Leadership Goals

Leadership Goals

Goal setting is crucial in assisting individuals to improve and expand their capabilities and competencies through continuous training and development initiatives in the workplace. It plays a significant role in the overall development of managers, who often shift their focus from achieving their own leadership goals to helping their employees achieve theirs. Approximately 87% of organizations admit that they do not excel in creating leaders. Let’s consider why goal setting is important for managers and how we can action these plans.

Being a “good leader” is too vague a goal. Instead, pick smaller, specific goals and skills you want to improve and set SMART objectives around them. Having clear knowledge about your goals and objectives is a great way to stay focused and connected to what you want to achieve. This also brings clarity to the team, helping them achieve their long-term goals. Surrounding yourself with individuals who offer different perspectives can enhance your learning and help address your blind spots.

Leadership Goals for New Managers

Once you’ve set your goals, focus on the areas that need improvement. Here are some goals that will help managers increase overall productivity and develop into better leaders:

1. Enhance Communication

Improving communication skills is fundamental for the development of the team. Managers need to be clear and concise in both their verbal and non-verbal communications.

2. Coaching Skills

Coaching and mentoring employees helps identify their strengths and weaknesses. Managers should set measurable and attainable goals for their employees, such as improved performance.

3. Increase Productivity

Increasing one’s productivity as a manager is crucial. Set productivity goals for yourself and your team which will benefit the organization as a whole.

4. Collaboration

Good managers and great leaders are always ready to collaborate. They do not let personal issues interfere with work and understand the importance of collaboration in everyday tasks.

5. Change Management

Managing change has become an essential skill for managers and leaders. Setting goals for change management is a fundamental way to keep managers motivated and prepared for any upcoming changes in the organization.


Many managers are uncomfortable with leadership skills, and this is true for both new and experienced managers. Issues often arise in team management, delegation, giving effective feedback, and conflict resolution. As you work on achieving your goals, ensure they are attainable and adaptable to changing situations.