Learn Smart Hiring Basics through DiSC Certification Workshop

Learn Smart Hiring Basics through DiSC Certification Workshop

It’s a fresh day at work. You have a new position to fill and your workspace has no space at all because of the CVs you have to go through to find the right fit for that vacancy. You have absolutely no clue on what terms you need to use to create the ideal job description for that position, not because you don’t know what the organization requires.

The confusion is more because you don’t know what folks out there scouting for jobs are looking out for. All in all, it’s just another bad day at work for you- just like hundreds of recruiters across the globe. Though you get innumerable tips from the internet on smart hiring tips, not one article on Google can help you in finding that right “fit” for your current position. However, being a part of a DISC Certification workshop can give you smart hiring tips that are practical and implementable.

A lot of personality tools are used today by hiring professionals in various stages of recruitment. But organizations are still finding it difficult to get the right people into their roles. The reason for this could be that either the tool used isn’t objective or credible enough, or it could be that it is not being used the right way.

The DISC Certification workshop has a hiring expert certification that promises to resolve issues that organizations face in getting the right candidates for their vacant positions. Starting from creating the right job description, to the usage of DISC assessments in conducting behavioral interviews, the hiring expert certification in the DISC Certification Workshop trains on every aspect of smart recruitment.

The Everything DISC suite which has role-specific reports gives you clear pointers on traits that are required in various roles in the organizational hierarchy. In creating job descriptions this can be used to list out competencies for various roles.  This helps the recruiter use the right lingo in their definition of jobs which in turn also provides greater clarity to people out in the job market looking out for positions. If a recruiter is able to create clear and concise job descriptions prospects will be able to identify jobs that suit their temperament and apply for suitable positions only.

DiSC Certification Workshop also provides inputs on how the DISC Assessments can be used as support tools for behavioral interviewing. Administering a DISC assessment to a prospective candidate prior to the interview can do wonders in designing custom-made questions for them during interviews.

The assessment itself will provide objective feedback on the kind of person or their behavioral choices vis a vis response to environmental stimuli. Adding to that the right questions can be framed to gain deeper insights into the person’s traits and aspirations and perceptions with respect to the job role they are being interviewed for.

The hiring expert certification in DISC Certification workshops also goes one step further and teaches trainees how DISC-based assessments can be used to objectively predict the performance of an employee in a role before he is actually hired for it. There are also follow-up reports like Comparison reports which can be used to compare two close contenders for a role to determine who fits the role better and is likely to fare better in the long run.

Contact us if you are interested in hiring an expert training program that is tailored to the needs of your organization or team.