Perseverance a Powerful Leadership Trait

Perseverance a Powerful Leadership Trait

More than just trying hard, perseverance is the will power to not give in and never quit. It comes from a spirit that refuses to accept the failure of giving up. A leadership trait who perseveres goes through the process of working through technical problems and finishing projects when there is much confusion. Leaders achieve success through their talent, insight, adjustability and wisdom.

The Importance of Perseverance

Perseverance is an important feature for success in life. It means the will power to work hard regardless of any obstacles, to be firm on achieving and remaining consistent. Sometimes we are unable to complete a task or get what we want when things don’t go our way. However, by persevering we can be successful. Those who lack the necessary stamina can develop perseverance from within.

What is Perseverance

Perseverance is a steady continuation in a course of action in spite of difficulties or discouragement from others. A leader does not easily give in when confronted with an obstacle while moving towards an ultimate goal. He will need to show a range of skills to deal with the situation but perseverance to get to a better place is the main amongst them. He will find possible solutions and go about implementing methods to persevere through the obstacle. If a leader does not have the ability to persevere, the team’s chances of accomplishing its goals are weakened.

Perseverance Skills

To build Leadership trait skills in the area of perseverance, an attitude that it’s fine to give up should be avoided:

  • Giving up or taking the less difficult path is the easiest thing to do in various situations. We must fight this urge and learn to take the more profitable path. This requires focus and practice and the more a leader does this, the more the perseverance strengthens.
  • The path to success is a journey not a destination, and the best we can do is to persevere towards a milestone and then improve and move on to the next one.
  • When leaders have less ability to adjust to challenges, they experience disappointment when defeats occur. They must not allow difficulties to visibly shake them and instead try to build resiliency over time.
  • A personal vision of the future not only inspires team members but also helps them to drive forward when obstacles or setbacks occur. It helps leaders and the team to maintain a whole picture perspective and thereby see the setback in a wider context.

Leadership and Perseverance

Perseverance is related to personal well-being. It is one of the main qualities that is required to reach success. Whatever may be your goals, but if you persevere, you will succeed. You may be active, but it doesn’t mean that you move forward. The best way to develop perseverance is to take small steps which result in small achievements which lead to a big success. You need to add piece by piece and finally get the final image. Always invest in your knowledge as it will help you move further and explore new areas to succeed in. The path to success can’t exist without failures. The essential thing is to learn from these failures and not give up. The key to success in any field is to continue making efforts to achieve your goal even if you haven’t managed to do it in the first attempt.

Characteristics of Persevering Leaders

If we look around there’s one consistent trait among successful individuals, and that is the ability to persevere. It’s the ability to assert and move forward when others don’t. The skill of perseverance doesn’t always come from inside, but it can be developed. This also means that you have a choice to persevere or not. You need to struggle hard not to succumb to failures. However, the courage to persevere is lacking in many of us. So how do you gain the perseverance? Mentioned below are some characteristics of persevering leaders:

Certainty of Purpose

We usually persevere when our questioning is strong enough. It serves as a motivator to keep on track and persevere.


At times our desire isn’t strong enough to do the hard work or persevere enough to obtain it.


You must believe in yourself to achieve your preferred outcomes. Limiting beliefs will weaken your ability to persevere. If you lose your confidence it means that you are wasting time and energy worrying instead of preparing, or you think that someone else should step in, or you are not capable enough. None of these are a perfect outcome, so rearing your self-belief can support your drive to persevere.

Determination of Plans

Setting goals is a key aspect of persevering. Not knowing where you are going, will not help you reach there. Even if your plans aren’t perfect, you should have something that you are aiming for, it provides focus and a level of responsibility needed to persevere. If your plans are vague and undefined, your levels of perseverance will decline.


Your perseverance should be based on a solid foundation of knowledge. After all, why persevere with a business if you haven’t done your market research, understood the sector, created a business plan and worked out if it’s financially workable? It’s important to get expert advice and support to ensure that your perseverance is well focused.


Lack of willpower is the most significant barrier to change. People with a strong willpower are ultimately more successful. Our mind absorbs what we feed it. If we repeat acts of courage, we will overcome our fears.

Improving Your Perseverance Skills

Everyone in life undergoes failures. The bigger ones may feel more noticeable, but even the smaller ones can have an impact on the way we think and feel. These challenges can leave people struggling to keep up, and might lead to people reviewing their paths and goals. Learning how to deal with and overcome obstacles is an essential trait for business persons. There are several approaches such leaders can use when they’re facing challenges. To improve perseverance skills :

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Perseverance comes from failing and getting up again. Without failure, you cannot become successful. They have to be seen as a lesson, rather than a setback and changing your attitude toward it can have amazing impacts on your life.

Being Better Each Day

Having a growth outlook is a great way to increase perseverance and motivation. These are skills that can be improved a little every day. Keeping this concept in mind is a great way to get better in all ways.

Learn to Take Risks

By learning to take risks, you raise the possibility of facing more difficult situations. If you can learn to adapt and understand what steps are needed to keep the company moving in the right direction, you can grow as a leader.

Understand Resistance

More people can persevere when they have a better understanding of resistance. When one can name the resistance, it loses its power and there is more room for perseverance.

Build a Network of Support

To learn to preserve, build a network of support which includes family, friends, co-workers and peers. They will allow you to have a comfortable place to open up and get feedback and encouragement during challenging times. Whenever something goes wrong, you can turn to your network of support.

Keep Goals in Mind

Making mistakes or going through failures can lead many people to give up altogether. If you want to persevere, keep your goals in mind at all times. Start by writing down your goals. Anytime you face failure, take a look at that list to inspire you and keep you going.

Set Clear Benchmarks

Success can be a long and difficult journey. Instill standards to provide yourself rewards or encouragement along the way. This will keep reminding you of the progress you have made. Moreover, the reward helps provide continued motivation to persevere through difficult times.

The Power of Perseverance

Perseverance is the key to every great achievement because nothing of lasting value has ever been accomplished without it. People might oppose you. There will be financial setbacks, time pressures, illnesses and sufferings. Some of the biggest obstacles will be from inside: self-doubt, insecurity, carelessness, and worry. You must give yourself the approval to succeed.


Perseverance is a refusal to quit. It’s falling down several times and getting up again. We need endurance in order to deal with the stress of misfortune. People give up when they feel depleted. When going through adversity, watch out for pessimists, blamers and toxic people. Beware of people who try to take you away from your dreams and goals. Spend time with optimists and encouragers. Persevere till the end.