Recent Trends and Perspectives of Cloud Training Online

Recent Trends and Perspectives of Cloud Training Online

According to the recent trends of IT industry, we are expecting a shimmering growth in cloud computing and it leads to a significant demand of cloud training online. Here, we have used the word “shimmering” literally, as cloud is enriching our business solutions silently without a single, bold, buzz in the air. It is neither sparkling nor shining. It is shimmering and it does mean a calm, yet continuous growth.

Current Growth of Cloud Training

Cloud training has been blooming since the past few years and considering all of the wear and tears of the industry, it is now holding 20% of total cloud enterprise solution. Since the growth is 20% in the last couple of years, we are expecting a growth up to 40% in the next three years. Being the lighthouse in the storms of cloud environment, services like Amazon and Alibaba have been providing certifications and training courses online. In addition to that, there are IT institutes preparing you for the certification exams of AWSs and Alibaba.

Recent aspects of Cloud Computing and Cloud Training Online

Over the last few years, the cloud computing has attained lots of investments and interest. As same as any emerging industry, the cloud computing is in lack of skilled professionals and that is why, cloud training online is gaining immense popularity. Another aspect of online training is that most of the people taking certifications and courses are pre-existing IT professionals. For this reason, the cloud training online saves both time and money, as it self-learning requires less cost and you would be able to design your own courses in most of the cases.

Future of Cloud and Cloud Training Online

In our point of perspective, when you are talking over cloud computing, we see a billion dollar industry on the rise. It has been expected that the revenue of Amazon and Alibaba cloud services will reach 40 billon mark at the end of 2021 and they will be extremely closer to Google Cloud and Microsoft. As cloud computing is getting more critical day by day, it requires experts in each and every segments.

Demand for Cloud Experts

Whether it is elastic computing or big data, a huge lot of experts are required in a continuous basis on the particular field. On the other hand, cloud security being an issue of utter importance, robust and vigorous security solutions are required on a continuous basis.

The Role of Big Data and Business Migration

Furthermore, as the web is whirling over data and data only, the big data and migration of business from one platform to another are two more aspects of cloud. All of them are getting immense importance and at the same time, cloud training online is up and rising in India and all over the world.


As the demand for the cloud professional will continue to rise and it could improve the earning potentials of the new and pre-exiting IT professionals significantly, we are expecting a continuous boost in the cloud training online. A proper online training solution targeted at the Amazon and Alibaba certification not only would secure the job of the professionals, but also could help them attain the latest skills of cloud computing.