Executive Coaching supports leaders as they grapple with complex changes within their organization and their role. The process typically impacts the leadership style of the coach, improves interpersonal relationships, assists in transitioning into a new role, circumvents or corrects derailing behaviors, and builds on strengths.
Strengthscape’s winning methodology christened DANCE enables executives to reflect constructively on what they need, to be more effective given the challenges they currently face. The coaching process also provides a confidential relationship in which the executive is challenged and supported to bring the best thinking for generating options and considering the organizational implications of change.
To date, the coaches under the aegis of Strengthscape have helped find the true potential of several top-level executives globally. Our coaching program and workshops have built trusting relationships between the coach and the coachee that allowed for unprecedented growth and development, enhanced self-awareness, and strong responsibility that converts good intentions into action.
Benefits of Executive Coaching for Business Leaders
Business leaders eager to achieve long-term success would benefit from working with an executive coach. Mentioned below are a few ways executive coaching can benefit you as a business leader –
- Self-Awareness – Self-awareness is the stimulant by which growth occurs. Self-aware executives are better able to handle their weaknesses. If executives have evaluated their blind spots, they won’t be caught by surprise and they’ll be better able to plan for success
- Self-Regulation – Being aware of one’s emotions brings about discipline to control them. The task of self-regulation is made more achievable. Self-awareness is the foremost step in regulating your emotions and handling the situation with ease and comfort. Individuals with high emotional intelligence have better self-regulation skills. As your coach moves you along the path of greater self-control, you will notice an increased self-regulation in your professional life, too. You gain control over every aspect of your personal and professional life
- Empathy – Empathy is something that allows people to feel how another individual is feeling. It is the ability to understand someone else’s situation and feelings from their point of view. Empathy is an essential skill for you to have as a coach. It contributes towards proper understanding of your clients, their perception and concerns. It also enhances your communication skills since you are aware of your client’s needs. Empathy is a powerful stimulant that soothes the soul of the receiver. It leads to awareness of other people’s emotions and enhanced communication with business colleagues follows
- Rise in Perception – One of the main elements of emotional intelligence is the ability to view situations from another person’s perspective. When this occurs, your eyes are opened up to new aspects of many situations. In other words, a flexible mentality replaces rigid thinking. By exercising your brain, you boost perception and awareness which will benefit your work in many ways
- Motivation – Motivation begins with self-awareness. When people are self-aware, they discover intrinsic motivation, and with self-regulation, they channel that motivation in the right direction. Motivation is an essential component to becoming successful. The difficult tasks, long working hours, and the obstacles at the workplace are not possible without motivation. The coach’s role is to create the environment and to provide the opportunity for the client to express their motivation in all that they do
- Social Skills – Executive coaching helps you in becoming a person of value. Social skills make up the framework of successful relationships, whether it’s in the workplace or elsewhere. Teams with high emotional intelligence have an excess of advanced social skills. They have effective communication skills and they negotiate adequately so that all parties feel like it was a win-win situation. They work well in collaboration, merging their leadership and negotiation skills to help attain the target
- Achieving what you want – A good coach can help you in identifying your goals and dreams, and about your capability in achieving them. An executive coach can be your support system throughout your journey. Since a coach is not dependent on you for his success, he can be honest with you about how you’re doing, reminding you time and again about your dreams and letting you know about the obstacles that are coming in your way of achieving those goals. Finally, your coach can teach you innovative ways of thinking and operating, new skills that will allow you to better reach your goals and create the career you want.
Over the past few years executive coaching has become very common. It can help you to lead ideas to results. It helps you to look at things in a different way, leading to greater productivity, more progression, with a lower risk and bigger profits. We, at Strengthscape offer a variety of services in the area of people’s development, executive coaching being one of them. And people aren’t just tools.
Executive coaching workshops are designed to train coaches in the process of coaching to enable them to be effective. Coaching is a specialised branch of learning that is designed to address individual challenges of executives in a structured manner. Coaching differs from mentoring in that it does not require a subject matter expert to take on the role of a coach, but rather an individual who is trained in the coaching process.
Executive coaching workshops are designed to provide insights on the coaching process, the role of the coach & coachee and tools & techniques that enable the coaching journey.
Examples of some topics addressed in coaching workshops are:
Diagnosis of personal talents:
This kind of workshop is aimed at identifying the personal potential and individual talents. This is generally led by experienced professionals. The possible outcomes that might be expected after the coach has successfully attended the entire workshop are:
- Enhance the coach’s ability to identify personal potential will of a coachee
- The coach will have a better understanding of his/her role in the coaching journey
- This workshop also introduces the coach to the major behavioral theories and tools that can help in identifying personal traits of a coachee
Revisiting goals and history:
It is important to know the previous goals of the cochee and how they have been achieved earlier by him/her. The workshop guides the coach in various factors of goal-setting in a systematic manner. While the actual goal-setting is done by the coachee, the coach is responsible for the process and creating the right conversations that will aid in goal-setting.
Coaching Process:
Since coaching is a process-driven intervention, it is critical for a coach to understand the coaching process. Typically the process would include stages like:
- Rapport Building – As a first step it is important for the coach to build the right rapport with the coachee. Being a high trust relationship, it is important for the coachee to feel comfortable with the coach
- Discovery – As the second step, it is important for the coachee to arrive at goals for the coaching journey. The coach needs to have the right structure to enable this conversation and ensure that the goals are both challenging and achievable
- Strategy – The coach then needs to enable the coachee to arrive at the right strategy for achieving the goals. The buy-in for the strategy is higher if the coachee decides on it, the coach needs to act as a guide in this stage
- Review – This is the stage where the coach plays the most critical role of ensuring that the coachee implements decided action plans. Holding the coachee accountable to ensure commitment is followed through is a critical role of the coach
- Motivation – The coach continuously motivates the coachee to ensure the goals are met and the coachee moves a step higher in the professional environment
Tools & Techniques:
Coaching workshops are also designed to equip coaches with the tools and techniques to design and deliver effective coaching interventions. These tools and techniques include:
- Communication skills
- Ethical dilemmas in coaching
- Listening skills
- Questioning skills
Executive coaching workshops are very important in providing training in the coaching process.