Emotional Intelligence Workshops

Emotional Intelligence Workshops

Emotional intelligence workshops is defined as the capacity to identify and monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions, to distinguish between different emotions and to use this emotional knowledge to guide thinking and behavior in a positive and healthy direction. It is a quality that is now being increasingly valued in business around the world. The reasons are not difficult to understand.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

An awareness and understanding of our own emotions let us recognize the same in the others. EI forms the basis of empathy, which is an important characteristic in a leader, a manager, or more importantly in a human. While some are naturally highly intelligent in this regard, others can work on building a better emotional intelligence through practice and training workshops. Emotional intelligence workshops are now a crucial component of the business world. Hence, in this article we are going to discuss about emotional intelligence workshops.

Activities for Emotional Intelligence Workshops at Workplace

Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be mastered. It requires training and practice, but is necessary to live fuller and healthier lives. Emotional intelligence workshops attempt to examine and enhance an individual’s key personal emotional competencies as well emotional intelligence relationship skills for both personal and professional success.

Such workshops tend to stimulate various cognitive and affective processes that help an individual better understand and regulate one’s own emotions, and manage relationships effectively with empathy. The activities that help improve emotional intelligence skills and competencies in emotional intelligence workshops are-

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is a form observational meditation where meditators place their awareness on a focal point. This point can be the breath or our thoughts, but it can also be on any information coming in through our five senses. Developing this observing self is the key to gaining a unique perspective on life experiences, monitoring our thoughts, emotions and actions, and developing self-awareness.

Make a Journal

Make a list of your daily life experiences and the emotional impact they’ve had on you. Writing down thoughts and emotions help us objectify them, compare and analyze them. Looking back at the journal an individual can gain a clear understanding of one’s emotions and how they can be regulated for better results.


Take part in social activities and gatherings. Socializing with people is a great activity to develop effective social skills, a key competence of emotional intelligence. Taking part in competitions or programs help meet and interact with people and form fulfilling interpersonal relationships. It helps understand oneself from a new perspective in relation to others and manage relationships effectively.

List Personal Objectives and Goals

Listing personal objectives and goals can provide long-term direction and short-term motivation, in order to complete tasks and pursue one’s dreams. So, grab a pen and paper and think about where you want to be and set some targets for yourself. Based on them and your strengths, make them relevant to you and ultimately, make them exciting and achievable. This task alone is enough to get an individual instantly motivated.

Practice Active Listening and Communication

Empathy is the proficiency to share someone else’s emotions and experiences as if they were one’s own. A key activity to improve empathy is to listen actively and communicate effectively. Don’t act impulsively and listen to what the other person has to say. Take their opinions and communicate in a straightforward, yet calm and effective manner.


Emotional intelligence is a set of skills or competencies that is the key to both personal and professional success. It is not an innate quality or trait, but a learned capability which can be developed. Emotional intelligence workshops in the business world, can act as stimulators that attempt to activate affective processes, and improve and enhance emotional skills and competencies. Emotional intelligence activities thus are a way to understand oneself better, and use this knowledge about oneself to deal effectively with others.