What is DiSC Explained
DiSC is a behavior assessment tool widely used in organizations to measure personality and behavior style of individuals working in the organization.
DiSC tool is not an aptitude test and does not measure the intelligence or aptitude of a person. Thus, it does not have a right or wrong answer.
How DiSC Works
DiSC tool contains a series of questions (DiSC Questionnaire Sample) that need to be answered and on the basis of those answers a person’s detailed report about the person’s personality and behavior is produced.
Origin of DiSC Theory
DiSC is a non judgmental tool and helps individuals understand their own as well as the behavior of others better. It helps one appreciate different approaches adopted by different people and thus better collaborate with them. It is based on the DISC theory given by the psychologist William Moulton Marston.
DiSC theory is based on the premise that our behavioral priorities are greatly impacted by our environment as well as our perception of the environment.
There are four basic styles observed in people. DiSC is an acronym for:
People with DiSC style D are more result oriented, insist on immediate action, daring, self confident determined, etc and they may come across as blunt,
insensitive or intimidating to other DiSC styles.
Some of the behaviors of the people with i style are that they are enthusiastic, friendly, quick to act, charming, energizing and optimistic. However this liveliness, fast pace may be seen as being sloppy, even vain by other styles.
People with S style like to maintain stability, support people and enjoy collaboration. They value loyalty and are helpful. To other styles this style may come across as overly accommodating or indecisive.
DiSC style C people prioritize their work with focus on accuracy, seek stability. They are cautious, accurate, reserved. Other styles may feel this behavior as dry and thus draining their energy.
Combination of DiSC Styles
However, people may have more than one style. There are 15 different combinations of DiSC styles observed, for example, Achiever pattern, Perfectionist pattern, Result oriented pattern, etc each having a different combination of different DiSC styles.
Flex your style through DiSC?
Thus, DiSC tool helps one understand not only one’s own behaviors better but also acts as a decoder to other peoples’ needs and priorities. This is extremely useful in organisation context as well.
By helping one in adapting one’s own responses as per other peoples’ style as well as the needs of the situation, it leads to better collaboration among people improving the effectiveness of teams. It also helps organizations make better hiring decisions.
Apart from these by making one understand their style, it provides an opportunity to flex their own style by not letting their strengths become weaknesses due to overuse and thus helping in all round leader development.