Psychometric Test on Personality Psychometric Assessment

Psychometric Test on Personality Psychometric Assessment

Psychometric tests are standardized and logical methods used to measure the mental capabilities and the behavioural capacities of people. These tests are mainly used to gauge whether the person is well suited for a particular role based on their personality and their ability. Psychometric test on personality explore the candidates’ aptitude for the job, their capabilities and whether their personality fits the goals and vision of the organization. They are used to measure unseen skills that cannot be precisely evaluated in the face-to-face interviews.

Personality Tests in Psychometric Assessments

Personality tests measure traits such as motivation, thought patterns, emotions, and behaviors. These tests, rooted in various psychological theories, assess how well a candidate aligns with a company’s culture.

Role of Personality Tests in Hiring

Personality assessments are based on established models like the Five Factor Model and DISC theory, providing insights into traits that correlate with job performance, satisfaction, and leadership potential.

The Five Factor Model

The Five Factor Model, also known as The Big Five Model defines five personality traits that make up an individual’s personality. These five traits can be easily remembered using the acronym ‘OCEAN’. They are measured across a continuum where they are measured in between two extremes.

Following are the five factors:


This trait refers to an individual’s inclination to be open to experience and adventure.


It refers to their inclination towards being dependable, disciplined, organized, and having a strong sense of duty.


It refers to the inclination towards social interaction and not the ability to socialize or the interpersonal effectiveness.


It measures the extent of an individual’s warmth and kindness.


It refers to the tendency towards being worried and the kind of reaction to stressful situations.

These five factors are related to job performance, job satisfaction, leadership skills and on-the-job behavior. Hence, utilizing this test during hiring when combines with skills tests and face-to-face interviews, will make the hiring process highly effective.

The DISC Personality Test

The DISC personality test is based on Marston’s DISC theory and has been used in personal and business applications for over 30 years. According to the DISC theory, an individual’s personality can be categorized into four psychometric test on personality styles but they are always present in combinations.

The Four DISC Personality Styles

They four styles have prominent characteristic which are:


It indicates that the person is direct, decisive, problem solving and risk taking.


It indicates that they are enthusiastic, talkative, persuasive, trusting, optimistic, impulsive, and emotional.

Steadiness – It indicates that the person is possessive, steady, predictable, understanding, friendly, a good listener and a team player.


It refers to their inclination towards being analytical, accurate, conscientious, careful, systematic, and maintaining high standards.

DISC has shown to help organizations in improving communication, lowering misunderstanding, having effective meetings, less conflict, more productivity, more cooperation and in building effective teams. It can be used in various key areas like team development, conflict management, leadership development, and to tie in HR strategy with the business strategy.

Popular Personality Tests

Central Test’s Big Five Profile uses the Five Factor Model to identify the personality traits of candidates or employees and Wiley’s Everything DiSC offers tests based on the DISC Model for specific requirements.