Dealing with Paradox at Workplace

Dealing with Paradox at Workplace

Paradoxes also described as disapproval are problems that ignore common sense and business judgement. They can be devastating, difficult to understand, and apparently impossible to tackle. These pressures show up in all aspects of organizational life. Paradox at workplace are two opposed ideas or mindsets that co-exist in the business environment. This article explores how leaders can deal with paradoxes effectively in order to learn, grow, and gain from them.

The Concept of Paradox

Dealing with paradox involves outlook and behavioral flexibility, moving from a discussion to customer complaints to administrative mistakes and shifting mechanisms accordingly. People who are perfect at this are flexible in situations and with others. They can advance and let others advance too. They are able to think and act in seemingly opposite ways at the same time or when moving from one task to another. They are adjustable and meet the needs of the moment. This requires having some adjustment in approach, tone and style, and then matching those to the demands of the situation.

We think of organizations as a way to organize work and get things done, which is true enough. But at the same time, every organization is a bundle of inconsistencies and conflicts. An organization should be able to fascinate and retain members, or it will come to an end. At the same time it must confine people’s behavior, or it won’t be able to get anything done. Paradox denotes opposing yet interrelated elements that alone seem logical but senseless and irrational when appearing simultaneously. Thus, leaders must deal with tensions simultaneously to achieve long-term effectiveness. As such, dealing with paradox seeks insights into how organizations can support opposing demands, and examine the similar results.

What is Paradox Of Business?

In business, you will notice some certain repeated trends; while pursuing more business you sometimes wander from your core business, and find yourself doing some other business that is not your primary business so long as they bring in some cash. You tend to ignore some key elements that can help your business on the long run. Even though you are aware that they are important, but just because they aren’t urgent you keep postponing them till it becomes too late.

The world of business is filled with so many conflicting roles, expectations and functions. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that business is a complex thing consisting of several aspects that are contradictory in nature. At one end is the pressure to do whatever you can to keep the business running, and at the other end is the desire to build your business into something great. Here lies the paradox at workplace. The bottom-line when it comes to building a business is to focus on the future and the long term.

Paradoxes in Management

Paradoxes are two ideas or mindsets that are completely opposed, yet co-exist in the business environment. If you want to succeed at managing a team today, you have to know the art of dealing with paradox. Mentioned below are some paradox at workplace in management today

Individuals and Teams

Individuals give their best when they work in teams and teams succeed when each individual participates.

Success and Failure

For people to succeed, they must first be allowed to fail.

Work and Rest

To give their best, people need to rest and learn to be inactive in the middle of a task, and at the same time very active in calmness.

Hard and Soft Skills

Both hard skills such as logical intelligence and soft skills such as emotional intelligence are required.

Efficient and Effective

The customer is best served when the organization is efficient and effective when it puts the customer first.

Control and Freedom

People need controls and they seek freedom which can only be gained with control.

How to Deal With Paradox?

Managing opposites and dealing with paradox turns management from a science into an art. It requires a different mindset from the management attitudes of old and with it a completely new set of skills. As old as the principles are, for many it is a new way of managing. Paradoxes, also described as polarities are dilemmas that can be overwhelming, difficult to understand, and seemingly impossible to address. These tensions show up in all facets of organizational life, including leadership, teamwork, structure and within ourselves. Research and training can help individuals understand how dealing with paradox impacts a leader’s effectiveness. Organizations and individuals that are able to deal with paradox are better performers than others. Common business tools are not very useful in managing paradoxes.

Polarity Mapping

Polarity Mapping is a concept for managers and organizations to think about the larger value, or purpose, of balancing two polarities, as well as to determine specific action steps. This concept can be used to comprehend two poles that are competing or are at odds. Explore the drawbacks or fears related to indicate one or the other.

Duality Mapping

Duality mapping is based on the concept that everything in the world consists of two opposite elements that are partially conflicting and partially complementary. Paradoxes are interrelated and interdependent. They are not only opposed, but also cooperate with each other.

Polarity Mapping and Duality Mapping are both practical and thought-provoking approaches for dealing with paradox. By blending Eastern and Western philosophies, organizations may find the most effective, transformative solution to handling complex, paradoxical demands.


A paradox at workplace is an actual event that has at least two clashing sides, and may appear as a conflict. It has two oppositions that can be both right and wrong at the same time. Treating a paradox like a problem to be solved and selecting any one side of the paradox only creates difficulties and frustration and other negative consequences. Instead, a paradox must be balanced. To tackle it, we must change our mindset and wholeheartedly embrace and understand both positions and believe that both polarities are valid.