What is a Strategic Thinking Map?

What is a Strategic Thinking Map?

A strategic thinking map is basically a diagram that represents an organization’s strategic plan. With the help of a well- designed strategic map, an employee can understand the overall strategy and his role in it. Moreover, with the design of such a map, it is easy for every employee to be on the same page with others. Additionally, it makes the employees realize that how their roles in the company are important. Many managers make use of strategic thinking maps to quickly communicate objectives to the employees in a simple and systematic manner.>

The Basics of Strategic Thinking Map?

The main concept of using a strategic thinking map is to draw the primary strategic goals of an organization. These goals are important and form the main subject of an organization’s approach. With the help of a strategic thinking map, it becomes easy to convey the objectives to an entire team or group of employees working under a manager. Besides, with the help of a strategic thinking map, it becomes hassle-free to capture, communicate and manage a particular strategy. In addition, it helps in reflecting the thinking of a management and how it can bring about a change.

To understand strategic thinking maps from the basics, it is important to consider how it ignites resourceful thinking amongst the employees, effectively. Many a times, organizations build their strategic plans by incorporating “best practices”. These “best practices” are generally created by assuming that the external environment is predictable. On the other hand, a strategic thinker will always be receptive towards nuances and relationships between different parameters. Hence, it is important for a manager to understand and diagnose the amplitude of a situation. It can be – simple, complicated or complex, varying on the external and internal circumstances.

The Advantages of Strategic Thinking Map?

The major advantage of a strategic thinking map is that it can make a big difference in bringing all the employees at the same page. Further, it makes understanding a strategy fairly easy and at the same time it saves a lot of time for the manager, as he is able to address his every employee at the same time.

It also helps in raising the level and quality of communication within a management team. Moreover, strategic thinking maps discourage silo thinking and promote group thinking. Thus, encouraging team spirit within the organization.

Furthermore, strategic thinking maps are essential tools if a manager wants to introduce a new strategy to his workers. As the entire strategy is depicted on a single page, it becomes easy to adapt, refine and execute it as compared to traditional multiple-page plans.

The Difference

Essentially, strategic thinking maps are generated by creating questions about a strategy. It includes the factors that can influence or bring about a major difference. A manager always builds a strategic thinking plan by creating questions like: What will bring the change? What capabilities are required to be learned by the existing employees? How can the customer satisfaction increase?

Such questions formulate the link between the different objectives and how they resonate the main strategy of the organization.

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