Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Training Program

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Training Program

It has become increasingly difficult for businesses to develop leaders who are capable of steering their ship through turbulent times. The solution to this challenge may well lie in a leadership development program based on a statistically validated and well-researched behavioral tool such as the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders training program. 

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders training program is a classroom training and personal learning experience that connects unique leadership styles to real-world issues. This course integrates the best practices of 300 leaders in over 150 organizations, the essential insights of the world’s most prominent scholars, and more than four years of additional research to provide participants with a clear path to more effective leadership. The unified model of leadership — Vision, Alignment, and Execution — allows leaders to develop a deeper understanding of their leadership styles and the way their tendencies affect their effectiveness in particular situations.   

 The VAE acronym stands for Vision, Alignment, and Execution. By understanding these three areas in-depth, you are likely to have a thorough understanding of leadership. 

Who developed it? 

Julie Straw, Mark Scullard, Susie Kukkonen, and Barry Davis describe the VAE model in a well-researched, thought-provoking book titled “The Work of Leaders.”. 

Do you know how the VAE Model works? 

The VAE Framework includes three major categories that are interdependent and are described in the book as follows: 

  1. Crafting a vision: envisioning the improved future state that the group will achieve through its efforts 
  2. Building Alignment: Getting everyone in the group to understand the direction and commit to it 
  3. Championing execution: ensuring that conditions are in place so the imagined future can become a reality 

Everyone DiSC Work of Leaders is built on a solid foundation of current age leadership practices and the facilitation is designed to be highly engaging, yet informative. In addition to games, activities, and group presentations, the training aims to encourage powerful conversations that steer businesses in the right direction. A number of off-the-shelf facilitation kits are available that are designed in a modular format and which include training material, videos, and ideas for experiential learning. Businesses can take advantage of this technology to conduct high-volume training at a low cost. 

The follow-up 

Unfortunately, most training programs do not achieve their final objectives due to poor or no follow-up. Everything DiSC Work of Leaders offers a convenient online follow-up mechanism with minimal effort. A Comparison Report can be generated using the EPIC System when comparing two participants. The reports compare two leaders based on their similarities and differences and provide strategies on how each can benefit from the other. 

Everyone DiSC’s Work of Leaders Group Report reveals which leadership practices are most natural to your team. This assessment was designed to supplement the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® Profile. Each participant’s data is compiled into the Work of Leaders Group Report to provide a composite picture. By exploring the group’s overall strenagths and challenges, the graphs illustrate the group’s approach to Vision, Alignment, and Execution. 

Contact us if you are interested in a DiSC assessment program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.