Diversity and Inclusion Ally – Who is it?

Diversity and Inclusion Ally – Who is it?

A diversity and inclusion ally is an individual who is willing to take action or support another person for a cause. The main objective behind the support is to remove the barriers that one faces that impede another person to showcase his/her full potential in the workplace. An ally actively promotes the culture of inclusion in the organization through positive action which ultimately benefits the people.

Ally tries to lift others and provide growth opportunities so that everyone gets a fair chance. He/she listens, supports, and uplifts others. Allies amplify the message, break down the barriers/obstacles, and secure the support of the masses. They always try to make inclusive work environments. Allies also work with the leaders and try to make a more equitable environment with their support.

What Does D&I Ally Do?

  • Diversity and Inclusion ally ensures that work is inclusive, and people from diverse cultures feel welcomed and safe at the organization. Ally speaks against the discriminatory behavior, takes a stand, and supports the sufferer.
  • Allies try to influence the management to promote people who are culturally diverse or disabled as they are generally overlooked because of their disability or because they belong to a minority group.
  • Allies also complain against their peers who harass others on the grounds of race, color, customs, language, etc.
  • D&I ally takes the responsibility to create awareness among the peers regarding the importance of diversity and inclusion training. Conduct some activities at a personal level for the same.
  • Ally tries to influence the management to create an inclusive workplace by creating fair HR strategies, having anti-discriminatory policies, hiring D&I champions, etc. Ally helps the sufferer which in turn makes him/her confident and strong enough to fight against the discrimination.
  • Allocate diverse and inclusive tasks to peers so that they can learn about them. Conducting sessions to understand unconscious bias and how it affects behavior. This helps peers to become aware of their own discriminatory behavior and devise strategies to avoid it. They use inclusive language so that everyone feels embraced and equal.

These are the things that a D&I Ally does at a workplace to make it inclusive. In a nutshell, a true ally should listen to people around him/her, understand their situation, adapt to their thinking, and take appropriate actions.

Struggles or Hurdle an Ally Need to Face:

  • It takes courage to be a D&I ally because he/she has to speak against the racist and sexist jokes, comments, etc.
  • He/she might face exclusion from peers because speaking against creates a barrier.
  • People might stop calling allies for social events, exclude them from team meetings, behave differently with them, exclude them from employee engagement activities, etc.
  • Many times, the ally questions himself/herself about the actions to take and feels whether it is correct to continue to be an ally.

But being a D&I ally is a tough journey but a rewarding one. D&I ally helps the workplace to be more inclusive and grow faster. People who feel safe and happy at their workplace are ultimately more productive.

Become a Diversity & Inclusion Ally, Join our diversity and inclusion champion certification

Contact us if you are interested in a diversity and inclusion program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.