replace them with good ones
- Smiling – Smiling has been shown to improve one’s mood. Others are more inclined to grin around you and adjust their attitudes in response to your facial expression
- Prioritize Others – Try doing nice things for your coworkers without expecting anything back. Selfless acts of kindness are frequently rewarded with praise from your coworkers, making you feel wonderful and more optimistic
- Maintaining a Positive Attitude – After you’ve identified strategies to enhance positivity at work, here are some ways you can maintain that attitude:
- Take Frequent Breaks – Taking breaks throughout the day can help you minimize stress and negativity while also rejuvenating your outlook.
- Exercising Gratitude – Focusing on the positive aspects of your job and home will help you respond to stressful events more positively. It can be beneficial to keep a list of the things for which you are grateful
- Keep a Visual Reminder Handy – Even during difficult circumstances at work, visual reminders to stay cheerful can help you retain a positive attitude
- Surround Yourself with Positive People – Being in the company of positive people is a simple strategy for maintaining a positive attitude
Positive Thinking in the Workplace
Positive thinking can not only benefit your health and personal life, but also your professional life too. Adopting a positive attitude at work can:
- Encourage Positive Interaction – Positive people can aid in the development of healthy relationships between coworkers and clients. Collaboration and networking become more straightforward
- Reduce Stress and Improve Problem – solving and Decision-making Abilities – Positivity reduces stress, focuses the mind, and allows you to problem-solve and do better career decision making
- Boosts Productivity – Positive thinking increases energy levels. This may improve one’s willingness to take on new tasks and take advantage of new opportunities
- Encourage Employees to Communicate with One Another – Employees should be encouraged to connect and collaborate. Employees who get along well will enjoy spending time together at work and are unlikely to leave. They will collaborate on projects or activities in order to solve problems creatively
- Connectivity – Make sure employees feel connected to the bigger picture by constantly letting them know how their work is helping the company reach their goals. Let them know their work is valuable so that they feel a greater sense of purpose
- Create Opportunities for People to Learn and Grow – Invest in employee development and growth opportunities. Encourage employees into making career decisions, take formal courses to improve their abilities, and establish internal or external mentorship programs to assist your employees in their professional development
Strategies to enhance positive attitude at work have been linked to several health benefits, increased productivity, and less stress. Optimistic employees are also happier and more involved in their work, so it’s really a win-win situation..
Most organizations have now realized the impact that employee happiness has on their performance and, as a result, on their career growth. Employee wellbeing has become more vital than ever because organizations have finally grasped the power it has to alter their employees’ lives, cut absenteeism and healthcare costs, and foster a healthy corporate culture.
Employee Wellbeing is Very Crucial
Promoting employee wellness at work can assist to create a positive working environment by reducing stress, increasing employee happiness and engagement, and ultimately allowing your staff to stay healthy. A happy and healthy workforce is critical to the success of any company and career growth and development of an employee.
- Increased Productivity – Employee happiness leads to increased productivity and performance. Employees having good health make better decisions
- Improved Employee Morale – When employees’ needs are satisfied on all levels, including physical and mental decision-making, they feel more competent and respected
- Better Talent – If your company has a positive image in the market as an employer who values and promotes work-life balance, you’ll be able to attract qualified candidates and keep your current employees for longer lengths of time
- Improved CRM – Your best brand ambassadors are your happy staff. That great energy will be passed on to your consumers if you treat them well. Those personnel will be motivated to learn how your products and services may best meet the needs of your customers
Well-being Programs Improve Employee Health Behaviors
Changing one’s conduct is at the heart of all excellent health. People can improve their behaviors with proper education, skills, motivation, skills, and social support. Those who participate in well-being programs are more likely to adopt and maintain healthy habits.
- Health and Wellness Programs Reduce High-Risk Health Situations – Any excellent employee well-being program must start with assisting them in adopting healthy habits. Healthy eating and exercise are two examples of good behavior
- Lower Health-Care Costs – The capacity of a well-being program to minimize healthcare expenses is contingent on its effectiveness. The healthcare expense trend will be bowed by comprehensive worksite well-being program that promote employee behavior
- Employee Well-Being Programs Can Aid Recruitment and Retention – There is no documented scientific evidence that suggests that well-being programs improve your ability to recruit and retain personnel. There are several elements that go into deciding whether or not to accept a job offer. It helps if you can provide a competitive pay and comprehensive benefits package.
Why is Employee Wellbeing Important?
When you give a well-being at work program to your employees, you are showing them that you value them and trust them, and that you want to encourage career growth in life. When employees are free to be creative, are able to solve problems, feel safe and valued, develop self-esteem, and realize personal goals and dreams, they have good employee morale. Employees are content when they feel in charge of their life and their health.
Realistically, your staff are more concerned with their own satisfaction than with your healthcare costs. Your employees aren’t concerned about productivity or absence in the same way that you are. They care about having a work that they enjoy. Employees who participate in your well-being program are able to meet all of their physical, social, and emotional demands. They are involved in making career decisions. Productivity improves, customer service improves, problems are solved, and individuals become more innovative. They are excited about coming to work, value their employer, enjoy working with others, and have good staff morale.
There is a great deal of evidence to back up the benefits of happiness. Employee health will improve, and your company’s bottom line will improve, with a thorough well-being program It won’t solve all of your problems, but it will assist you in establishing a healthy workplace. Employee morale will be boosted and maintained. You will improve the lives of your employees and contribute to the success of your company if you implement a successful employee well-being program.
The PERMA Model represents the basic elements of enhancing personal wellbeing. PERMA is an acronym that stands for Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments. The five fundamental elements of the PERMA Model are what people require to achieve a healthy sense of well-being and happiness in life, which can lead to the discovery of life’s real meaning.
Elements of the PERMA Model
- Positive Emotion – Positive emotion is the easiest way of staying happy and feeling good. When you’re in a good mood, it doesn’t imply that the individual should be happy all of the time, as this is unachievable. Attempting to achieve a good emotion has a significant impact on many other parts of life
- Engagement – The second element in the PERMA Model is Engagement, which denotes anything that a person can become absorbed in. It is, in fact, extremely beneficial to a person’s intelligence, emotions, and abilities. Even if it has nothing to do with one’s career, doing something that engages one generates satisfaction
- Relationships – The next element of happiness and well-being, according to the PERMA model is relationships.. It is human nature to want to be linked to others and to be a part of a group. People must form bonds with their families, coworkers, friends, and peers. We are able to receive emotional support from these groups when things get tough
- Meaning – Money and material belongings are only a small part of life. Above all, the meaning that people discover in their life motivates them to live. Parents put in a lot of effort to provide for their children. Such things are more valuable than money, and meaning keeps people happy and motivated
- Accomplishments – Finally, the fifth PERMA model element is accomplishments. We all feel pride in whatever we’ve accomplished. These achievements boost our self-esteem and make us feel valuable. These achievements motivate people to work harder and make them feel good
Use of PERMA Model in the Workplace
We spend most of the time of our day at work. Each employee’s degree of happiness, as well as the ambiance of a workplace, have a significant and direct impact on an organization’s productivity. Just by thanking a coworker for his achievement at work might lead to positive sentiments. It could also be as simple as sending a thank-you message and a bar of chocolate to another employee who stepped in to cover a shift.
The workplace does not always have to feel like a place where things must be completed. Why not create a “engagement room” with a tiny piano, reading corner, or multiple sketchbooks and canvasses where staff may take a break and do something engaging? Workers may recharge and reset their ‘buttons’ in this manner, allowing them to be more productive.
Key to Productiveness
Belonging is a crucial component of a productive workplace. Being a part of a team or a small group isn’t the only way to do it, though. Conducting team building exercises is one of the HR department’s most effective techniques for developing positive workplace relationships. Relationships can be formed at any time of day by doing things like inviting coworkers to lunch. An organization should not just be profitable, but also have meaning in the society in which it operates. In fact, many businesses are already devoting greater time and resources to corporate social responsibility.
Organizations are paying more attention to workplace happiness and well-being as they try to address the problems of employee stress and burnout. The PERMA model is pioneering work in the relatively new field of positive psychology, with five key pillars that are all equally significant and combine to provide a foundation of positive wellbeing that can be learned.
While stress is an unavoidable aspect of work and life, too much of it can harm employee morale and productivity. It’s one of the biggest roadblocks to employee engagement in today’s workplace. While many people have attempted to compile all-encompassing lists of ways to promote stress management at workplace, recent research has revealed that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
Approaches To Reducing Stress
Here are a few broad ideas for stress management at workplace, but remember to personalize them to your specific team. Put these concepts into practice, and keep in mind that the most effective techniques begin with leadership’s example:
- Encourage open communication – The majority of employees’ job stress is caused by their supervisors, which can lead to a variety of health problems. Employees might benefit from training classes provided. The more self-aware your team is of their own behaviour, the more prepared they will be to deal with interpersonal issues as they arise
- Promote Workplace Wellness – Exercise and a healthy lifestyle are two of the most effective ways for stress management at workplace. When employees notice leaders are concerned about their health, they feel valued
- Allow for Flexible Hours and Remote Work – Your office should feel like a place where you can get things done. Make it clear to your staff that their work is defined by the quality and timeliness of their work. Allow them to work from home, and give them some leeway in terms of start and end timings. This independence boosts office morale, and the policy demonstrates that you have faith in your employees
Strategies For Reducing Workplace Stress
Fortunately, research has identified a number of techniques and strategies for stress management at workplace. Here are a few easy but effective strategies to deal with stress at work.
- Schedule and Organize Your Workspace – Taking charge of your environment and routine may assist you in not feeling overwhelmed or upset
- Pay Attention to Distractions – Noisy workplace environments can be difficult to deal with, but oddly enough, blocking out the talk or ignoring the sounds may be more stressful than paying attention to them. In fact, focusing on a distraction can help you to worry less
- A Positive Workplace – Employers and managers must analyze their workers and the settings they create for them. They must ensure that their workplace satisfies their employees’ notion of “non-stressful,” not just what they imagine it to be
- Adopt a More Positive Stress Attitude – Stress isn’t always a terrible thing. Adopting a more positive attitude toward stress can help you cope with it more efficiently, and it may even turn your stress into something positive that improves your performance, health, and personal development
- Adopt a More Positive Stress Attitude – Stress isn’t always a terrible thing. Hence, adopting a more positive attitude toward stress can help you cope with it more efficiently. It may even turn your stress into something positive that improves your performance, health, and personal development
The methods for stress management at workplace can be beneficial, but management should adjust them according to their own workforce. Put these concepts into practice; keeping in mind that the most effective techniques begin with leadership’s example. Training and knowledge can often help to alleviate this tension. Properly trained and educated employees will have the confidence and capacity to accomplish their job well, while also managing their stress.
Maintaining team work-life balance and managing stress has become increasingly important as a result of changing times brought on by globalization and ever-increasing job pressures. Employees who spend a significant portion of their day at work, face the difficult task of reconciling their personal life with the responsibilities of their profession.
How to Maintain Good Work-life Balance?
Balancing the demands of a busy lifestyle is difficult, but it can be done by examining and reassessing your priorities on a regular basis. Here are some suggestions to help you achieve a healthy team work-life balance:
- Make goals based on what you value most
- You should be able to successfully manage your time
- Establish a barrier between work and personal time
- Develop resiliency and an optimistic outlook
- Maintain a healthy way of living
- Enlist the help of a solid support system
- Take pleasure in your work
Work life Balance and Stress Management
Workplace stress is an increasing concern around the world, affecting employees’ health and productivity as well as their well-being. Our understanding of the world has changed as a result of technological advancements. Professionals are frequently under the impression that they must be online at all times. People feel rushed, under pressure, and overwhelmed when they have excessive workloads and unreasonable deadlines.
Stress has an impact not just on us, but also on our relationships with our loved ones and co-workers. It also has an impact on different aspects of society, such as socialization and even the economy, due to the way stress affects productivity. Recent research has shown that a healthy team work-life balance and stress management are linked.
How to Manage Stress?
Follow these steps to assess your work-life balance and manage stress:
- Pause – Simply pausing and reflecting on your priorities will help you determine whether the way you’re living and working is right for you
- Pay Attention to Your Emotions – Being aware of your emotions can assist you in determining which adjustments you wish to make
- Reprioritize – Consider what should be altered. For example, requesting flexible hours, ensuring that you spend all of your yearly leave, or not checking your emails on weekends are all examples of this
Achieving team work-life balance and managing stress takes effort. It is critical to do it on a regular basis to stay focused on the essential things in life. You may develop a roadmap to life with less stress and more concentration on what matters to you with continued practice.
- Let Go of Perfectionism – Striking a work-life balance these days can seem difficult, Perfectionism may be destructive, if left unchecked.
- Disconnect – Make quality time actually feel like quality time. By not reacting to work updates, you will create a stronger habit of resilience
- Exercise and Meditate – Schedule time for the most important aspects of your life. Exercise is a powerful stress reliever which can help you feel better
- Restructure Your Life – Concentrate on the activities you excel at and appreciate the most.
- Begin Small and Work Your Way Up – If you want to modify a script in your life, start small and see if you can succeed. From there, you can expand
Team work-life balance and stress management involve the creation and maintenance of supportive and healthy work environments. They allow employees to strike a balance between work and personal duties, hence increasing employee loyalty and productivity. Moreover, this can help you live a more fulfilling life.
Apart from attributes like resilience and grit, which aid in rebounding from failures, another factor that influences how employees respond to challenges is whether they have a growth or fixed mindset. Some people believe that abilities develop through time with practice and effort (growth mindset), while others feel that they are born with a specific skill set (fixed mindset). People’s learning behavior is heavily influenced by their perceptions, which impacts their motivation and reactions to success and failure.
A Closer Look at the Fixed vs. Growth Mindset in the Workplace
Individuals, teams, and organizations all fall into the growth vs. fixed mindset debate. Fostering a growth attitude in businesses has a favorable impact on a company’s bottom line that also encourages career growth for employees. It has been related to increased staff productivity and, as a result, profitability. It improves staff morale and teamwork among coworkers. Employees feel accountable for completing their daily work and have a sense of belonging and independence in a development mindset setting.
Employees in companies with a fixed thinking culture, on the other hand, may feel threatened when hurdles arise. Managers focus and applaud large achievements, not effort, so they believe there is no tolerance for failure. Both have a place in the workplace and can thrive or fail in the right or wrong atmosphere.
What is a Growth Mindset?
People with a growth mindset recognize that not understanding or being good at anything is a transient state, so they don’t feel embarrassed or try to prove they’re smarter than they are. Intelligence and talent are seen as attributes that can be developed over time under a growth mentality. People with a growth mindset believe that hard work they can make progress. They have instilled in them, the power of positive thinking. A growth mindset also acknowledges that setbacks are an unavoidable part of the learning process, allowing people to bounce back by boosting motivated effort. A growth mindset views failures as temporary and adaptable, making it essential for learning, resilience, motivation, and performance.
What is a Fixed Mindset?
People who have a fixed mindset feel that their intelligence and abilities are predestined. They feel they have a particular level of intelligence. Therefore, their goal is to always appear clever and never appear dumb. People with a fixed mindset believe that traits like talent and intelligence are fixed. A fixed-minded individual tries to avoid life’s difficult situations. He gives up easily, and is intimidated or threatened by other people’s success. This is due to the fact that a fixed mindset views intelligence and talent as something you are rather than something you grow.
Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset
Everything from how you respond to feedback to your readiness to take on new tasks to how you manage people is influenced by your mentality. A fixed mindset is characterized by the belief in fixed characteristics and the notion that talent is the path to success. A growth mentality, on the other hand, entails hard work and a desire to improve, both of which are linked to success. The key difference between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset is that the former changes its thoughts. People with a growth mentality believe that they can make career decisions have improved, whereas people with a fixed mindset believe that their decisions have not altered. People that have a growth mentality allow themselves to explore their mistakes and come up with solutions. People with a fixed mindset stick to one thing, and are denied the opportunity to explore.
Comparing a fixed mindset and growth mindset shows both have diverse preferences and viewpoints. They have distinct personalities and actions. A person with a growth mindset is not the same as someone with a fixed mindset. A person with a growth mindset believes that wonderful things will happen and responds positively to feedback, and is involved in making career decisions. A person with a fixed mindset does not expand their knowledge and instead sticks to what they know.
When hard work, determination, and perseverance are rewarded over skill, one can overcome a fixed mindset in the workplace. Employees with a fixed attitude can be coached to learn new skills, explore, and use failures as important learning opportunities.
Overcoming a Fixed Mindset at Work
It’s tempting to assume that organizations can’t change how their people see the environment because attitudes are frequently seen as extremely personal. Following tactics to overcome a fixed attitude in the workplace, on the other hand, can have a significant impact on business culture. According to studies, people’s attitudes are highly receptive to triggers such as their surroundings and the messages they hear. Here are some strategies to help your company overcome a fixed mindset:
- Performance Evaluation Should be Based on Learning – Leaders can assess how employees are growing and developing in order to build an organizational growth mentality. They might think about setting goals that are more focused on improving their skills than on increasing their productivity
- Consider Both Successes and Failures as Opportunities for Learning – Leaders may foster a growth mindset in the workplace by acknowledging setbacks as a necessary part of the learning process and considering them as a source of useful information about what worked and what didn’t
- Encourage Employees to Speak Up -.Instead of relying on a few employees to raise red flags or propose new strategies, leaders with growth mindsets are open to hearing various points of view, even if they contradict their own, and appreciate the importance of asking questions
- Upskill and Reskill Employees – Instead of just assuming that people are just capable of performing the tasks they’ve always done, intelligent leaders and businesses with growth mindsets recognize that employees are likely already equipped with the capacity and intelligence to meet the problems they face. Employees are reskilled and upskilled either through in-house training or external programs. Such programs make employees feel that their company leadership believes in their potential, creating a growth mentality on a personal level
- Encourage Cross-domain Learning – Organizations that have a growth mentality recognize that an employee’s full potential may not be obvious right away. They also understand that spending time and energy in individuals who are enthusiastic about learning may pay off handsomely
Overcoming a fixed mindset in a workplace is a long-term endeavor, but it can result in major positive change. It is not just a wonderful notion, but it’s also necessary for long- term success. Organizations must take particular initiatives to encourage people to develop their abilities, take risks, and challenge themselves in ways that are uncomfortable. People who have a growth mindset understand that failure is an inevitable part of the journey to achievement. When they fail, they see it as an opportunity to try a different approach or put in more effort to get better outcomes.
You must follow the strategies to overcome a fixed mindset in order to innovate and think differently. However, keep in mind that having a development mindset is only the first step toward success. You must also work to improve yourself and your company in order to be future-ready. Having a development mentality does not ensure success; rather, it provides a pathway to it. It’s a method that entails a change in thinking, setting goals, and taking action in order to achieve desired outcomes.
The identification of work-related interests, also referred to as occupational interests or vocational interests has been an active area of research for several decades, beginning with the work of Edward Strong in the 1920s and of Frederick Kuder in the 1930s. It is no surprise that occupational interests have attracted much attention as satisfaction with one’s job is an important part of satisfaction with life in general, and job satisfaction depends in part on having a job that fits with one’s interests. Accordingly, researchers have tried to develop a wide variety of instruments that can predict which occupations and which kinds of work can be best suited to an individual’s pattern of interests. One such instrument is the Occupational Interest Profile. Thus, in this article we are going to discuss Occupational Interest Profile.
The Occupational Interest Profile
Research has demonstrated that congruence between interests and work environments affects some important workplace outcomes, such as job performance, organizational commitment and turnover. When a career is aligned with one’s interest, employees may have more motivation to devote maximum effort into developing relevant knowledge and skills, set higher career-related goals, and take actions to achieve those goals, both for themselves and the organization. All of these behaviors can help employees improve their performance at work and enhance their career potential.
The benefits of matching careers with interests are not limited to individual employees only. From a business point of view, choosing employees with the best fit not only contributes to higher job performance, which ultimately influences organizational effectiveness, but also helps to control turnover rates and ensure good performance. Employees whose career interests are consistent with their jobs are more likely to be satisfied with work and find intrinsic motivation to stay in the job longer. Turnover can lead to a variety of losses from valuable employees to time and resources invested in training these employees. Therefore, it is critical to ensure the fit between employees’ interests and their jobs in order to make organizations succeed.
Occupational interests reflect stable preferences for certain job activities and work environments. According to the most followed theory of occupational interests, Holland’s RIASEC model. Not only can a person’s interests’ profile be determined by the six types, but work environments can similarly be classified into the same six categories. Aligning one’s work environments with one’s interests will not only increase satisfaction at work and commitment to the organization, but also enhance the potential for achieving career success, as well as success for the organization.
The Occupational Interest Profile measures six fields of interest along with five work needs. It can then produce a comprehensive report, making recommendations of suitable careers/occupations for the respondent. Each Occupational Interest Profile (OIP) consists of six scores in invariant order (RIASEC) indicating how descriptive and characteristic the occupation/career is for each of the work environments.
Occupational interest profiles are unique in vocational assessment and classification research, being the first initiative to create full, numerical profiles, covering all six RIASEC environments. These interest profiles offer the advantage of numerically coded profiles and allow the researcher or practitioner to clearly select the degree of profile specificity. That is, one- to six category profiles can easily be found by specifying a cutoff level for the numerical profile. These high-point profiles can be used by counselors and clients to determine which interests are truly characteristic of an occupation’s environment.
According to John Holland, there are six key categories that define the interests of the modern worker. It should also be considered that people with the same personality type/interests tend to work best with others of similar type, but certain types work best alone or with specific groups over others.
Occupational Interest Profiles are designed to provide a comprehensive and clear assessment for occupation guidance and development, that consist of an occupational interest questionnaire and a measure of ‘personal work needs’. the concept has been developed following extensive trialing on 16 to 18-year-old’s and was subsequently extended for use with older adults, such that only a basic level of education is required to complete the questionnaire.
The six categories of occupational interests are –
- Realistic (Doer) – A person with realistic interests is someone who likes to work mainly with their hands making and fixing things, assembling, organizing or operating equipment. They sometimes prefer working outdoors and find joy and satisfaction with varying types of manual labor. A realistic individual works quite well with tools, machines and mechanical drawings. Valuing practical things, they can see and touch, they also often see themselves as practical and mechanical.
- Investigative (Thinker) – The most analytical of the six interests, a person in this group loves to study, gain knowledge and solve math or science related problems. They are not skilled negotiators but consider working with others who are grounded. They see themselves as precise and intellectual and like to be acknowledged and rewarded for their achievements. Some key skills of such people include thinking analytically and practically, computing, communicating by writing and speaking, designing, formulating, diagnosing, calculating, experimenting and investigating.
- Artistic (Creator) – Individuals with artistic interest value others who are expressive, creative and independent. They naturally admire and highly appreciate the creative arts including writing and music. They see themselves as expressive and original and prefer to avoid highly ordered or repetitive activities, rather than seek new experiences and change. They enjoy working in groups but only if they are allowed expressive freedom and are encouraged to share their ideas and creativity. Occupations with an artistic environment include: Graphic Designer, Musician, Book Editor, Art Teacher, Actor etc.
- Social (Helper) – Persons with a social interest like to “dominate” or “take control” over their environment. This is the most common category of the six, and many people have the characteristics of this category among others. They particularly value providing services and working for the welfare of others and enjoy working closely with people. Their ideal working conditions are with other people who are also trustworthy and helpful and show appreciation for others. Occupations with a social environment include: Counselor, Librarian, Social Worker, Physical Therapist, Nurse etc.
- Enterprising (Persuader) – Persons with enterprising interests are most likely to lead and persuade, this group was born to sell and tend to value business or politics. They see themselves as being social, ambitious and achievement-oriented, and have a way with getting a group of people to learn a certain way. They are careful to avoid people who are too scientific and analytical but are definitely drawn to working with others. Occupations with an enterprising environment involve: Sales Manager, Real Estate Agent, School Principal, Attorney, Hotel Manager etc.
- Conventional (Organizer) – A member of this group with conventional interests would mostly prefer to work with numbers, records or machines. They enjoy repetitive, organized tasks done in an orderly fashion and like to avoid ambiguous activities. They see themselves as highly organized and good at following directions. They value success and achievement in business and enjoy working with other people but do best in small, systematic groups where they know their responsibilities and tasks clearly. Occupations with a conventional environment include: Bookkeeper, Secretary, Bank Teller, Mail Carrier, HR Consultant etc.
How can a DiSC Assessment Help Your Career?
One of the ways in which you can succeed in your career is to be in a job that you enjoy. If you follow this simple mantra, it is probably the best career decision making you would do in your life. But there are a couple of things that you need to do first such as assessing your priorities, understanding your personality, and preferences.
One of the ways in which you can achieve this is by taking a DiSC profiles assessment. The DiSC personality assessment is in fact one of the most widely used tools these days. It facilitates the HR professional to ask behavioural based interview questions in order to determine what type of position you are suitable for, based on your personality preference, skills, experience, and educational qualification.
What does a DiSC assessment comprise of?
Typically, a DiSC profiles assessment comprises of a series of statements and the participant needs to indicate the degree to which they agree to each of these statements on a five-point rating scale. All these statements are related to how certain personality types typically react in various situations. The report generated out of this assessment displays the DiSC style of the participant in a circle, with a dot placement and shading in the circle that is unique to the individual.
The DiSC profiles assessment includes the following four primary behaviors: Dominance, influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. While the results may vary from individual to individual, they are highly accurate. When you complete this assessment, it will help you to assess if you are the type that is likely to thrive in a setting that needs you to exercise leadership, for instance.
Adaptive testing
DiSC profiles Assessment uses adaptive testing, which is an interactive assessment process. It tailors questions for you. People who have a habit of responding inconsistently will be given more items to respond to. It provides a more accurate report regarding a participant’s true DiSC style. This report is immediately available once the assessment is completed.
Each assessment entails in-depth information, strategies to interact with people of varying styles, tips to identify other people’s styles, and action plans to help the participants be more successful. It offers a wealth of information not only about your preferences and priorities pertaining to your workplace, but also how you can connect better with individuals having styles different than yours.
A DiSC profile Assessment also helps you to prepare for the behavioral questions asked during interviews. These questions help organizations to determine if you are culturally fit for the job. This assessment is equally helpful for promoting individuals and determining if there is a suitable position for them higher up in the company. A DiSC profile Assessment also measures the following: the words you speak, the tone of voice you use, and the body language that you portray. One of the reasons behind this model being so successful is that it provides people with an easy, memorable, and simple way of understanding themselves as well as others around them.
Use the DiSC Model if You are Discontent with Your Career
Let’s discuss today how you can incorporate the DiSC model to determine what is significant to you in your job or your career. To begin with you need to focus on what you expect or what you need from your job. Take some time and observe your present position, and ask yourself where do you wish to be and what lies in between now and there. This exercise can be quite helpful when you are not worried about external distractions. A word of advice here: You need to understand though that there are no right and wrong answers to this question. Sit down somewhere quietly and jot down the answers as they come to you while you brainstorm.
Use the DiSC Profile to Reinforce What’s Really Significant for You
The next step for you is to review the results of your DiSC profile assessment. In case you haven’t taken the DiSC profiles assessment for the last six months and there have been significant changes in your life during this time frame, you should ideally take the DiSC Profile evaluation again.
Based on your DiSC report you need to stimulate your thoughts of what’s significant to you in your job or career. Make a note of your preferences such as what inspires you and what stresses you out. Is what you are looking out for specific to a particular industry or job or can you find it in other industries and jobs as well? Again, is it a specific title or job that is significant for you or is it what you do as part of that job that is important to you?
Evaluating Your Previous Job
It is also a good idea to review your previously held jobs. On a page create two columns. On one side of the column, list what all you liked in your previous job and on the other side of the column, list what all you didn’t like in your previous job. Once your list is ready, review it. Try to look beyond the obvious and instead look for patterns or common threads.
As the next step, now prepare three columns. In the first column, jot down what do you wish for in a job, in the second column, list down what do you need from a job, and in the last column list down what you don’t want in a job. Again, look out for common patterns.
Why is it important to add the DiSC profile assessment to this exercise?
Here are two reasons for doing this:
- It will reinforce what you are already aware about yourself.
- It will highlight those blind spots about yourself that you were possibly either not aware of or took for granted, or thought it was not important.
For instance, an individual with an ‘S’ DiSC style may figure out after this exercise that being a part of a team is more important for him or her, but may be completely unaware of how important it is for her in her job, and how it may prove to be an asset in other jobs that will set her apart. She had assumed previously that every individual would be happy as part of a team.
Another example may be a ‘D’ style sales executive who is unaware of the fact how important it is to his sense of self to independently operate and get instant feedback on his achievements through daily commission reports. However, he is unable to figure out why he isn’t happy when he has been shifted to a straight salary sales position to be a part of a sales team.
Think about the insights provided by your DiSC assessment and then use the above exercise. Make a note of what you learned about what’s significant for you and use this information to expand your career and job options.
Personality Test for Career Selection
Personality is one of the most important factors to be considered when an individual is exploring the career interest areas that may fit them best. Personality tests can evaluate your strengths, areas of improvement, values, interests and skills. All these factors put together may help you either directly choose the career that may fit your personality or indirectly by eliminating the careers that do not match your strengths, skills and values. None of the tests will give you a concrete solution of which career interest area you should choose, so, it is what you make of the results and whether they match your personality.
Personality tests can be useful when you are transitioning from one career to another or when you are looking for your first job. It can help you discern the choices that may be ideal for your personality. It can show you whether you need more training or experience in areas that are required for your chosen career interest areas. At the least, it can help you highlight your strengths in your resume and cover letters. It will also help you make a better-informed choice while choosing or changing careers.
While taking personality tests for career selection, make sure to take those which have scientific validity in order to get accurate indications of your personality. Based on these kinds of tests, you can truly assess your strengths and improvement areas to match yourself to a career interest area. Most free tests online have little scientific or professional validity, but they might give you an insight into what careers may be a good match for you.
Personality tests and other psychological tests measure an individual’s personal characteristics, their emotional makeup and their stability. Career counselors are often found to use these tools in candidates’ self-assessment to guide their steps in career planning process. The results of these self-assessments depend on the type of tool being used, some of them are easily understood by laymen but others require the counselor to interpret it for them.
It has been found that job-related stress is lower when one’s responsibilities at work match their personality-related preferences. For an employee to meet job requirements that are in conflict with their personality type may lead to high levels of dissatisfaction. For instance, an introvert is placed into a sales executive role and may become frustrated and burnt out because the role requires prolonged and frequent social interaction.
There are multiple personality tests that measure the personality match for specific job roles. There are tests that measure whether you have the traits to be a good entrepreneur, the inclination you have towards taking risks, whether you would be a good Sales associate, etc. For instance, for jobs that require less risk-taking behavior, they need to be very analytical, be consistent, prefer stability. Someone who likes to experiment, innovate without weighing out the consequences would not fit the role.
In order to be content in the workplace, it important to match your personality with your occupation and workplace environment since job satisfaction is at its peak when your job engages your strong personality traits and the requirements are in line with your values and preferences.