Types of Psychometric Test Questions for Recruitment

Types of Psychometric Test Questions for Recruitment

Employers usually use psychometric test to check applicants’ comprehension abilities, attitudes, personalities, and knowledge. These tests are becoming increasingly popular in the recruitment process. Hence, industries ranging from banking and finance to police and armed forces are now increasingly using such tests. The recruitment process benefits from such tests because companies want a fair prediction of which applicants are likely to be successful in a job.

There are different kinds of psychometric tests available due to the range of employer priorities and cognitive abilities. The commonly used tests are numerical ability tests, situational judgment tests, reasoning ability tests, and personality tests.

How to Prepare for a Psychometric Test?

  • Find out what the employer is looking for in the right applicant. When seeking to fill a position, employers want the best person among all the candidates for that job. It is about finding the best fit for that job, from personality, skill, intelligence and cultural perspective. The results of such tests provide employer with your behavioral profile – your lever of intelligence or aptitude and your personality traits. The profile will indicate whether you are a problem solver, team player or you like to work individually. So, prior to taking the test, have a look at the job description which would give you an idea about the attributes they are looking for.
  • Learn about psychometric testing techniques. Psychometric tests are not like other tests that you have taken. Often job seekers assume that if they are good at math or they can speed read, they can clear the psychometric test. This assumption is wrong. Psychometric test will measure your verbal, abstract and numeric reasoning skills. We can design these tests in a unique way. To master this test, you need to add a new set of tests taking strategies to your toolbox as this are more psychology-related tests which can be tricky at times.

Some more points to consider:

  • Be sure not to lie in the personality test. Most tests are designed to indicate whether you were consistent in your answers and to what extent you portrayed yourself in an overly positive manner. But, make sure not to overdo positivity in your test as it is going to cause inconsistency in your answer. Just be yourself and know what set of strengths you want to highlight through the test. For this purpose, we must understand the job description completely.
  • Get to know the types of aptitude test question. Familiarizing yourself with the typical content and psychometric questions will give you significant advantage. Verbal and numerical ability tests are generally multiple-choice question that must be completed in a short period of time. Familiarity with the type of questions will get you a competitive edge over another applicants. Questions would be based on what the company wants to check in a candidate. Online practice tests can be performed, and results should be checked to know what behavior traits are prominent in your test.

Psychometric tests may sometimes seem daunting, but practice and preparation is the key to success. The key is to prepare well before taking one up and research well about the company you wish to be a part of. In addition, identify the values, culture and qualities they are looking for in a candidate. This will help you in clearing the personality test.

Explore: Online Psychometric Test for HR

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