Compliance Training’s for New Employee Onboarding Process

Compliance Training’s for New Employee Onboarding Process

In a global marketplace where products and services are easily copied, your company culture is one of your businesses’ few peculiar identifiers. It expresses your organization’s shared beliefs and values, conveying how your compliance trainings employees interact with customers and each other.

A toxic culture can lead to high employee turnover, poorer health results, and can quickly sour your company’s fame, while a positive culture, instigates productivity and loyalty. By including compliance trainings for onboarding employees, you can encourage positive behavior, often preventing problems before they occur.

Compliance Trainings

Some of these trainings are mentioned below

Harassment Prevention Training

  • Harassment and discrimination training is crucial not only for your management staff but for all employees. Effective training can help prevent harassment before it occurs and empower all to resolve and appreciate incidents responsibly.

Diversity and Inclusion Training

  • Workplace diversity is a critical element of success. Diverse companies are more likely to surmount industry averages. Customers are more comfortable making purchases from businesses that reflect the statistics of their community.
  • As your employees become more diverse, your workplace’s cultural intricacy grows, leading our unconscious biases to casually exclude and dismiss others. By taking advantage of diversity and inclusion training, you can create a culture of respect that will help employees communicate across cultural boundaries more effectively.

Code of Conduct Training

  • The true purpose of code of conduct policies are often strayed on stakeholders outside of HR and compliance roles. Instead of just establishing a codified set of rules, such policies are meant to line up an entire workforce around common goals, giving them the perspective and frame they need to behave ethically in the workplace.
  • After all, your employees’ morals and behavior have a direct impact on your company’s reputation with customers, partners, and managers. From the first day of work, you want to make it clear what kinds of behavior and language is appropriate. Not only will code of conduct training help avoid unplanned ethical or policy violations, organizations that actively inform their employees of legal and ethical obligations are more likely to receive fairness in regulatory review.

Abusive Conduct and Anti-Bullying Training

  • Another compliance training for onboarding employees, is an increased interest in a specific kind of workplace misconduct; one that doesn’t rise to the heights of harassment, but anyhow cause great discomfort, lowered morale, and lessened productivity. Workplace bullying is offensive, horrifying, malicious or insulting behavior, an abuse or misuse of power through means that constrict, humiliate, defame or injure the person being bullied.
  • Its impact is huge while victims experience depression, panic attacks, insomnia, and post-traumatic stress disorder, in many cases. Workplace bullying training defines key elements necessary to understand bullying behavior, like illegal harassment and inappropriate workplace assault, and gives them the tools necessary to curb tense situations.

Anti- Corruption Training

  • To oppose corruption and better protect your business, another compliance training for onboarding employees which is anti-corruption training should be a priority during orientation. By clearly outlining business policy for gifts and entertainment, and by encouraging staff to watch potential conflicts of interest, your business can better prevent damages before they occur.

Security Awareness Training

  • While employees may at first ignore your request to uphold their password game, it’s becoming increasingly hard to avoid the risks inherent in data security practices. Most companies have already experienced a security incident caused by either a negligent or bad tempered employee.
  • No matter how much you invest in IT security, your efforts are no match for employee innocence and negligence. With security awareness training, you can make it clear to all of your employees, the crucial role they play in keeping your business, data, and customers safe.

Workplace Violence Training

  • When you think of workplace violence, you picture a recently expelled disgruntled worker taking out suppressed workplace-related rage on their colleagues and supervisors. That example doesn’t group together in light of the available data, though. Majority victims of workplace violence don’t know the attacker.
  • Workplace violence training teaches learners how to react to workplace violence, understand warning signs, the influence of rejection as an incentive for violence. Such training is especially important for industries with direct contact to the public, as many victims of workplace crime work in sales or retail.


A comprehensive compliance training for onboarding employees will help to relieve potential legal risks and create a more civil, enjoyable workplace for all of your employees. By undergoing clear employee expectations from the very first day, you can better maintain company culture and give your new hires the tools to succeed.