How Soft Skills Training Helps Managers
There’s a sure-shot formula that not only allows companies to withstand uncertainty and climates of change but innovate and transform continuously. In the olden days, this formula would have been to build a team that comprised of experienced members and with lots of technical expertise. This plan or formula was the one that allowed teams to be built around hard skills like data mining, statistical analysis, marketing, sales, network and information systems and more. However, with the passing of years and increased competition in the market, companies have begun to realize to build teams and soft skills training managers.
The good news for professionals, including managers, is that soft skills are learnable. Experts who specialize in training and teaching soft skills believe that these skills are vital for creating team leaders and strong employees.
How soft skills training for managers help?
Emotional Intelligence
If there is a single soft skill, managers would love to learn and implement in their professional life, then it has to be managing various emotions. The importance of managing emotions is so important for managers because there is a direct relation between managing emotions and ability to deliver results under immense pressure.
Frustration (an emotion that is a feeling of having insufficient resources), anger (the feeling that someone or something is violating your rights), and anxiety (fear related to future threat), are some of the most common emotions managers need to deal with effectively to go about their job in a smooth way.
When managers are able to have a control over their emotions at workplace, they are able to accurately assess and react to various things that go on during stressful and adverse conditions and act accordingly.
To successfully have a control over their emotions, managers first need to identify stress triggers – like unhappy clients, change in the scope of a project, etc – and set themselves in the right position mentally before the emotions get the better of them. Managers can also teach team members and others on how to manage their respective emotions and go about their work with focus and calmness.
Problem solving
One of the essences of soft skills training for managers is to get into ‘problem-solving mode’ and remain in it for long periods or until the problem is fully solved. Having such a soft skill is inevitable in dealing with challenges that come with a role like a manager effectively and efficiently. Problem-solving skills are extremely beneficial for managers in dealing with their ‘explanatory style’. After all, it is this style that determines how they view difficulties – temporary, unsolvable, fluid, external, or fixed.
It is important for managers to work well within the team and facilitate others to work in a collaborative evirnment in achieving common objectives. While some people prefer working alone, others like to work with others. As a manager, it is important that you take everyone along with you on your journey to success. While imparting soft skills training for managers, it is important for organizations to lay emphasis on team building exercises as they are extremely beneficial.