The Various DiSC Personalities when in Stress
Various DiSC Personalities when in Stress: It is quite natural to look out for your strengths the first time you must have read your Everything DiSC profiles. You are eager to view stuff regarding yourselves that you can be proud of and also share with others. Like anyone else, even you wish to build upon those positive qualities and feel good about yourselves. However, every DiSC personalities have his or her areas of struggle. You can’t seek support to change these problem areas or even recognize them if you don’t understand these behaviors. Whenever you train individuals who are aware of their DiSC style personalities, apart from helping them to deal with their issues, you must remind them that other individuals of their style also have similar issues when under stress.
Let’s take a look at how the various DiSC style personalities behave when under stress.
The i-Style Personality
You must be thinking what kind of struggles can such a fun personality have? Well, then try giving them a couple of routine tasks with a deadline and you shall know. The i- style individuals struggle in performing repetitive tasks and doing a detailed analysis. They are also unable to express themselves. When placed under a lot of pressure, these individuals are quite likely to act in a histrionic manner.
Their core belief is that they are valuable only if they are able to attract people.
How individuals with other styles can help them?
You can help such individuals by encouraging their naturally upbeat and positive attitude by giving them some positive attention to allow them to express themselves. If such an individual is on your team, ensure that she comprehends and shares the team’s goals. Display an attitude of enthusiasm for whatever she works upon. The i-personality believes that life needs to be fun, lively, and pleasant, so help her make it accordingly.
The C-Style Personality
Quite opposite to the i-style is the C-style personality. What probably upsets the i-personality is just what the C style wishes for. If you wish to see the C-style under stress, just keep it in a room with lots of erratic and emotional people. Ask him to mingle without making any introductions or give him a badly defined goal to achieve, limited resources, and a tight deadline. A C-style typically wants to practice self-control, unlike the i-style which puts it all out there. To be with a lot of other people is quite challenging for a C-type, as he won’t be able to pay attention to his own thoughts and behaviors. When under stress, this personality type can be hostile, disagreeable, and avoidant.
Their core belief is that they are valuable if they are competent.
How individuals with other DiSC styles personalities can help them?
Be quite clear in your expectations from them. Let them know how they will be judged since they do not wish to be inappropriate or wrong. They don’t wish to be the reason behind any emotional outbursts. In case, a C-personality type in your team becomes defensive, allow him or her to carry out a self-analysis of the situation. Try to express your confidence in his ability to learn from his mistakes. Divert his attention from the mistake that he committed to how he can fix it and move towards his goal. A C-style has a tough time asking for help. So, you try asking with respect so that the C does not feel that you are questioning his competence. Take some time to gain his trust.
The S-Style Personality
If you wish to see how an S- style behaves under stress, just tell him that he needs to confront someone for bad performance or a bad attitude. Try to abruptly change his regular operating procedure and offer him no justification for this sudden change, and don’t give him time to practice. Ask him to convince someone unknown that he supports this new procedure.
The S-style personality looks out for harmony and always pays attention to others’ needs. They can be passively aggressive. They are likely to over-commit at times if they have they have to take on responsibilities since no one else will. They are quite capable of inhibiting innovation out of discomfort.
Their core belief is that they are valuable if they are accepted.
How individuals with other styles can help them?
You must encourage them to speak up. The S-style may not draw attention to his or her own abilities or success. Ensure that you do not mistake her to be agreeable and low-key nature to be a lack of passion, knowledge, or experience. It is easy to misread them by assuming that they are in alignment with your point of view, whereas they may not be. So ask them instead. Give them time to think about how they wish to present their viewpoint and ensure that you show your care about their views.
The D-Style Personality
The D-style individual may seem to be completely confident and in control. But that isn’t true all the time. They have a controlling nature and they face a tough time when they aren’t controlling. If you wish to see how they behave under stress try being needy, challenging, or emotional in front of them. Ask them to follow stringent rules without allowing them to individually accomplish anything. They also feel stressed out when you place them in a vulnerable position. When under stress, they can lack empathy and may even be hurtful. This personality type also has a tough time letting someone else hog the limelight.
Their core belief is that they are valuable if they are on top or if they are producing.
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How individuals with other styles can help them?
This personality type looks for rewards, so you can help them by providing them with an environment where they can promote their success and increase their autonomy. Ensure that they are able to assume autonomy responsibly and safely. Help them comprehend the possible outcome of shortcuts that they may want to take. Help them understand that whenever you point out something, it is not because you wish to challenge his authority, but instead to help him accomplish a goal. Ensure that he is able to view the bigger picture as well as the bottom line.
Contact us if you are interested in a DiSC assessment program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.